Critical lessons from apparent failure: using solar energy to supply piped water in a remote coastal area in Bangladesh
Aftab Opel | Hasin Jahan | Arif Abdullah Khan | Kazi Rashed Hyder
People living in climate vulnerable coastal areas in Bangladesh suffer greatly due to acute water shortage. Increasing saline intrusion in ground and surface water in this region has made potable water extremely scarce. This affects poor people most since they either drink saline water or drink less water than their bodies need. These practices have serious health implications for these people which ultimately affect their overall well-being. Appropriate technology is not yet available to address this because locations are remote, communication is difficult, unit cost is high, and electricity is not available to operate high-end technologies. In this context, WaterAid experimented with a solar-powered low-tech device to extract groundwater from a distant source and distribute it through a piped network. A community-based management and water-sharing approach was also trialled. The technology and the approach worked well but were abandoned after one year because the community moved away when the embankment was eroded.ActionAid, Concern WorldWide, DanChurchAid, MuslimAid, Islamic Relief, Oxfam-GB and Save the Children-UK (2009) In-depth Recovery Needs Assessment of Cyclone Aila Affected Areas, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Al-Amin, M., Mahmud, K., Hosen, S. and Islam, M.A. (2011) ‘Domestic water consumption patterns in a village in Bangladesh’, paper presented at the 4th Annual paper met and 1st Civil Engineers Congress, December 22–23, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) (2012) Bangladesh Population Census, Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Division, Ministry of Planning, Government of Bangladesh.
BBS and Unicef (2010) Progotir Pathey: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS 2009), Dhaka, Bangladesh: Statistical Division, Ministry of Planning, Government of Bangladesh and Unicef.
Dasgupta, S., Huq, M., Huq, Z., Ahmed, M.M.Z., Mukherjee, N., Khan, M.F. and Pandey, K. (2010) Vulnerability of Bangladesh to Cyclones in a Changing Climate: Potential Damages and Adaptation Cost, Policy Research Working Paper 5280, Washington, DC: Development Research Group, World Bank.
Datasearch and WaterAid (2012) State of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Hard-to-Reach Areas of Bangladesh: a baseline study, Dhaka, Bangladesh WaterAid.
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (GoB) (2009) Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh: Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
Karim, K.M.R., Emmelin, M., Resurreccion, B. and Wamala, S. (2013) Water, Women and Marital Violence in a Bangladesh Village, GWF Discussion Paper 1313, Canberra, Australia: Global Water Forum.
Khan, A.E., Ireson, A., Kovats, S., Mojumder, S.K., Khusru, A., Rahman, A. and Vineis, P. (2011) ‘Drinking water salinity and maternal health in coastal Bangladesh: implications of climate change’, Environmental Health Perspectives 119(9): 1328–32 <>.
Maplecroft (2011) ‘Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CCVI)’ [online], <> [accessed 3 February 2015].
Murty, T.S. and El-Sabh, M.I. (1992) ‘Mitigating the effects of storm surges generated by tropical cyclones: a proposal’, Natural Hazards 6(3): 251–73.
Opel, A. (2013a) ‘Climate change and water scarcity: implications for the urban poor in Bangladesh’, paper presented at the International Workshop – Living in Low-income Urban Settlement in an Era of Climate Change: Processes, Practices, Policies and Politics, 9–10 September 2013, University of Manchester, UK: Brooks World Poverty Institute.
Opel, A. (2013b) ‘Too little to drink in the sea of water: implications of climate change on water security in the coastal areas in Bangladesh’, presented at the 2nd Sub-Regional Workshop on Community Resilience to Climate Change in Bay of Bengal, 25–27 October 2013, Dhaka, Bangladesh: Concern Worldwide.
Parry, M.L., Canziani, O.F., Palutkof, J.P., van der Linden, P.J. and Hanson, C.E. (eds) (2007) Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Reed, B. and Reed, B. (2011) How Much Water is Needed in Emergencies? [pdf], Technical notes on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene in emergencies, Geneva: World Health Organisation <> [accessed 3 February 2015].
