Moving along the right track? The experience of developing a rights-based approach at WaterAid
This paper describes the process of developing WaterAid's organizational awareness and capacity to reach the most marginalized people with WASH through a gradual shift from a focus on service delivery towards a rights-based approach. It gives an account of specific programmes designed to develop a greater understanding of the benefits and challenges of using rights as a framework, and explores internal and external factors that have helped WaterAid move towards a rights-based approach, factors that hinder this, and the continuing challenges of working as an INGO within a rights framework. The paper concludes that rights-based approaches offer effective ways to increase community demand for WASH and the accountability of duty bearers, and can help to increase sustainable access to WASH for the most marginalized groups. In building on these skills and experiences WaterAid needs to be clear about its roles and responsibilities in the realization of human rights to water and sanitation.ActionAid (2010) ActionAid's Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) Resource Book [online] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
Bartram, J. Charles, K., Evans, B., O’Hanlon, L. and Pedley, S. (2012) ‘Commentary on community-led total sanitation and human rights: should the right to community-wide health be won at the cost of individual rights?’ Journal of Water and Health 10(4): 499-503 <≯.
Coulby, H. (2013) Governance and Transparency Fund Programme Handbooks [online] < id=f1738e29-266b-4c97-bbf7-2fa538d67092≯ [accessed 5 September 2014]. id=f1738e29-266b-4c97-bbf7-2fa538d67092
De Albuquerque, C. and Roaf, V. (2012) On the Right Track, Good Practices in Realising the Rights to Water and Sanitation, 1st edn, Lisbon: UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Right to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation.
De Albuquerque, C. and Roaf, V. (2014) Handbook on the Realisation of the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation [online], Geneva: UNHCHR <≯ [accessed 17 September 2014].
Langford, M., Bartram, J. and Roaf, V. (2011) ‘Revisiting dignity: the human right to sanitation’, in M. Langford and A. Russell (eds), The Right to Water: Theory, Practice and Prospects, p. 25, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Meier, B., Kayser, G., Amjad, U. and Bartram, J. (2012) ‘Implementing an evolving human right through water and sanitation policy’, Water Policy 15: 1-18 <≯.
Mirosa, O. and Harris, L. (2012) ‘Human right to water: contemporary challenges and countours of a global debate’, Antipode 44(3): 932-49.
Oxfam (2014) Quick Guide to Rights Based Approaches in Development [online] <≯ [accessed September 2014].
RWSN (2011) ‘RWSN theme: equity and inclusion in rural water supplies’ [online] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
Sharmila L. Murthy JD, MPA, The Human Right(s) to Water and Sanitation: History, Meaning, and the Controversy Over-Privatization, 31 Berkeley J. Int'l Law. 89 (2013). Available at:
Singh, N. (2013) ‘Translating human right to water and sanitation into reality: a practical framework for analysis’, Water Policy 15(6): 943-60 <≯.
United Nations General Assembley (2014) High-level Event of the General Assembly on the Contributions of Human Rights and the Rule of Law in the Post-2015 Development Agenda [online] <≯ [accessed 6 September 2014].
WaterAid (2006) Bridging the Gap: Citizens’ Action for Accountability in Water and Sanitation [pdf] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
WaterAid (2010) Equity and Inclusion: A Rights-Based Approach [pdf] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
WaterAid (2011) Rights Based Approaches to Increasing Access to Water and Sanitation [pdf] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
WaterAid (2014) Child Rights-based Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Practice [online] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
WaterAid/FAN (2013) Case studies from the Governance and Transparency Fund Programme [pdf] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
WaterAid/FAN (2014) Governance and Transparency Fund Programme (GTF): Most Significant Results [pdf] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
WEDC (2012) ‘Equity and inclusion in water, sanitation and hygiene’ [online] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
Wilbur, J. (2014) Undoing Inequity: WASH Programmes that Deliver for All in Uganda and Zambia [pdf] WASH 2014 Conference <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
ActionAid (2010) ActionAid's Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) Resource Book [online] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
Bartram, J. Charles, K., Evans, B., O’Hanlon, L. and Pedley, S. (2012) ‘Commentary on community-led total sanitation and human rights: should the right to community-wide health be won at the cost of individual rights?’ Journal of Water and Health 10(4): 499-503 <≯.
Coulby, H. (2013) Governance and Transparency Fund Programme Handbooks [online] < id=f1738e29-266b-4c97-bbf7-2fa538d67092≯ [accessed 5 September 2014]. id=f1738e29-266b-4c97-bbf7-2fa538d67092
De Albuquerque, C. and Roaf, V. (2012) On the Right Track, Good Practices in Realising the Rights to Water and Sanitation, 1st edn, Lisbon: UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Right to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation.
