Point-of-use water treatment in emergency response
Point-of-use water treatment (PoUWT), such as boiling or chlorine disinfection, has long been recommended in emergencies. While there is increasing evidence that these and other PoUWT options improve household water microbiological quality and reduce diarrhoeal disease in the development context, it is unknown whether these results are generalizable to emergencies. The authors conducted a literature review and survey of implementers, and found that PoUWT was effective in small-scale, non-acute, high diarrhoeal disease-risk emergencies when training and materials were provided to recipients, adequate stocks were maintained, and chlorine dosage was appropriate. There was little documented effectiveness in acute emergencies, with untested products, or during large-scale distributions without training. Results were incorporated into the Sphere Revision, which recommends selecting culturally acceptable PoUWT options, providing adequate products and training to recipients, pre-placing PoUWT products in emergency-prone areas, and using locally available products if continued use in the postemergency phase is desired.Aquaya (2005) Standard Operating Procedure for the Deployment of Procter & Gamble's PUR Purifier of Water in Emergency Response Settings, Aquaya Institute, San Francisco, CA.
Arnold, B.F. and Colford, J.M. Jr (2007) ‘Treating water with chlorine at point-of-use to improve water quality and reduce child diarrhea in developing countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis’, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 76: 354-64.
Boschi-Pinto, C., Velebit, L. and Shibuya, K. (2008) ‘Estimating child mortality due to diarrhoea in developing countries’, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 86: 710-17.
Brin, G. (2003) Evaluation of the Safe Water System in Jolivert Haiti by Bacteriological Testing and Public Health Survey, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
Caens, C. (2005) An Evaluation of the User Acceptability of Oxfam's Household Ceramic Filter, Cranfield University, Silsoe, UK.
CARE (Undated) Global Development Alliance, Safe Drinking Water Alliance, Report of Findings: Draft Outline, CARE, Atlanta, GA.
CDC (2008) Safe Water for the Community: A Guide for Establishing a Community-based Safe Water System Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA.
Clasen, T. (2008) Scaling Up Household Water Treatment: Looking Back, Seeing Forward, Public Health and the Environment, World Health Organization, Geneva.
Clasen, T. and Boisson, S. (2006) ‘Household-based ceramic water filters for the treatment of drinking water in disaster response: An assessment of a pilot programme in the Dominican Republic’, Water Practice & Technology 1: 2 doi:10.2166/WPT.2006031.
Clasen, T. and Smith, L. (2005) The Drinking Water Response to the Indian Ocean Tsunami, including the Role of Household Water Treatment, World Health Organization, Geneva.
Clasen, T., Schmidt, W.P., Rabie, T., Roberts, I. and Cairncross, S. (2007) ‘Interventions to improve water quality for preventing diarrhoea: Systematic review and meta-analysis’, BMJ 334: 782.
Colindres, R.E., Jain, S., Bowen, A., Mintz, E. and Domond, P. (2007) ‘After the flood: An evaluation of in-home drinking water treatment with combined flocculent-disinfectant following Tropical Storm Jeanne - Gonaives, Haiti, 2004’, Journal of Water and Health 5: 367-74.
Conroy, R.M., Meegan, M.E., Joyce, T., McGuigan, K. and Barnes, J. (2001) ‘Solar disinfection of drinking water protects against cholera in children under 6 years of age’, Archives of Disease in Childhood 85: 293-95.
Crump, J.A., Okoth, G.O., Slutsker, L., Ogaja, D.O., Keswick, B.H. and Luby, S.P. (2004) ‘Effect of point-of-use disinfection, flocculation and combined flocculation-disinfection on drinking water quality in western Kenya’, Journal of Applied Microbiology 97: 225-31.
De Ville De Goyet, C. (2000) ‘Stop propagating disaster myths’, Lancet 356: 762-64.
Doocy, S. and Burnham, G. (2006) ‘Point-of-use water treatment and diarrhoea reduction in the emergency context: An effectiveness trial in Liberia’, Tropical Medicine & International Health 11: 1542-52.
Dunston, C., McAfee, D., Kaiser, R., Rakotoarison, D., Rambeloson, L., Hoang, A.T. and Quick, R.E. (2001) ‘Collaboration, cholera, and cyclones: A project to improve point-of-use water quality in Madagascar’, American Journal of Public Health 91: 1574-76.
