Multiple-use water supply systems: do the claims stack up? Evidence from Bangladesh
This paper reports on an investigation of a multiple-use water supply system (MUS) in Bangladesh which set out to test the claim that MUS meet users’ needs for water more effectively than single-use systems. A water needs framework was developed and water users (84) from three villages were interviewed during June–July 2007. The opinion of the users was that the MUS meet their needs for water better than the conventional systems they replace. The benefits include increased productivity and incomes, reduced irrigation costs and easier access to iron-free domestic water. However, the systems are not affordable for the communities over a ten-year timeframe. The poor have less access to the piped household supply contrasting to near universal access to hand tubewells. Problems are identified relating to ownership, management, representation, skilled staff, external support and the legal framework that leave users vulnerable to powerful owners who control water supply.Abrams, L.J. (1998) ‘Understanding sustainability of local water services’ [online], available from: [accessed 27 July 2009].
Ahmad, K.M., Bhattacharya, P., Hasan, M.A., Akhter, S.H., Alam, S.M.M., Bhuyian, M.A.H., Imam, M.B., Khan, A.A. and Sracek, O. (2004) ‘Arsenic enrichment in groundwater of the alluvial aquifers in Bangladesh: an overview’, Applied Geochemistry 19: 181-200.
Ali, A.M.S. (2007) ‘Population pressure, agricultural intensification and changes in rural systems in Bangladesh’, Geoforum, 38(4), p. 720-738.
APSU (2006) Selected Papers on the Social Aspects of Arsenic and Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh [online], Arsenic Policy Support Unit, Dhaka, Bangladesh, available from: [accessed 5 August 2009].
Carter, R.C., Tyrrel, S.F & Howsam, P. (1999) ‘Impact and sustainability of community water supply and sanitation programmes in developing countries’, Journal of the Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Management 13: 292-6.
Franceys, R., Fonseca, C. and Perry, C. (2006) African Development Bank: Guidelines for User Fees and Cost Recovery for Water, Sanitation and Irrigation Projects [online], Draft Guidelines, available from: [accessed 28 August 2007].
Hartmann, B. and Boyce, J.K. (1983) A Quiet Violence: View from a Bangladesh Village, Zed Books, London.
Hoque, B.A., Hallman, K., Levy, J., Bouis, H., Ali, N., Khan, F., Khanam, S., Kabir, M., Hossain, S and Alam, M.S. (2006) ‘Rural drinking water at supply and household levels: quality and management’, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 209: 451-60.
Hossain, F., Bagtzoglou, A.C., Nahar, N. and Hossain, M.D. (2006) ‘Statistical characterisation of arsenic contamination in shallow tube wells of western Bangladesh’, Hydrological Processes 20: 1497-1510.
Howard, G. and Bartram, J. (2003) Domestic Water Quantity, Service Level and Health [online], WHO, Geneva, available from: [accessed 22 May 2007].
IWMI (2004) Pro-poor Interventions in Irrigated Agriculture in Bangladesh: Issues, Options and Proposed Actions [online], International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri Lanka, available from: [accessed 16 July 2007].
IWMI (2006) Taking a Multiple-use Approach to Meeting the Water Needs of Poor Communities Brings Multiple Benefits [online], Water Policy Briefing, Issue 18, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri Lanka, available from: [accessed 16 July 2007].
Kayaga, S., Calvert, J. and Sansom, K. (2003) ‘Paying for water services: effects of household characteristics’, Utilities Policy 11: 123-32.
Macdonald, D., Ahmed, K.M., Islam, M.S., Lawrence, A. and Khandker, Z.Z. (1999) ‘Pit latrines: A source of contamination in peri-urban Dhaka? Waterlines 17(4): 6-8.
Narayan, D. (1995) ‘The contribution of people's participation: evidence from 121 rural water supply projects’, Environmentally Sustainable Development Occasional Paper Series, No.1, World Bank, Washington, DC.
Smits, S., Moriarty, P.B., Butterworth, J.A., Restrepo, I., van Koppen, B. and Cousins, T. (2004) ‘Towards multiple use water services’, background paper for E-conference: Tackling poverty through Multiple Use Water Services, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, Delft, The Netherlands.
UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) (2006) Human Development Report 2006. Beyond Scarcity: Power, Poverty and the Global Water Crisis [online], United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), New York, available from: [accessed 19 July 2007].
van Koppen, B., Moriarty, P.B. & Boelee, E. (2006) Multiple-use Water Services to Advance the Millennium Development Goals, Research Report 98 [online], International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka, available from: [accessed 22 May 2007].
