Safeguards, financing, and employment in Chinese infrastructure projects in Africa: the case of Ghana’s Bui Dam
Chinese players are now Africa’s key partner for its infrastructure sector (including water supply projects), providing approximately two-thirds of investments since 2007. The social impacts of these engagements during the construction phase are mostly portrayed in an alarmist tone within the popular press. Meanwhile, scholarly literature investigating them remains scarce. We draw on the Bui Dam, a major dam in Ghana, financed by China Exim Bank (CEB), the largest financier of infrastructure in Africa, and constructed by Sinohydro, the largest dam developer worldwide, as a case study to explore social impacts of Chinese engagements in the African water sector. We particularly examine social safeguards policies from the perspective of Chinese players, the financing modalities, and the dam’s impacts on the local labour market. We find that social safeguards policies were not within the responsibility of Sinohydro. Furthermore, financing modalities were largely favourable from a Ghanaian perspective, comparable to World Bank conditions, partly due to the successful negotiations (from the Ghanaian standpoint) during the planning and design phase of the project. Most likely, the project would not have been implemented if CEB had not stepped in to provide funding. Lastly, we find that most workers employed during construction were Ghanaian, paid significantly above the country’s minimum wage. Nevertheless, working conditions overall were questionable. This case study highlights how Chinese engagement in construction of water infrastructure may help develop projects otherwise stuck in the planning and design phase. However, labour conditions during the construction phase of these projects need to be carefully managed.Al Jazeera (2014) ‘China in Africa: investment or exploitation?’ [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Alves, A.C. (2013) ‘China’s “win-win” cooperation: unpacking the impact of infrastructure-for-resources deals in Africa’, South African Journal of International Affairs 20(2): 207–26 <>.
Anane, M. (2015) ‘British researcher thrown out of Ghana: controversy over proposed construction of Bui hydropower Dam deepens’, [online], Berkeley, CA: International Rivers <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Ansar, A., Flyvbjerg, B., Budzier, A. and Lunn, D. (2014) ‘Should we build more large dams? The actual costs of hydropower megaproject development’, Energy Policy March 2014: 1–14 [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Baah, A.Y. and Jauch, H. (2009) Chinese Investments in Africa: A Labour Perspective [pdf], African Labour Research Network <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Beattie, A. (2006) ‘China loans create “new wave of Africa debt”’ [online], Financial Times December 2006 <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Biswas, A.K. (2012) ‘Dam the debate’, Asian Water 28(5) [pdf] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Bosshard, P. (2010) ‘China: not the rogue dam builder we feared it would be?’ [online], Berkeley, CA: International Rivers <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Brautigam, D. (2015) ‘Chinese workers data’ [online], China in Africa: The Real Story <> [accessed 19 January 2016].
Byblos Bank Group (BBG) (2015) Lebanon This Week [pdf], Beirut, Lebanon: Byblos Bank Group <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
China Exim Bank (2015) ‘The Export-Import Bank of China’ [online], Beijing: China Exim Bank <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Chinese State Council (2013) China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation [online], The State Council, The People’s Republic of China <> [accessed 20 November 2015].
Corkin, L., Burke, C. and Davies, M. (2008) China’s Role in the Development of Africa’s Infrastructure [pdf], Washington, DC: School of Advanced International Studies <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Duodu, S. (2008) ‘Construction of Bui Dam affects 1,800 people’ [blog] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Environmental Resources Management (ERM) (2007) Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of the Bui Hydropower Project [pdf], London: ERM <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Energy Commission Ghana (2014) 2014 Energy Outlook for Ghana [pdf], Energy Commission Ghana <> [accessed 30 September 2015].
EY (2014) Africa 2014: Executing Growth [pdf], South Africa: EY <$FILE/EY-attractiveness-africa-2014.pdf> [accessed 21 July 2015].
FAO (2013) Analysis of Incentives and Disincentives for Rice in Ghana [pdf] MAFAP, Rome: FAO <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
FAO (2015) ‘Ghana: geography, population and water resources’ [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Fink, M. (2005) Integrating the World Commission on Dams Recommendations in Large Dam Planning Processes: The Case of Bui, Ghana, MSc thesis, Dortmund, Germany: TU Dortmund University.