Sarket, M.H. (2010) Impact of Climate Change on River and Estuary Morphology and its Consequences, Dhaka, Bangladesh: Centre for Environment and Geographic Information System (CEGIS).
Uddin, N.M. and Haque, A. (2010) ‘Salinity response in southwest coastal region of Bangladesh due to hydraulic and hydrologic parameters’, International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Technology 6(3): 1–7.
UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) (2004) A Global Report: Reducing Disaster Risk: A Challenge for Development [pdf], New York: Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery – UNDP <> [accessed 6 February 2015].
World Bank (2010) Bangladesh: Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change [pdf], Washington, DC: World Bank Group <> [accessed 6 February 2015].
ActionAid, Concern WorldWide, DanChurchAid, MuslimAid, Islamic Relief, Oxfam-GB and Save the Children-UK (2009) In-depth Recovery Needs Assessment of Cyclone Aila Affected Areas, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Al-Amin, M., Mahmud, K., Hosen, S. and Islam, M.A. (2011) ‘Domestic water consumption patterns in a village in Bangladesh’, paper presented at the 4th Annual paper met and 1st Civil Engineers Congress, December 22–23, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) (2012) Bangladesh Population Census, Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Division, Ministry of Planning, Government of Bangladesh.
BBS and Unicef (2010) Progotir Pathey: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS 2009), Dhaka, Bangladesh: Statistical Division, Ministry of Planning, Government of Bangladesh and Unicef.
Dasgupta, S., Huq, M., Huq, Z., Ahmed, M.M.Z., Mukherjee, N., Khan, M.F. and Pandey, K. (2010) Vulnerability of Bangladesh to Cyclones in a Changing Climate: Potential Damages and Adaptation Cost, Policy Research Working Paper 5280, Washington, DC: Development Research Group, World Bank.
Datasearch and WaterAid (2012) State of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Hard-to-Reach Areas of Bangladesh: a baseline study, Dhaka, Bangladesh WaterAid.
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (GoB) (2009) Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh: Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
Karim, K.M.R., Emmelin, M., Resurreccion, B. and Wamala, S. (2013) Water, Women and Marital Violence in a Bangladesh Village, GWF Discussion Paper 1313, Canberra, Australia: Global Water Forum.
Khan, A.E., Ireson, A., Kovats, S., Mojumder, S.K., Khusru, A., Rahman, A. and Vineis, P. (2011) ‘Drinking water salinity and maternal health in coastal Bangladesh: implications of climate change’, Environmental Health Perspectives 119(9): 1328–32 <>.
Maplecroft (2011) ‘Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CCVI)’ [online], <> [accessed 3 February 2015].
Murty, T.S. and El-Sabh, M.I. (1992) ‘Mitigating the effects of storm surges generated by tropical cyclones: a proposal’, Natural Hazards 6(3): 251–73.
Opel, A. (2013a) ‘Climate change and water scarcity: implications for the urban poor in Bangladesh’, paper presented at the International Workshop – Living in Low-income Urban Settlement in an Era of Climate Change: Processes, Practices, Policies and Politics, 9–10 September 2013, University of Manchester, UK: Brooks World Poverty Institute.
Opel, A. (2013b) ‘Too little to drink in the sea of water: implications of climate change on water security in the coastal areas in Bangladesh’, presented at the 2nd Sub-Regional Workshop on Community Resilience to Climate Change in Bay of Bengal, 25–27 October 2013, Dhaka, Bangladesh: Concern Worldwide.
Parry, M.L., Canziani, O.F., Palutkof, J.P., van der Linden, P.J. and Hanson, C.E. (eds) (2007) Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Reed, B. and Reed, B. (2011) How Much Water is Needed in Emergencies? [pdf], Technical notes on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene in emergencies, Geneva: World Health Organisation <> [accessed 3 February 2015].
Sarket, M.H. (2010) Impact of Climate Change on River and Estuary Morphology and its Consequences, Dhaka, Bangladesh: Centre for Environment and Geographic Information System (CEGIS).
