Rainwater harvesting: A suitable poverty reduction strategy for small-scale farmers in developing countries?
Using Botswana as a case study, the paper examines the factors that determine the suitability of rainwater harvesting (RWH) in small-scale agriculture in developing countries and proposes a decision-making matrix that may be used to assess the technology for increasing crop production and reducing poverty. This study indicates that current potential for increases in crop production through the use of RWH in both Botswana and developing countries as a whole is uncertain; primarily because of impacts of long-term climate variability, alterations to rural livelihood strategies as a result of economic development, and other structural constraints. In summary it is shown that the suitability of RWH for increasing crop production and reducing poverty in developing countries depends on factors related to climate and ecology, farming practices, availability of assets, livelihood strategies, national governance, and community and catchment institutions.African Development Bank (AfDB) (2007) Assessment of Best Practices and Experiences in Rainwater Harvesting, Rainwater Harvesting Handbook, AfDB, Tunis, Tunisia.
Baiphethi, M.N., Viljoen, M.F., Kundhlande, G., Botha, J. J. and Anderson, J. J. (2009) ‘Reducing poverty and food insecurity by applying infield rainwater harvesting (IRWH): How rural institutions made a difference’, African Journal of Agricultural Research 4: 1358-63.
Barron, J. (ed.) (2009) Rainwater Harvesting: A Lifeline for Human Well-being, UNEP/SEI, Sweden.
Batisani, N. and Yarnal, B. (2010) ‘Rainfall variability and trends in semi-arid Botswana: Implications for climate change adaptation policy’, Applied Geography 30: 483-89.
Borhang, K. (1992) Politics, Administration and Agricultural Development: The Case of Botswana's Accelerated Rainfed Arable Programme, PhD thesis, Department of Social Science and Development, University of Bergen.
Boyd, C. and Turton, C. (eds) (2000) The Contribution of Soil and Water Conservation to Sustainable Livelihoods in Semi-Arid Areas of Sub-Saharan Africa, Agricultural Research and Extension Network, Paper No.102, Overseas Development Institute, London.
Centre for Applied Research (CAR) (2005) Crop-livestock Systems Development in Southern Africa: Priorities for Future Research, Botswana Country Report, Final Report, prepared for: UN-CGIR (Zimbabwe), Institute for Crop Research in Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), CAR, Gaborone.
CAR (2007) SADC MAPP Draft Country Assessment Report: Botswana, Gaborone: Centre for Applied Research.
Coventry, C. (2003) ‘The role of technology in poverty reduction’, in Practical Action South Asia Group/ITDG, South Asia Conference on Technologies for Poverty Reduction: Working towards a Regional Strategy, 10-11 October 2003, Practical Action/ITDG, New Delhi.
Falkenmark, M. (2007) ‘Shift in thinking to address the 21st century hunger gap: Moving focus from blue to green water management’, Water Resources Management 21: 3-18.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2003) A Perspective on Water Control in Southern Africa: Support to Regional Investment Initiatives, Land and Water Discussion Paper 1, FAO, Rome.
FAO (2005) ‘Botswana’, AQUASTAT country profile [website] <http://www.fao.org/nr/water/aquastat/countries/botswana/index.stm≯ [accessed 24 April 2010]. http://www.fao.org/nr/water/aquastat/countries/botswana/index.stm
Government of Botswana (GoB) (2009) National Development Plan 10, Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, GoB, Gaborone.
Hatibu, N., Mutabazi, K., Senkondo, E.M. and Msangi, A.S.K. (2006) ‘Economics of rainwater harvesting for crop enterprises in semi-arid areas of East Africa’, Agricultural Water Management 80: 74-86.
Hatibu, N. and Mahoo, H. (1999) Rainwater Harvesting Techniques for Agricultural Production: A Case for Dodoma, Tanzania [website], Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania, <http://www.animaltraction.net/contil/contil-hatibuwaterharvesting-TZ.pdf≯ [accessed 27 August 2010]. http://www.animaltraction.net/contil/contil-hatibuwaterharvesting-TZ.pdf
Jodha, N.S. (1990) Drought Management: The Farmers’ Strategies and Their Policy Implications, Issues Paper No.21, Dryland Networks Programme, International Institute for Environment and Development, London.
