A framework for exploring gender equality outcomes from WASH programmes
Naomi Carrard | Joanne Crawford | Gabrielle Halcrow | Claire Rowland | Juliet Willetts
This paper aims to assist practitioners and researchers in planning, identifying, and documenting gender outcomes associated with water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programmes by proposing a conceptual framework for classifying gender equality changes. Gender outcomes that have been attributed to WASH initiatives encompass those directly related to improved services as well as outcomes that move into areas of relationships, power, and status. There is a growing body of literature identifying WASH-related gender outcomes; however the types of outcomes described vary considerably and further work is needed to inform a comprehensive picture of WASH and gender links. The framework proposed in this paper is based on a synthesis of outcomes reported in WASH literature to date, empirical research in Fiji and Vanuatu, and insights from gender and development literature. It is hoped that the framework will support practitioners to engage with the inherent complexity of gender inquiry, contributing to sector knowledge about the potential for WASH initiatives to advance gender equality.Brenner, N. (2001) ‘The limits to scale? Methodological reflections on scalar structuration’, Progress in Human Geography 25 (4): 591-614 〈http://dx.doi.org/10.1191/030913201682688959〉.
Brewster, M.M., Herrmann, T.M., Bleisch, B. and Pearl, R. (2006) ‘A gender perspective on water resources and sanitation’, Wagadu 3: 1-23.
CARE (2010) Strong Women, Strong Communities: CARE's Holistic Approach to Empowering Women and Girls in the Fight against Poverty, Canberra: CARE Australia.
CARE (2012) Good Practices Framework: Gender Analysis, Geneva: CARE International Gender Network.
Fisher, J. (2010) ‘Women in water supply, sanitation and hygiene programmes’, Municipal Engineer 161 (ME4): 223-29 〈http://dx.doi.org/10.1680/muen.2008.161.4.223〉.
Golla, A.M., Malhotra, A. Nanda, P. and Mehra, R. (2011) Understanding and Measuring Women's Economic Empowerment: Definition, Framework and Indicators, Washington, DC: International Center for Research on Women (ICRW).
Halcrow, G., Rowland, C., Willetts, J., Crawford, J. and Carrard, N. (2010) Resource Guide: Working Effectively with Women and Men in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Programs, Melbourne: International Women's Development Agency; Sydney: Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology.
Hunt, J., Kasynathan, N., Yogasingham, S., Fernando, D., Gamage, P. and Roubin, D. (2009) Breaking the Shackles: Women's Empowerment in Oxfam Australia's Sri Lanka Program, Occasional Paper Number 3, Melbourne: Oxfam Australia.
Ivens, S. (2008) ‘Does increased water access empower women?’ Development 51: 63-67 〈http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.development.1100458〉.
James, A.J., Khadka, R., Moffatt, M. and Otte, C. (2004) ‘From MPA to NPA: participatory assessment of water & sanitation projects in rural Nepal’, Participatory Learning and Action 50: 190-94.
Kabeer, N. (1994) Reversed Realities: Gender Hierarchies in Development Thought, London: Verso.
Kilsby, D. (2012) ‘Now We Feel Like Respected Adults’: Positive Change in Gender Roles and Relations in a Timor-Leste WASH Program, research conducted by International Women's Development Agency, Melbourne, WaterAid Australia, Melbourne and WaterAid Timor-Leste, Dili.
Koolwal, G. and van de Walle, D. (2010) Access to Water, Women's Work and Child Outcomes, Policy Research Working Paper 5302, Washington, DC: World Bank Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network, Gender and Development Unit.
Lockwood, H. and Smits, S. (2011) Supporting Rural Water Supply: Moving Towards a Service Delivery Approach, Rugby: Practical Action; The Hague: IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre.
Marston, S.A. (2000) ‘The social construction of scale’, Progress in Human Geography 24 (2): 219-42.
Marston, S.A. and Smith, N. (2001) ‘States, scales and households: limits to scale thinking? A response to Brenner’, Progress in Human Geography 25 (4): 615-19 〈http://dx.doi.org/10.1191/030913201682688968〉.
Mazurana, D., Benelli, P., Gupta, H. and Walker, P. (2011) Sex and Age Matter: Improving Humanitarian Response in Emergencies, Somerville, MA: Feinstein International Center, Tufts University.