WASH (1994) The Sustainability of Donor-assisted Rural Water Supply Projects, WASH Technical Report No. 94 [online], Water and Sanitation for Health Project, available from: [accessed 27 July 2009].
WHO (2006) Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality: Incorporating First Addendum, Vol. 1, Recommendations (3rd edn) [online], available from: [accessed 23 November 2009].
Yin, R.K. (1994) Case Study Research: Design and Methods, Applied Social Research Methods Series, Vol. 5, Sage Publications, London, 2nd edn.
Abrams, L.J. (1998) ‘Understanding sustainability of local water services’ [online], available from: [accessed 27 July 2009].
Ahmad, K.M., Bhattacharya, P., Hasan, M.A., Akhter, S.H., Alam, S.M.M., Bhuyian, M.A.H., Imam, M.B., Khan, A.A. and Sracek, O. (2004) ‘Arsenic enrichment in groundwater of the alluvial aquifers in Bangladesh: an overview’, Applied Geochemistry 19: 181-200.
Ali, A.M.S. (2007) ‘Population pressure, agricultural intensification and changes in rural systems in Bangladesh’, Geoforum, 38(4), p. 720-738.
APSU (2006) Selected Papers on the Social Aspects of Arsenic and Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh [online], Arsenic Policy Support Unit, Dhaka, Bangladesh, available from: [accessed 5 August 2009].
Carter, R.C., Tyrrel, S.F & Howsam, P. (1999) ‘Impact and sustainability of community water supply and sanitation programmes in developing countries’, Journal of the Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Management 13: 292-6.
Franceys, R., Fonseca, C. and Perry, C. (2006) African Development Bank: Guidelines for User Fees and Cost Recovery for Water, Sanitation and Irrigation Projects [online], Draft Guidelines, available from: [accessed 28 August 2007].
Hartmann, B. and Boyce, J.K. (1983) A Quiet Violence: View from a Bangladesh Village, Zed Books, London.
Hoque, B.A., Hallman, K., Levy, J., Bouis, H., Ali, N., Khan, F., Khanam, S., Kabir, M., Hossain, S and Alam, M.S. (2006) ‘Rural drinking water at supply and household levels: quality and management’, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 209: 451-60.
Hossain, F., Bagtzoglou, A.C., Nahar, N. and Hossain, M.D. (2006) ‘Statistical characterisation of arsenic contamination in shallow tube wells of western Bangladesh’, Hydrological Processes 20: 1497-1510.
Howard, G. and Bartram, J. (2003) Domestic Water Quantity, Service Level and Health [online], WHO, Geneva, available from: [accessed 22 May 2007].
IWMI (2004) Pro-poor Interventions in Irrigated Agriculture in Bangladesh: Issues, Options and Proposed Actions [online], International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri Lanka, available from: [accessed 16 July 2007].
IWMI (2006) Taking a Multiple-use Approach to Meeting the Water Needs of Poor Communities Brings Multiple Benefits [online], Water Policy Briefing, Issue 18, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri Lanka, available from: [accessed 16 July 2007].
Kayaga, S., Calvert, J. and Sansom, K. (2003) ‘Paying for water services: effects of household characteristics’, Utilities Policy 11: 123-32.
Macdonald, D., Ahmed, K.M., Islam, M.S., Lawrence, A. and Khandker, Z.Z. (1999) ‘Pit latrines: A source of contamination in peri-urban Dhaka? Waterlines 17(4): 6-8.
Narayan, D. (1995) ‘The contribution of people's participation: evidence from 121 rural water supply projects’, Environmentally Sustainable Development Occasional Paper Series, No.1, World Bank, Washington, DC.
Smits, S., Moriarty, P.B., Butterworth, J.A., Restrepo, I., van Koppen, B. and Cousins, T. (2004) ‘Towards multiple use water services’, background paper for E-conference: Tackling poverty through Multiple Use Water Services, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, Delft, The Netherlands.
UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) (2006) Human Development Report 2006. Beyond Scarcity: Power, Poverty and the Global Water Crisis [online], United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), New York, available from: [accessed 19 July 2007].
van Koppen, B., Moriarty, P.B. & Boelee, E. (2006) Multiple-use Water Services to Advance the Millennium Development Goals, Research Report 98 [online], International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka, available from: [accessed 22 May 2007].
WASH (1994) The Sustainability of Donor-assisted Rural Water Supply Projects, WASH Technical Report No. 94 [online], Water and Sanitation for Health Project, available from: [accessed 27 July 2009].