Esrey, S.A., Feachem, R.G. and Hughes, J.M. (1985) ‘Interventions for the control of diarrhoeal diseases among young children: improving water supplies and excreta disposal facilities’, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 63: 757-72.
Esrey, S.A., Potash, J.B., Roberts, L. and Shiff, C. (1991) ‘Effects of improved water supply and sanitation on ascariasis, diarrhoea, dracunculiasis, hookworm infection, schistosomiasis, and trachoma’, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 69: 609-21.
Fewtrell, L. and Colford, J.M. Jr (2005) ‘Water, sanitation and hygiene in developing countries: Interventions and diarrhoea - a review’, Water Science and Technology 52: 133-42.
Fewtrell, L., Kaufmann, R.B., Kay, D., Enanoria, W., Haller, L. and Colford, J.M. Jr (2005) ‘Water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions to reduce diarrhoea in less developed countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis’, Lancet Infectious Diseases 5: 42-52.
Gaffga, N.H., Tauxe, R.V. and Mintz, E.D. (2007) ‘Cholera: A new homeland in Africa?’ American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 77: 705-13.
Gallo, W. (2008) The Jolivert Safe Water for Families Project's Response to the Gonaives Floods, Jolivert Safe Water for Families, Melbourne, FL.
Gupta, S.K. and Quick, R.E. (2006) ‘Inadequate drinking water quality from tanker trucks following a tsunami disaster, Aceh, Indonesia, June 2005’, Disaster Prevention and Management 15: 213-15.
Gupta, S.K., Suantio, A., Gray, A., Widyastuti, E., Jain, N., Rolos, R., Hoekstra, R.M. and Quick, R.E. (2007) ‘Factors associated with E. coli contamination of household drinking water among tsunami and earthquake survivors, Indonesia’, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 76: 1158-62.
Handzel, T. and Bamrah, S. (2006) Trip Report: Evaluation of Pilot Intervention to Improve Household Drinking Water, Dong Thap Province, Vietnam, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Altanta, GA.
Hoque, B.A. and Khanam, S. (Undated) Efficiency and Effectiveness of Point-of Use Technologies in Emergency Drinking Water: An Evaluation of PUR and Aquatab in Rural Bangladesh, Environment & Population Research Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
IMC (2008) The Gateway Initiative: Sensitizing Children to Promote Healthy Behaviors and Families, International Medical Corps, Santa Monica, CA.
Johnston, R. (2008) Preliminary Data: Response to Cyclone Sidr, UNICEF, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Lantagne, D. (2006) Potters for Peace: Filter Production Facility Best Practices, Potters for Peace, Managua, Nicaragua.
Lantagne, D. (2008) ‘Sodium hypochlorite dosage for household and emergency water treatment’, Journal of the American Water Works Association 100: 106-19.
Lantagne, D. (2009) WASH Evidence Base/Knowledge Base and Data Collection Methodologies (EB/DCM) Workshop Rapporteur Report, 26-29 January 2009. Geneva, Global WASH Cluster.
Mong, Y., Kaiser, R., Ibrahim, D., Rasoatiana, Razafimbololona, L. and Quick, R.E. (2001) ‘Impact of the safe water system on water quality in cyclone-affected communities in Madagascar’, American Journal of Public Health 91: 1577-79.
Noji, E.K. (ed.) (1997) Public Health Consequences of Disasters, Oxford University Press, New York.
Palmer, J. (2005) Community Acceptability of Household Ceramic Water Filters Distributed during Oxfam's Response to the Tsunami in Sri Lanka’, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London.
Ram, P.K., Blanton, E., Klinghoffer, D., Platek, M., Piper, J., Straif-Bourgeois, S., Bonner, M.R. and Mintz, E.D. (2007) ‘Household water disinfection in hurricane-affected communities of Louisiana: Implications for disaster preparedness for the general public’, American Journal of Public Health 97 Suppl 1: S130-35.
Reller, M.E., Mong, Y.J., Hoekstra, R.M. and Quick, R.E. (2001) ‘Cholera prevention with traditional and novel water treatment methods: An outbreak investigation in Fort-Dauphin, Madagascar’, American Journal of Public Health 91: 1608-10.