Foster, V., Butterfield, W., Chen, C. and Pushak, N. (2008) China’s Emerging Role in Africa: Part of the Changing Landscape of Infrastructure Finance [online] EconPapers, World Bank <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
French, H.W. (2014) China’s Second Continent: How a Million Migrants Are Building a New Empire in Africa, New York: Vintage.
Ghana Media Group (GMG) (2015) ‘Bui Dam worsens plight of fisherfolk and farmers’ [online] <> [accessed 23 July 2015].
Ghanaian Times (2008) ‘Ghanaians working on Bui Dam clash with employers’ [online], Modern Ghana <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Grammaticas, D. (2012) ‘Chinese colonialism?’ [online], BBC News <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Graphic Online (2015) ‘Bui Dam in danger’ [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (2015) ‘Global health facts: population under age 15 (percent)’ [online], Kaiser Family Foundation <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Hensengerth, O. (2011) Interaction of Chinese Institutions with Host Governments in Dam Construction: The Bui Dam in Ghana [pdf], Bonn: German Development Institute <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Hensengerth, O. (2012) ‘Chinese hydropower companies and environmental norms in countries of the global South: the involvement of Sinohydro in Ghana’s Bui Dam’, Environment, Development and Sustainability 15(2): 285–300 <>.
Hensengerth, O. (2015) ‘Global norms in domestic politics: environmental norm contestation in Cambodia’s hydropower sector’, The Pacific Review 1–24 <>.
Herbertson, K. (2012) Will Safeguards Survive the Next Generation of Development Finance? [pdf], Berkeley, CA: International Rivers <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Hook, L. (2013) ‘Sinohydro shrugs off Africa criticism’ [online], Financial Times 10 April 2013 <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
IHA (2013) 2013 IHA Hydropower Report [pdf], London: IHA <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
International Rivers (2008) ‘Bui workers asked to halt complaints’ [online], Berkeley, CA: International Rivers <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
International Rivers (2014) Guide to Sinohydro Resources’ Environment and Social Policies in Hydropower Development Projects (BOT Projects, Sinohydro Resources) [pdf], Berkeley, CA: International Rivers <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
International Rivers (2015) ‘Bui Dam, Ghana’ [online], Berkeley, CA: International Rivers <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Khalil, A. (2015) ‘Ghana: assessing the sustainability of new hydropower sites’ [online], London: IHA <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Kunateh, M.A. (2011) ‘Bui Project needs additional $168m funding’, The Chronicle, 1 March 2011 [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Kunateh, M.A. (2013) ‘Ghana: Bui Dam comes alive: Ghana energy problems now over’ [online], AllAfrica <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Laryea, S. and Mensah, S. (2010) Health and Safety on Construction Sites in Ghana [pdf], University of Reading <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Le Belzic, S. (2012) ‘China’s Exim bank: Africa’s largest financier looks for an even bigger role’ [online], Paris: The Africa Report <> [accessed 23 July 2015].
Lerer, L.B. and Scudder, T. (1999) ‘Health impacts of large dams’, Environmental Impact Assessment Review 19(2): 113–23 <>.
Matthews, N. and Motta, S. (2013) China’s Influence on Hydropower Development in the Lancang River and Mekong River Basin [pdf], State of Knowledge Series 4, Vientiane, Lao PDR: Challenge Program on Water and Food <> [accessed 30 September 2015].
Mattlin, M. & Nojonen, M. (2015) ‘Conditionality and path dependence in Chinese lending’, Journal of Contemporary China 24(94): 701–20 <>.
Mettle, M. (2011) Forced Resettlement in Ghana: The Dam and the Affected People [pdf], MPhil thesis, Trondheim, Norway: Norwegian University of Science and Technology <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Miescher, S.F. (2014) ‘“Nkrumah’s Baby”: the Akosombo Dam and the dream of development in Ghana, 1952–1966’, Water History 6(4): 341–66 <>.
