Menstrual hygiene management in humanitarian emergencies: Gaps and recommendations
Over the last 15 years there has been increasing attention to adolescent girls' and women's menstrual hygiene management (MHM) needs in humanitarian response contexts. A growing number of donors, non-governmental organizations, and governments are calling attention to the importance of addressing girls' and women's MHM-related needs in post-disaster and post-conflict settings. However consensus on the most effective and culturally appropriate responses to provide for girls and women remains insufficiently documented for widespread sharing of lessons learned. This article is an effort to begin to document the recommendation of key multi-disciplinary experts working in humanitarian response on effective approaches to MHM in emergency contexts, along with a summarizing of the existing literature, and the identification of remaining gaps in MHM practice, research and policy in humanitarian contexts.Abbott, L., Bailey, B., Karasawa, Y., Louis, D., McNab, S., Patel, D., Lopez, C., Rani, R., Saba, C. and Vaval, L. (2011) Evaluation of UNFPA's Provision of Dignity Kits in Humanitarian and Post-crisis Settings, SIPA, New York.
Bharadwaj, S. and Patkar, A. (2004) Menstrual Hygiene and Management in Developing Countries: Taking Stock [website] [accessed 24 August 2011].
Bwengye-Kahororo, E. and Twanza, E. (2005) ‘Promoting women's hygiene in emergency situations’, briefing paper submitted to 31st WEDC International Conference, Kampala, Uganda.
Dawn, C. (2008) Corporate Gift Highlights Sanitation Problems Faced by Female Refugees [website], UNHCR [accessed 1 August 2011].
Fleischman, J. (2011) Re-usable Sanitary Pads Helping Keep Girls in School, The Commission on Smart Global Health Policy, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC.
Group URD and Academie de l’Eau (2009) Water and Sanitation in Emergency and Post-crisis Contexts, Group URD, Plaisians, France.
Harris, S. (1999) ‘Homogenising humanitarian assistance to IDP communities (a cautionary note from Sri Lanka)’, Forced Migration Review 4: 19-21.
Harris, S. (2000) ‘Listening to the displaced: Analysis, accountability and advocacy in action’, Forced Migration Review 8: 20-21.
IFRC (2006) South Asia Earthquake - Pakistan: Ensuring Gender Equity and Community Participation in the WatSan Programme, IFRC, Geneva.
IFRC (2011) ‘WatSan and Health NFI's Overview and Guidelines’, unpublished draft concept note, IFRC, Geneva.
INEE (2006) Gender Responsive School Sanitation, Health and Hygiene [website], INEE Issues/publicdocuments/INEE-MinStand-Gender.pdf [accessed 24 August 2011]. Issues/publicdocuments/INEE-MinStand-Gender.pdf
Integrated Regional Support Program (2011) Menstrual Hygiene Kits Distribution [website], [accessed 13 December 2011].
IASC (Inter-Agency Standing Committee) (2006) Gender Handbook in Humanitarian Action [accessed 13 December 2011].
Interagency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crisis (2010) Interagency Field Manual on Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings [website], 2010 revision for field review [accessed 24 August 2011].
IRIN News (2010) Sanitary Pad Project Changes Lives of DRC Refugees in Uganda [website], Hopebuilding: Stories at Work [accessed 30 June 2011].
IRIN News (2011) Sanitary Pads Keep Girls in School [website], IRIN [accessed 21 July 2011].
McMahon, S., Winch, J., Caruso, B., Obure, A., Ogutu, E., Ochari, I. and Rheingans, R.D. (2011) ‘“The girl with her period is the one to hang her head”: Reflections on menstrual management among schoolgirls in rural Kenya’, BMC International Health and Human Rights 11(7): 1-10.
Mahon, T. and Fernandes, M. (2010) Menstrual Hygiene in South Asia: A Neglected Issue for WASH Programmes, WaterAid, London.
Marshall, R. (1995) ‘(Refugee women) - Refugees, feminine plural’, Refugees Magazine, Issue 100 [website], UNHCR <http:/≯ [accessed 1 August 2011]. http:/
MISP (2007) Minimal Initial Service Package (MISP) for Reproductive Health in Crisis Situations: A Distance Learning Module, Reproductive Health Rights Consortium, Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, New York.