Ritter, M. (2007) Determinants of Adoption of Household Water Treatment in Haiti Jolivert Safe Water for Families (JSWF) Program, Emory University, Atlanta, GA.
Roberts, L., Chartier, Y., Chartier, O., Malenga, G., Toole, M. and Rodka, H. (2001) ‘Keeping clean water clean in a Malawi refugee camp: A randomized intervention trial’, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 79: 280-87.
Schmidt, W.P. and Cairncross, S. (2009) ‘Household water treatment in poor populations: Is there enough evidence for scaling up now?’ Environmental Science & Technology 43: 986-92.
Scott, B., Curtis, V., Rabie, T. and Garbrah-Aidoo, N. (2007) ‘Health in our hands, but not in our heads: Understanding hygiene motivation in Ghana’, Health Policy Plan 22: 225-33.
Sobsey, M., Stauber, C.E., Casanova, L.M., Brown, J. and Elliott, M.A. (2008) ‘Point of use household drinking water filtration: A practical, effective solution for providing sustained access to safe drinking water in the developing world’, Environmental Science & Technology 42: 4261-67.
SP (2006) PUR-Purifier of Water IDP Camp Distribution Program, Lira District, Northern Uganda, Project End Report, Samaritan's Purse, Boone, NC.
Sphere (2004) Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response, The Sphere Project, Geneva. Toole, M. and Waldman, R.J. (1990) ‘Prevention of excess mortality in refugee and displaced populations in developing countries’, JAMA 263: 3296-302.
UNICEF (2007) Demonstration Project: Investing in Safe Water for Children - PuR Pilot Application in Vietnam. Final Report to the United States Fund for UNICEF/Procter & Gamble, UNICEF Viet Nam Water, Environment & Sanitation (WES) Programme, Vietnam.
UNICEF/WHO (2008) Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation: Special Focus on Sanitation, UNICEF/WHO, Geneva.
Walden, V.M., Lamond, E.A. and Field, S.A. (2005) ‘Container contamination as a possible source of a diarrhoea outbreak in Abou Shouk camp, Darfur province, Sudan’, Disasters 29: 213-21.
Watson, J., Gayer, M. and M, C. (2007) ‘Epidemics after natural disasters’, Emerging Infectious Diseases 13: 1-5.
WHO (2004) Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality, 3rd Edition; Volume 1: Recommendations, WHO, Geneva.
WHO (2005) Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage Following Emergencies and Disasters, World Health Organization, Geneva.
WHO (2008) Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality: Second Addendum to Third Edition, World Health Organization, Geneva.
Zehri, M. and Ensink, J.H. (2008) Assessment of NeroxTM Water Treatment Device in Emergency Settings in Pakistan, Oxfam and LSHTM, London.
Aquaya (2005) Standard Operating Procedure for the Deployment of Procter & Gamble's PUR Purifier of Water in Emergency Response Settings, Aquaya Institute, San Francisco, CA.
Arnold, B.F. and Colford, J.M. Jr (2007) ‘Treating water with chlorine at point-of-use to improve water quality and reduce child diarrhea in developing countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis’, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 76: 354-64.
Boschi-Pinto, C., Velebit, L. and Shibuya, K. (2008) ‘Estimating child mortality due to diarrhoea in developing countries’, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 86: 710-17.
Brin, G. (2003) Evaluation of the Safe Water System in Jolivert Haiti by Bacteriological Testing and Public Health Survey, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
Caens, C. (2005) An Evaluation of the User Acceptability of Oxfam's Household Ceramic Filter, Cranfield University, Silsoe, UK.
CARE (Undated) Global Development Alliance, Safe Drinking Water Alliance, Report of Findings: Draft Outline, CARE, Atlanta, GA.
CDC (2008) Safe Water for the Community: A Guide for Establishing a Community-based Safe Water System Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA.
Clasen, T. (2008) Scaling Up Household Water Treatment: Looking Back, Seeing Forward, Public Health and the Environment, World Health Organization, Geneva.
Clasen, T. and Boisson, S. (2006) ‘Household-based ceramic water filters for the treatment of drinking water in disaster response: An assessment of a pilot programme in the Dominican Republic’, Water Practice & Technology 1: 2 doi:10.2166/WPT.2006031.
Clasen, T. and Smith, L. (2005) The Drinking Water Response to the Indian Ocean Tsunami, including the Role of Household Water Treatment, World Health Organization, Geneva.
