Editorial: January 2017: one year and counting
One year of the 15-year period (2016–2030) of the Sustainable Development Goals (the SDGs) has passed. A number of conferences and commentaries have marked the occasion by noting some encouraging signs of progress, while still acknowledging the major challenges which lie ahead. Unsurprisingly, there is recognition that achieving the goals and targets will be even harder than arriving at agreement over their wording.Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) (2016) ‘2016 preliminary data: human impact of natural disasters’, CRED Crunch Issue No. 45 [online] <www.emdat.be/publications> [accessed 25 January 2017].
Hathi, P., Spears, D. and Coffey, D. (2016) ‘Can collective action strategies motivate behaviour change to reduce open defecation in rural India?’ Waterlines 35(2): 118–35 <http://dx.doi.org/10.3362/1756-3488.2016.011>.
UNHCR (2016) Global Trends: Forced Displacement in 2015 [online] <www.unhcr.org/uk/statistics/unhcrstats/576408cd7/unhcr-global-trends-2015.html> [accessed 25 January 2017].
UNISDR (2012) Disaster Impacts 2000–2012 [pdf] <www.preventionweb.net/files/31737_20130312disaster20002012copy.pdf> [accessed 25 January 2017].
United Nations (2015) World Population Prospects: the 2015 Revision. Key Findings and Advance Tables [pdf], Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division ESA/P/WP.241, New York: United Nations <https://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Publications/> [accessed 25 January 2017].
WEF (2016) The Global Gender Gap Report 2016 [pdf], Geneva: World Economic Forum <http://reports.weforum.org/global-gender-gap-report-2016/> [accessed 25 January 2017].
Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) (2016) ‘2016 preliminary data: human impact of natural disasters’, CRED Crunch Issue No. 45 [online] <www.emdat.be/publications> [accessed 25 January 2017].
Hathi, P., Spears, D. and Coffey, D. (2016) ‘Can collective action strategies motivate behaviour change to reduce open defecation in rural India?’ Waterlines 35(2): 118–35 <http://dx.doi.org/10.3362/1756-3488.2016.011>.
UNHCR (2016) Global Trends: Forced Displacement in 2015 [online] <www.unhcr.org/uk/statistics/unhcrstats/576408cd7/unhcr-global-trends-2015.html> [accessed 25 January 2017].
UNISDR (2012) Disaster Impacts 2000–2012 [pdf] <www.preventionweb.net/files/31737_20130312disaster20002012copy.pdf> [accessed 25 January 2017].
United Nations (2015) World Population Prospects: the 2015 Revision. Key Findings and Advance Tables [pdf], Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division ESA/P/WP.241, New York: United Nations <https://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Publications/> [accessed 25 January 2017].
WEF (2016) The Global Gender Gap Report 2016 [pdf], Geneva: World Economic Forum <http://reports.weforum.org/global-gender-gap-report-2016/> [accessed 25 January 2017].
Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) (2016) ‘2016 preliminary data: human impact of natural disasters’, CRED Crunch Issue No. 45 [online] <www.emdat.be/publications> [accessed 25 January 2017].
Hathi, P., Spears, D. and Coffey, D. (2016) ‘Can collective action strategies motivate behaviour change to reduce open defecation in rural India?’ Waterlines 35(2): 118–35 <http://dx.doi.org/10.3362/1756-3488.2016.011>.
UNHCR (2016) Global Trends: Forced Displacement in 2015 [online] <www.unhcr.org/uk/statistics/unhcrstats/576408cd7/unhcr-global-trends-2015.html> [accessed 25 January 2017].
UNISDR (2012) Disaster Impacts 2000–2012 [pdf] <www.preventionweb.net/files/31737_20130312disaster20002012copy.pdf> [accessed 25 January 2017].
United Nations (2015) World Population Prospects: the 2015 Revision. Key Findings and Advance Tables [pdf], Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division ESA/P/WP.241, New York: United Nations <https://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Publications/> [accessed 25 January 2017].
WEF (2016) The Global Gender Gap Report 2016 [pdf], Geneva: World Economic Forum <http://reports.weforum.org/global-gender-gap-report-2016/> [accessed 25 January 2017].
Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) (2016) ‘2016 preliminary data: human impact of natural disasters’, CRED Crunch Issue No. 45 [online] <www.emdat.be/publications> [accessed 25 January 2017].
Hathi, P., Spears, D. and Coffey, D. (2016) ‘Can collective action strategies motivate behaviour change to reduce open defecation in rural India?’ Waterlines 35(2): 118–35 <http://dx.doi.org/10.3362/1756-3488.2016.011>.
UNHCR (2016) Global Trends: Forced Displacement in 2015 [online] <www.unhcr.org/uk/statistics/unhcrstats/576408cd7/unhcr-global-trends-2015.html> [accessed 25 January 2017].
UNISDR (2012) Disaster Impacts 2000–2012 [pdf] <www.preventionweb.net/files/31737_20130312disaster20002012copy.pdf> [accessed 25 January 2017].
United Nations (2015) World Population Prospects: the 2015 Revision. Key Findings and Advance Tables [pdf], Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division ESA/P/WP.241, New York: United Nations <https://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Publications/> [accessed 25 January 2017].
WEF (2016) The Global Gender Gap Report 2016 [pdf], Geneva: World Economic Forum <http://reports.weforum.org/global-gender-gap-report-2016/> [accessed 25 January 2017].
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