Mutuli, M. and Nyabera, E. (2008) Chartered Jumbo Jet Flies UNHCR Aid to Kenya [website], UNHCR [accessed 1 August 2011].
Nawaz, J., Lal, S., Raza, S. and House, S. (2006) ‘Screened toilet, bathing and menstruation units for the earthquake response in NWFP, Pakistan’, WEDC Briefing Paper, 32nd WEDC International Conference, Sri Lanka.
Nawaz, J., Lal, S. Raza, S. and House, S. (2010) ‘Oxfam experience of providing screened toilet, bathing and menstruation units in its earthquake response in Pakistan’, Gender & Development 18: 81-86.
Oster, E. and Thornton, R. (2009) Menstruation and Education in Nepal, Working Paper 14853, National Bureau of Economic Research, Washington, DC.
Proctor & Gamble (2010) Proctor & Gamble Haiti Earthquake: Touching Lives in Times of Crisis [website] [accessed 27 June 2011].
Scott, L., Dopson, S., Montgomery, P., Dolan, C. and Ryus, C. (2009) Impact of Providing Sanitary Pads to Poor Girls in Africa, unpublished report, Oxford University, Oxford.
Shergill, M. (undated) Hygiene in Emergencies [website], presentation transcript [accessed 24 August 2011].
Sommer, M. (2009) ‘Where the education system and women's bodies collide: The social and health impact of girls' experiences of menstruation and schooling in Tanzania’, Journal of Adolescence 33(4): 521-529.
Sommer, M. (2010) ‘Putting “menstrual hygiene management” into the school water and sanitation agenda’, Waterlines 29(4): 268-278,
Sommer, M. (2011) Global Review of Menstrual Beliefs and Behaviors in Low-income Countries: Implications for Menstrual Hygiene Management, unpublished report.
Sphere (2000) The Sphere Project: Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in humanitarian response, Oxfam Publishing: Oxford.
Sphere (2004) The Sphere Project: Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in humanitarian response, Oxfam Publishig: Oxford.
Sphere (2011) The Sphere Project: Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in humanitarian response, Practical Action Publishing, Rugby, UK.
UNFPA (2009) Meeting adolescent sexual and reproductive health needs. Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Toolkit for Humanitarian Settings [accessed 13 December 2011].
UNHCR (2000) Country Operation: Yemen, UNHCR Mid-Year Progress Report 2000 [website] [accessed 1 August 2011].
UNHCR (2003) Country Operations Plan: 2003, UNHCR, Nairobi, Kenya.
UNHCR (2006) The UNHCR Tool for Participatory Assessment in Operations, UNHCR, Geneva.
UNHCR (2008) Handbook for the Protection of Women and Girls [website] http:// [accessed 24 August 2011].
UNHCR (2010) UNHCR Distributes Vital Aid to Haitian Earthquake Survivors and Hosts [website] [accessed 1 August 2011].
UNHCR (2011a) Sanitary Materials: Not Just ‘Women's Business’, UNCHR, Geneva.
UNHCR (2011b) Protecting Refugee Women: Promoting Gender Equality [website], Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme, Standing Committee 51st Meeting [accessed 31 August 2011].
UNHCR (2011c) WASH not WatSan: Making the Hardware Work Harder, UNHCR Hygiene Promotion Briefing Pack, unpublished report, UNHCR, Geneva.
UNICEF (2006) UNICEF Pakistan Earthquake Response, UNICEF Pakistan Earthquake Response Information Sheet: Water, Environment and Sanitation, UNICEF, Geneva.
WaterAid (2010) ‘Menstrual hygiene in South Asia: A neglected issue for WASH programmes’, Gender and Development 18(1): 99-113.
Women's Commission (2008) Reproductive Health Coordination Gap, Services Ad Hoc: Minimum Initial Services Package (MISP) Assessment in Kenya, Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, New York.
Abbott, L., Bailey, B., Karasawa, Y., Louis, D., McNab, S., Patel, D., Lopez, C., Rani, R., Saba, C. and Vaval, L. (2011) Evaluation of UNFPA's Provision of Dignity Kits in Humanitarian and Post-crisis Settings, SIPA, New York.
Bharadwaj, S. and Patkar, A. (2004) Menstrual Hygiene and Management in Developing Countries: Taking Stock [website] [accessed 24 August 2011].