Clasen, T., Schmidt, W.P., Rabie, T., Roberts, I. and Cairncross, S. (2007) ‘Interventions to improve water quality for preventing diarrhoea: Systematic review and meta-analysis’, BMJ 334: 782.
Colindres, R.E., Jain, S., Bowen, A., Mintz, E. and Domond, P. (2007) ‘After the flood: An evaluation of in-home drinking water treatment with combined flocculent-disinfectant following Tropical Storm Jeanne - Gonaives, Haiti, 2004’, Journal of Water and Health 5: 367-74.
Conroy, R.M., Meegan, M.E., Joyce, T., McGuigan, K. and Barnes, J. (2001) ‘Solar disinfection of drinking water protects against cholera in children under 6 years of age’, Archives of Disease in Childhood 85: 293-95.
Crump, J.A., Okoth, G.O., Slutsker, L., Ogaja, D.O., Keswick, B.H. and Luby, S.P. (2004) ‘Effect of point-of-use disinfection, flocculation and combined flocculation-disinfection on drinking water quality in western Kenya’, Journal of Applied Microbiology 97: 225-31.
De Ville De Goyet, C. (2000) ‘Stop propagating disaster myths’, Lancet 356: 762-64.
Doocy, S. and Burnham, G. (2006) ‘Point-of-use water treatment and diarrhoea reduction in the emergency context: An effectiveness trial in Liberia’, Tropical Medicine & International Health 11: 1542-52.
Dunston, C., McAfee, D., Kaiser, R., Rakotoarison, D., Rambeloson, L., Hoang, A.T. and Quick, R.E. (2001) ‘Collaboration, cholera, and cyclones: A project to improve point-of-use water quality in Madagascar’, American Journal of Public Health 91: 1574-76.
Esrey, S.A., Feachem, R.G. and Hughes, J.M. (1985) ‘Interventions for the control of diarrhoeal diseases among young children: improving water supplies and excreta disposal facilities’, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 63: 757-72.
Esrey, S.A., Potash, J.B., Roberts, L. and Shiff, C. (1991) ‘Effects of improved water supply and sanitation on ascariasis, diarrhoea, dracunculiasis, hookworm infection, schistosomiasis, and trachoma’, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 69: 609-21.
Fewtrell, L. and Colford, J.M. Jr (2005) ‘Water, sanitation and hygiene in developing countries: Interventions and diarrhoea - a review’, Water Science and Technology 52: 133-42.
Fewtrell, L., Kaufmann, R.B., Kay, D., Enanoria, W., Haller, L. and Colford, J.M. Jr (2005) ‘Water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions to reduce diarrhoea in less developed countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis’, Lancet Infectious Diseases 5: 42-52.
Gaffga, N.H., Tauxe, R.V. and Mintz, E.D. (2007) ‘Cholera: A new homeland in Africa?’ American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 77: 705-13.
Gallo, W. (2008) The Jolivert Safe Water for Families Project's Response to the Gonaives Floods, Jolivert Safe Water for Families, Melbourne, FL.
Gupta, S.K. and Quick, R.E. (2006) ‘Inadequate drinking water quality from tanker trucks following a tsunami disaster, Aceh, Indonesia, June 2005’, Disaster Prevention and Management 15: 213-15.
Gupta, S.K., Suantio, A., Gray, A., Widyastuti, E., Jain, N., Rolos, R., Hoekstra, R.M. and Quick, R.E. (2007) ‘Factors associated with E. coli contamination of household drinking water among tsunami and earthquake survivors, Indonesia’, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 76: 1158-62.
Handzel, T. and Bamrah, S. (2006) Trip Report: Evaluation of Pilot Intervention to Improve Household Drinking Water, Dong Thap Province, Vietnam, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Altanta, GA.
Hoque, B.A. and Khanam, S. (Undated) Efficiency and Effectiveness of Point-of Use Technologies in Emergency Drinking Water: An Evaluation of PUR and Aquatab in Rural Bangladesh, Environment & Population Research Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
IMC (2008) The Gateway Initiative: Sensitizing Children to Promote Healthy Behaviors and Families, International Medical Corps, Santa Monica, CA.
