Urban armed conflicts and water services
Many of the recent armed conflicts have affected cities of the developing world. In the resulting emergency situations, water supply is among the most essential services to restore. It forms part of urban services commonly managed by local water sector institutions. This article is based on case-study research carried out in six war-afflicted cities and towns that looked at how partnerships between aid agencies and water sector institutions influenced aid operations benefits. In emergency operations, findings showed that partnerships did not necessarily influence the efficiency or effectiveness of the response in the short term but were beneficial because they prepared for rehabilitation. During rehabilitation, findings suggested that current practice maintains a separation between large-scale rehabilitation projects and community-based projects focusing on specific neighbourhoods. This has a detrimental effect on sustainability and fails to address the needs of the most vulnerable populations. The research recommended a more coordinated approach in order to reconcile sustainability and universal service.Anand, P.B. (2005) Getting Infrastructure Priorities Right in Post Conflict Reconstruction, Research Paper Ref. 2005/42, United Nations University/World Institute for Development Economics Research, Helsinki.
Braïlovsky, A., Boisgallais, A. and Paquot, E. (2000) Coopérer Aujourd’hui: Intermédiation sociale et construction institutionnelle: démarches du programme d'approvisionnement en eau des quartiers populaires de Port-au-Prince en Haïti, Ref. 15, Groupe de Recherche et d’Echange Technologique, Paris.
Brinkhof, T. (2011) City Population [website], http://www.citypopulation.de [accessed August 2011]. http://www.citypopulation.de
Buchanan-Smith, M. and Maxwell, S. (1994) ‘Linking relief and development: An introduction and overview’, IDS bulletin 25(4): 2-16.
Duffield, M. (1994) ‘Complex emergencies and the crisis of developmentalism’, IDS bulletin 25(4): 37-45.
Hodgson, R. and Oppliger, A. (1998) ‘After the battle of Grozny’, in ICRC (ed.), Forum, 1: War and Water, pp. 66-71, International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva.
ICRC (2006) Operational Update: Haiti: A Year and a Half's Work in Cité Soleil, Ref. 06/4, International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva.
Matthieussent, S. and Carlier, R. (2004) ‘Le cas de l'approvisionnement en eau potable des quartiers défavorisés de Port-au-Prince. Document de travail’, in Groupe de Recherche et d’Echange Technologique (ed.), Séminaires sur les politiques publiques de lutte contre la pauvreté et les inégalités, 17/11/04, Reseau Impact - Politique Africaine, Paris.
MUDH (2005) Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Sector Institutional Development Plan, Ministry of Urban Development and Housing, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Kabul.
Murshed, S.M. (2002) ‘Conflict, civil war and underdevelopment: An introduction’, Peace Research Abstracts 40(4): 387-93.
Neumann, B. (2006) ‘Les effets vertueux des fontaines de Béni’, L'Expansion 710: 72-75.
Ockelford, J. (1993) ‘How do we work with host government and other NGOs for the good of the refugees (Workshop 3). Discussion paper: Coordination of emergency relief in Liberia’, in B. Reed (ed.), Technical Support for Refugees. Proceedings of the 1991 International Conference. 17-18 December 1991, pp. 27-39, Water Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK.
Pinera, J. and Reed, R.A. (2007) ‘Maximizing aid benefits after urban disasters through partnerships with local water sector utilities’, Disasters Prevention and Management 16(3): 401-11.
Slaymaker, T., Christiansen, K. and Hemming, I. (2005) Community-based Approaches and Service Delivery: Issues and Options in Difficult Environments and Partnerships, Overseas Development Institute, London.
Smillie, I. (2001) ‘Capacity building and the humanitarian enterprise’, in Ian Smillie (ed.), Patronage and Partnership, pp. 7-23, Kumarian Press, Bloomfield, CT.
Solidarités (1998) Programme d’aide d’urgence à Kaboul. Eau et Assainissement. Rapport final. Ref. ECHO/AFG/210/1998/01023, Solidarités, Paris.