Bwengye-Kahororo, E. and Twanza, E. (2005) ‘Promoting women's hygiene in emergency situations’, briefing paper submitted to 31st WEDC International Conference, Kampala, Uganda.
Dawn, C. (2008) Corporate Gift Highlights Sanitation Problems Faced by Female Refugees [website], UNHCR [accessed 1 August 2011].
Fleischman, J. (2011) Re-usable Sanitary Pads Helping Keep Girls in School, The Commission on Smart Global Health Policy, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC.
Group URD and Academie de l’Eau (2009) Water and Sanitation in Emergency and Post-crisis Contexts, Group URD, Plaisians, France.
Harris, S. (1999) ‘Homogenising humanitarian assistance to IDP communities (a cautionary note from Sri Lanka)’, Forced Migration Review 4: 19-21.
Harris, S. (2000) ‘Listening to the displaced: Analysis, accountability and advocacy in action’, Forced Migration Review 8: 20-21.
IFRC (2006) South Asia Earthquake - Pakistan: Ensuring Gender Equity and Community Participation in the WatSan Programme, IFRC, Geneva.
IFRC (2011) ‘WatSan and Health NFI's Overview and Guidelines’, unpublished draft concept note, IFRC, Geneva.
INEE (2006) Gender Responsive School Sanitation, Health and Hygiene [website], INEE Issues/publicdocuments/INEE-MinStand-Gender.pdf [accessed 24 August 2011]. Issues/publicdocuments/INEE-MinStand-Gender.pdf
Integrated Regional Support Program (2011) Menstrual Hygiene Kits Distribution [website], [accessed 13 December 2011].
IASC (Inter-Agency Standing Committee) (2006) Gender Handbook in Humanitarian Action [accessed 13 December 2011].
Interagency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crisis (2010) Interagency Field Manual on Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings [website], 2010 revision for field review [accessed 24 August 2011].
IRIN News (2010) Sanitary Pad Project Changes Lives of DRC Refugees in Uganda [website], Hopebuilding: Stories at Work [accessed 30 June 2011].
IRIN News (2011) Sanitary Pads Keep Girls in School [website], IRIN [accessed 21 July 2011].
McMahon, S., Winch, J., Caruso, B., Obure, A., Ogutu, E., Ochari, I. and Rheingans, R.D. (2011) ‘“The girl with her period is the one to hang her head”: Reflections on menstrual management among schoolgirls in rural Kenya’, BMC International Health and Human Rights 11(7): 1-10.
Mahon, T. and Fernandes, M. (2010) Menstrual Hygiene in South Asia: A Neglected Issue for WASH Programmes, WaterAid, London.
Marshall, R. (1995) ‘(Refugee women) - Refugees, feminine plural’, Refugees Magazine, Issue 100 [website], UNHCR <http:/≯ [accessed 1 August 2011]. http:/
MISP (2007) Minimal Initial Service Package (MISP) for Reproductive Health in Crisis Situations: A Distance Learning Module, Reproductive Health Rights Consortium, Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, New York.
Mutuli, M. and Nyabera, E. (2008) Chartered Jumbo Jet Flies UNHCR Aid to Kenya [website], UNHCR [accessed 1 August 2011].
Nawaz, J., Lal, S., Raza, S. and House, S. (2006) ‘Screened toilet, bathing and menstruation units for the earthquake response in NWFP, Pakistan’, WEDC Briefing Paper, 32nd WEDC International Conference, Sri Lanka.
Nawaz, J., Lal, S. Raza, S. and House, S. (2010) ‘Oxfam experience of providing screened toilet, bathing and menstruation units in its earthquake response in Pakistan’, Gender & Development 18: 81-86.
Oster, E. and Thornton, R. (2009) Menstruation and Education in Nepal, Working Paper 14853, National Bureau of Economic Research, Washington, DC.
Proctor & Gamble (2010) Proctor & Gamble Haiti Earthquake: Touching Lives in Times of Crisis [website] [accessed 27 June 2011].
Scott, L., Dopson, S., Montgomery, P., Dolan, C. and Ryus, C. (2009) Impact of Providing Sanitary Pads to Poor Girls in Africa, unpublished report, Oxford University, Oxford.
Shergill, M. (undated) Hygiene in Emergencies [website], presentation transcript [accessed 24 August 2011].