Johnston, R. (2008) Preliminary Data: Response to Cyclone Sidr, UNICEF, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Lantagne, D. (2006) Potters for Peace: Filter Production Facility Best Practices, Potters for Peace, Managua, Nicaragua.
Lantagne, D. (2008) ‘Sodium hypochlorite dosage for household and emergency water treatment’, Journal of the American Water Works Association 100: 106-19.
Lantagne, D. (2009) WASH Evidence Base/Knowledge Base and Data Collection Methodologies (EB/DCM) Workshop Rapporteur Report, 26-29 January 2009. Geneva, Global WASH Cluster.
Mong, Y., Kaiser, R., Ibrahim, D., Rasoatiana, Razafimbololona, L. and Quick, R.E. (2001) ‘Impact of the safe water system on water quality in cyclone-affected communities in Madagascar’, American Journal of Public Health 91: 1577-79.
Noji, E.K. (ed.) (1997) Public Health Consequences of Disasters, Oxford University Press, New York.
Palmer, J. (2005) Community Acceptability of Household Ceramic Water Filters Distributed during Oxfam's Response to the Tsunami in Sri Lanka’, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London.
Ram, P.K., Blanton, E., Klinghoffer, D., Platek, M., Piper, J., Straif-Bourgeois, S., Bonner, M.R. and Mintz, E.D. (2007) ‘Household water disinfection in hurricane-affected communities of Louisiana: Implications for disaster preparedness for the general public’, American Journal of Public Health 97 Suppl 1: S130-35.
Reller, M.E., Mong, Y.J., Hoekstra, R.M. and Quick, R.E. (2001) ‘Cholera prevention with traditional and novel water treatment methods: An outbreak investigation in Fort-Dauphin, Madagascar’, American Journal of Public Health 91: 1608-10.
Ritter, M. (2007) Determinants of Adoption of Household Water Treatment in Haiti Jolivert Safe Water for Families (JSWF) Program, Emory University, Atlanta, GA.
Roberts, L., Chartier, Y., Chartier, O., Malenga, G., Toole, M. and Rodka, H. (2001) ‘Keeping clean water clean in a Malawi refugee camp: A randomized intervention trial’, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 79: 280-87.
Schmidt, W.P. and Cairncross, S. (2009) ‘Household water treatment in poor populations: Is there enough evidence for scaling up now?’ Environmental Science & Technology 43: 986-92.
Scott, B., Curtis, V., Rabie, T. and Garbrah-Aidoo, N. (2007) ‘Health in our hands, but not in our heads: Understanding hygiene motivation in Ghana’, Health Policy Plan 22: 225-33.
Sobsey, M., Stauber, C.E., Casanova, L.M., Brown, J. and Elliott, M.A. (2008) ‘Point of use household drinking water filtration: A practical, effective solution for providing sustained access to safe drinking water in the developing world’, Environmental Science & Technology 42: 4261-67.
SP (2006) PUR-Purifier of Water IDP Camp Distribution Program, Lira District, Northern Uganda, Project End Report, Samaritan's Purse, Boone, NC.
Sphere (2004) Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response, The Sphere Project, Geneva. Toole, M. and Waldman, R.J. (1990) ‘Prevention of excess mortality in refugee and displaced populations in developing countries’, JAMA 263: 3296-302.
UNICEF (2007) Demonstration Project: Investing in Safe Water for Children - PuR Pilot Application in Vietnam. Final Report to the United States Fund for UNICEF/Procter & Gamble, UNICEF Viet Nam Water, Environment & Sanitation (WES) Programme, Vietnam.
UNICEF/WHO (2008) Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation: Special Focus on Sanitation, UNICEF/WHO, Geneva.
Walden, V.M., Lamond, E.A. and Field, S.A. (2005) ‘Container contamination as a possible source of a diarrhoea outbreak in Abou Shouk camp, Darfur province, Sudan’, Disasters 29: 213-21.
Watson, J., Gayer, M. and M, C. (2007) ‘Epidemics after natural disasters’, Emerging Infectious Diseases 13: 1-5.
WHO (2004) Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality, 3rd Edition; Volume 1: Recommendations, WHO, Geneva.
WHO (2005) Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage Following Emergencies and Disasters, World Health Organization, Geneva.
WHO (2008) Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality: Second Addendum to Third Edition, World Health Organization, Geneva.
