Note from the field: Sanitation Mapper: A tool for mapping and monitoring sanitation in low-income countries
The Water Point Mapper, conceptualized and developed by WaterAid, has proven to be a valuable tool to inform the planning and design of interventions and build evidence for effective advocacy in the sector. Sanitation Mapper is a simple and low-cost technology to map sanitation facilities and their status in low- and middle-income countries. The process is based on Water Point Mapper experiences from WaterAid country programmes in Southern and East Africa regions. This paper reports on the piloting of the Sanitation Mapper in informal settlements in Dhaka and Matlab (Chandpur) in Bangladesh.Hasan, A. (2006) ‘Orangi Pilot Project: The expansion of work beyond Orangi and the mapping of informal settlements and infrastructure’, Environment and Urbanization 18(2): 451–80 <≯.
Welle, K. (2005) Learning for Advocacy and Good Practice: WaterAid Waterpoint Mapping. Report on findings based on country visit in Malawi, December 2005, ODI and WaterAid, London.
Hasan, A. (2006) ‘Orangi Pilot Project: The expansion of work beyond Orangi and the mapping of informal settlements and infrastructure’, Environment and Urbanization 18(2): 451–80 <≯.
Welle, K. (2005) Learning for Advocacy and Good Practice: WaterAid Waterpoint Mapping. Report on findings based on country visit in Malawi, December 2005, ODI and WaterAid, London.
Hasan, A. (2006) ‘Orangi Pilot Project: The expansion of work beyond Orangi and the mapping of informal settlements and infrastructure’, Environment and Urbanization 18(2): 451–80 <≯.
Welle, K. (2005) Learning for Advocacy and Good Practice: WaterAid Waterpoint Mapping. Report on findings based on country visit in Malawi, December 2005, ODI and WaterAid, London.
Hasan, A. (2006) ‘Orangi Pilot Project: The expansion of work beyond Orangi and the mapping of informal settlements and infrastructure’, Environment and Urbanization 18(2): 451–80 <≯.
Welle, K. (2005) Learning for Advocacy and Good Practice: WaterAid Waterpoint Mapping. Report on findings based on country visit in Malawi, December 2005, ODI and WaterAid, London.
Urban sanitation technology decision-making in developing countries: a critical analysis of process guides
Ramôa, A.
Lüthi, C.
McConville, J.
Matos, J.
International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, Vol. 8 (2016), Iss. 2 P.191 [Citations: 7]From Infrastructure to Services
Know the problem, find the solution! Monitoring sustainable WASH service delivery: opportunities and challenges
Smits, Stef
Schouten, Ton
2015 [Citations: 0]- A call to action: organizational, professional, and personal change for gender transformative WASH programming
- Providing municipal faecal sludge management services: lessons from Bangladesh
- Menstrual hygiene management: education and empowerment for girls?
- Webwatch
- WASH challenges to girls’ menstrual hygiene management in Metro Manila, Masbate, and South Central Mindanao, Philippines