Moser, C.O.N. (1993) Gender Planning and Development: Theory, Practice & Training, London and New York: Routledge.
NEWAH (2004) A Summary of Evaluation Findings of NEWAH's GAP Approach Using the NEWAH Participatory Assessment (NPA), Kathmandu: Nepal Water for Health.
O'Reilly, K. (2010) ‘Combining sanitation and women's participation in water supply: an example from Rajasthan’, Development in Practice 20(1): 45-56 〈http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09614520903436976〉.
Oxfam (2009) Breaking the Shackles: Women's Empowerment in Oxfam Australia's Sri Lanka Program, Melbourne: Oxfam.
Pandey, U. (2003) ‘Strategies for serving the poorest of the poor with sanitation - a gender and poverty approach’, paper presented at the South Asian Conference on Sanitation, Dhaka, 2003.
Ray, I. (2007) ‘Women, water, and development’, Annual Review of Environment and Resources 32(1): 421-49 〈http://dx.doi.org/10.1146/annurev.energy.32.041806.143704〉.
Rop, R. (2010) Mainstreaming Gender in Water and Sanitation, Working Paper, Nairobi: World Bank Water and Sanitation Program.
Tsukada, R. and Silva, E. (2009) Age and Gender Bias in Workloads during the Lifecycle: Evidence from Rural Ghana, One Pager, No.88, Brasilia: International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth.
WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) for Water Supply and Sanitation (2010) Progress on Sanitation and Drinking-Water, 2010 Update, Geneva: WHO; New York: UNICEF.
Willetts, J., Carrard, N., Halcrow, G., Rowland, C. and Crawford, J. (2009a) How Do We Better Address Gender in Pacific Water and Sanitation Initiatives? Fiji Case Study [online], Gender in Pacific WASH 〈http://genderinpacificwash.info〉 [accessed 23 September 2013]. http://genderinpacificwash.info
Willetts, J., Halcrow, G. and Carrard, N. (2009b) How Do We Better Address Gender in Pacific Water and Sanitation Initiatives? Vanuatu Case Study [online], Gender in Pacific WASH 〈http://genderinpacificwash.info〉 [accessed 23 September 2013]. http://genderinpacificwash.info
Willetts, J., Halcrow, G., Carrard, N., Rowland, C. and Crawford, J. (2010) ‘Addressing two critical MDGs together: gender in water, sanitation and hygiene initiatives’, Pacific Economic Bulletin 25(1): 162.
Willetts, J., Bailey, B. and Crawford, P. (2012) Civil Society Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Fund: Independent Completion Review [pdf], report for AusAID, 〈www.ausaid.gov.au/aidissues/watersanitation/Documents/wash-completion-review.pdf〉 [accessed 23 September 2013]. www.ausaid.gov.au/aidissues/watersanitation/Documents/wash-completion-review.pdf
Brenner, N. (2001) ‘The limits to scale? Methodological reflections on scalar structuration’, Progress in Human Geography 25 (4): 591-614 〈http://dx.doi.org/10.1191/030913201682688959〉.
Brewster, M.M., Herrmann, T.M., Bleisch, B. and Pearl, R. (2006) ‘A gender perspective on water resources and sanitation’, Wagadu 3: 1-23.
CARE (2010) Strong Women, Strong Communities: CARE's Holistic Approach to Empowering Women and Girls in the Fight against Poverty, Canberra: CARE Australia.
CARE (2012) Good Practices Framework: Gender Analysis, Geneva: CARE International Gender Network.
Fisher, J. (2010) ‘Women in water supply, sanitation and hygiene programmes’, Municipal Engineer 161 (ME4): 223-29 〈http://dx.doi.org/10.1680/muen.2008.161.4.223〉.
Golla, A.M., Malhotra, A. Nanda, P. and Mehra, R. (2011) Understanding and Measuring Women's Economic Empowerment: Definition, Framework and Indicators, Washington, DC: International Center for Research on Women (ICRW).
Halcrow, G., Rowland, C., Willetts, J., Crawford, J. and Carrard, N. (2010) Resource Guide: Working Effectively with Women and Men in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Programs, Melbourne: International Women's Development Agency; Sydney: Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology.
