Multiple-use water services: climbing the water ladder
This article presents findings of the action-research project on the what, why and how of ‘multiple-use water services’ or MUS, supported by the Challenge Program on Water and Food (active in 30 sites in 8 countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia). The consortium of partners from the domestic and productive water sectors pioneered the implementation of two models of MUS on the ground: homestead-scale MUS and community-scale MUS. Further, through learning alliances of 150 institutions, the project pilot-tested ways to scale-up MUS among intermediate- and national-level water service providers. Key lessons for scaling up by water users’ movements, NGOs, the domestic sector, the productive sector and local government are discussed. Also in the light of the growing recognition of MUS across the globe, further innovation and implementation at scale are warranted to tap the many identifi ed opportunities of MUS compared with single-use approaches.Boelee, E., Laamrani, H., Khallaayoune, K. and Watts, S. (1999) ‘Domestic water use in Morocco's Tessaout Amont irrigation system’, Waterlines 18(1): 21-23.
Houmoller, O., Kruger, T. Livelihood and IWRM (2008) Paper presented at the International Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM): Lessons from Implementation in Developing Countries and the 2nd Africa Regional Meeting of the National Committees of UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme. Water Research Commission of South Africa, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Unesco-IHP and Water Institute of Southern Africa, Cape Town, 10-12 March 2008.
Howard, G. and Bartram, J. (2003) Domestic Water Quantity, Service Level and Health, informal paper WHO/SDE/WSH/03.02, Water Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC), Loughborough University, UK, and Water, Sanitation and Health Programme, World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland.
Meinzen-Dick, R. (1997) ‘Valuing the multiple uses of water’, in M. Kay, T. Franks and L. Smith (eds), Water: Economics, Management and Demand, pp. 50-58, E&FN Spon, London.
Mikhail, M. and Yoder, R. (2008) Multiple Use Water Service Implementation in Nepal and India: Experience and Lessons for Scale-up, International Development Enterprises, Challenge Programme on Water and Food, and International Water Management Institute, Lakewood, Colorado.
Molle, F. and Renwick, M. (2005) Economics and Politics of Water Resources Development: Uda Walawe Irrigation Project, Research Report 87, International Water Management Institute, Sri Lanka, Colombo.
Moriarty, P., Butterworth, J. and Van Koppen, B. (eds) (2004) Beyond Domestic: Case Studies on Poverty and Productive Uses of Water at the Household Level, IRC Technical Papers Series 41, IRC, Delft, the Netherlands.
Nguyen-Khoa, S., Smith, L. and Lorenzen, K. (2005) Impacts of Irrigation on Inland Fisheries: Appraisals in Laos and Sri Lanka, Comprehensive Assessment Research Report 7, Comprehensive Assessment Secretariat, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Renault, D. (2008) ‘Service-oriented management and multiple uses of water in modernizing large irrigation systems’, in J. Butterworth, M. Keijzer, I. Smout and F. Hagos (eds), Multiple-Use Water Services. Proceedings of an International Symposium, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 4-6 November 2008, pp. 107-117, MUS Group, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Renwick, M.E. (2001) ‘Valuing water in a multiple-use irrigation system: Irrigated agriculture and reservoir fisheries’, Irrigation & Drainage Systems 15(2): 149-171.
Renwick, M. (2007) Multiple-use Water Services for the Poor: Assessing the State of Knowledge, Winrock International, IRC Water and Sanitation Centre, International Water Management Institute, Arlington Winrock International.
SADC/Danida Regional Water Sector Programme (2009) Guidelines for Local-level Integrated Water Resource Management. Based on experiences from Integrated Water Resource Management Demonstration Projects in Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, and Zambia. Synthesized by Barbara van Koppen. Southern African Development Community/Danish International Development Agency, in collaboration with the International Water Management Institute, Pretoria.
Van der Hoek, W., Konradsen, F. Ensink, J.H.J., Mudasser, M. and Jensen, P.K. (2001) ‘Irrigation water as a source of drinking water: is safe use possible?’ Tropical Medicine and International Health 6: 46-55.
Van Koppen, B., Smits, S., Moriarty, P., Penning de Vries, F., Mikhail, M. and Boelee, E. (2009) Climbing the Water Ladder: Multiple-use Water Services for Poverty Reduction [online], Technical Paper Series 52, The Hague, The Netherlands, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre and International Water Management Institute and Challenge Program on Water and Food, available from: [accessed 10 November 2009].
World Water Council and T.C. Dişişleri Bakanliği (2009) Global Water Framework: Outcomes of the Fifth World Water Forum, Istanbul 2009, World Water Council and T.C. Dişisşleri Bakanliği, Istanbul.
Boelee, E., Laamrani, H., Khallaayoune, K. and Watts, S. (1999) ‘Domestic water use in Morocco's Tessaout Amont irrigation system’, Waterlines 18(1): 21-23.
Houmoller, O., Kruger, T. Livelihood and IWRM (2008) Paper presented at the International Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM): Lessons from Implementation in Developing Countries and the 2nd Africa Regional Meeting of the National Committees of UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme. Water Research Commission of South Africa, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Unesco-IHP and Water Institute of Southern Africa, Cape Town, 10-12 March 2008.
Howard, G. and Bartram, J. (2003) Domestic Water Quantity, Service Level and Health, informal paper WHO/SDE/WSH/03.02, Water Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC), Loughborough University, UK, and Water, Sanitation and Health Programme, World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland.