Zehri, M. and Ensink, J.H. (2008) Assessment of NeroxTM Water Treatment Device in Emergency Settings in Pakistan, Oxfam and LSHTM, London.
Aquaya (2005) Standard Operating Procedure for the Deployment of Procter & Gamble's PUR Purifier of Water in Emergency Response Settings, Aquaya Institute, San Francisco, CA.
Arnold, B.F. and Colford, J.M. Jr (2007) ‘Treating water with chlorine at point-of-use to improve water quality and reduce child diarrhea in developing countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis’, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 76: 354-64.
Boschi-Pinto, C., Velebit, L. and Shibuya, K. (2008) ‘Estimating child mortality due to diarrhoea in developing countries’, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 86: 710-17.
Brin, G. (2003) Evaluation of the Safe Water System in Jolivert Haiti by Bacteriological Testing and Public Health Survey, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
Caens, C. (2005) An Evaluation of the User Acceptability of Oxfam's Household Ceramic Filter, Cranfield University, Silsoe, UK.
CARE (Undated) Global Development Alliance, Safe Drinking Water Alliance, Report of Findings: Draft Outline, CARE, Atlanta, GA.
CDC (2008) Safe Water for the Community: A Guide for Establishing a Community-based Safe Water System Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA.
Clasen, T. (2008) Scaling Up Household Water Treatment: Looking Back, Seeing Forward, Public Health and the Environment, World Health Organization, Geneva.
Clasen, T. and Boisson, S. (2006) ‘Household-based ceramic water filters for the treatment of drinking water in disaster response: An assessment of a pilot programme in the Dominican Republic’, Water Practice & Technology 1: 2 doi:10.2166/WPT.2006031.
Clasen, T. and Smith, L. (2005) The Drinking Water Response to the Indian Ocean Tsunami, including the Role of Household Water Treatment, World Health Organization, Geneva.
Clasen, T., Schmidt, W.P., Rabie, T., Roberts, I. and Cairncross, S. (2007) ‘Interventions to improve water quality for preventing diarrhoea: Systematic review and meta-analysis’, BMJ 334: 782.
Colindres, R.E., Jain, S., Bowen, A., Mintz, E. and Domond, P. (2007) ‘After the flood: An evaluation of in-home drinking water treatment with combined flocculent-disinfectant following Tropical Storm Jeanne - Gonaives, Haiti, 2004’, Journal of Water and Health 5: 367-74.
Conroy, R.M., Meegan, M.E., Joyce, T., McGuigan, K. and Barnes, J. (2001) ‘Solar disinfection of drinking water protects against cholera in children under 6 years of age’, Archives of Disease in Childhood 85: 293-95.
Crump, J.A., Okoth, G.O., Slutsker, L., Ogaja, D.O., Keswick, B.H. and Luby, S.P. (2004) ‘Effect of point-of-use disinfection, flocculation and combined flocculation-disinfection on drinking water quality in western Kenya’, Journal of Applied Microbiology 97: 225-31.
De Ville De Goyet, C. (2000) ‘Stop propagating disaster myths’, Lancet 356: 762-64.
Doocy, S. and Burnham, G. (2006) ‘Point-of-use water treatment and diarrhoea reduction in the emergency context: An effectiveness trial in Liberia’, Tropical Medicine & International Health 11: 1542-52.
Dunston, C., McAfee, D., Kaiser, R., Rakotoarison, D., Rambeloson, L., Hoang, A.T. and Quick, R.E. (2001) ‘Collaboration, cholera, and cyclones: A project to improve point-of-use water quality in Madagascar’, American Journal of Public Health 91: 1574-76.
Esrey, S.A., Feachem, R.G. and Hughes, J.M. (1985) ‘Interventions for the control of diarrhoeal diseases among young children: improving water supplies and excreta disposal facilities’, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 63: 757-72.
Esrey, S.A., Potash, J.B., Roberts, L. and Shiff, C. (1991) ‘Effects of improved water supply and sanitation on ascariasis, diarrhoea, dracunculiasis, hookworm infection, schistosomiasis, and trachoma’, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 69: 609-21.
Fewtrell, L. and Colford, J.M. Jr (2005) ‘Water, sanitation and hygiene in developing countries: Interventions and diarrhoea - a review’, Water Science and Technology 52: 133-42.