Hunt, J., Kasynathan, N., Yogasingham, S., Fernando, D., Gamage, P. and Roubin, D. (2009) Breaking the Shackles: Women's Empowerment in Oxfam Australia's Sri Lanka Program, Occasional Paper Number 3, Melbourne: Oxfam Australia.
Ivens, S. (2008) ‘Does increased water access empower women?’ Development 51: 63-67 〈http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.development.1100458〉.
James, A.J., Khadka, R., Moffatt, M. and Otte, C. (2004) ‘From MPA to NPA: participatory assessment of water & sanitation projects in rural Nepal’, Participatory Learning and Action 50: 190-94.
Kabeer, N. (1994) Reversed Realities: Gender Hierarchies in Development Thought, London: Verso.
Kilsby, D. (2012) ‘Now We Feel Like Respected Adults’: Positive Change in Gender Roles and Relations in a Timor-Leste WASH Program, research conducted by International Women's Development Agency, Melbourne, WaterAid Australia, Melbourne and WaterAid Timor-Leste, Dili.
Koolwal, G. and van de Walle, D. (2010) Access to Water, Women's Work and Child Outcomes, Policy Research Working Paper 5302, Washington, DC: World Bank Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network, Gender and Development Unit.
Lockwood, H. and Smits, S. (2011) Supporting Rural Water Supply: Moving Towards a Service Delivery Approach, Rugby: Practical Action; The Hague: IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre.
Marston, S.A. (2000) ‘The social construction of scale’, Progress in Human Geography 24 (2): 219-42.
Marston, S.A. and Smith, N. (2001) ‘States, scales and households: limits to scale thinking? A response to Brenner’, Progress in Human Geography 25 (4): 615-19 〈http://dx.doi.org/10.1191/030913201682688968〉.
Mazurana, D., Benelli, P., Gupta, H. and Walker, P. (2011) Sex and Age Matter: Improving Humanitarian Response in Emergencies, Somerville, MA: Feinstein International Center, Tufts University.
Moser, C.O.N. (1993) Gender Planning and Development: Theory, Practice & Training, London and New York: Routledge.
NEWAH (2004) A Summary of Evaluation Findings of NEWAH's GAP Approach Using the NEWAH Participatory Assessment (NPA), Kathmandu: Nepal Water for Health.
O'Reilly, K. (2010) ‘Combining sanitation and women's participation in water supply: an example from Rajasthan’, Development in Practice 20(1): 45-56 〈http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09614520903436976〉.
Oxfam (2009) Breaking the Shackles: Women's Empowerment in Oxfam Australia's Sri Lanka Program, Melbourne: Oxfam.
Pandey, U. (2003) ‘Strategies for serving the poorest of the poor with sanitation - a gender and poverty approach’, paper presented at the South Asian Conference on Sanitation, Dhaka, 2003.
Ray, I. (2007) ‘Women, water, and development’, Annual Review of Environment and Resources 32(1): 421-49 〈http://dx.doi.org/10.1146/annurev.energy.32.041806.143704〉.
Rop, R. (2010) Mainstreaming Gender in Water and Sanitation, Working Paper, Nairobi: World Bank Water and Sanitation Program.
Tsukada, R. and Silva, E. (2009) Age and Gender Bias in Workloads during the Lifecycle: Evidence from Rural Ghana, One Pager, No.88, Brasilia: International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth.
WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) for Water Supply and Sanitation (2010) Progress on Sanitation and Drinking-Water, 2010 Update, Geneva: WHO; New York: UNICEF.
Willetts, J., Carrard, N., Halcrow, G., Rowland, C. and Crawford, J. (2009a) How Do We Better Address Gender in Pacific Water and Sanitation Initiatives? Fiji Case Study [online], Gender in Pacific WASH 〈http://genderinpacificwash.info〉 [accessed 23 September 2013]. http://genderinpacificwash.info
Willetts, J., Halcrow, G. and Carrard, N. (2009b) How Do We Better Address Gender in Pacific Water and Sanitation Initiatives? Vanuatu Case Study [online], Gender in Pacific WASH 〈http://genderinpacificwash.info〉 [accessed 23 September 2013]. http://genderinpacificwash.info
Willetts, J., Halcrow, G., Carrard, N., Rowland, C. and Crawford, J. (2010) ‘Addressing two critical MDGs together: gender in water, sanitation and hygiene initiatives’, Pacific Economic Bulletin 25(1): 162.
