Groundwater renewable resource versus demand: ‘good news’ or ‘bad news’ for rural communities?
Government water authorities and aid agencies are receiving conflicting messages about groundwater availability in sub-Saharan Africa. ‘Good news’ articles suggest that groundwater is available in abundance. ‘Bad news’ articles report water-point failure caused by depletion of groundwater storage rather than the more widely recognized mechanical failure of pump or borehole structure. These contradictory messages need to be read in the perspective of the scale of the assessment being described. Although there is plenty of groundwater in Africa, it is neither evenly distributed nor universally accessible. There are places where the groundwater resource renewal cannot keep pace with demographic stress and the local aquifer is drying up; groundwater in Africa is not just a water supply issue but has also become a complex management, maintenance, and regulatory problem. Lessons need to be learnt, not least with regard to the sustainable achievement of the Millennium Development Goals; the key lesson is that government and aid agencies need to recognize that groundwater is a finite resource of limited capacity.Note: grey literature cited below is available from the Groundwater Grey Literature Archive: <≯.
Adams, S., Titus, R. and Xu, Y. (2009) ‘A methodological approach to recharge estimation of semi-arid basement aquifers: the Central Namqualand case’, in R. Titus, H. Beekman, S. Adams and L. Strachan (eds), The Basement Aquifers of Southern Africa, pp. 45-57, Water Research Commission Report K5/1418, Pretoria, Water Research Commission.
Alemaw, B.F. and Chaoka, T.R. (2010) ‘Investigation of borehole failure: experience from Botswana’, in Y. Xu and E. Braune (eds), pp. 177-85, Sustainable Groundwater Resources in Africa, Leiden: CRC Press.
Baumann, E. and Danert, K. (2008) Operation and Maintenance of Rural Water Supplies in Malawi, Report SKAT Swiss Resource Centre and Consultancies for Development, St Gallen, Switzerland. Engineers Without Borders (2012) ‘Improving access to clean water in Malawi’ [online], <≯ [accessed October 2012].
Fawley, A.P. (1955) ‘Geology and underground water resources of the Makutopora Depression’, Records of the Geological Survey of Tanganyika 5: 41-52.
Harvey, P.A. (2004) ‘Borehole sustainability in rural Africa: an analysis of routine field data’, Appendix A, 30th WEDC International Conference, Vientiane, Lao PDR.
Healy, R.W. (2010) Estimating Groundwater Recharge, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Jones, M.J. (1985) ‘The weathering zone aquifers of the basement complex areas of Africa’, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology 18: 35-46 <≯.
Kadzamira, E., Moran, D., Mulligan, J., Ndirenda, N., Nthara, K., Reed, B. and Rose, P. (2004) ‘Malawi: study of non-state providers of basic services’, Non-State Providers of Basic Services: Country Studies, London: Department for International Development.
MacDonald, A.M., Bonsor, H.C., ó Dochartaigh, B.é. and Taylor, R.G. (2012) ‘Quantitative maps of groundwater resources in Africa’, Environmental Research Letters 7: 2 <≯.
Marechal, J-C., Dewandel, B., Ahmed, S. and Lachassagne, P. (2007) ‘Hard rock aquifers characterization prior to modelling at catchment scale: an application to India’, in J. Krasny and J.M. Sharp (eds), Groundwater in Fractured Rocks, Selected Papers 9, pp. 227-42, Reading, UK: International Association of Hydrogeologists.
Mkandawire, P.P. (2002) ‘Groundwater resources of Malawi’, Proceedings of International Workshop, pp. 101-4, Tripoli, Libya, June 2002.
Mwafulirwa, N.D. (1999) ‘Climate variability and predictability in tropical Southern Africa with a focus on drier spells over Malawi’, MSc Thesis, Empangeni, South Africa: University of Zululand.
National Statistics Office (2009) Population and Housing Census 2008, Main Report, Zomba, Malawi: Government of Malawi.
Robins, N.S., Davies, J. and Farr, J.L. (2013) ‘Groundwater supply and demand from southern Africa's crystalline basement aquifer: evidence from Malawi’, Hydrogeology Journal 21: 905-17 <≯.
Sophocleous, M. (1997) ‘Managing water resources systems: why “safe yield” is not sustainable’, Ground Water 35(4): 561 <≯.
Taljaard, J.J. (1996) Atmospheric Circulation Systems, Synoptic Climatology and Weather Phenomena of South Africa Part 6: Rainfall in South Africa, South African Weather Service Technical Paper 32, Pretoria, South Africa: South African Weather Service.