WHO (2006) Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality: Incorporating First Addendum, Vol. 1, Recommendations (3rd edn) [online], available from: [accessed 23 November 2009].
Yin, R.K. (1994) Case Study Research: Design and Methods, Applied Social Research Methods Series, Vol. 5, Sage Publications, London, 2nd edn.
Abrams, L.J. (1998) ‘Understanding sustainability of local water services’ [online], available from: [accessed 27 July 2009].
Ahmad, K.M., Bhattacharya, P., Hasan, M.A., Akhter, S.H., Alam, S.M.M., Bhuyian, M.A.H., Imam, M.B., Khan, A.A. and Sracek, O. (2004) ‘Arsenic enrichment in groundwater of the alluvial aquifers in Bangladesh: an overview’, Applied Geochemistry 19: 181-200.
Ali, A.M.S. (2007) ‘Population pressure, agricultural intensification and changes in rural systems in Bangladesh’, Geoforum, 38(4), p. 720-738.
APSU (2006) Selected Papers on the Social Aspects of Arsenic and Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh [online], Arsenic Policy Support Unit, Dhaka, Bangladesh, available from: [accessed 5 August 2009].
Carter, R.C., Tyrrel, S.F & Howsam, P. (1999) ‘Impact and sustainability of community water supply and sanitation programmes in developing countries’, Journal of the Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Management 13: 292-6.
Franceys, R., Fonseca, C. and Perry, C. (2006) African Development Bank: Guidelines for User Fees and Cost Recovery for Water, Sanitation and Irrigation Projects [online], Draft Guidelines, available from: [accessed 28 August 2007].
Hartmann, B. and Boyce, J.K. (1983) A Quiet Violence: View from a Bangladesh Village, Zed Books, London.
Hoque, B.A., Hallman, K., Levy, J., Bouis, H., Ali, N., Khan, F., Khanam, S., Kabir, M., Hossain, S and Alam, M.S. (2006) ‘Rural drinking water at supply and household levels: quality and management’, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 209: 451-60.
Hossain, F., Bagtzoglou, A.C., Nahar, N. and Hossain, M.D. (2006) ‘Statistical characterisation of arsenic contamination in shallow tube wells of western Bangladesh’, Hydrological Processes 20: 1497-1510.
Howard, G. and Bartram, J. (2003) Domestic Water Quantity, Service Level and Health [online], WHO, Geneva, available from: [accessed 22 May 2007].
IWMI (2004) Pro-poor Interventions in Irrigated Agriculture in Bangladesh: Issues, Options and Proposed Actions [online], International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri Lanka, available from: [accessed 16 July 2007].
IWMI (2006) Taking a Multiple-use Approach to Meeting the Water Needs of Poor Communities Brings Multiple Benefits [online], Water Policy Briefing, Issue 18, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri Lanka, available from: [accessed 16 July 2007].
Kayaga, S., Calvert, J. and Sansom, K. (2003) ‘Paying for water services: effects of household characteristics’, Utilities Policy 11: 123-32.
Macdonald, D., Ahmed, K.M., Islam, M.S., Lawrence, A. and Khandker, Z.Z. (1999) ‘Pit latrines: A source of contamination in peri-urban Dhaka? Waterlines 17(4): 6-8.
Narayan, D. (1995) ‘The contribution of people's participation: evidence from 121 rural water supply projects’, Environmentally Sustainable Development Occasional Paper Series, No.1, World Bank, Washington, DC.
Smits, S., Moriarty, P.B., Butterworth, J.A., Restrepo, I., van Koppen, B. and Cousins, T. (2004) ‘Towards multiple use water services’, background paper for E-conference: Tackling poverty through Multiple Use Water Services, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, Delft, The Netherlands.
UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) (2006) Human Development Report 2006. Beyond Scarcity: Power, Poverty and the Global Water Crisis [online], United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), New York, available from: [accessed 19 July 2007].
van Koppen, B., Moriarty, P.B. & Boelee, E. (2006) Multiple-use Water Services to Advance the Millennium Development Goals, Research Report 98 [online], International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka, available from: [accessed 22 May 2007].
WASH (1994) The Sustainability of Donor-assisted Rural Water Supply Projects, WASH Technical Report No. 94 [online], Water and Sanitation for Health Project, available from: [accessed 27 July 2009].
WHO (2006) Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality: Incorporating First Addendum, Vol. 1, Recommendations (3rd edn) [online], available from: [accessed 23 November 2009].