Kumar, M.D., Patel, A. and Singh, O.P. (2008) ‘Rainwater harvesting in water-scarce regions of India: Potential and pitfalls’, in U.A. Amarasinghe and B.R. Sharma (eds), Strategic Analyses of the National River Linking Project (NRLP) of India, series 2. Proceedings of the Workshop on Analyses of Hydrological, Social and Ecological Issues of the NRLP, International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka: 289-314.
Kundhlande, G., Groenewald, D.C., Baipheti, M.N., Botha, J.J., van Rensburg, L.D. and Anderson, J.J. (2004) Socio-economic study on water conservation techniques in semi-arid areas, Research Report No.1267/1/04, Water Research Commission, South Africa.
Mati, B., De Bock, T., Malesu, M., Khaka, E., Oduor, E., Nyabenge, M. and Oduor, V. (2006) Mapping the Potential of RWH in Africa, A GIS Overview on Development Domains for the Continent and Ten Selected Countries, Technical Manual No.6, RELMA, Nairobi, Kenya.
Nijhof, S., Jantowski, B., Meerman, R. and Schoemaker, A. (2010) ‘Rainwater harvesting in challenging environments: Towards institutional frameworks for sustainable domestic supply’, Waterlines 29(3): 209-19.
Oweis, T. and Hachum, A. (2006) ‘Water harvesting and supplemental irrigation for improved water productivity of dry farming systems in West Asia and North Africa’, Agricultural Water Management 80: 57-73.
Pacey, A. and Cullis, A. (1991) Rainwater Harvesting: The Collection of Rainfall and Runoff in Rural Areas, Intermediate Technology Publications, Rugby.
Pachpute, J.S., Tumbo, S.D., Sally, H. and Mul, M.L. (2009) ‘Sustainability of rainwater harvesting system in rural catchment of sub-Saharan Africa’, Water Resources Management 23: 2815-39.
Rahm, D., Swatuk, L. and Matheny, E. (2006) ‘Water resource management in Botswana: Balancing sustainability and economic development’, Environment, Development and Sustainability 8: 157-83.
Rethman, C. and Muhangi, P. (2009) The Botswana National Livelihood Zoning Draft Report, SADC Food Agriculture and Natural Resources Vulnerability Assessment Committee, SADC, Gaborone.
Rockström, J., Barron, J. and Fox, P. (2002) ‘Rainwater management for increased productivity among small-holder farmers in drought prone environments’, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 27: 949-59.
Rockström, J., Karlberg, L., Wani, S. P., Barron, J., Hatibu, N., Oweis, T., Bruggeman, A., Farahani, J. and Qiang, Z. (2010) ‘Managing water in rainfed agriculture: The need for a paradigm shift’, Agricultural Water Management 97: 543-50.
Scoones, I., Leach, M., Smith, A., Stagl, S., Stirling, A. and Thompson, J. (2007) Dynamic Systems and the Challenge of Sustainability, STEPS Working Paper 1, Institute of Development Studies, Brighton.
Shackleton, C.M., Shackleton, S.E. and Cousins, B. (2001) ‘The role of land-based strategies in rural livelihoods: The contribution of arable production, animal husbandry and natural resource harvesting in communal areas in South Africa’, Development Southern Africa 18(5), pp. 581-604.
Tumbo, S.D., Mutabazi, K.D., Byakugila, M.M. and Mahoo, H.F.M. (2010) ‘An empirical framework for scaling-out of water system innovations: Lessons from diffusion of water system innovations in the Makanya catchment in Northern Tanzania’, Agricultural Water Management 98(11), pp. 1761-73.
African Development Bank (AfDB) (2007) Assessment of Best Practices and Experiences in Rainwater Harvesting, Rainwater Harvesting Handbook, AfDB, Tunis, Tunisia.
Baiphethi, M.N., Viljoen, M.F., Kundhlande, G., Botha, J. J. and Anderson, J. J. (2009) ‘Reducing poverty and food insecurity by applying infield rainwater harvesting (IRWH): How rural institutions made a difference’, African Journal of Agricultural Research 4: 1358-63.
Barron, J. (ed.) (2009) Rainwater Harvesting: A Lifeline for Human Well-being, UNEP/SEI, Sweden.