Taylor, R.G., Todd, M.C., Kongola, L., Maurice, L., Nahozya, E., Sanga, H. and MacDonald, A.M. (2012) ‘Evidence of the dependence of groundwater resources on extreme rainfall in East Africa’, Nature Climate Change 3: 374-8 <≯.
van Wyk, E., van Tonder, G.J. and Vermeulen, D. (2011) ‘Characteristics of local groundwater recharge cycles in South African semi-arid hard rock terrains: rainwater input’, Water SA 37 (2): 147-54.
WS Atkins (2011) Water Resources Investment Strategy, Component I. Water Resources Assessment Report, Annex V - Groundwater, WS Atkins report for Malawi Government.
Note: grey literature cited below is available from the Groundwater Grey Literature Archive: <≯.
Adams, S., Titus, R. and Xu, Y. (2009) ‘A methodological approach to recharge estimation of semi-arid basement aquifers: the Central Namqualand case’, in R. Titus, H. Beekman, S. Adams and L. Strachan (eds), The Basement Aquifers of Southern Africa, pp. 45-57, Water Research Commission Report K5/1418, Pretoria, Water Research Commission.
Alemaw, B.F. and Chaoka, T.R. (2010) ‘Investigation of borehole failure: experience from Botswana’, in Y. Xu and E. Braune (eds), pp. 177-85, Sustainable Groundwater Resources in Africa, Leiden: CRC Press.
Baumann, E. and Danert, K. (2008) Operation and Maintenance of Rural Water Supplies in Malawi, Report SKAT Swiss Resource Centre and Consultancies for Development, St Gallen, Switzerland. Engineers Without Borders (2012) ‘Improving access to clean water in Malawi’ [online], <≯ [accessed October 2012].
Fawley, A.P. (1955) ‘Geology and underground water resources of the Makutopora Depression’, Records of the Geological Survey of Tanganyika 5: 41-52.
Harvey, P.A. (2004) ‘Borehole sustainability in rural Africa: an analysis of routine field data’, Appendix A, 30th WEDC International Conference, Vientiane, Lao PDR.
Healy, R.W. (2010) Estimating Groundwater Recharge, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Jones, M.J. (1985) ‘The weathering zone aquifers of the basement complex areas of Africa’, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology 18: 35-46 <≯.
Kadzamira, E., Moran, D., Mulligan, J., Ndirenda, N., Nthara, K., Reed, B. and Rose, P. (2004) ‘Malawi: study of non-state providers of basic services’, Non-State Providers of Basic Services: Country Studies, London: Department for International Development.
MacDonald, A.M., Bonsor, H.C., ó Dochartaigh, B.é. and Taylor, R.G. (2012) ‘Quantitative maps of groundwater resources in Africa’, Environmental Research Letters 7: 2 <≯.
Marechal, J-C., Dewandel, B., Ahmed, S. and Lachassagne, P. (2007) ‘Hard rock aquifers characterization prior to modelling at catchment scale: an application to India’, in J. Krasny and J.M. Sharp (eds), Groundwater in Fractured Rocks, Selected Papers 9, pp. 227-42, Reading, UK: International Association of Hydrogeologists.
Mkandawire, P.P. (2002) ‘Groundwater resources of Malawi’, Proceedings of International Workshop, pp. 101-4, Tripoli, Libya, June 2002.
Mwafulirwa, N.D. (1999) ‘Climate variability and predictability in tropical Southern Africa with a focus on drier spells over Malawi’, MSc Thesis, Empangeni, South Africa: University of Zululand.
National Statistics Office (2009) Population and Housing Census 2008, Main Report, Zomba, Malawi: Government of Malawi.
Robins, N.S., Davies, J. and Farr, J.L. (2013) ‘Groundwater supply and demand from southern Africa's crystalline basement aquifer: evidence from Malawi’, Hydrogeology Journal 21: 905-17 <≯.
Sophocleous, M. (1997) ‘Managing water resources systems: why “safe yield” is not sustainable’, Ground Water 35(4): 561 <≯.
Taljaard, J.J. (1996) Atmospheric Circulation Systems, Synoptic Climatology and Weather Phenomena of South Africa Part 6: Rainfall in South Africa, South African Weather Service Technical Paper 32, Pretoria, South Africa: South African Weather Service.