Motey, I. (2008) ‘Bui Dam workers up against Chinese employers’ [online], Modern Ghana 26 May 2008 <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Murphy, M. (2008) ‘China’s ‘going out’ investment policy’, Freeman Briefing 27 May 2008 [pdf], Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Namara, R.E., Horowitz, L., Nyamadi, B. and Barry, B. (2011) Irrigation Development in Ghana: Past Experiences, Emerging Opportunities, and Future Directions [pdf], Accra, Ghana: International Food Policy Research Institute <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Nega, B. and Schneider, G. (2011) ‘International financial institutions and democracy in Africa: the case for political conditionality and economic unconditionality’, Journal of Economic Issues 45(2), 421–30.
OECD (2008) China: Encouraging Responsible Business Conduct in China [pdf], Paris: OECD <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
OECD (2012) Mapping Support for Africa’s Infrastructure Investment [pdf], Paris: OECD <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Raschid-Sally, L. (2009) Ghana Dams Dialogue Newsletter [pdf], Ghana Dams Forum <> [accessed 25 September 2015].
Schneider, H. (2013) ‘World Bank rethinks stance on large-scale hydropower projects’, The Guardian 14 May 2013 [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Sinohydro (2015) ‘SINOHYDRO Africa: performance’ [online], <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Smith, B. and Talbot, A. (2009) ‘China continues its aggressive pursuit of Africa’s resources’ [online], World Socialist Web Site <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Stocks, C. (2014) ‘Bui Dam project, Ghana’, International Water Power & Dam Construction [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Sutcliffe, C. (2009) Interviews with People to be Affected by Bui Dam: A Field Report [pdf] Berkeley, CA: International Rivers <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Tan-Mullins, M. and Mohan, G. (2012) ‘The potential of corporate environmental responsibility of Chinese state-owned enterprises in Africa’, Environment, Development and Sustainability 15(2): 265–84 <>.
Tawiah, S. (2015) ‘Tain District’ [online], <> [accessed 23 July 2015].
Tiffen, A. (2014) ‘The new neo-colonialism in Africa’, Global Policy 19 August 2014 [blog] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Today (2015) ‘Bui Dam worsens plight of fisherfolk and farmers’ [online], Today, 9 February 2015 <> [accessed 19 November 2015].
Trades Union Congress (TUC) Ghana (2013) Unions Can Make a Difference: Ghanaian Workers in a Chinese Construction Firm at Bui Dam Site [pdf], Accra, Ghana: Trades Union Congress (Ghana) <> [accessed 23 July 2015].
Twum, R. (2012) ‘An assessment of the effectiveness of the Bui Dam Project Resettlement Scheme’, Unpublished.
Urban, F., Nordensvärd, J., Khatri, D. and Wang, Y. (2013) ‘An analysis of China’s investments in the hydropower sector in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region’, Environment, Development & Sustainability 15(2): 301–24 <>.
Verhoeven, H. (2015) Water, Civilization and Power in Sudan: The Political Economy of Military-Islamist State Building. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Verma, S. (2011) ‘Sino-African ties: the Ghana case study’ [blog], FT Tilt, 29 August 2011 [no longer available online].
Vibe Ghana (2015) ‘Illegal mining affecting Bui Dam’ [online], <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Volta River Authority (2015) ‘Akosombo Hydro Plant’ [online] <> [accessed 20 November 2015].
WageIndicator Foundation (2015) ‘Wages: Ghana’ [online], <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Wall Street Journal (2015) ‘Market data center: London Interbank Offered Rates’ [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015]. (2015) ‘Bui Dam Hydroelectricity Project, Bui National Park, Ghana’ [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
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World Bank (2015b) ‘Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%) (modeled ILO estimate)’ [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
World Bank (2015c) ‘Lebanon-Water Supply Augmentation Project’ [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
World Bank (2015d) ‘Data: Ghana’ [online] <> [accessed 30 September 2015].
World Bank (2015e) ‘Data: Lebanon’ [online] <> [accessed 30 September 2015].
World Commission on Dams (WCD) (2000) Dams and Development: A New Framework for Decision-Making [pdf], World Commission on Dams, London: Earthscan <> [accessed 30 September 2015].