Batisani, N. and Yarnal, B. (2010) ‘Rainfall variability and trends in semi-arid Botswana: Implications for climate change adaptation policy’, Applied Geography 30: 483-89.
Borhang, K. (1992) Politics, Administration and Agricultural Development: The Case of Botswana's Accelerated Rainfed Arable Programme, PhD thesis, Department of Social Science and Development, University of Bergen.
Boyd, C. and Turton, C. (eds) (2000) The Contribution of Soil and Water Conservation to Sustainable Livelihoods in Semi-Arid Areas of Sub-Saharan Africa, Agricultural Research and Extension Network, Paper No.102, Overseas Development Institute, London.
Centre for Applied Research (CAR) (2005) Crop-livestock Systems Development in Southern Africa: Priorities for Future Research, Botswana Country Report, Final Report, prepared for: UN-CGIR (Zimbabwe), Institute for Crop Research in Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), CAR, Gaborone.
CAR (2007) SADC MAPP Draft Country Assessment Report: Botswana, Gaborone: Centre for Applied Research.
Coventry, C. (2003) ‘The role of technology in poverty reduction’, in Practical Action South Asia Group/ITDG, South Asia Conference on Technologies for Poverty Reduction: Working towards a Regional Strategy, 10-11 October 2003, Practical Action/ITDG, New Delhi.
Falkenmark, M. (2007) ‘Shift in thinking to address the 21st century hunger gap: Moving focus from blue to green water management’, Water Resources Management 21: 3-18.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2003) A Perspective on Water Control in Southern Africa: Support to Regional Investment Initiatives, Land and Water Discussion Paper 1, FAO, Rome.
FAO (2005) ‘Botswana’, AQUASTAT country profile [website] <http://www.fao.org/nr/water/aquastat/countries/botswana/index.stm≯ [accessed 24 April 2010]. http://www.fao.org/nr/water/aquastat/countries/botswana/index.stm
Government of Botswana (GoB) (2009) National Development Plan 10, Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, GoB, Gaborone.
Hatibu, N., Mutabazi, K., Senkondo, E.M. and Msangi, A.S.K. (2006) ‘Economics of rainwater harvesting for crop enterprises in semi-arid areas of East Africa’, Agricultural Water Management 80: 74-86.
Hatibu, N. and Mahoo, H. (1999) Rainwater Harvesting Techniques for Agricultural Production: A Case for Dodoma, Tanzania [website], Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania, <http://www.animaltraction.net/contil/contil-hatibuwaterharvesting-TZ.pdf≯ [accessed 27 August 2010]. http://www.animaltraction.net/contil/contil-hatibuwaterharvesting-TZ.pdf
Jodha, N.S. (1990) Drought Management: The Farmers’ Strategies and Their Policy Implications, Issues Paper No.21, Dryland Networks Programme, International Institute for Environment and Development, London.
Kumar, M.D., Patel, A. and Singh, O.P. (2008) ‘Rainwater harvesting in water-scarce regions of India: Potential and pitfalls’, in U.A. Amarasinghe and B.R. Sharma (eds), Strategic Analyses of the National River Linking Project (NRLP) of India, series 2. Proceedings of the Workshop on Analyses of Hydrological, Social and Ecological Issues of the NRLP, International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka: 289-314.
Kundhlande, G., Groenewald, D.C., Baipheti, M.N., Botha, J.J., van Rensburg, L.D. and Anderson, J.J. (2004) Socio-economic study on water conservation techniques in semi-arid areas, Research Report No.1267/1/04, Water Research Commission, South Africa.
Mati, B., De Bock, T., Malesu, M., Khaka, E., Oduor, E., Nyabenge, M. and Oduor, V. (2006) Mapping the Potential of RWH in Africa, A GIS Overview on Development Domains for the Continent and Ten Selected Countries, Technical Manual No.6, RELMA, Nairobi, Kenya.
Nijhof, S., Jantowski, B., Meerman, R. and Schoemaker, A. (2010) ‘Rainwater harvesting in challenging environments: Towards institutional frameworks for sustainable domestic supply’, Waterlines 29(3): 209-19.
Oweis, T. and Hachum, A. (2006) ‘Water harvesting and supplemental irrigation for improved water productivity of dry farming systems in West Asia and North Africa’, Agricultural Water Management 80: 57-73.