Fewtrell, L., Kaufmann, R.B., Kay, D., Enanoria, W., Haller, L. and Colford, J.M. Jr (2005) ‘Water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions to reduce diarrhoea in less developed countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis’, Lancet Infectious Diseases 5: 42-52.
Gaffga, N.H., Tauxe, R.V. and Mintz, E.D. (2007) ‘Cholera: A new homeland in Africa?’ American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 77: 705-13.
Gallo, W. (2008) The Jolivert Safe Water for Families Project's Response to the Gonaives Floods, Jolivert Safe Water for Families, Melbourne, FL.
Gupta, S.K. and Quick, R.E. (2006) ‘Inadequate drinking water quality from tanker trucks following a tsunami disaster, Aceh, Indonesia, June 2005’, Disaster Prevention and Management 15: 213-15.
Gupta, S.K., Suantio, A., Gray, A., Widyastuti, E., Jain, N., Rolos, R., Hoekstra, R.M. and Quick, R.E. (2007) ‘Factors associated with E. coli contamination of household drinking water among tsunami and earthquake survivors, Indonesia’, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 76: 1158-62.
Handzel, T. and Bamrah, S. (2006) Trip Report: Evaluation of Pilot Intervention to Improve Household Drinking Water, Dong Thap Province, Vietnam, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Altanta, GA.
Hoque, B.A. and Khanam, S. (Undated) Efficiency and Effectiveness of Point-of Use Technologies in Emergency Drinking Water: An Evaluation of PUR and Aquatab in Rural Bangladesh, Environment & Population Research Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
IMC (2008) The Gateway Initiative: Sensitizing Children to Promote Healthy Behaviors and Families, International Medical Corps, Santa Monica, CA.
Johnston, R. (2008) Preliminary Data: Response to Cyclone Sidr, UNICEF, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Lantagne, D. (2006) Potters for Peace: Filter Production Facility Best Practices, Potters for Peace, Managua, Nicaragua.
Lantagne, D. (2008) ‘Sodium hypochlorite dosage for household and emergency water treatment’, Journal of the American Water Works Association 100: 106-19.
Lantagne, D. (2009) WASH Evidence Base/Knowledge Base and Data Collection Methodologies (EB/DCM) Workshop Rapporteur Report, 26-29 January 2009. Geneva, Global WASH Cluster.
Mong, Y., Kaiser, R., Ibrahim, D., Rasoatiana, Razafimbololona, L. and Quick, R.E. (2001) ‘Impact of the safe water system on water quality in cyclone-affected communities in Madagascar’, American Journal of Public Health 91: 1577-79.
Noji, E.K. (ed.) (1997) Public Health Consequences of Disasters, Oxford University Press, New York.
Palmer, J. (2005) Community Acceptability of Household Ceramic Water Filters Distributed during Oxfam's Response to the Tsunami in Sri Lanka’, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London.
Ram, P.K., Blanton, E., Klinghoffer, D., Platek, M., Piper, J., Straif-Bourgeois, S., Bonner, M.R. and Mintz, E.D. (2007) ‘Household water disinfection in hurricane-affected communities of Louisiana: Implications for disaster preparedness for the general public’, American Journal of Public Health 97 Suppl 1: S130-35.
Reller, M.E., Mong, Y.J., Hoekstra, R.M. and Quick, R.E. (2001) ‘Cholera prevention with traditional and novel water treatment methods: An outbreak investigation in Fort-Dauphin, Madagascar’, American Journal of Public Health 91: 1608-10.
Ritter, M. (2007) Determinants of Adoption of Household Water Treatment in Haiti Jolivert Safe Water for Families (JSWF) Program, Emory University, Atlanta, GA.
Roberts, L., Chartier, Y., Chartier, O., Malenga, G., Toole, M. and Rodka, H. (2001) ‘Keeping clean water clean in a Malawi refugee camp: A randomized intervention trial’, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 79: 280-87.
Schmidt, W.P. and Cairncross, S. (2009) ‘Household water treatment in poor populations: Is there enough evidence for scaling up now?’ Environmental Science & Technology 43: 986-92.
Scott, B., Curtis, V., Rabie, T. and Garbrah-Aidoo, N. (2007) ‘Health in our hands, but not in our heads: Understanding hygiene motivation in Ghana’, Health Policy Plan 22: 225-33.
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