Zeleza, P.T. (2014) ‘The Africa-China relationship: challenges and opportunities’, Canadian Journal of African Studies/La Revue Canadienne Des Études Africaines 48(1): 145–69 <>.
Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC) Ghana ‘About’, <> [accessed 21 September 2015].
Volta River Authority ‘About us’ <> [accessed 20 November 2015].
Al Jazeera (2014) ‘China in Africa: investment or exploitation?’ [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Alves, A.C. (2013) ‘China’s “win-win” cooperation: unpacking the impact of infrastructure-for-resources deals in Africa’, South African Journal of International Affairs 20(2): 207–26 <>.
Anane, M. (2015) ‘British researcher thrown out of Ghana: controversy over proposed construction of Bui hydropower Dam deepens’, [online], Berkeley, CA: International Rivers <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Ansar, A., Flyvbjerg, B., Budzier, A. and Lunn, D. (2014) ‘Should we build more large dams? The actual costs of hydropower megaproject development’, Energy Policy March 2014: 1–14 [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Baah, A.Y. and Jauch, H. (2009) Chinese Investments in Africa: A Labour Perspective [pdf], African Labour Research Network <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Beattie, A. (2006) ‘China loans create “new wave of Africa debt”’ [online], Financial Times December 2006 <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Biswas, A.K. (2012) ‘Dam the debate’, Asian Water 28(5) [pdf] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Bosshard, P. (2010) ‘China: not the rogue dam builder we feared it would be?’ [online], Berkeley, CA: International Rivers <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Brautigam, D. (2015) ‘Chinese workers data’ [online], China in Africa: The Real Story <> [accessed 19 January 2016].
Byblos Bank Group (BBG) (2015) Lebanon This Week [pdf], Beirut, Lebanon: Byblos Bank Group <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
China Exim Bank (2015) ‘The Export-Import Bank of China’ [online], Beijing: China Exim Bank <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Chinese State Council (2013) China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation [online], The State Council, The People’s Republic of China <> [accessed 20 November 2015].
Corkin, L., Burke, C. and Davies, M. (2008) China’s Role in the Development of Africa’s Infrastructure [pdf], Washington, DC: School of Advanced International Studies <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Duodu, S. (2008) ‘Construction of Bui Dam affects 1,800 people’ [blog] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Environmental Resources Management (ERM) (2007) Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of the Bui Hydropower Project [pdf], London: ERM <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Energy Commission Ghana (2014) 2014 Energy Outlook for Ghana [pdf], Energy Commission Ghana <> [accessed 30 September 2015].
EY (2014) Africa 2014: Executing Growth [pdf], South Africa: EY <$FILE/EY-attractiveness-africa-2014.pdf> [accessed 21 July 2015].
FAO (2013) Analysis of Incentives and Disincentives for Rice in Ghana [pdf] MAFAP, Rome: FAO <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
FAO (2015) ‘Ghana: geography, population and water resources’ [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Fink, M. (2005) Integrating the World Commission on Dams Recommendations in Large Dam Planning Processes: The Case of Bui, Ghana, MSc thesis, Dortmund, Germany: TU Dortmund University.
Foster, V., Butterfield, W., Chen, C. and Pushak, N. (2008) China’s Emerging Role in Africa: Part of the Changing Landscape of Infrastructure Finance [online] EconPapers, World Bank <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
French, H.W. (2014) China’s Second Continent: How a Million Migrants Are Building a New Empire in Africa, New York: Vintage.
Ghana Media Group (GMG) (2015) ‘Bui Dam worsens plight of fisherfolk and farmers’ [online] <> [accessed 23 July 2015].
Ghanaian Times (2008) ‘Ghanaians working on Bui Dam clash with employers’ [online], Modern Ghana <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Grammaticas, D. (2012) ‘Chinese colonialism?’ [online], BBC News <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Graphic Online (2015) ‘Bui Dam in danger’ [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (2015) ‘Global health facts: population under age 15 (percent)’ [online], Kaiser Family Foundation <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Hensengerth, O. (2011) Interaction of Chinese Institutions with Host Governments in Dam Construction: The Bui Dam in Ghana [pdf], Bonn: German Development Institute <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Hensengerth, O. (2012) ‘Chinese hydropower companies and environmental norms in countries of the global South: the involvement of Sinohydro in Ghana’s Bui Dam’, Environment, Development and Sustainability 15(2): 285–300 <>.
