Implementation of drinking water safety plans and lessons from the Pacific islands
K. Khatri | S. Iddings | M. Overmars | T. Hasan | F. Gerber
In response to a growing realization that safe water is limited, the United Nations has declared access to clean water a basic human right. To protect drinking water safety, conventional practice in many Pacific island countries has been to monitor the quality of the treated drinking water at the end of the supply chain through water quality testing and assessing compliance against standards. Consequently, the World Health Organization (WHO) now promotes the use of drinking water safety planning to assess and manage the risks associated with drinking water from catchment to consumer. Through the support provided by Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) and WHO many Pacific island countries have developed systemspecific drinking water safety plans.ADB (Asian Development Bank) (2009) Final Report. Technical Assistance Republic of Palau: TA 4977-PAL Preparing the Babeldaob Water Supply Project. Asian Development Bank, Manila.
AusAID (2007) Managing for Safe Water: Field Guide 2007, Australian Agency for International Development, Canberra.
Bartram, J., Corrales, L., Davison, A., Deere, D., Drury, D., Gordon, B., Howard, G., Rinehold, A. and Stevens, M. (2009) Water Safety Plan Manual: Step-by-Step Risk Management for Drinking-water Suppliers, World Health Organization, Geneva; International Water Association, London.
Cameron, J., Hunter, P., Jagals, P. and Pond, K. (in press) Valuing Water, Valuing Livelihoods: Guidance Document on Social Cost-Benefit Analysis of Drinking-water Interventions, with Special Reference to Small Community Water Supplies, International Water Association, London; World Health Organization, Geneva.
CEHI (Caribbean Environmental Health Institute) (2009) Water Safety Plan Linden, Guyana, in conjunction with the Ministry of Health, Guyana and the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI), CEHI, St Lucia.
Countries of the World (2011) ‘Palau People 2011’ [online], [accessed 9 February 2011].
Gherardi, C. (2008) ‘Viet Nam's Water Safety Plan pilot’ Water 21, August 2008: 31.
Hunter, P.R., Pond, K., Pagals, P. and Cameron, J. (2009) ‘An assessment of the costs and benefits of interventions aimed at improving rural community water supplies in developed countries’, Science of Total Environment 407: 3681-85.
MacKenzie, W.R., Hoxie, N.J., Proctor, M.E., Gradus, M.S., Blair, K.A., Peterson, D.E., Kazmierczak, J.J., Addiss, D.G., Fox, K.R., Rose, J.B. and Davis, J.P. (1994) A massive outbreak in Milwaukee of Cryptosporidium infection transmitted through the public water supply. New England Journal of Medicine 331(3): 161-67.
Mosley, L.M. and Sharp, D.S. (2004) The Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) Paper-Strip Test: A Simple Test for Monitoring Drinking Water Quality in the Pacific Islands. SOPAC Technical Publication 373, Suva, Fiji.
Mudaliar, M.M., Bergin, C. and MacLeod, K. (2008) Drinking Water Safety Planning: A Practical Guide for Pacific Island Countries, WHO/SOPAC Joint Contribution Report 193, Suva, Fiji.
Riego de Dios, J. and Magtibay, B.B. (2010) Philippine Strategy on Water Safety Plan Capacity Building and Scaling Up. In Proceedings of the WHO-IWA Water Safety Conference, 2-4 November 2010, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Risebro, H.L., Doria, M.F., Andersson, Y., Medema, G., Osborn, K., Schlosser, O. and Hunter, P.R. (2007) ‘Fault tree analysis of the causes of waterborne outbreaks’, Journal of Water and Health 5(Suppl.1): 1-18.
SPC (2010) Pacific Island Populations: Estimation and Projections of Demographic Indicators for Selected Years [online], Statistics and Demography Unit, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, available from: [accessed 22 May 2011].
WHO (2004) Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality, vol. 1, Recommendations, 3rd edn. World Health Organization, Geneva.
WHO (2008a) Sanitation, Hygiene and Drinking-water in the Pacific Island Countries: Converting Commitment into Action, World Health Organization, Geneva.