Sommer, M. (2009) ‘Where the education system and women's bodies collide: The social and health impact of girls' experiences of menstruation and schooling in Tanzania’, Journal of Adolescence 33(4): 521-529.
Sommer, M. (2010) ‘Putting “menstrual hygiene management” into the school water and sanitation agenda’, Waterlines 29(4): 268-278,
Sommer, M. (2011) Global Review of Menstrual Beliefs and Behaviors in Low-income Countries: Implications for Menstrual Hygiene Management, unpublished report.
Sphere (2000) The Sphere Project: Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in humanitarian response, Oxfam Publishing: Oxford.
Sphere (2004) The Sphere Project: Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in humanitarian response, Oxfam Publishig: Oxford.
Sphere (2011) The Sphere Project: Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in humanitarian response, Practical Action Publishing, Rugby, UK.
UNFPA (2009) Meeting adolescent sexual and reproductive health needs. Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Toolkit for Humanitarian Settings [accessed 13 December 2011].
UNHCR (2000) Country Operation: Yemen, UNHCR Mid-Year Progress Report 2000 [website] [accessed 1 August 2011].
UNHCR (2003) Country Operations Plan: 2003, UNHCR, Nairobi, Kenya.
UNHCR (2006) The UNHCR Tool for Participatory Assessment in Operations, UNHCR, Geneva.
UNHCR (2008) Handbook for the Protection of Women and Girls [website] http:// [accessed 24 August 2011].
UNHCR (2010) UNHCR Distributes Vital Aid to Haitian Earthquake Survivors and Hosts [website] [accessed 1 August 2011].
UNHCR (2011a) Sanitary Materials: Not Just ‘Women's Business’, UNCHR, Geneva.
UNHCR (2011b) Protecting Refugee Women: Promoting Gender Equality [website], Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme, Standing Committee 51st Meeting [accessed 31 August 2011].
UNHCR (2011c) WASH not WatSan: Making the Hardware Work Harder, UNHCR Hygiene Promotion Briefing Pack, unpublished report, UNHCR, Geneva.
UNICEF (2006) UNICEF Pakistan Earthquake Response, UNICEF Pakistan Earthquake Response Information Sheet: Water, Environment and Sanitation, UNICEF, Geneva.
WaterAid (2010) ‘Menstrual hygiene in South Asia: A neglected issue for WASH programmes’, Gender and Development 18(1): 99-113.
Women's Commission (2008) Reproductive Health Coordination Gap, Services Ad Hoc: Minimum Initial Services Package (MISP) Assessment in Kenya, Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, New York.
Abbott, L., Bailey, B., Karasawa, Y., Louis, D., McNab, S., Patel, D., Lopez, C., Rani, R., Saba, C. and Vaval, L. (2011) Evaluation of UNFPA's Provision of Dignity Kits in Humanitarian and Post-crisis Settings, SIPA, New York.
Bharadwaj, S. and Patkar, A. (2004) Menstrual Hygiene and Management in Developing Countries: Taking Stock [website] [accessed 24 August 2011].
Bwengye-Kahororo, E. and Twanza, E. (2005) ‘Promoting women's hygiene in emergency situations’, briefing paper submitted to 31st WEDC International Conference, Kampala, Uganda.
Dawn, C. (2008) Corporate Gift Highlights Sanitation Problems Faced by Female Refugees [website], UNHCR [accessed 1 August 2011].
Fleischman, J. (2011) Re-usable Sanitary Pads Helping Keep Girls in School, The Commission on Smart Global Health Policy, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC.
Group URD and Academie de l’Eau (2009) Water and Sanitation in Emergency and Post-crisis Contexts, Group URD, Plaisians, France.
Harris, S. (1999) ‘Homogenising humanitarian assistance to IDP communities (a cautionary note from Sri Lanka)’, Forced Migration Review 4: 19-21.
Harris, S. (2000) ‘Listening to the displaced: Analysis, accountability and advocacy in action’, Forced Migration Review 8: 20-21.
IFRC (2006) South Asia Earthquake - Pakistan: Ensuring Gender Equity and Community Participation in the WatSan Programme, IFRC, Geneva.
IFRC (2011) ‘WatSan and Health NFI's Overview and Guidelines’, unpublished draft concept note, IFRC, Geneva.