Pacey, A. and Cullis, A. (1991) Rainwater Harvesting: The Collection of Rainfall and Runoff in Rural Areas, Intermediate Technology Publications, Rugby.
Pachpute, J.S., Tumbo, S.D., Sally, H. and Mul, M.L. (2009) ‘Sustainability of rainwater harvesting system in rural catchment of sub-Saharan Africa’, Water Resources Management 23: 2815-39.
Rahm, D., Swatuk, L. and Matheny, E. (2006) ‘Water resource management in Botswana: Balancing sustainability and economic development’, Environment, Development and Sustainability 8: 157-83.
Rethman, C. and Muhangi, P. (2009) The Botswana National Livelihood Zoning Draft Report, SADC Food Agriculture and Natural Resources Vulnerability Assessment Committee, SADC, Gaborone.
Rockström, J., Barron, J. and Fox, P. (2002) ‘Rainwater management for increased productivity among small-holder farmers in drought prone environments’, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 27: 949-59.
Rockström, J., Karlberg, L., Wani, S. P., Barron, J., Hatibu, N., Oweis, T., Bruggeman, A., Farahani, J. and Qiang, Z. (2010) ‘Managing water in rainfed agriculture: The need for a paradigm shift’, Agricultural Water Management 97: 543-50.
Scoones, I., Leach, M., Smith, A., Stagl, S., Stirling, A. and Thompson, J. (2007) Dynamic Systems and the Challenge of Sustainability, STEPS Working Paper 1, Institute of Development Studies, Brighton.
Shackleton, C.M., Shackleton, S.E. and Cousins, B. (2001) ‘The role of land-based strategies in rural livelihoods: The contribution of arable production, animal husbandry and natural resource harvesting in communal areas in South Africa’, Development Southern Africa 18(5), pp. 581-604.
Tumbo, S.D., Mutabazi, K.D., Byakugila, M.M. and Mahoo, H.F.M. (2010) ‘An empirical framework for scaling-out of water system innovations: Lessons from diffusion of water system innovations in the Makanya catchment in Northern Tanzania’, Agricultural Water Management 98(11), pp. 1761-73.
African Development Bank (AfDB) (2007) Assessment of Best Practices and Experiences in Rainwater Harvesting, Rainwater Harvesting Handbook, AfDB, Tunis, Tunisia.
Baiphethi, M.N., Viljoen, M.F., Kundhlande, G., Botha, J. J. and Anderson, J. J. (2009) ‘Reducing poverty and food insecurity by applying infield rainwater harvesting (IRWH): How rural institutions made a difference’, African Journal of Agricultural Research 4: 1358-63.
Barron, J. (ed.) (2009) Rainwater Harvesting: A Lifeline for Human Well-being, UNEP/SEI, Sweden.
Batisani, N. and Yarnal, B. (2010) ‘Rainfall variability and trends in semi-arid Botswana: Implications for climate change adaptation policy’, Applied Geography 30: 483-89.
Borhang, K. (1992) Politics, Administration and Agricultural Development: The Case of Botswana's Accelerated Rainfed Arable Programme, PhD thesis, Department of Social Science and Development, University of Bergen.
Boyd, C. and Turton, C. (eds) (2000) The Contribution of Soil and Water Conservation to Sustainable Livelihoods in Semi-Arid Areas of Sub-Saharan Africa, Agricultural Research and Extension Network, Paper No.102, Overseas Development Institute, London.
Centre for Applied Research (CAR) (2005) Crop-livestock Systems Development in Southern Africa: Priorities for Future Research, Botswana Country Report, Final Report, prepared for: UN-CGIR (Zimbabwe), Institute for Crop Research in Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), CAR, Gaborone.
CAR (2007) SADC MAPP Draft Country Assessment Report: Botswana, Gaborone: Centre for Applied Research.
Coventry, C. (2003) ‘The role of technology in poverty reduction’, in Practical Action South Asia Group/ITDG, South Asia Conference on Technologies for Poverty Reduction: Working towards a Regional Strategy, 10-11 October 2003, Practical Action/ITDG, New Delhi.