WHO (2008b) Training Workbook on Water Safety Plans for Urban Systems, World Health Organization, Geneva.
WHO (2010) Small and Safe: Investing in Small Community Water Supplies Will Reduce Water Borne Disease Outbreaks and Overall Costs, World Health Organization, Geneva.
WHO/UNICEF (2010) Progress on Sanitation and Drinking Water: 2010 Update, World Health Organization, Geneva; United Nations Children's Fund, New York.
ADB (Asian Development Bank) (2009) Final Report. Technical Assistance Republic of Palau: TA 4977-PAL Preparing the Babeldaob Water Supply Project. Asian Development Bank, Manila.
AusAID (2007) Managing for Safe Water: Field Guide 2007, Australian Agency for International Development, Canberra.
Bartram, J., Corrales, L., Davison, A., Deere, D., Drury, D., Gordon, B., Howard, G., Rinehold, A. and Stevens, M. (2009) Water Safety Plan Manual: Step-by-Step Risk Management for Drinking-water Suppliers, World Health Organization, Geneva; International Water Association, London.
Cameron, J., Hunter, P., Jagals, P. and Pond, K. (in press) Valuing Water, Valuing Livelihoods: Guidance Document on Social Cost-Benefit Analysis of Drinking-water Interventions, with Special Reference to Small Community Water Supplies, International Water Association, London; World Health Organization, Geneva.
CEHI (Caribbean Environmental Health Institute) (2009) Water Safety Plan Linden, Guyana, in conjunction with the Ministry of Health, Guyana and the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI), CEHI, St Lucia.
Countries of the World (2011) ‘Palau People 2011’ [online], [accessed 9 February 2011].
Gherardi, C. (2008) ‘Viet Nam's Water Safety Plan pilot’ Water 21, August 2008: 31.
Hunter, P.R., Pond, K., Pagals, P. and Cameron, J. (2009) ‘An assessment of the costs and benefits of interventions aimed at improving rural community water supplies in developed countries’, Science of Total Environment 407: 3681-85.
MacKenzie, W.R., Hoxie, N.J., Proctor, M.E., Gradus, M.S., Blair, K.A., Peterson, D.E., Kazmierczak, J.J., Addiss, D.G., Fox, K.R., Rose, J.B. and Davis, J.P. (1994) A massive outbreak in Milwaukee of Cryptosporidium infection transmitted through the public water supply. New England Journal of Medicine 331(3): 161-67.
Mosley, L.M. and Sharp, D.S. (2004) The Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) Paper-Strip Test: A Simple Test for Monitoring Drinking Water Quality in the Pacific Islands. SOPAC Technical Publication 373, Suva, Fiji.
Mudaliar, M.M., Bergin, C. and MacLeod, K. (2008) Drinking Water Safety Planning: A Practical Guide for Pacific Island Countries, WHO/SOPAC Joint Contribution Report 193, Suva, Fiji.
Riego de Dios, J. and Magtibay, B.B. (2010) Philippine Strategy on Water Safety Plan Capacity Building and Scaling Up. In Proceedings of the WHO-IWA Water Safety Conference, 2-4 November 2010, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Risebro, H.L., Doria, M.F., Andersson, Y., Medema, G., Osborn, K., Schlosser, O. and Hunter, P.R. (2007) ‘Fault tree analysis of the causes of waterborne outbreaks’, Journal of Water and Health 5(Suppl.1): 1-18.
SPC (2010) Pacific Island Populations: Estimation and Projections of Demographic Indicators for Selected Years [online], Statistics and Demography Unit, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, available from: [accessed 22 May 2011].
WHO (2004) Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality, vol. 1, Recommendations, 3rd edn. World Health Organization, Geneva.
WHO (2008a) Sanitation, Hygiene and Drinking-water in the Pacific Island Countries: Converting Commitment into Action, World Health Organization, Geneva.
WHO (2008b) Training Workbook on Water Safety Plans for Urban Systems, World Health Organization, Geneva.