Uddin, N.M. and Haque, A. (2010) ‘Salinity response in southwest coastal region of Bangladesh due to hydraulic and hydrologic parameters’, International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Technology 6(3): 1–7.
UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) (2004) A Global Report: Reducing Disaster Risk: A Challenge for Development [pdf], New York: Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery – UNDP <> [accessed 6 February 2015].
World Bank (2010) Bangladesh: Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change [pdf], Washington, DC: World Bank Group <> [accessed 6 February 2015].
ActionAid, Concern WorldWide, DanChurchAid, MuslimAid, Islamic Relief, Oxfam-GB and Save the Children-UK (2009) In-depth Recovery Needs Assessment of Cyclone Aila Affected Areas, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Al-Amin, M., Mahmud, K., Hosen, S. and Islam, M.A. (2011) ‘Domestic water consumption patterns in a village in Bangladesh’, paper presented at the 4th Annual paper met and 1st Civil Engineers Congress, December 22–23, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) (2012) Bangladesh Population Census, Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Division, Ministry of Planning, Government of Bangladesh.
BBS and Unicef (2010) Progotir Pathey: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS 2009), Dhaka, Bangladesh: Statistical Division, Ministry of Planning, Government of Bangladesh and Unicef.
Dasgupta, S., Huq, M., Huq, Z., Ahmed, M.M.Z., Mukherjee, N., Khan, M.F. and Pandey, K. (2010) Vulnerability of Bangladesh to Cyclones in a Changing Climate: Potential Damages and Adaptation Cost, Policy Research Working Paper 5280, Washington, DC: Development Research Group, World Bank.
Datasearch and WaterAid (2012) State of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Hard-to-Reach Areas of Bangladesh: a baseline study, Dhaka, Bangladesh WaterAid.
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (GoB) (2009) Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh: Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
Karim, K.M.R., Emmelin, M., Resurreccion, B. and Wamala, S. (2013) Water, Women and Marital Violence in a Bangladesh Village, GWF Discussion Paper 1313, Canberra, Australia: Global Water Forum.
Khan, A.E., Ireson, A., Kovats, S., Mojumder, S.K., Khusru, A., Rahman, A. and Vineis, P. (2011) ‘Drinking water salinity and maternal health in coastal Bangladesh: implications of climate change’, Environmental Health Perspectives 119(9): 1328–32 <>.
Maplecroft (2011) ‘Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CCVI)’ [online], <> [accessed 3 February 2015].
Murty, T.S. and El-Sabh, M.I. (1992) ‘Mitigating the effects of storm surges generated by tropical cyclones: a proposal’, Natural Hazards 6(3): 251–73.
Opel, A. (2013a) ‘Climate change and water scarcity: implications for the urban poor in Bangladesh’, paper presented at the International Workshop – Living in Low-income Urban Settlement in an Era of Climate Change: Processes, Practices, Policies and Politics, 9–10 September 2013, University of Manchester, UK: Brooks World Poverty Institute.
Opel, A. (2013b) ‘Too little to drink in the sea of water: implications of climate change on water security in the coastal areas in Bangladesh’, presented at the 2nd Sub-Regional Workshop on Community Resilience to Climate Change in Bay of Bengal, 25–27 October 2013, Dhaka, Bangladesh: Concern Worldwide.
Parry, M.L., Canziani, O.F., Palutkof, J.P., van der Linden, P.J. and Hanson, C.E. (eds) (2007) Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Reed, B. and Reed, B. (2011) How Much Water is Needed in Emergencies? [pdf], Technical notes on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene in emergencies, Geneva: World Health Organisation <> [accessed 3 February 2015].
Sarket, M.H. (2010) Impact of Climate Change on River and Estuary Morphology and its Consequences, Dhaka, Bangladesh: Centre for Environment and Geographic Information System (CEGIS).
Uddin, N.M. and Haque, A. (2010) ‘Salinity response in southwest coastal region of Bangladesh due to hydraulic and hydrologic parameters’, International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Technology 6(3): 1–7.
UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) (2004) A Global Report: Reducing Disaster Risk: A Challenge for Development [pdf], New York: Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery – UNDP <> [accessed 6 February 2015].
World Bank (2010) Bangladesh: Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change [pdf], Washington, DC: World Bank Group <> [accessed 6 February 2015].
ActionAid, Concern WorldWide, DanChurchAid, MuslimAid, Islamic Relief, Oxfam-GB and Save the Children-UK (2009) In-depth Recovery Needs Assessment of Cyclone Aila Affected Areas, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Al-Amin, M., Mahmud, K., Hosen, S. and Islam, M.A. (2011) ‘Domestic water consumption patterns in a village in Bangladesh’, paper presented at the 4th Annual paper met and 1st Civil Engineers Congress, December 22–23, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) (2012) Bangladesh Population Census, Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Division, Ministry of Planning, Government of Bangladesh.
BBS and Unicef (2010) Progotir Pathey: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS 2009), Dhaka, Bangladesh: Statistical Division, Ministry of Planning, Government of Bangladesh and Unicef.
Dasgupta, S., Huq, M., Huq, Z., Ahmed, M.M.Z., Mukherjee, N., Khan, M.F. and Pandey, K. (2010) Vulnerability of Bangladesh to Cyclones in a Changing Climate: Potential Damages and Adaptation Cost, Policy Research Working Paper 5280, Washington, DC: Development Research Group, World Bank.
Datasearch and WaterAid (2012) State of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Hard-to-Reach Areas of Bangladesh: a baseline study, Dhaka, Bangladesh WaterAid.
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (GoB) (2009) Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh: Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
Karim, K.M.R., Emmelin, M., Resurreccion, B. and Wamala, S. (2013) Water, Women and Marital Violence in a Bangladesh Village, GWF Discussion Paper 1313, Canberra, Australia: Global Water Forum.
Khan, A.E., Ireson, A., Kovats, S., Mojumder, S.K., Khusru, A., Rahman, A. and Vineis, P. (2011) ‘Drinking water salinity and maternal health in coastal Bangladesh: implications of climate change’, Environmental Health Perspectives 119(9): 1328–32 <>.
Maplecroft (2011) ‘Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CCVI)’ [online], <> [accessed 3 February 2015].
Murty, T.S. and El-Sabh, M.I. (1992) ‘Mitigating the effects of storm surges generated by tropical cyclones: a proposal’, Natural Hazards 6(3): 251–73.
Opel, A. (2013a) ‘Climate change and water scarcity: implications for the urban poor in Bangladesh’, paper presented at the International Workshop – Living in Low-income Urban Settlement in an Era of Climate Change: Processes, Practices, Policies and Politics, 9–10 September 2013, University of Manchester, UK: Brooks World Poverty Institute.
Opel, A. (2013b) ‘Too little to drink in the sea of water: implications of climate change on water security in the coastal areas in Bangladesh’, presented at the 2nd Sub-Regional Workshop on Community Resilience to Climate Change in Bay of Bengal, 25–27 October 2013, Dhaka, Bangladesh: Concern Worldwide.
Parry, M.L., Canziani, O.F., Palutkof, J.P., van der Linden, P.J. and Hanson, C.E. (eds) (2007) Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Reed, B. and Reed, B. (2011) How Much Water is Needed in Emergencies? [pdf], Technical notes on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene in emergencies, Geneva: World Health Organisation <> [accessed 3 February 2015].
Sarket, M.H. (2010) Impact of Climate Change on River and Estuary Morphology and its Consequences, Dhaka, Bangladesh: Centre for Environment and Geographic Information System (CEGIS).
Uddin, N.M. and Haque, A. (2010) ‘Salinity response in southwest coastal region of Bangladesh due to hydraulic and hydrologic parameters’, International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Technology 6(3): 1–7.
UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) (2004) A Global Report: Reducing Disaster Risk: A Challenge for Development [pdf], New York: Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery – UNDP <> [accessed 6 February 2015].
World Bank (2010) Bangladesh: Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change [pdf], Washington, DC: World Bank Group <> [accessed 6 February 2015].
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