Yin, R.K. (1994) Case Study Research: Design and Methods, Applied Social Research Methods Series, Vol. 5, Sage Publications, London, 2nd edn.
Abrams, L.J. (1998) ‘Understanding sustainability of local water services’ [online], available from: [accessed 27 July 2009].
Ahmad, K.M., Bhattacharya, P., Hasan, M.A., Akhter, S.H., Alam, S.M.M., Bhuyian, M.A.H., Imam, M.B., Khan, A.A. and Sracek, O. (2004) ‘Arsenic enrichment in groundwater of the alluvial aquifers in Bangladesh: an overview’, Applied Geochemistry 19: 181-200.
Ali, A.M.S. (2007) ‘Population pressure, agricultural intensification and changes in rural systems in Bangladesh’, Geoforum, 38(4), p. 720-738.
APSU (2006) Selected Papers on the Social Aspects of Arsenic and Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh [online], Arsenic Policy Support Unit, Dhaka, Bangladesh, available from: [accessed 5 August 2009].
Carter, R.C., Tyrrel, S.F & Howsam, P. (1999) ‘Impact and sustainability of community water supply and sanitation programmes in developing countries’, Journal of the Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Management 13: 292-6.
Franceys, R., Fonseca, C. and Perry, C. (2006) African Development Bank: Guidelines for User Fees and Cost Recovery for Water, Sanitation and Irrigation Projects [online], Draft Guidelines, available from: [accessed 28 August 2007].
Hartmann, B. and Boyce, J.K. (1983) A Quiet Violence: View from a Bangladesh Village, Zed Books, London.
Hoque, B.A., Hallman, K., Levy, J., Bouis, H., Ali, N., Khan, F., Khanam, S., Kabir, M., Hossain, S and Alam, M.S. (2006) ‘Rural drinking water at supply and household levels: quality and management’, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 209: 451-60.
Hossain, F., Bagtzoglou, A.C., Nahar, N. and Hossain, M.D. (2006) ‘Statistical characterisation of arsenic contamination in shallow tube wells of western Bangladesh’, Hydrological Processes 20: 1497-1510.
Howard, G. and Bartram, J. (2003) Domestic Water Quantity, Service Level and Health [online], WHO, Geneva, available from: [accessed 22 May 2007].
IWMI (2004) Pro-poor Interventions in Irrigated Agriculture in Bangladesh: Issues, Options and Proposed Actions [online], International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri Lanka, available from: [accessed 16 July 2007].
IWMI (2006) Taking a Multiple-use Approach to Meeting the Water Needs of Poor Communities Brings Multiple Benefits [online], Water Policy Briefing, Issue 18, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri Lanka, available from: [accessed 16 July 2007].
Kayaga, S., Calvert, J. and Sansom, K. (2003) ‘Paying for water services: effects of household characteristics’, Utilities Policy 11: 123-32.
Macdonald, D., Ahmed, K.M., Islam, M.S., Lawrence, A. and Khandker, Z.Z. (1999) ‘Pit latrines: A source of contamination in peri-urban Dhaka? Waterlines 17(4): 6-8.
Narayan, D. (1995) ‘The contribution of people's participation: evidence from 121 rural water supply projects’, Environmentally Sustainable Development Occasional Paper Series, No.1, World Bank, Washington, DC.
Smits, S., Moriarty, P.B., Butterworth, J.A., Restrepo, I., van Koppen, B. and Cousins, T. (2004) ‘Towards multiple use water services’, background paper for E-conference: Tackling poverty through Multiple Use Water Services, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, Delft, The Netherlands.
UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) (2006) Human Development Report 2006. Beyond Scarcity: Power, Poverty and the Global Water Crisis [online], United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), New York, available from: [accessed 19 July 2007].
van Koppen, B., Moriarty, P.B. & Boelee, E. (2006) Multiple-use Water Services to Advance the Millennium Development Goals, Research Report 98 [online], International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka, available from: [accessed 22 May 2007].
WASH (1994) The Sustainability of Donor-assisted Rural Water Supply Projects, WASH Technical Report No. 94 [online], Water and Sanitation for Health Project, available from: [accessed 27 July 2009].
WHO (2006) Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality: Incorporating First Addendum, Vol. 1, Recommendations (3rd edn) [online], available from: [accessed 23 November 2009].
Yin, R.K. (1994) Case Study Research: Design and Methods, Applied Social Research Methods Series, Vol. 5, Sage Publications, London, 2nd edn.
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