WHO (2010) Small and Safe: Investing in Small Community Water Supplies Will Reduce Water Borne Disease Outbreaks and Overall Costs, World Health Organization, Geneva.
WHO/UNICEF (2010) Progress on Sanitation and Drinking Water: 2010 Update, World Health Organization, Geneva; United Nations Children's Fund, New York.
ADB (Asian Development Bank) (2009) Final Report. Technical Assistance Republic of Palau: TA 4977-PAL Preparing the Babeldaob Water Supply Project. Asian Development Bank, Manila.
AusAID (2007) Managing for Safe Water: Field Guide 2007, Australian Agency for International Development, Canberra.
Bartram, J., Corrales, L., Davison, A., Deere, D., Drury, D., Gordon, B., Howard, G., Rinehold, A. and Stevens, M. (2009) Water Safety Plan Manual: Step-by-Step Risk Management for Drinking-water Suppliers, World Health Organization, Geneva; International Water Association, London.
Cameron, J., Hunter, P., Jagals, P. and Pond, K. (in press) Valuing Water, Valuing Livelihoods: Guidance Document on Social Cost-Benefit Analysis of Drinking-water Interventions, with Special Reference to Small Community Water Supplies, International Water Association, London; World Health Organization, Geneva.
CEHI (Caribbean Environmental Health Institute) (2009) Water Safety Plan Linden, Guyana, in conjunction with the Ministry of Health, Guyana and the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI), CEHI, St Lucia.
Countries of the World (2011) ‘Palau People 2011’ [online], [accessed 9 February 2011].
Gherardi, C. (2008) ‘Viet Nam's Water Safety Plan pilot’ Water 21, August 2008: 31.
Hunter, P.R., Pond, K., Pagals, P. and Cameron, J. (2009) ‘An assessment of the costs and benefits of interventions aimed at improving rural community water supplies in developed countries’, Science of Total Environment 407: 3681-85.
MacKenzie, W.R., Hoxie, N.J., Proctor, M.E., Gradus, M.S., Blair, K.A., Peterson, D.E., Kazmierczak, J.J., Addiss, D.G., Fox, K.R., Rose, J.B. and Davis, J.P. (1994) A massive outbreak in Milwaukee of Cryptosporidium infection transmitted through the public water supply. New England Journal of Medicine 331(3): 161-67.
Mosley, L.M. and Sharp, D.S. (2004) The Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) Paper-Strip Test: A Simple Test for Monitoring Drinking Water Quality in the Pacific Islands. SOPAC Technical Publication 373, Suva, Fiji.
Mudaliar, M.M., Bergin, C. and MacLeod, K. (2008) Drinking Water Safety Planning: A Practical Guide for Pacific Island Countries, WHO/SOPAC Joint Contribution Report 193, Suva, Fiji.
Riego de Dios, J. and Magtibay, B.B. (2010) Philippine Strategy on Water Safety Plan Capacity Building and Scaling Up. In Proceedings of the WHO-IWA Water Safety Conference, 2-4 November 2010, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Risebro, H.L., Doria, M.F., Andersson, Y., Medema, G., Osborn, K., Schlosser, O. and Hunter, P.R. (2007) ‘Fault tree analysis of the causes of waterborne outbreaks’, Journal of Water and Health 5(Suppl.1): 1-18.
SPC (2010) Pacific Island Populations: Estimation and Projections of Demographic Indicators for Selected Years [online], Statistics and Demography Unit, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, available from: [accessed 22 May 2011].
WHO (2004) Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality, vol. 1, Recommendations, 3rd edn. World Health Organization, Geneva.
WHO (2008a) Sanitation, Hygiene and Drinking-water in the Pacific Island Countries: Converting Commitment into Action, World Health Organization, Geneva.
WHO (2008b) Training Workbook on Water Safety Plans for Urban Systems, World Health Organization, Geneva.
WHO (2010) Small and Safe: Investing in Small Community Water Supplies Will Reduce Water Borne Disease Outbreaks and Overall Costs, World Health Organization, Geneva.