Falkenmark, M. (2007) ‘Shift in thinking to address the 21st century hunger gap: Moving focus from blue to green water management’, Water Resources Management 21: 3-18.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2003) A Perspective on Water Control in Southern Africa: Support to Regional Investment Initiatives, Land and Water Discussion Paper 1, FAO, Rome.
FAO (2005) ‘Botswana’, AQUASTAT country profile [website] <http://www.fao.org/nr/water/aquastat/countries/botswana/index.stm≯ [accessed 24 April 2010]. http://www.fao.org/nr/water/aquastat/countries/botswana/index.stm
Government of Botswana (GoB) (2009) National Development Plan 10, Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, GoB, Gaborone.
Hatibu, N., Mutabazi, K., Senkondo, E.M. and Msangi, A.S.K. (2006) ‘Economics of rainwater harvesting for crop enterprises in semi-arid areas of East Africa’, Agricultural Water Management 80: 74-86.
Hatibu, N. and Mahoo, H. (1999) Rainwater Harvesting Techniques for Agricultural Production: A Case for Dodoma, Tanzania [website], Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania, <http://www.animaltraction.net/contil/contil-hatibuwaterharvesting-TZ.pdf≯ [accessed 27 August 2010]. http://www.animaltraction.net/contil/contil-hatibuwaterharvesting-TZ.pdf
Jodha, N.S. (1990) Drought Management: The Farmers’ Strategies and Their Policy Implications, Issues Paper No.21, Dryland Networks Programme, International Institute for Environment and Development, London.
Kumar, M.D., Patel, A. and Singh, O.P. (2008) ‘Rainwater harvesting in water-scarce regions of India: Potential and pitfalls’, in U.A. Amarasinghe and B.R. Sharma (eds), Strategic Analyses of the National River Linking Project (NRLP) of India, series 2. Proceedings of the Workshop on Analyses of Hydrological, Social and Ecological Issues of the NRLP, International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka: 289-314.
Kundhlande, G., Groenewald, D.C., Baipheti, M.N., Botha, J.J., van Rensburg, L.D. and Anderson, J.J. (2004) Socio-economic study on water conservation techniques in semi-arid areas, Research Report No.1267/1/04, Water Research Commission, South Africa.
Mati, B., De Bock, T., Malesu, M., Khaka, E., Oduor, E., Nyabenge, M. and Oduor, V. (2006) Mapping the Potential of RWH in Africa, A GIS Overview on Development Domains for the Continent and Ten Selected Countries, Technical Manual No.6, RELMA, Nairobi, Kenya.
Nijhof, S., Jantowski, B., Meerman, R. and Schoemaker, A. (2010) ‘Rainwater harvesting in challenging environments: Towards institutional frameworks for sustainable domestic supply’, Waterlines 29(3): 209-19.
Oweis, T. and Hachum, A. (2006) ‘Water harvesting and supplemental irrigation for improved water productivity of dry farming systems in West Asia and North Africa’, Agricultural Water Management 80: 57-73.
Pacey, A. and Cullis, A. (1991) Rainwater Harvesting: The Collection of Rainfall and Runoff in Rural Areas, Intermediate Technology Publications, Rugby.
Pachpute, J.S., Tumbo, S.D., Sally, H. and Mul, M.L. (2009) ‘Sustainability of rainwater harvesting system in rural catchment of sub-Saharan Africa’, Water Resources Management 23: 2815-39.
Rahm, D., Swatuk, L. and Matheny, E. (2006) ‘Water resource management in Botswana: Balancing sustainability and economic development’, Environment, Development and Sustainability 8: 157-83.
Rethman, C. and Muhangi, P. (2009) The Botswana National Livelihood Zoning Draft Report, SADC Food Agriculture and Natural Resources Vulnerability Assessment Committee, SADC, Gaborone.
Rockström, J., Barron, J. and Fox, P. (2002) ‘Rainwater management for increased productivity among small-holder farmers in drought prone environments’, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 27: 949-59.
Rockström, J., Karlberg, L., Wani, S. P., Barron, J., Hatibu, N., Oweis, T., Bruggeman, A., Farahani, J. and Qiang, Z. (2010) ‘Managing water in rainfed agriculture: The need for a paradigm shift’, Agricultural Water Management 97: 543-50.