Willetts, J., Bailey, B. and Crawford, P. (2012) Civil Society Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Fund: Independent Completion Review [pdf], report for AusAID, 〈www.ausaid.gov.au/aidissues/watersanitation/Documents/wash-completion-review.pdf〉 [accessed 23 September 2013]. www.ausaid.gov.au/aidissues/watersanitation/Documents/wash-completion-review.pdf
Brenner, N. (2001) ‘The limits to scale? Methodological reflections on scalar structuration’, Progress in Human Geography 25 (4): 591-614 〈http://dx.doi.org/10.1191/030913201682688959〉.
Brewster, M.M., Herrmann, T.M., Bleisch, B. and Pearl, R. (2006) ‘A gender perspective on water resources and sanitation’, Wagadu 3: 1-23.
CARE (2010) Strong Women, Strong Communities: CARE's Holistic Approach to Empowering Women and Girls in the Fight against Poverty, Canberra: CARE Australia.
CARE (2012) Good Practices Framework: Gender Analysis, Geneva: CARE International Gender Network.
Fisher, J. (2010) ‘Women in water supply, sanitation and hygiene programmes’, Municipal Engineer 161 (ME4): 223-29 〈http://dx.doi.org/10.1680/muen.2008.161.4.223〉.
Golla, A.M., Malhotra, A. Nanda, P. and Mehra, R. (2011) Understanding and Measuring Women's Economic Empowerment: Definition, Framework and Indicators, Washington, DC: International Center for Research on Women (ICRW).
Halcrow, G., Rowland, C., Willetts, J., Crawford, J. and Carrard, N. (2010) Resource Guide: Working Effectively with Women and Men in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Programs, Melbourne: International Women's Development Agency; Sydney: Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology.
Hunt, J., Kasynathan, N., Yogasingham, S., Fernando, D., Gamage, P. and Roubin, D. (2009) Breaking the Shackles: Women's Empowerment in Oxfam Australia's Sri Lanka Program, Occasional Paper Number 3, Melbourne: Oxfam Australia.
Ivens, S. (2008) ‘Does increased water access empower women?’ Development 51: 63-67 〈http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.development.1100458〉.
James, A.J., Khadka, R., Moffatt, M. and Otte, C. (2004) ‘From MPA to NPA: participatory assessment of water & sanitation projects in rural Nepal’, Participatory Learning and Action 50: 190-94.
Kabeer, N. (1994) Reversed Realities: Gender Hierarchies in Development Thought, London: Verso.
Kilsby, D. (2012) ‘Now We Feel Like Respected Adults’: Positive Change in Gender Roles and Relations in a Timor-Leste WASH Program, research conducted by International Women's Development Agency, Melbourne, WaterAid Australia, Melbourne and WaterAid Timor-Leste, Dili.
Koolwal, G. and van de Walle, D. (2010) Access to Water, Women's Work and Child Outcomes, Policy Research Working Paper 5302, Washington, DC: World Bank Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network, Gender and Development Unit.
Lockwood, H. and Smits, S. (2011) Supporting Rural Water Supply: Moving Towards a Service Delivery Approach, Rugby: Practical Action; The Hague: IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre.
Marston, S.A. (2000) ‘The social construction of scale’, Progress in Human Geography 24 (2): 219-42.
Marston, S.A. and Smith, N. (2001) ‘States, scales and households: limits to scale thinking? A response to Brenner’, Progress in Human Geography 25 (4): 615-19 〈http://dx.doi.org/10.1191/030913201682688968〉.
Mazurana, D., Benelli, P., Gupta, H. and Walker, P. (2011) Sex and Age Matter: Improving Humanitarian Response in Emergencies, Somerville, MA: Feinstein International Center, Tufts University.
Moser, C.O.N. (1993) Gender Planning and Development: Theory, Practice & Training, London and New York: Routledge.
NEWAH (2004) A Summary of Evaluation Findings of NEWAH's GAP Approach Using the NEWAH Participatory Assessment (NPA), Kathmandu: Nepal Water for Health.
O'Reilly, K. (2010) ‘Combining sanitation and women's participation in water supply: an example from Rajasthan’, Development in Practice 20(1): 45-56 〈http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09614520903436976〉.