Taylor, R.G., Todd, M.C., Kongola, L., Maurice, L., Nahozya, E., Sanga, H. and MacDonald, A.M. (2012) ‘Evidence of the dependence of groundwater resources on extreme rainfall in East Africa’, Nature Climate Change 3: 374-8 <≯.
van Wyk, E., van Tonder, G.J. and Vermeulen, D. (2011) ‘Characteristics of local groundwater recharge cycles in South African semi-arid hard rock terrains: rainwater input’, Water SA 37 (2): 147-54.
WS Atkins (2011) Water Resources Investment Strategy, Component I. Water Resources Assessment Report, Annex V - Groundwater, WS Atkins report for Malawi Government.
Note: grey literature cited below is available from the Groundwater Grey Literature Archive: <≯.
Adams, S., Titus, R. and Xu, Y. (2009) ‘A methodological approach to recharge estimation of semi-arid basement aquifers: the Central Namqualand case’, in R. Titus, H. Beekman, S. Adams and L. Strachan (eds), The Basement Aquifers of Southern Africa, pp. 45-57, Water Research Commission Report K5/1418, Pretoria, Water Research Commission.
Alemaw, B.F. and Chaoka, T.R. (2010) ‘Investigation of borehole failure: experience from Botswana’, in Y. Xu and E. Braune (eds), pp. 177-85, Sustainable Groundwater Resources in Africa, Leiden: CRC Press.
Baumann, E. and Danert, K. (2008) Operation and Maintenance of Rural Water Supplies in Malawi, Report SKAT Swiss Resource Centre and Consultancies for Development, St Gallen, Switzerland. Engineers Without Borders (2012) ‘Improving access to clean water in Malawi’ [online], <≯ [accessed October 2012].
Fawley, A.P. (1955) ‘Geology and underground water resources of the Makutopora Depression’, Records of the Geological Survey of Tanganyika 5: 41-52.
Harvey, P.A. (2004) ‘Borehole sustainability in rural Africa: an analysis of routine field data’, Appendix A, 30th WEDC International Conference, Vientiane, Lao PDR.
Healy, R.W. (2010) Estimating Groundwater Recharge, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Jones, M.J. (1985) ‘The weathering zone aquifers of the basement complex areas of Africa’, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology 18: 35-46 <≯.
Kadzamira, E., Moran, D., Mulligan, J., Ndirenda, N., Nthara, K., Reed, B. and Rose, P. (2004) ‘Malawi: study of non-state providers of basic services’, Non-State Providers of Basic Services: Country Studies, London: Department for International Development.
MacDonald, A.M., Bonsor, H.C., ó Dochartaigh, B.é. and Taylor, R.G. (2012) ‘Quantitative maps of groundwater resources in Africa’, Environmental Research Letters 7: 2 <≯.
Marechal, J-C., Dewandel, B., Ahmed, S. and Lachassagne, P. (2007) ‘Hard rock aquifers characterization prior to modelling at catchment scale: an application to India’, in J. Krasny and J.M. Sharp (eds), Groundwater in Fractured Rocks, Selected Papers 9, pp. 227-42, Reading, UK: International Association of Hydrogeologists.
Mkandawire, P.P. (2002) ‘Groundwater resources of Malawi’, Proceedings of International Workshop, pp. 101-4, Tripoli, Libya, June 2002.
Mwafulirwa, N.D. (1999) ‘Climate variability and predictability in tropical Southern Africa with a focus on drier spells over Malawi’, MSc Thesis, Empangeni, South Africa: University of Zululand.
National Statistics Office (2009) Population and Housing Census 2008, Main Report, Zomba, Malawi: Government of Malawi.
Robins, N.S., Davies, J. and Farr, J.L. (2013) ‘Groundwater supply and demand from southern Africa's crystalline basement aquifer: evidence from Malawi’, Hydrogeology Journal 21: 905-17 <≯.
Sophocleous, M. (1997) ‘Managing water resources systems: why “safe yield” is not sustainable’, Ground Water 35(4): 561 <≯.
Taljaard, J.J. (1996) Atmospheric Circulation Systems, Synoptic Climatology and Weather Phenomena of South Africa Part 6: Rainfall in South Africa, South African Weather Service Technical Paper 32, Pretoria, South Africa: South African Weather Service.
Taylor, R.G., Todd, M.C., Kongola, L., Maurice, L., Nahozya, E., Sanga, H. and MacDonald, A.M. (2012) ‘Evidence of the dependence of groundwater resources on extreme rainfall in East Africa’, Nature Climate Change 3: 374-8 <≯.
van Wyk, E., van Tonder, G.J. and Vermeulen, D. (2011) ‘Characteristics of local groundwater recharge cycles in South African semi-arid hard rock terrains: rainwater input’, Water SA 37 (2): 147-54.