Hensengerth, O. (2015) ‘Global norms in domestic politics: environmental norm contestation in Cambodia’s hydropower sector’, The Pacific Review 1–24 <>.
Herbertson, K. (2012) Will Safeguards Survive the Next Generation of Development Finance? [pdf], Berkeley, CA: International Rivers <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Hook, L. (2013) ‘Sinohydro shrugs off Africa criticism’ [online], Financial Times 10 April 2013 <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
IHA (2013) 2013 IHA Hydropower Report [pdf], London: IHA <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
International Rivers (2008) ‘Bui workers asked to halt complaints’ [online], Berkeley, CA: International Rivers <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
International Rivers (2014) Guide to Sinohydro Resources’ Environment and Social Policies in Hydropower Development Projects (BOT Projects, Sinohydro Resources) [pdf], Berkeley, CA: International Rivers <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
International Rivers (2015) ‘Bui Dam, Ghana’ [online], Berkeley, CA: International Rivers <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Khalil, A. (2015) ‘Ghana: assessing the sustainability of new hydropower sites’ [online], London: IHA <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Kunateh, M.A. (2011) ‘Bui Project needs additional $168m funding’, The Chronicle, 1 March 2011 [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Kunateh, M.A. (2013) ‘Ghana: Bui Dam comes alive: Ghana energy problems now over’ [online], AllAfrica <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Laryea, S. and Mensah, S. (2010) Health and Safety on Construction Sites in Ghana [pdf], University of Reading <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Le Belzic, S. (2012) ‘China’s Exim bank: Africa’s largest financier looks for an even bigger role’ [online], Paris: The Africa Report <> [accessed 23 July 2015].
Lerer, L.B. and Scudder, T. (1999) ‘Health impacts of large dams’, Environmental Impact Assessment Review 19(2): 113–23 <>.
Matthews, N. and Motta, S. (2013) China’s Influence on Hydropower Development in the Lancang River and Mekong River Basin [pdf], State of Knowledge Series 4, Vientiane, Lao PDR: Challenge Program on Water and Food <> [accessed 30 September 2015].
Mattlin, M. & Nojonen, M. (2015) ‘Conditionality and path dependence in Chinese lending’, Journal of Contemporary China 24(94): 701–20 <>.
Mettle, M. (2011) Forced Resettlement in Ghana: The Dam and the Affected People [pdf], MPhil thesis, Trondheim, Norway: Norwegian University of Science and Technology <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Miescher, S.F. (2014) ‘“Nkrumah’s Baby”: the Akosombo Dam and the dream of development in Ghana, 1952–1966’, Water History 6(4): 341–66 <>.
Motey, I. (2008) ‘Bui Dam workers up against Chinese employers’ [online], Modern Ghana 26 May 2008 <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Murphy, M. (2008) ‘China’s ‘going out’ investment policy’, Freeman Briefing 27 May 2008 [pdf], Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Namara, R.E., Horowitz, L., Nyamadi, B. and Barry, B. (2011) Irrigation Development in Ghana: Past Experiences, Emerging Opportunities, and Future Directions [pdf], Accra, Ghana: International Food Policy Research Institute <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Nega, B. and Schneider, G. (2011) ‘International financial institutions and democracy in Africa: the case for political conditionality and economic unconditionality’, Journal of Economic Issues 45(2), 421–30.
OECD (2008) China: Encouraging Responsible Business Conduct in China [pdf], Paris: OECD <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
OECD (2012) Mapping Support for Africa’s Infrastructure Investment [pdf], Paris: OECD <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Raschid-Sally, L. (2009) Ghana Dams Dialogue Newsletter [pdf], Ghana Dams Forum <> [accessed 25 September 2015].