INEE (2006) Gender Responsive School Sanitation, Health and Hygiene [website], INEE Issues/publicdocuments/INEE-MinStand-Gender.pdf [accessed 24 August 2011]. Issues/publicdocuments/INEE-MinStand-Gender.pdf
Integrated Regional Support Program (2011) Menstrual Hygiene Kits Distribution [website], [accessed 13 December 2011].
IASC (Inter-Agency Standing Committee) (2006) Gender Handbook in Humanitarian Action [accessed 13 December 2011].
Interagency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crisis (2010) Interagency Field Manual on Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings [website], 2010 revision for field review [accessed 24 August 2011].
IRIN News (2010) Sanitary Pad Project Changes Lives of DRC Refugees in Uganda [website], Hopebuilding: Stories at Work [accessed 30 June 2011].
IRIN News (2011) Sanitary Pads Keep Girls in School [website], IRIN [accessed 21 July 2011].
McMahon, S., Winch, J., Caruso, B., Obure, A., Ogutu, E., Ochari, I. and Rheingans, R.D. (2011) ‘“The girl with her period is the one to hang her head”: Reflections on menstrual management among schoolgirls in rural Kenya’, BMC International Health and Human Rights 11(7): 1-10.
Mahon, T. and Fernandes, M. (2010) Menstrual Hygiene in South Asia: A Neglected Issue for WASH Programmes, WaterAid, London.
Marshall, R. (1995) ‘(Refugee women) - Refugees, feminine plural’, Refugees Magazine, Issue 100 [website], UNHCR <http:/≯ [accessed 1 August 2011]. http:/
MISP (2007) Minimal Initial Service Package (MISP) for Reproductive Health in Crisis Situations: A Distance Learning Module, Reproductive Health Rights Consortium, Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, New York.
Mutuli, M. and Nyabera, E. (2008) Chartered Jumbo Jet Flies UNHCR Aid to Kenya [website], UNHCR [accessed 1 August 2011].
Nawaz, J., Lal, S., Raza, S. and House, S. (2006) ‘Screened toilet, bathing and menstruation units for the earthquake response in NWFP, Pakistan’, WEDC Briefing Paper, 32nd WEDC International Conference, Sri Lanka.
Nawaz, J., Lal, S. Raza, S. and House, S. (2010) ‘Oxfam experience of providing screened toilet, bathing and menstruation units in its earthquake response in Pakistan’, Gender & Development 18: 81-86.
Oster, E. and Thornton, R. (2009) Menstruation and Education in Nepal, Working Paper 14853, National Bureau of Economic Research, Washington, DC.
Proctor & Gamble (2010) Proctor & Gamble Haiti Earthquake: Touching Lives in Times of Crisis [website] [accessed 27 June 2011].
Scott, L., Dopson, S., Montgomery, P., Dolan, C. and Ryus, C. (2009) Impact of Providing Sanitary Pads to Poor Girls in Africa, unpublished report, Oxford University, Oxford.
Shergill, M. (undated) Hygiene in Emergencies [website], presentation transcript [accessed 24 August 2011].
Sommer, M. (2009) ‘Where the education system and women's bodies collide: The social and health impact of girls' experiences of menstruation and schooling in Tanzania’, Journal of Adolescence 33(4): 521-529.
Sommer, M. (2010) ‘Putting “menstrual hygiene management” into the school water and sanitation agenda’, Waterlines 29(4): 268-278,
Sommer, M. (2011) Global Review of Menstrual Beliefs and Behaviors in Low-income Countries: Implications for Menstrual Hygiene Management, unpublished report.
Sphere (2000) The Sphere Project: Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in humanitarian response, Oxfam Publishing: Oxford.
Sphere (2004) The Sphere Project: Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in humanitarian response, Oxfam Publishig: Oxford.
Sphere (2011) The Sphere Project: Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in humanitarian response, Practical Action Publishing, Rugby, UK.
UNFPA (2009) Meeting adolescent sexual and reproductive health needs. Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Toolkit for Humanitarian Settings [accessed 13 December 2011].
UNHCR (2000) Country Operation: Yemen, UNHCR Mid-Year Progress Report 2000 [website] [accessed 1 August 2011].
UNHCR (2003) Country Operations Plan: 2003, UNHCR, Nairobi, Kenya.
UNHCR (2006) The UNHCR Tool for Participatory Assessment in Operations, UNHCR, Geneva.
UNHCR (2008) Handbook for the Protection of Women and Girls [website] http:// [accessed 24 August 2011].