WS Atkins (2011) Water Resources Investment Strategy, Component I. Water Resources Assessment Report, Annex V - Groundwater, WS Atkins report for Malawi Government.
Note: grey literature cited below is available from the Groundwater Grey Literature Archive: <≯.
Adams, S., Titus, R. and Xu, Y. (2009) ‘A methodological approach to recharge estimation of semi-arid basement aquifers: the Central Namqualand case’, in R. Titus, H. Beekman, S. Adams and L. Strachan (eds), The Basement Aquifers of Southern Africa, pp. 45-57, Water Research Commission Report K5/1418, Pretoria, Water Research Commission.
Alemaw, B.F. and Chaoka, T.R. (2010) ‘Investigation of borehole failure: experience from Botswana’, in Y. Xu and E. Braune (eds), pp. 177-85, Sustainable Groundwater Resources in Africa, Leiden: CRC Press.
Baumann, E. and Danert, K. (2008) Operation and Maintenance of Rural Water Supplies in Malawi, Report SKAT Swiss Resource Centre and Consultancies for Development, St Gallen, Switzerland. Engineers Without Borders (2012) ‘Improving access to clean water in Malawi’ [online], <≯ [accessed October 2012].
Fawley, A.P. (1955) ‘Geology and underground water resources of the Makutopora Depression’, Records of the Geological Survey of Tanganyika 5: 41-52.
Harvey, P.A. (2004) ‘Borehole sustainability in rural Africa: an analysis of routine field data’, Appendix A, 30th WEDC International Conference, Vientiane, Lao PDR.
Healy, R.W. (2010) Estimating Groundwater Recharge, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Jones, M.J. (1985) ‘The weathering zone aquifers of the basement complex areas of Africa’, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology 18: 35-46 <≯.
Kadzamira, E., Moran, D., Mulligan, J., Ndirenda, N., Nthara, K., Reed, B. and Rose, P. (2004) ‘Malawi: study of non-state providers of basic services’, Non-State Providers of Basic Services: Country Studies, London: Department for International Development.
MacDonald, A.M., Bonsor, H.C., ó Dochartaigh, B.é. and Taylor, R.G. (2012) ‘Quantitative maps of groundwater resources in Africa’, Environmental Research Letters 7: 2 <≯.
Marechal, J-C., Dewandel, B., Ahmed, S. and Lachassagne, P. (2007) ‘Hard rock aquifers characterization prior to modelling at catchment scale: an application to India’, in J. Krasny and J.M. Sharp (eds), Groundwater in Fractured Rocks, Selected Papers 9, pp. 227-42, Reading, UK: International Association of Hydrogeologists.
Mkandawire, P.P. (2002) ‘Groundwater resources of Malawi’, Proceedings of International Workshop, pp. 101-4, Tripoli, Libya, June 2002.
Mwafulirwa, N.D. (1999) ‘Climate variability and predictability in tropical Southern Africa with a focus on drier spells over Malawi’, MSc Thesis, Empangeni, South Africa: University of Zululand.
National Statistics Office (2009) Population and Housing Census 2008, Main Report, Zomba, Malawi: Government of Malawi.
Robins, N.S., Davies, J. and Farr, J.L. (2013) ‘Groundwater supply and demand from southern Africa's crystalline basement aquifer: evidence from Malawi’, Hydrogeology Journal 21: 905-17 <≯.
Sophocleous, M. (1997) ‘Managing water resources systems: why “safe yield” is not sustainable’, Ground Water 35(4): 561 <≯.
Taljaard, J.J. (1996) Atmospheric Circulation Systems, Synoptic Climatology and Weather Phenomena of South Africa Part 6: Rainfall in South Africa, South African Weather Service Technical Paper 32, Pretoria, South Africa: South African Weather Service.
Taylor, R.G., Todd, M.C., Kongola, L., Maurice, L., Nahozya, E., Sanga, H. and MacDonald, A.M. (2012) ‘Evidence of the dependence of groundwater resources on extreme rainfall in East Africa’, Nature Climate Change 3: 374-8 <≯.
van Wyk, E., van Tonder, G.J. and Vermeulen, D. (2011) ‘Characteristics of local groundwater recharge cycles in South African semi-arid hard rock terrains: rainwater input’, Water SA 37 (2): 147-54.
WS Atkins (2011) Water Resources Investment Strategy, Component I. Water Resources Assessment Report, Annex V - Groundwater, WS Atkins report for Malawi Government.
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