Oxfam (2009) Breaking the Shackles: Women's Empowerment in Oxfam Australia's Sri Lanka Program, Melbourne: Oxfam.
Pandey, U. (2003) ‘Strategies for serving the poorest of the poor with sanitation - a gender and poverty approach’, paper presented at the South Asian Conference on Sanitation, Dhaka, 2003.
Ray, I. (2007) ‘Women, water, and development’, Annual Review of Environment and Resources 32(1): 421-49 〈http://dx.doi.org/10.1146/annurev.energy.32.041806.143704〉.
Rop, R. (2010) Mainstreaming Gender in Water and Sanitation, Working Paper, Nairobi: World Bank Water and Sanitation Program.
Tsukada, R. and Silva, E. (2009) Age and Gender Bias in Workloads during the Lifecycle: Evidence from Rural Ghana, One Pager, No.88, Brasilia: International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth.
WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) for Water Supply and Sanitation (2010) Progress on Sanitation and Drinking-Water, 2010 Update, Geneva: WHO; New York: UNICEF.
Willetts, J., Carrard, N., Halcrow, G., Rowland, C. and Crawford, J. (2009a) How Do We Better Address Gender in Pacific Water and Sanitation Initiatives? Fiji Case Study [online], Gender in Pacific WASH 〈http://genderinpacificwash.info〉 [accessed 23 September 2013]. http://genderinpacificwash.info
Willetts, J., Halcrow, G. and Carrard, N. (2009b) How Do We Better Address Gender in Pacific Water and Sanitation Initiatives? Vanuatu Case Study [online], Gender in Pacific WASH 〈http://genderinpacificwash.info〉 [accessed 23 September 2013]. http://genderinpacificwash.info
Willetts, J., Halcrow, G., Carrard, N., Rowland, C. and Crawford, J. (2010) ‘Addressing two critical MDGs together: gender in water, sanitation and hygiene initiatives’, Pacific Economic Bulletin 25(1): 162.
Willetts, J., Bailey, B. and Crawford, P. (2012) Civil Society Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Fund: Independent Completion Review [pdf], report for AusAID, 〈www.ausaid.gov.au/aidissues/watersanitation/Documents/wash-completion-review.pdf〉 [accessed 23 September 2013]. www.ausaid.gov.au/aidissues/watersanitation/Documents/wash-completion-review.pdf
Brenner, N. (2001) ‘The limits to scale? Methodological reflections on scalar structuration’, Progress in Human Geography 25 (4): 591-614 〈http://dx.doi.org/10.1191/030913201682688959〉.
Brewster, M.M., Herrmann, T.M., Bleisch, B. and Pearl, R. (2006) ‘A gender perspective on water resources and sanitation’, Wagadu 3: 1-23.
CARE (2010) Strong Women, Strong Communities: CARE's Holistic Approach to Empowering Women and Girls in the Fight against Poverty, Canberra: CARE Australia.
CARE (2012) Good Practices Framework: Gender Analysis, Geneva: CARE International Gender Network.
Fisher, J. (2010) ‘Women in water supply, sanitation and hygiene programmes’, Municipal Engineer 161 (ME4): 223-29 〈http://dx.doi.org/10.1680/muen.2008.161.4.223〉.
Golla, A.M., Malhotra, A. Nanda, P. and Mehra, R. (2011) Understanding and Measuring Women's Economic Empowerment: Definition, Framework and Indicators, Washington, DC: International Center for Research on Women (ICRW).
Halcrow, G., Rowland, C., Willetts, J., Crawford, J. and Carrard, N. (2010) Resource Guide: Working Effectively with Women and Men in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Programs, Melbourne: International Women's Development Agency; Sydney: Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology.
Hunt, J., Kasynathan, N., Yogasingham, S., Fernando, D., Gamage, P. and Roubin, D. (2009) Breaking the Shackles: Women's Empowerment in Oxfam Australia's Sri Lanka Program, Occasional Paper Number 3, Melbourne: Oxfam Australia.
Ivens, S. (2008) ‘Does increased water access empower women?’ Development 51: 63-67 〈http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.development.1100458〉.
James, A.J., Khadka, R., Moffatt, M. and Otte, C. (2004) ‘From MPA to NPA: participatory assessment of water & sanitation projects in rural Nepal’, Participatory Learning and Action 50: 190-94.