WHO/UNICEF (2010) Progress on Sanitation and Drinking Water: 2010 Update, World Health Organization, Geneva; United Nations Children's Fund, New York.
ADB (Asian Development Bank) (2009) Final Report. Technical Assistance Republic of Palau: TA 4977-PAL Preparing the Babeldaob Water Supply Project. Asian Development Bank, Manila.
AusAID (2007) Managing for Safe Water: Field Guide 2007, Australian Agency for International Development, Canberra.
Bartram, J., Corrales, L., Davison, A., Deere, D., Drury, D., Gordon, B., Howard, G., Rinehold, A. and Stevens, M. (2009) Water Safety Plan Manual: Step-by-Step Risk Management for Drinking-water Suppliers, World Health Organization, Geneva; International Water Association, London.
Cameron, J., Hunter, P., Jagals, P. and Pond, K. (in press) Valuing Water, Valuing Livelihoods: Guidance Document on Social Cost-Benefit Analysis of Drinking-water Interventions, with Special Reference to Small Community Water Supplies, International Water Association, London; World Health Organization, Geneva.
CEHI (Caribbean Environmental Health Institute) (2009) Water Safety Plan Linden, Guyana, in conjunction with the Ministry of Health, Guyana and the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI), CEHI, St Lucia.
Countries of the World (2011) ‘Palau People 2011’ [online], [accessed 9 February 2011].
Gherardi, C. (2008) ‘Viet Nam's Water Safety Plan pilot’ Water 21, August 2008: 31.
Hunter, P.R., Pond, K., Pagals, P. and Cameron, J. (2009) ‘An assessment of the costs and benefits of interventions aimed at improving rural community water supplies in developed countries’, Science of Total Environment 407: 3681-85.
MacKenzie, W.R., Hoxie, N.J., Proctor, M.E., Gradus, M.S., Blair, K.A., Peterson, D.E., Kazmierczak, J.J., Addiss, D.G., Fox, K.R., Rose, J.B. and Davis, J.P. (1994) A massive outbreak in Milwaukee of Cryptosporidium infection transmitted through the public water supply. New England Journal of Medicine 331(3): 161-67.
Mosley, L.M. and Sharp, D.S. (2004) The Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) Paper-Strip Test: A Simple Test for Monitoring Drinking Water Quality in the Pacific Islands. SOPAC Technical Publication 373, Suva, Fiji.
Mudaliar, M.M., Bergin, C. and MacLeod, K. (2008) Drinking Water Safety Planning: A Practical Guide for Pacific Island Countries, WHO/SOPAC Joint Contribution Report 193, Suva, Fiji.
Riego de Dios, J. and Magtibay, B.B. (2010) Philippine Strategy on Water Safety Plan Capacity Building and Scaling Up. In Proceedings of the WHO-IWA Water Safety Conference, 2-4 November 2010, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Risebro, H.L., Doria, M.F., Andersson, Y., Medema, G., Osborn, K., Schlosser, O. and Hunter, P.R. (2007) ‘Fault tree analysis of the causes of waterborne outbreaks’, Journal of Water and Health 5(Suppl.1): 1-18.
SPC (2010) Pacific Island Populations: Estimation and Projections of Demographic Indicators for Selected Years [online], Statistics and Demography Unit, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, available from: [accessed 22 May 2011].
WHO (2004) Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality, vol. 1, Recommendations, 3rd edn. World Health Organization, Geneva.
WHO (2008a) Sanitation, Hygiene and Drinking-water in the Pacific Island Countries: Converting Commitment into Action, World Health Organization, Geneva.
WHO (2008b) Training Workbook on Water Safety Plans for Urban Systems, World Health Organization, Geneva.
WHO (2010) Small and Safe: Investing in Small Community Water Supplies Will Reduce Water Borne Disease Outbreaks and Overall Costs, World Health Organization, Geneva.
WHO/UNICEF (2010) Progress on Sanitation and Drinking Water: 2010 Update, World Health Organization, Geneva; United Nations Children's Fund, New York.
Challenges and Facilitating Factors to Implement Water Safety Plans: a Systematic Review
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