Schneider, H. (2013) ‘World Bank rethinks stance on large-scale hydropower projects’, The Guardian 14 May 2013 [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Sinohydro (2015) ‘SINOHYDRO Africa: performance’ [online], <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Smith, B. and Talbot, A. (2009) ‘China continues its aggressive pursuit of Africa’s resources’ [online], World Socialist Web Site <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Stocks, C. (2014) ‘Bui Dam project, Ghana’, International Water Power & Dam Construction [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Sutcliffe, C. (2009) Interviews with People to be Affected by Bui Dam: A Field Report [pdf] Berkeley, CA: International Rivers <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Tan-Mullins, M. and Mohan, G. (2012) ‘The potential of corporate environmental responsibility of Chinese state-owned enterprises in Africa’, Environment, Development and Sustainability 15(2): 265–84 <>.
Tawiah, S. (2015) ‘Tain District’ [online], <> [accessed 23 July 2015].
Tiffen, A. (2014) ‘The new neo-colonialism in Africa’, Global Policy 19 August 2014 [blog] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Today (2015) ‘Bui Dam worsens plight of fisherfolk and farmers’ [online], Today, 9 February 2015 <> [accessed 19 November 2015].
Trades Union Congress (TUC) Ghana (2013) Unions Can Make a Difference: Ghanaian Workers in a Chinese Construction Firm at Bui Dam Site [pdf], Accra, Ghana: Trades Union Congress (Ghana) <> [accessed 23 July 2015].
Twum, R. (2012) ‘An assessment of the effectiveness of the Bui Dam Project Resettlement Scheme’, Unpublished.
Urban, F., Nordensvärd, J., Khatri, D. and Wang, Y. (2013) ‘An analysis of China’s investments in the hydropower sector in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region’, Environment, Development & Sustainability 15(2): 301–24 <>.
Verhoeven, H. (2015) Water, Civilization and Power in Sudan: The Political Economy of Military-Islamist State Building. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Verma, S. (2011) ‘Sino-African ties: the Ghana case study’ [blog], FT Tilt, 29 August 2011 [no longer available online].
Vibe Ghana (2015) ‘Illegal mining affecting Bui Dam’ [online], <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Volta River Authority (2015) ‘Akosombo Hydro Plant’ [online] <> [accessed 20 November 2015].
WageIndicator Foundation (2015) ‘Wages: Ghana’ [online], <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Wall Street Journal (2015) ‘Market data center: London Interbank Offered Rates’ [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015]. (2015) ‘Bui Dam Hydroelectricity Project, Bui National Park, Ghana’ [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
World Bank (2015a) ‘Electric power transmission and distribution losses (% of output)’ [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
World Bank (2015b) ‘Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%) (modeled ILO estimate)’ [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
World Bank (2015c) ‘Lebanon-Water Supply Augmentation Project’ [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
World Bank (2015d) ‘Data: Ghana’ [online] <> [accessed 30 September 2015].
World Bank (2015e) ‘Data: Lebanon’ [online] <> [accessed 30 September 2015].
World Commission on Dams (WCD) (2000) Dams and Development: A New Framework for Decision-Making [pdf], World Commission on Dams, London: Earthscan <> [accessed 30 September 2015].
Zeleza, P.T. (2014) ‘The Africa-China relationship: challenges and opportunities’, Canadian Journal of African Studies/La Revue Canadienne Des Études Africaines 48(1): 145–69 <>.
Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC) Ghana ‘About’, <> [accessed 21 September 2015].
Volta River Authority ‘About us’ <> [accessed 20 November 2015].
Al Jazeera (2014) ‘China in Africa: investment or exploitation?’ [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Alves, A.C. (2013) ‘China’s “win-win” cooperation: unpacking the impact of infrastructure-for-resources deals in Africa’, South African Journal of International Affairs 20(2): 207–26 <>.