Kabeer, N. (1994) Reversed Realities: Gender Hierarchies in Development Thought, London: Verso.
Kilsby, D. (2012) ‘Now We Feel Like Respected Adults’: Positive Change in Gender Roles and Relations in a Timor-Leste WASH Program, research conducted by International Women's Development Agency, Melbourne, WaterAid Australia, Melbourne and WaterAid Timor-Leste, Dili.
Koolwal, G. and van de Walle, D. (2010) Access to Water, Women's Work and Child Outcomes, Policy Research Working Paper 5302, Washington, DC: World Bank Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network, Gender and Development Unit.
Lockwood, H. and Smits, S. (2011) Supporting Rural Water Supply: Moving Towards a Service Delivery Approach, Rugby: Practical Action; The Hague: IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre.
Marston, S.A. (2000) ‘The social construction of scale’, Progress in Human Geography 24 (2): 219-42.
Marston, S.A. and Smith, N. (2001) ‘States, scales and households: limits to scale thinking? A response to Brenner’, Progress in Human Geography 25 (4): 615-19 〈http://dx.doi.org/10.1191/030913201682688968〉.
Mazurana, D., Benelli, P., Gupta, H. and Walker, P. (2011) Sex and Age Matter: Improving Humanitarian Response in Emergencies, Somerville, MA: Feinstein International Center, Tufts University.
Moser, C.O.N. (1993) Gender Planning and Development: Theory, Practice & Training, London and New York: Routledge.
NEWAH (2004) A Summary of Evaluation Findings of NEWAH's GAP Approach Using the NEWAH Participatory Assessment (NPA), Kathmandu: Nepal Water for Health.
O'Reilly, K. (2010) ‘Combining sanitation and women's participation in water supply: an example from Rajasthan’, Development in Practice 20(1): 45-56 〈http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09614520903436976〉.
Oxfam (2009) Breaking the Shackles: Women's Empowerment in Oxfam Australia's Sri Lanka Program, Melbourne: Oxfam.
Pandey, U. (2003) ‘Strategies for serving the poorest of the poor with sanitation - a gender and poverty approach’, paper presented at the South Asian Conference on Sanitation, Dhaka, 2003.
Ray, I. (2007) ‘Women, water, and development’, Annual Review of Environment and Resources 32(1): 421-49 〈http://dx.doi.org/10.1146/annurev.energy.32.041806.143704〉.
Rop, R. (2010) Mainstreaming Gender in Water and Sanitation, Working Paper, Nairobi: World Bank Water and Sanitation Program.
Tsukada, R. and Silva, E. (2009) Age and Gender Bias in Workloads during the Lifecycle: Evidence from Rural Ghana, One Pager, No.88, Brasilia: International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth.
WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) for Water Supply and Sanitation (2010) Progress on Sanitation and Drinking-Water, 2010 Update, Geneva: WHO; New York: UNICEF.
Willetts, J., Carrard, N., Halcrow, G., Rowland, C. and Crawford, J. (2009a) How Do We Better Address Gender in Pacific Water and Sanitation Initiatives? Fiji Case Study [online], Gender in Pacific WASH 〈http://genderinpacificwash.info〉 [accessed 23 September 2013]. http://genderinpacificwash.info
Willetts, J., Halcrow, G. and Carrard, N. (2009b) How Do We Better Address Gender in Pacific Water and Sanitation Initiatives? Vanuatu Case Study [online], Gender in Pacific WASH 〈http://genderinpacificwash.info〉 [accessed 23 September 2013]. http://genderinpacificwash.info
Willetts, J., Halcrow, G., Carrard, N., Rowland, C. and Crawford, J. (2010) ‘Addressing two critical MDGs together: gender in water, sanitation and hygiene initiatives’, Pacific Economic Bulletin 25(1): 162.
Willetts, J., Bailey, B. and Crawford, P. (2012) Civil Society Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Fund: Independent Completion Review [pdf], report for AusAID, 〈www.ausaid.gov.au/aidissues/watersanitation/Documents/wash-completion-review.pdf〉 [accessed 23 September 2013]. www.ausaid.gov.au/aidissues/watersanitation/Documents/wash-completion-review.pdf
Gender and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
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