Themnér, L. and Wallensteen, P. (2011) ‘Armed conflict, 1946-2010’, Journal of Peace Research 48(4): 525-36.
United Nations Population Division (2009) World Urbanization Prospects: The 2009 Revision [website], UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs http://esa.un.org/unpd/wup/index.htm [accessed August 2011]. http://esa.un.org/unpd/wup/index.htm
van Horen, B. (2002) ‘Planning for institutional capacity building in war-torn areas: The case of Jaffna, Sri Lanka’, Habitat International 26(1): 113-28.
Anand, P.B. (2005) Getting Infrastructure Priorities Right in Post Conflict Reconstruction, Research Paper Ref. 2005/42, United Nations University/World Institute for Development Economics Research, Helsinki.
Braïlovsky, A., Boisgallais, A. and Paquot, E. (2000) Coopérer Aujourd’hui: Intermédiation sociale et construction institutionnelle: démarches du programme d'approvisionnement en eau des quartiers populaires de Port-au-Prince en Haïti, Ref. 15, Groupe de Recherche et d’Echange Technologique, Paris.
Brinkhof, T. (2011) City Population [website], http://www.citypopulation.de [accessed August 2011]. http://www.citypopulation.de
Buchanan-Smith, M. and Maxwell, S. (1994) ‘Linking relief and development: An introduction and overview’, IDS bulletin 25(4): 2-16.
Duffield, M. (1994) ‘Complex emergencies and the crisis of developmentalism’, IDS bulletin 25(4): 37-45.
Hodgson, R. and Oppliger, A. (1998) ‘After the battle of Grozny’, in ICRC (ed.), Forum, 1: War and Water, pp. 66-71, International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva.
ICRC (2006) Operational Update: Haiti: A Year and a Half's Work in Cité Soleil, Ref. 06/4, International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva.
Matthieussent, S. and Carlier, R. (2004) ‘Le cas de l'approvisionnement en eau potable des quartiers défavorisés de Port-au-Prince. Document de travail’, in Groupe de Recherche et d’Echange Technologique (ed.), Séminaires sur les politiques publiques de lutte contre la pauvreté et les inégalités, 17/11/04, Reseau Impact - Politique Africaine, Paris.
MUDH (2005) Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Sector Institutional Development Plan, Ministry of Urban Development and Housing, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Kabul.
Murshed, S.M. (2002) ‘Conflict, civil war and underdevelopment: An introduction’, Peace Research Abstracts 40(4): 387-93.
Neumann, B. (2006) ‘Les effets vertueux des fontaines de Béni’, L'Expansion 710: 72-75.
Ockelford, J. (1993) ‘How do we work with host government and other NGOs for the good of the refugees (Workshop 3). Discussion paper: Coordination of emergency relief in Liberia’, in B. Reed (ed.), Technical Support for Refugees. Proceedings of the 1991 International Conference. 17-18 December 1991, pp. 27-39, Water Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK.
Pinera, J. and Reed, R.A. (2007) ‘Maximizing aid benefits after urban disasters through partnerships with local water sector utilities’, Disasters Prevention and Management 16(3): 401-11.
Slaymaker, T., Christiansen, K. and Hemming, I. (2005) Community-based Approaches and Service Delivery: Issues and Options in Difficult Environments and Partnerships, Overseas Development Institute, London.
Smillie, I. (2001) ‘Capacity building and the humanitarian enterprise’, in Ian Smillie (ed.), Patronage and Partnership, pp. 7-23, Kumarian Press, Bloomfield, CT.
Solidarités (1998) Programme d’aide d’urgence à Kaboul. Eau et Assainissement. Rapport final. Ref. ECHO/AFG/210/1998/01023, Solidarités, Paris.
Themnér, L. and Wallensteen, P. (2011) ‘Armed conflict, 1946-2010’, Journal of Peace Research 48(4): 525-36.