Scoones, I., Leach, M., Smith, A., Stagl, S., Stirling, A. and Thompson, J. (2007) Dynamic Systems and the Challenge of Sustainability, STEPS Working Paper 1, Institute of Development Studies, Brighton.
Shackleton, C.M., Shackleton, S.E. and Cousins, B. (2001) ‘The role of land-based strategies in rural livelihoods: The contribution of arable production, animal husbandry and natural resource harvesting in communal areas in South Africa’, Development Southern Africa 18(5), pp. 581-604.
Tumbo, S.D., Mutabazi, K.D., Byakugila, M.M. and Mahoo, H.F.M. (2010) ‘An empirical framework for scaling-out of water system innovations: Lessons from diffusion of water system innovations in the Makanya catchment in Northern Tanzania’, Agricultural Water Management 98(11), pp. 1761-73.
African Development Bank (AfDB) (2007) Assessment of Best Practices and Experiences in Rainwater Harvesting, Rainwater Harvesting Handbook, AfDB, Tunis, Tunisia.
Baiphethi, M.N., Viljoen, M.F., Kundhlande, G., Botha, J. J. and Anderson, J. J. (2009) ‘Reducing poverty and food insecurity by applying infield rainwater harvesting (IRWH): How rural institutions made a difference’, African Journal of Agricultural Research 4: 1358-63.
Barron, J. (ed.) (2009) Rainwater Harvesting: A Lifeline for Human Well-being, UNEP/SEI, Sweden.
Batisani, N. and Yarnal, B. (2010) ‘Rainfall variability and trends in semi-arid Botswana: Implications for climate change adaptation policy’, Applied Geography 30: 483-89.
Borhang, K. (1992) Politics, Administration and Agricultural Development: The Case of Botswana's Accelerated Rainfed Arable Programme, PhD thesis, Department of Social Science and Development, University of Bergen.
Boyd, C. and Turton, C. (eds) (2000) The Contribution of Soil and Water Conservation to Sustainable Livelihoods in Semi-Arid Areas of Sub-Saharan Africa, Agricultural Research and Extension Network, Paper No.102, Overseas Development Institute, London.
Centre for Applied Research (CAR) (2005) Crop-livestock Systems Development in Southern Africa: Priorities for Future Research, Botswana Country Report, Final Report, prepared for: UN-CGIR (Zimbabwe), Institute for Crop Research in Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), CAR, Gaborone.
CAR (2007) SADC MAPP Draft Country Assessment Report: Botswana, Gaborone: Centre for Applied Research.
Coventry, C. (2003) ‘The role of technology in poverty reduction’, in Practical Action South Asia Group/ITDG, South Asia Conference on Technologies for Poverty Reduction: Working towards a Regional Strategy, 10-11 October 2003, Practical Action/ITDG, New Delhi.
Falkenmark, M. (2007) ‘Shift in thinking to address the 21st century hunger gap: Moving focus from blue to green water management’, Water Resources Management 21: 3-18.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2003) A Perspective on Water Control in Southern Africa: Support to Regional Investment Initiatives, Land and Water Discussion Paper 1, FAO, Rome.
FAO (2005) ‘Botswana’, AQUASTAT country profile [website] <http://www.fao.org/nr/water/aquastat/countries/botswana/index.stm≯ [accessed 24 April 2010]. http://www.fao.org/nr/water/aquastat/countries/botswana/index.stm
Government of Botswana (GoB) (2009) National Development Plan 10, Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, GoB, Gaborone.
Hatibu, N., Mutabazi, K., Senkondo, E.M. and Msangi, A.S.K. (2006) ‘Economics of rainwater harvesting for crop enterprises in semi-arid areas of East Africa’, Agricultural Water Management 80: 74-86.
Hatibu, N. and Mahoo, H. (1999) Rainwater Harvesting Techniques for Agricultural Production: A Case for Dodoma, Tanzania [website], Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania, <http://www.animaltraction.net/contil/contil-hatibuwaterharvesting-TZ.pdf≯ [accessed 27 August 2010]. http://www.animaltraction.net/contil/contil-hatibuwaterharvesting-TZ.pdf
Jodha, N.S. (1990) Drought Management: The Farmers’ Strategies and Their Policy Implications, Issues Paper No.21, Dryland Networks Programme, International Institute for Environment and Development, London.