Anane, M. (2015) ‘British researcher thrown out of Ghana: controversy over proposed construction of Bui hydropower Dam deepens’, [online], Berkeley, CA: International Rivers <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Ansar, A., Flyvbjerg, B., Budzier, A. and Lunn, D. (2014) ‘Should we build more large dams? The actual costs of hydropower megaproject development’, Energy Policy March 2014: 1–14 [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Baah, A.Y. and Jauch, H. (2009) Chinese Investments in Africa: A Labour Perspective [pdf], African Labour Research Network <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Beattie, A. (2006) ‘China loans create “new wave of Africa debt”’ [online], Financial Times December 2006 <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Biswas, A.K. (2012) ‘Dam the debate’, Asian Water 28(5) [pdf] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Bosshard, P. (2010) ‘China: not the rogue dam builder we feared it would be?’ [online], Berkeley, CA: International Rivers <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Brautigam, D. (2015) ‘Chinese workers data’ [online], China in Africa: The Real Story <> [accessed 19 January 2016].
Byblos Bank Group (BBG) (2015) Lebanon This Week [pdf], Beirut, Lebanon: Byblos Bank Group <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
China Exim Bank (2015) ‘The Export-Import Bank of China’ [online], Beijing: China Exim Bank <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Chinese State Council (2013) China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation [online], The State Council, The People’s Republic of China <> [accessed 20 November 2015].
Corkin, L., Burke, C. and Davies, M. (2008) China’s Role in the Development of Africa’s Infrastructure [pdf], Washington, DC: School of Advanced International Studies <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Duodu, S. (2008) ‘Construction of Bui Dam affects 1,800 people’ [blog] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Environmental Resources Management (ERM) (2007) Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of the Bui Hydropower Project [pdf], London: ERM <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Energy Commission Ghana (2014) 2014 Energy Outlook for Ghana [pdf], Energy Commission Ghana <> [accessed 30 September 2015].
EY (2014) Africa 2014: Executing Growth [pdf], South Africa: EY <$FILE/EY-attractiveness-africa-2014.pdf> [accessed 21 July 2015].
FAO (2013) Analysis of Incentives and Disincentives for Rice in Ghana [pdf] MAFAP, Rome: FAO <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
FAO (2015) ‘Ghana: geography, population and water resources’ [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Fink, M. (2005) Integrating the World Commission on Dams Recommendations in Large Dam Planning Processes: The Case of Bui, Ghana, MSc thesis, Dortmund, Germany: TU Dortmund University.
Foster, V., Butterfield, W., Chen, C. and Pushak, N. (2008) China’s Emerging Role in Africa: Part of the Changing Landscape of Infrastructure Finance [online] EconPapers, World Bank <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
French, H.W. (2014) China’s Second Continent: How a Million Migrants Are Building a New Empire in Africa, New York: Vintage.
Ghana Media Group (GMG) (2015) ‘Bui Dam worsens plight of fisherfolk and farmers’ [online] <> [accessed 23 July 2015].
Ghanaian Times (2008) ‘Ghanaians working on Bui Dam clash with employers’ [online], Modern Ghana <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Grammaticas, D. (2012) ‘Chinese colonialism?’ [online], BBC News <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Graphic Online (2015) ‘Bui Dam in danger’ [online] <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (2015) ‘Global health facts: population under age 15 (percent)’ [online], Kaiser Family Foundation <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Hensengerth, O. (2011) Interaction of Chinese Institutions with Host Governments in Dam Construction: The Bui Dam in Ghana [pdf], Bonn: German Development Institute <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Hensengerth, O. (2012) ‘Chinese hydropower companies and environmental norms in countries of the global South: the involvement of Sinohydro in Ghana’s Bui Dam’, Environment, Development and Sustainability 15(2): 285–300 <>.
Hensengerth, O. (2015) ‘Global norms in domestic politics: environmental norm contestation in Cambodia’s hydropower sector’, The Pacific Review 1–24 <>.
Herbertson, K. (2012) Will Safeguards Survive the Next Generation of Development Finance? [pdf], Berkeley, CA: International Rivers <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
Hook, L. (2013) ‘Sinohydro shrugs off Africa criticism’ [online], Financial Times 10 April 2013 <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
IHA (2013) 2013 IHA Hydropower Report [pdf], London: IHA <> [accessed 21 July 2015].
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