United Nations Population Division (2009) World Urbanization Prospects: The 2009 Revision [website], UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs http://esa.un.org/unpd/wup/index.htm [accessed August 2011]. http://esa.un.org/unpd/wup/index.htm
van Horen, B. (2002) ‘Planning for institutional capacity building in war-torn areas: The case of Jaffna, Sri Lanka’, Habitat International 26(1): 113-28.
Anand, P.B. (2005) Getting Infrastructure Priorities Right in Post Conflict Reconstruction, Research Paper Ref. 2005/42, United Nations University/World Institute for Development Economics Research, Helsinki.
Braïlovsky, A., Boisgallais, A. and Paquot, E. (2000) Coopérer Aujourd’hui: Intermédiation sociale et construction institutionnelle: démarches du programme d'approvisionnement en eau des quartiers populaires de Port-au-Prince en Haïti, Ref. 15, Groupe de Recherche et d’Echange Technologique, Paris.
Brinkhof, T. (2011) City Population [website], http://www.citypopulation.de [accessed August 2011]. http://www.citypopulation.de
Buchanan-Smith, M. and Maxwell, S. (1994) ‘Linking relief and development: An introduction and overview’, IDS bulletin 25(4): 2-16.
Duffield, M. (1994) ‘Complex emergencies and the crisis of developmentalism’, IDS bulletin 25(4): 37-45.
Hodgson, R. and Oppliger, A. (1998) ‘After the battle of Grozny’, in ICRC (ed.), Forum, 1: War and Water, pp. 66-71, International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva.
ICRC (2006) Operational Update: Haiti: A Year and a Half's Work in Cité Soleil, Ref. 06/4, International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva.
Matthieussent, S. and Carlier, R. (2004) ‘Le cas de l'approvisionnement en eau potable des quartiers défavorisés de Port-au-Prince. Document de travail’, in Groupe de Recherche et d’Echange Technologique (ed.), Séminaires sur les politiques publiques de lutte contre la pauvreté et les inégalités, 17/11/04, Reseau Impact - Politique Africaine, Paris.
MUDH (2005) Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Sector Institutional Development Plan, Ministry of Urban Development and Housing, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Kabul.
Murshed, S.M. (2002) ‘Conflict, civil war and underdevelopment: An introduction’, Peace Research Abstracts 40(4): 387-93.
Neumann, B. (2006) ‘Les effets vertueux des fontaines de Béni’, L'Expansion 710: 72-75.
Ockelford, J. (1993) ‘How do we work with host government and other NGOs for the good of the refugees (Workshop 3). Discussion paper: Coordination of emergency relief in Liberia’, in B. Reed (ed.), Technical Support for Refugees. Proceedings of the 1991 International Conference. 17-18 December 1991, pp. 27-39, Water Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK.
Pinera, J. and Reed, R.A. (2007) ‘Maximizing aid benefits after urban disasters through partnerships with local water sector utilities’, Disasters Prevention and Management 16(3): 401-11.
Slaymaker, T., Christiansen, K. and Hemming, I. (2005) Community-based Approaches and Service Delivery: Issues and Options in Difficult Environments and Partnerships, Overseas Development Institute, London.
Smillie, I. (2001) ‘Capacity building and the humanitarian enterprise’, in Ian Smillie (ed.), Patronage and Partnership, pp. 7-23, Kumarian Press, Bloomfield, CT.
Solidarités (1998) Programme d’aide d’urgence à Kaboul. Eau et Assainissement. Rapport final. Ref. ECHO/AFG/210/1998/01023, Solidarités, Paris.
Themnér, L. and Wallensteen, P. (2011) ‘Armed conflict, 1946-2010’, Journal of Peace Research 48(4): 525-36.