Kumar, M.D., Patel, A. and Singh, O.P. (2008) ‘Rainwater harvesting in water-scarce regions of India: Potential and pitfalls’, in U.A. Amarasinghe and B.R. Sharma (eds), Strategic Analyses of the National River Linking Project (NRLP) of India, series 2. Proceedings of the Workshop on Analyses of Hydrological, Social and Ecological Issues of the NRLP, International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka: 289-314.
Kundhlande, G., Groenewald, D.C., Baipheti, M.N., Botha, J.J., van Rensburg, L.D. and Anderson, J.J. (2004) Socio-economic study on water conservation techniques in semi-arid areas, Research Report No.1267/1/04, Water Research Commission, South Africa.
Mati, B., De Bock, T., Malesu, M., Khaka, E., Oduor, E., Nyabenge, M. and Oduor, V. (2006) Mapping the Potential of RWH in Africa, A GIS Overview on Development Domains for the Continent and Ten Selected Countries, Technical Manual No.6, RELMA, Nairobi, Kenya.
Nijhof, S., Jantowski, B., Meerman, R. and Schoemaker, A. (2010) ‘Rainwater harvesting in challenging environments: Towards institutional frameworks for sustainable domestic supply’, Waterlines 29(3): 209-19.
Oweis, T. and Hachum, A. (2006) ‘Water harvesting and supplemental irrigation for improved water productivity of dry farming systems in West Asia and North Africa’, Agricultural Water Management 80: 57-73.
Pacey, A. and Cullis, A. (1991) Rainwater Harvesting: The Collection of Rainfall and Runoff in Rural Areas, Intermediate Technology Publications, Rugby.
Pachpute, J.S., Tumbo, S.D., Sally, H. and Mul, M.L. (2009) ‘Sustainability of rainwater harvesting system in rural catchment of sub-Saharan Africa’, Water Resources Management 23: 2815-39.
Rahm, D., Swatuk, L. and Matheny, E. (2006) ‘Water resource management in Botswana: Balancing sustainability and economic development’, Environment, Development and Sustainability 8: 157-83.
Rethman, C. and Muhangi, P. (2009) The Botswana National Livelihood Zoning Draft Report, SADC Food Agriculture and Natural Resources Vulnerability Assessment Committee, SADC, Gaborone.
Rockström, J., Barron, J. and Fox, P. (2002) ‘Rainwater management for increased productivity among small-holder farmers in drought prone environments’, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 27: 949-59.
Rockström, J., Karlberg, L., Wani, S. P., Barron, J., Hatibu, N., Oweis, T., Bruggeman, A., Farahani, J. and Qiang, Z. (2010) ‘Managing water in rainfed agriculture: The need for a paradigm shift’, Agricultural Water Management 97: 543-50.
Scoones, I., Leach, M., Smith, A., Stagl, S., Stirling, A. and Thompson, J. (2007) Dynamic Systems and the Challenge of Sustainability, STEPS Working Paper 1, Institute of Development Studies, Brighton.
Shackleton, C.M., Shackleton, S.E. and Cousins, B. (2001) ‘The role of land-based strategies in rural livelihoods: The contribution of arable production, animal husbandry and natural resource harvesting in communal areas in South Africa’, Development Southern Africa 18(5), pp. 581-604.
Tumbo, S.D., Mutabazi, K.D., Byakugila, M.M. and Mahoo, H.F.M. (2010) ‘An empirical framework for scaling-out of water system innovations: Lessons from diffusion of water system innovations in the Makanya catchment in Northern Tanzania’, Agricultural Water Management 98(11), pp. 1761-73.
Socio‐Economic Determinants of Adoption of Rainwater Harvesting and Conservation Techniques in Semi‐Arid Tharaka Sub‐County, Kenya
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de Lange, Ruan
International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 34 (2013), Iss. P.309
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2013.04.007 [Citations: 29]- A call to action: organizational, professional, and personal change for gender transformative WASH programming
- Providing municipal faecal sludge management services: lessons from Bangladesh
- Menstrual hygiene management: education and empowerment for girls?
- Webwatch
- WASH challenges to girls’ menstrual hygiene management in Metro Manila, Masbate, and South Central Mindanao, Philippines