De Albuquerque, C. and Roaf, V. (2014) Handbook on the Realisation of the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation [online], Geneva: UNHCHR <≯ [accessed 17 September 2014].
Langford, M., Bartram, J. and Roaf, V. (2011) ‘Revisiting dignity: the human right to sanitation’, in M. Langford and A. Russell (eds), The Right to Water: Theory, Practice and Prospects, p. 25, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Meier, B., Kayser, G., Amjad, U. and Bartram, J. (2012) ‘Implementing an evolving human right through water and sanitation policy’, Water Policy 15: 1-18 <≯.
Mirosa, O. and Harris, L. (2012) ‘Human right to water: contemporary challenges and countours of a global debate’, Antipode 44(3): 932-49.
Oxfam (2014) Quick Guide to Rights Based Approaches in Development [online] <≯ [accessed September 2014].
RWSN (2011) ‘RWSN theme: equity and inclusion in rural water supplies’ [online] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
Sharmila L. Murthy JD, MPA, The Human Right(s) to Water and Sanitation: History, Meaning, and the Controversy Over-Privatization, 31 Berkeley J. Int'l Law. 89 (2013). Available at:
Singh, N. (2013) ‘Translating human right to water and sanitation into reality: a practical framework for analysis’, Water Policy 15(6): 943-60 <≯.
United Nations General Assembley (2014) High-level Event of the General Assembly on the Contributions of Human Rights and the Rule of Law in the Post-2015 Development Agenda [online] <≯ [accessed 6 September 2014].
WaterAid (2006) Bridging the Gap: Citizens’ Action for Accountability in Water and Sanitation [pdf] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
WaterAid (2010) Equity and Inclusion: A Rights-Based Approach [pdf] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
WaterAid (2011) Rights Based Approaches to Increasing Access to Water and Sanitation [pdf] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
WaterAid (2014) Child Rights-based Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Practice [online] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
WaterAid/FAN (2013) Case studies from the Governance and Transparency Fund Programme [pdf] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
WaterAid/FAN (2014) Governance and Transparency Fund Programme (GTF): Most Significant Results [pdf] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
WEDC (2012) ‘Equity and inclusion in water, sanitation and hygiene’ [online] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
Wilbur, J. (2014) Undoing Inequity: WASH Programmes that Deliver for All in Uganda and Zambia [pdf] WASH 2014 Conference <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
ActionAid (2010) ActionAid's Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) Resource Book [online] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
Bartram, J. Charles, K., Evans, B., O’Hanlon, L. and Pedley, S. (2012) ‘Commentary on community-led total sanitation and human rights: should the right to community-wide health be won at the cost of individual rights?’ Journal of Water and Health 10(4): 499-503 <≯.
Coulby, H. (2013) Governance and Transparency Fund Programme Handbooks [online] < id=f1738e29-266b-4c97-bbf7-2fa538d67092≯ [accessed 5 September 2014]. id=f1738e29-266b-4c97-bbf7-2fa538d67092
De Albuquerque, C. and Roaf, V. (2012) On the Right Track, Good Practices in Realising the Rights to Water and Sanitation, 1st edn, Lisbon: UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Right to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation.
De Albuquerque, C. and Roaf, V. (2014) Handbook on the Realisation of the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation [online], Geneva: UNHCHR <≯ [accessed 17 September 2014].
Langford, M., Bartram, J. and Roaf, V. (2011) ‘Revisiting dignity: the human right to sanitation’, in M. Langford and A. Russell (eds), The Right to Water: Theory, Practice and Prospects, p. 25, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Meier, B., Kayser, G., Amjad, U. and Bartram, J. (2012) ‘Implementing an evolving human right through water and sanitation policy’, Water Policy 15: 1-18 <≯.
Mirosa, O. and Harris, L. (2012) ‘Human right to water: contemporary challenges and countours of a global debate’, Antipode 44(3): 932-49.
Oxfam (2014) Quick Guide to Rights Based Approaches in Development [online] <≯ [accessed September 2014].
RWSN (2011) ‘RWSN theme: equity and inclusion in rural water supplies’ [online] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
Sharmila L. Murthy JD, MPA, The Human Right(s) to Water and Sanitation: History, Meaning, and the Controversy Over-Privatization, 31 Berkeley J. Int'l Law. 89 (2013). Available at:
Singh, N. (2013) ‘Translating human right to water and sanitation into reality: a practical framework for analysis’, Water Policy 15(6): 943-60 <≯.
United Nations General Assembley (2014) High-level Event of the General Assembly on the Contributions of Human Rights and the Rule of Law in the Post-2015 Development Agenda [online] <≯ [accessed 6 September 2014].