United Nations Population Division (2009) World Urbanization Prospects: The 2009 Revision [website], UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs http://esa.un.org/unpd/wup/index.htm [accessed August 2011]. http://esa.un.org/unpd/wup/index.htm
van Horen, B. (2002) ‘Planning for institutional capacity building in war-torn areas: The case of Jaffna, Sri Lanka’, Habitat International 26(1): 113-28.
Anand, P.B. (2005) Getting Infrastructure Priorities Right in Post Conflict Reconstruction, Research Paper Ref. 2005/42, United Nations University/World Institute for Development Economics Research, Helsinki.
Braïlovsky, A., Boisgallais, A. and Paquot, E. (2000) Coopérer Aujourd’hui: Intermédiation sociale et construction institutionnelle: démarches du programme d'approvisionnement en eau des quartiers populaires de Port-au-Prince en Haïti, Ref. 15, Groupe de Recherche et d’Echange Technologique, Paris.
Brinkhof, T. (2011) City Population [website], http://www.citypopulation.de [accessed August 2011]. http://www.citypopulation.de
Buchanan-Smith, M. and Maxwell, S. (1994) ‘Linking relief and development: An introduction and overview’, IDS bulletin 25(4): 2-16.
Duffield, M. (1994) ‘Complex emergencies and the crisis of developmentalism’, IDS bulletin 25(4): 37-45.
Hodgson, R. and Oppliger, A. (1998) ‘After the battle of Grozny’, in ICRC (ed.), Forum, 1: War and Water, pp. 66-71, International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva.
ICRC (2006) Operational Update: Haiti: A Year and a Half's Work in Cité Soleil, Ref. 06/4, International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva.
Matthieussent, S. and Carlier, R. (2004) ‘Le cas de l'approvisionnement en eau potable des quartiers défavorisés de Port-au-Prince. Document de travail’, in Groupe de Recherche et d’Echange Technologique (ed.), Séminaires sur les politiques publiques de lutte contre la pauvreté et les inégalités, 17/11/04, Reseau Impact - Politique Africaine, Paris.
MUDH (2005) Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Sector Institutional Development Plan, Ministry of Urban Development and Housing, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Kabul.
Murshed, S.M. (2002) ‘Conflict, civil war and underdevelopment: An introduction’, Peace Research Abstracts 40(4): 387-93.
Neumann, B. (2006) ‘Les effets vertueux des fontaines de Béni’, L'Expansion 710: 72-75.
Ockelford, J. (1993) ‘How do we work with host government and other NGOs for the good of the refugees (Workshop 3). Discussion paper: Coordination of emergency relief in Liberia’, in B. Reed (ed.), Technical Support for Refugees. Proceedings of the 1991 International Conference. 17-18 December 1991, pp. 27-39, Water Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK.
Pinera, J. and Reed, R.A. (2007) ‘Maximizing aid benefits after urban disasters through partnerships with local water sector utilities’, Disasters Prevention and Management 16(3): 401-11.
Slaymaker, T., Christiansen, K. and Hemming, I. (2005) Community-based Approaches and Service Delivery: Issues and Options in Difficult Environments and Partnerships, Overseas Development Institute, London.
Smillie, I. (2001) ‘Capacity building and the humanitarian enterprise’, in Ian Smillie (ed.), Patronage and Partnership, pp. 7-23, Kumarian Press, Bloomfield, CT.
Solidarités (1998) Programme d’aide d’urgence à Kaboul. Eau et Assainissement. Rapport final. Ref. ECHO/AFG/210/1998/01023, Solidarités, Paris.
Themnér, L. and Wallensteen, P. (2011) ‘Armed conflict, 1946-2010’, Journal of Peace Research 48(4): 525-36.
United Nations Population Division (2009) World Urbanization Prospects: The 2009 Revision [website], UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs http://esa.un.org/unpd/wup/index.htm [accessed August 2011]. http://esa.un.org/unpd/wup/index.htm
van Horen, B. (2002) ‘Planning for institutional capacity building in war-torn areas: The case of Jaffna, Sri Lanka’, Habitat International 26(1): 113-28.
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