Crossfire: ‘Does hygiene promotion risk making people feel more ashamed about their poverty and poor living conditions?’
Does hygiene promotion risk making people feel more ashamed about their poverty and poor living conditions? Can stigmatization sometimes work against the public health goal?Alma Ata Declaration (1978) The International Conference on Primary Health Care, Alma Ata, available from URL: [accessed 22, July 2010].
Burris S. (2008) ‘Stigma, ethics and policy: A commentary on Bayer's “Stigma and the ethics of public health: Not can we but should we”’, Social Science & Medicine 67: 474.
Goffman, E. (1963) Stigma: Notes on the management of spoiled identity, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Ministry of Health (2006) National Health Sector Strategic Plan II: Reversing the trends - Taking the Kenya Essential Package for Health to the Community, p4, Ministry of Health, Kenya.
Musyoki, S. et al., (2009) ‘World Toilet Day’, available from: [accessed 1 July 2010].
Plan International (2009) ‘KIDCARE Child survival Project Evaluation’ available from URL: p15 [accessed 28 June 2010].
Prochaska, J. (1992) ‘In search of how people change: applications to addictive behaviors’, American Psychologist, 47: 1102-1114.
Tatiana T. (2010) ‘Impressions from Homa Bay visit’, available from URL: [accessed 1 July 2010].
Upshur, R. (2002) ‘Principles for the justification of public health intervention’, Can J Public Health 93: 101-103.
World Health Organization (2008) World Health Report: Primary Health Care: Now more than ever, WHO, Geneva.
Alma Ata Declaration (1978) The International Conference on Primary Health Care, Alma Ata, available from URL: [accessed 22, July 2010].
Burris S. (2008) ‘Stigma, ethics and policy: A commentary on Bayer's “Stigma and the ethics of public health: Not can we but should we”’, Social Science & Medicine 67: 474.
Goffman, E. (1963) Stigma: Notes on the management of spoiled identity, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Ministry of Health (2006) National Health Sector Strategic Plan II: Reversing the trends - Taking the Kenya Essential Package for Health to the Community, p4, Ministry of Health, Kenya.
Musyoki, S. et al., (2009) ‘World Toilet Day’, available from: [accessed 1 July 2010].
Plan International (2009) ‘KIDCARE Child survival Project Evaluation’ available from URL: p15 [accessed 28 June 2010].
Prochaska, J. (1992) ‘In search of how people change: applications to addictive behaviors’, American Psychologist, 47: 1102-1114.
Tatiana T. (2010) ‘Impressions from Homa Bay visit’, available from URL: [accessed 1 July 2010].
Upshur, R. (2002) ‘Principles for the justification of public health intervention’, Can J Public Health 93: 101-103.
World Health Organization (2008) World Health Report: Primary Health Care: Now more than ever, WHO, Geneva.
Alma Ata Declaration (1978) The International Conference on Primary Health Care, Alma Ata, available from URL: [accessed 22, July 2010].
Burris S. (2008) ‘Stigma, ethics and policy: A commentary on Bayer's “Stigma and the ethics of public health: Not can we but should we”’, Social Science & Medicine 67: 474.
Goffman, E. (1963) Stigma: Notes on the management of spoiled identity, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Ministry of Health (2006) National Health Sector Strategic Plan II: Reversing the trends - Taking the Kenya Essential Package for Health to the Community, p4, Ministry of Health, Kenya.
Musyoki, S. et al., (2009) ‘World Toilet Day’, available from: [accessed 1 July 2010].
Plan International (2009) ‘KIDCARE Child survival Project Evaluation’ available from URL: p15 [accessed 28 June 2010].
Prochaska, J. (1992) ‘In search of how people change: applications to addictive behaviors’, American Psychologist, 47: 1102-1114.
Tatiana T. (2010) ‘Impressions from Homa Bay visit’, available from URL: [accessed 1 July 2010].
Upshur, R. (2002) ‘Principles for the justification of public health intervention’, Can J Public Health 93: 101-103.
World Health Organization (2008) World Health Report: Primary Health Care: Now more than ever, WHO, Geneva.
Alma Ata Declaration (1978) The International Conference on Primary Health Care, Alma Ata, available from URL: [accessed 22, July 2010].
Burris S. (2008) ‘Stigma, ethics and policy: A commentary on Bayer's “Stigma and the ethics of public health: Not can we but should we”’, Social Science & Medicine 67: 474.
Goffman, E. (1963) Stigma: Notes on the management of spoiled identity, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Ministry of Health (2006) National Health Sector Strategic Plan II: Reversing the trends - Taking the Kenya Essential Package for Health to the Community, p4, Ministry of Health, Kenya.
Musyoki, S. et al., (2009) ‘World Toilet Day’, available from: [accessed 1 July 2010].
Plan International (2009) ‘KIDCARE Child survival Project Evaluation’ available from URL: p15 [accessed 28 June 2010].
Prochaska, J. (1992) ‘In search of how people change: applications to addictive behaviors’, American Psychologist, 47: 1102-1114.
Tatiana T. (2010) ‘Impressions from Homa Bay visit’, available from URL: [accessed 1 July 2010].
Upshur, R. (2002) ‘Principles for the justification of public health intervention’, Can J Public Health 93: 101-103.
World Health Organization (2008) World Health Report: Primary Health Care: Now more than ever, WHO, Geneva.
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