UNHCR (2010) UNHCR Distributes Vital Aid to Haitian Earthquake Survivors and Hosts [website] [accessed 1 August 2011].
UNHCR (2011a) Sanitary Materials: Not Just ‘Women's Business’, UNCHR, Geneva.
UNHCR (2011b) Protecting Refugee Women: Promoting Gender Equality [website], Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme, Standing Committee 51st Meeting [accessed 31 August 2011].
UNHCR (2011c) WASH not WatSan: Making the Hardware Work Harder, UNHCR Hygiene Promotion Briefing Pack, unpublished report, UNHCR, Geneva.
UNICEF (2006) UNICEF Pakistan Earthquake Response, UNICEF Pakistan Earthquake Response Information Sheet: Water, Environment and Sanitation, UNICEF, Geneva.
WaterAid (2010) ‘Menstrual hygiene in South Asia: A neglected issue for WASH programmes’, Gender and Development 18(1): 99-113.
Women's Commission (2008) Reproductive Health Coordination Gap, Services Ad Hoc: Minimum Initial Services Package (MISP) Assessment in Kenya, Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, New York.
Abbott, L., Bailey, B., Karasawa, Y., Louis, D., McNab, S., Patel, D., Lopez, C., Rani, R., Saba, C. and Vaval, L. (2011) Evaluation of UNFPA's Provision of Dignity Kits in Humanitarian and Post-crisis Settings, SIPA, New York.
Bharadwaj, S. and Patkar, A. (2004) Menstrual Hygiene and Management in Developing Countries: Taking Stock [website] [accessed 24 August 2011].
Bwengye-Kahororo, E. and Twanza, E. (2005) ‘Promoting women's hygiene in emergency situations’, briefing paper submitted to 31st WEDC International Conference, Kampala, Uganda.
Dawn, C. (2008) Corporate Gift Highlights Sanitation Problems Faced by Female Refugees [website], UNHCR [accessed 1 August 2011].
Fleischman, J. (2011) Re-usable Sanitary Pads Helping Keep Girls in School, The Commission on Smart Global Health Policy, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC.
Group URD and Academie de l’Eau (2009) Water and Sanitation in Emergency and Post-crisis Contexts, Group URD, Plaisians, France.
Harris, S. (1999) ‘Homogenising humanitarian assistance to IDP communities (a cautionary note from Sri Lanka)’, Forced Migration Review 4: 19-21.
Harris, S. (2000) ‘Listening to the displaced: Analysis, accountability and advocacy in action’, Forced Migration Review 8: 20-21.
IFRC (2006) South Asia Earthquake - Pakistan: Ensuring Gender Equity and Community Participation in the WatSan Programme, IFRC, Geneva.
IFRC (2011) ‘WatSan and Health NFI's Overview and Guidelines’, unpublished draft concept note, IFRC, Geneva.
INEE (2006) Gender Responsive School Sanitation, Health and Hygiene [website], INEE Issues/publicdocuments/INEE-MinStand-Gender.pdf [accessed 24 August 2011]. Issues/publicdocuments/INEE-MinStand-Gender.pdf
Integrated Regional Support Program (2011) Menstrual Hygiene Kits Distribution [website], [accessed 13 December 2011].
IASC (Inter-Agency Standing Committee) (2006) Gender Handbook in Humanitarian Action [accessed 13 December 2011].
Interagency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crisis (2010) Interagency Field Manual on Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings [website], 2010 revision for field review [accessed 24 August 2011].
IRIN News (2010) Sanitary Pad Project Changes Lives of DRC Refugees in Uganda [website], Hopebuilding: Stories at Work [accessed 30 June 2011].
IRIN News (2011) Sanitary Pads Keep Girls in School [website], IRIN [accessed 21 July 2011].
McMahon, S., Winch, J., Caruso, B., Obure, A., Ogutu, E., Ochari, I. and Rheingans, R.D. (2011) ‘“The girl with her period is the one to hang her head”: Reflections on menstrual management among schoolgirls in rural Kenya’, BMC International Health and Human Rights 11(7): 1-10.
Mahon, T. and Fernandes, M. (2010) Menstrual Hygiene in South Asia: A Neglected Issue for WASH Programmes, WaterAid, London.