WaterAid (2006) Bridging the Gap: Citizens’ Action for Accountability in Water and Sanitation [pdf] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
WaterAid (2010) Equity and Inclusion: A Rights-Based Approach [pdf] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
WaterAid (2011) Rights Based Approaches to Increasing Access to Water and Sanitation [pdf] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
WaterAid (2014) Child Rights-based Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Practice [online] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
WaterAid/FAN (2013) Case studies from the Governance and Transparency Fund Programme [pdf] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
WaterAid/FAN (2014) Governance and Transparency Fund Programme (GTF): Most Significant Results [pdf] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
WEDC (2012) ‘Equity and inclusion in water, sanitation and hygiene’ [online] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
Wilbur, J. (2014) Undoing Inequity: WASH Programmes that Deliver for All in Uganda and Zambia [pdf] WASH 2014 Conference <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
ActionAid (2010) ActionAid's Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) Resource Book [online] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
Bartram, J. Charles, K., Evans, B., O’Hanlon, L. and Pedley, S. (2012) ‘Commentary on community-led total sanitation and human rights: should the right to community-wide health be won at the cost of individual rights?’ Journal of Water and Health 10(4): 499-503 <≯.
Coulby, H. (2013) Governance and Transparency Fund Programme Handbooks [online] < id=f1738e29-266b-4c97-bbf7-2fa538d67092≯ [accessed 5 September 2014]. id=f1738e29-266b-4c97-bbf7-2fa538d67092
De Albuquerque, C. and Roaf, V. (2012) On the Right Track, Good Practices in Realising the Rights to Water and Sanitation, 1st edn, Lisbon: UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Right to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation.
De Albuquerque, C. and Roaf, V. (2014) Handbook on the Realisation of the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation [online], Geneva: UNHCHR <≯ [accessed 17 September 2014].
Langford, M., Bartram, J. and Roaf, V. (2011) ‘Revisiting dignity: the human right to sanitation’, in M. Langford and A. Russell (eds), The Right to Water: Theory, Practice and Prospects, p. 25, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Meier, B., Kayser, G., Amjad, U. and Bartram, J. (2012) ‘Implementing an evolving human right through water and sanitation policy’, Water Policy 15: 1-18 <≯.
Mirosa, O. and Harris, L. (2012) ‘Human right to water: contemporary challenges and countours of a global debate’, Antipode 44(3): 932-49.
Oxfam (2014) Quick Guide to Rights Based Approaches in Development [online] <≯ [accessed September 2014].
RWSN (2011) ‘RWSN theme: equity and inclusion in rural water supplies’ [online] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
Sharmila L. Murthy JD, MPA, The Human Right(s) to Water and Sanitation: History, Meaning, and the Controversy Over-Privatization, 31 Berkeley J. Int'l Law. 89 (2013). Available at:
Singh, N. (2013) ‘Translating human right to water and sanitation into reality: a practical framework for analysis’, Water Policy 15(6): 943-60 <≯.
United Nations General Assembley (2014) High-level Event of the General Assembly on the Contributions of Human Rights and the Rule of Law in the Post-2015 Development Agenda [online] <≯ [accessed 6 September 2014].
WaterAid (2006) Bridging the Gap: Citizens’ Action for Accountability in Water and Sanitation [pdf] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
WaterAid (2010) Equity and Inclusion: A Rights-Based Approach [pdf] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
WaterAid (2011) Rights Based Approaches to Increasing Access to Water and Sanitation [pdf] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
WaterAid (2014) Child Rights-based Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Practice [online] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
WaterAid/FAN (2013) Case studies from the Governance and Transparency Fund Programme [pdf] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
WaterAid/FAN (2014) Governance and Transparency Fund Programme (GTF): Most Significant Results [pdf] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
WEDC (2012) ‘Equity and inclusion in water, sanitation and hygiene’ [online] <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
Wilbur, J. (2014) Undoing Inequity: WASH Programmes that Deliver for All in Uganda and Zambia [pdf] WASH 2014 Conference <≯ [accessed 5 September 2014].
Analysis of experience using human rights to accelerate WASH access in four countries
Gosling, Louisa
Rai, Tripti
Obani, Pedi
Traore, Moussa Alou
Ouangre, Landry
Aliu, Fauzia
Shah, Sonu Kumar
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Neumeyer, Hannah
Pati, Bikash Kumar
Siddique, Sabiha
Choden, Tshering
Abraham, Tseguereda
Gosling, Louisa
Roaf, Virginia
Alvarez-Sala Torreano, Jorge
Bruhn, Sören
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- Menstrual hygiene management: education and empowerment for girls?
- Webwatch
- WASH challenges to girls’ menstrual hygiene management in Metro Manila, Masbate, and South Central Mindanao, Philippines