Marshall, R. (1995) ‘(Refugee women) - Refugees, feminine plural’, Refugees Magazine, Issue 100 [website], UNHCR <http:/≯ [accessed 1 August 2011]. http:/
MISP (2007) Minimal Initial Service Package (MISP) for Reproductive Health in Crisis Situations: A Distance Learning Module, Reproductive Health Rights Consortium, Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, New York.
Mutuli, M. and Nyabera, E. (2008) Chartered Jumbo Jet Flies UNHCR Aid to Kenya [website], UNHCR [accessed 1 August 2011].
Nawaz, J., Lal, S., Raza, S. and House, S. (2006) ‘Screened toilet, bathing and menstruation units for the earthquake response in NWFP, Pakistan’, WEDC Briefing Paper, 32nd WEDC International Conference, Sri Lanka.
Nawaz, J., Lal, S. Raza, S. and House, S. (2010) ‘Oxfam experience of providing screened toilet, bathing and menstruation units in its earthquake response in Pakistan’, Gender & Development 18: 81-86.
Oster, E. and Thornton, R. (2009) Menstruation and Education in Nepal, Working Paper 14853, National Bureau of Economic Research, Washington, DC.
Proctor & Gamble (2010) Proctor & Gamble Haiti Earthquake: Touching Lives in Times of Crisis [website] [accessed 27 June 2011].
Scott, L., Dopson, S., Montgomery, P., Dolan, C. and Ryus, C. (2009) Impact of Providing Sanitary Pads to Poor Girls in Africa, unpublished report, Oxford University, Oxford.
Shergill, M. (undated) Hygiene in Emergencies [website], presentation transcript [accessed 24 August 2011].
Sommer, M. (2009) ‘Where the education system and women's bodies collide: The social and health impact of girls' experiences of menstruation and schooling in Tanzania’, Journal of Adolescence 33(4): 521-529.
Sommer, M. (2010) ‘Putting “menstrual hygiene management” into the school water and sanitation agenda’, Waterlines 29(4): 268-278,
Sommer, M. (2011) Global Review of Menstrual Beliefs and Behaviors in Low-income Countries: Implications for Menstrual Hygiene Management, unpublished report.
Sphere (2000) The Sphere Project: Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in humanitarian response, Oxfam Publishing: Oxford.
Sphere (2004) The Sphere Project: Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in humanitarian response, Oxfam Publishig: Oxford.
Sphere (2011) The Sphere Project: Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in humanitarian response, Practical Action Publishing, Rugby, UK.
UNFPA (2009) Meeting adolescent sexual and reproductive health needs. Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Toolkit for Humanitarian Settings [accessed 13 December 2011].
UNHCR (2000) Country Operation: Yemen, UNHCR Mid-Year Progress Report 2000 [website] [accessed 1 August 2011].
UNHCR (2003) Country Operations Plan: 2003, UNHCR, Nairobi, Kenya.
UNHCR (2006) The UNHCR Tool for Participatory Assessment in Operations, UNHCR, Geneva.
UNHCR (2008) Handbook for the Protection of Women and Girls [website] http:// [accessed 24 August 2011].
UNHCR (2010) UNHCR Distributes Vital Aid to Haitian Earthquake Survivors and Hosts [website] [accessed 1 August 2011].
UNHCR (2011a) Sanitary Materials: Not Just ‘Women's Business’, UNCHR, Geneva.
UNHCR (2011b) Protecting Refugee Women: Promoting Gender Equality [website], Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme, Standing Committee 51st Meeting [accessed 31 August 2011].
UNHCR (2011c) WASH not WatSan: Making the Hardware Work Harder, UNHCR Hygiene Promotion Briefing Pack, unpublished report, UNHCR, Geneva.
UNICEF (2006) UNICEF Pakistan Earthquake Response, UNICEF Pakistan Earthquake Response Information Sheet: Water, Environment and Sanitation, UNICEF, Geneva.
WaterAid (2010) ‘Menstrual hygiene in South Asia: A neglected issue for WASH programmes’, Gender and Development 18(1): 99-113.
Women's Commission (2008) Reproductive Health Coordination Gap, Services Ad Hoc: Minimum Initial Services Package (MISP) Assessment in Kenya, Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, New York.
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- Webwatch
- WASH challenges to girls’ menstrual hygiene management in Metro Manila, Masbate, and South Central Mindanao, Philippines