Meinzen-Dick, R. (1997) ‘Valuing the multiple uses of water’, in M. Kay, T. Franks and L. Smith (eds), Water: Economics, Management and Demand, pp. 50-58, E&FN Spon, London.
Mikhail, M. and Yoder, R. (2008) Multiple Use Water Service Implementation in Nepal and India: Experience and Lessons for Scale-up, International Development Enterprises, Challenge Programme on Water and Food, and International Water Management Institute, Lakewood, Colorado.
Molle, F. and Renwick, M. (2005) Economics and Politics of Water Resources Development: Uda Walawe Irrigation Project, Research Report 87, International Water Management Institute, Sri Lanka, Colombo.
Moriarty, P., Butterworth, J. and Van Koppen, B. (eds) (2004) Beyond Domestic: Case Studies on Poverty and Productive Uses of Water at the Household Level, IRC Technical Papers Series 41, IRC, Delft, the Netherlands.
Nguyen-Khoa, S., Smith, L. and Lorenzen, K. (2005) Impacts of Irrigation on Inland Fisheries: Appraisals in Laos and Sri Lanka, Comprehensive Assessment Research Report 7, Comprehensive Assessment Secretariat, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Renault, D. (2008) ‘Service-oriented management and multiple uses of water in modernizing large irrigation systems’, in J. Butterworth, M. Keijzer, I. Smout and F. Hagos (eds), Multiple-Use Water Services. Proceedings of an International Symposium, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 4-6 November 2008, pp. 107-117, MUS Group, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Renwick, M.E. (2001) ‘Valuing water in a multiple-use irrigation system: Irrigated agriculture and reservoir fisheries’, Irrigation & Drainage Systems 15(2): 149-171.
Renwick, M. (2007) Multiple-use Water Services for the Poor: Assessing the State of Knowledge, Winrock International, IRC Water and Sanitation Centre, International Water Management Institute, Arlington Winrock International.
SADC/Danida Regional Water Sector Programme (2009) Guidelines for Local-level Integrated Water Resource Management. Based on experiences from Integrated Water Resource Management Demonstration Projects in Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, and Zambia. Synthesized by Barbara van Koppen. Southern African Development Community/Danish International Development Agency, in collaboration with the International Water Management Institute, Pretoria.
Van der Hoek, W., Konradsen, F. Ensink, J.H.J., Mudasser, M. and Jensen, P.K. (2001) ‘Irrigation water as a source of drinking water: is safe use possible?’ Tropical Medicine and International Health 6: 46-55.
Van Koppen, B., Smits, S., Moriarty, P., Penning de Vries, F., Mikhail, M. and Boelee, E. (2009) Climbing the Water Ladder: Multiple-use Water Services for Poverty Reduction [online], Technical Paper Series 52, The Hague, The Netherlands, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre and International Water Management Institute and Challenge Program on Water and Food, available from: [accessed 10 November 2009].
World Water Council and T.C. Dişişleri Bakanliği (2009) Global Water Framework: Outcomes of the Fifth World Water Forum, Istanbul 2009, World Water Council and T.C. Dişisşleri Bakanliği, Istanbul.
Boelee, E., Laamrani, H., Khallaayoune, K. and Watts, S. (1999) ‘Domestic water use in Morocco's Tessaout Amont irrigation system’, Waterlines 18(1): 21-23.
Houmoller, O., Kruger, T. Livelihood and IWRM (2008) Paper presented at the International Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM): Lessons from Implementation in Developing Countries and the 2nd Africa Regional Meeting of the National Committees of UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme. Water Research Commission of South Africa, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Unesco-IHP and Water Institute of Southern Africa, Cape Town, 10-12 March 2008.
Howard, G. and Bartram, J. (2003) Domestic Water Quantity, Service Level and Health, informal paper WHO/SDE/WSH/03.02, Water Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC), Loughborough University, UK, and Water, Sanitation and Health Programme, World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland.
Meinzen-Dick, R. (1997) ‘Valuing the multiple uses of water’, in M. Kay, T. Franks and L. Smith (eds), Water: Economics, Management and Demand, pp. 50-58, E&FN Spon, London.
Mikhail, M. and Yoder, R. (2008) Multiple Use Water Service Implementation in Nepal and India: Experience and Lessons for Scale-up, International Development Enterprises, Challenge Programme on Water and Food, and International Water Management Institute, Lakewood, Colorado.
Molle, F. and Renwick, M. (2005) Economics and Politics of Water Resources Development: Uda Walawe Irrigation Project, Research Report 87, International Water Management Institute, Sri Lanka, Colombo.
Moriarty, P., Butterworth, J. and Van Koppen, B. (eds) (2004) Beyond Domestic: Case Studies on Poverty and Productive Uses of Water at the Household Level, IRC Technical Papers Series 41, IRC, Delft, the Netherlands.
Nguyen-Khoa, S., Smith, L. and Lorenzen, K. (2005) Impacts of Irrigation on Inland Fisheries: Appraisals in Laos and Sri Lanka, Comprehensive Assessment Research Report 7, Comprehensive Assessment Secretariat, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Renault, D. (2008) ‘Service-oriented management and multiple uses of water in modernizing large irrigation systems’, in J. Butterworth, M. Keijzer, I. Smout and F. Hagos (eds), Multiple-Use Water Services. Proceedings of an International Symposium, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 4-6 November 2008, pp. 107-117, MUS Group, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Renwick, M.E. (2001) ‘Valuing water in a multiple-use irrigation system: Irrigated agriculture and reservoir fisheries’, Irrigation & Drainage Systems 15(2): 149-171.
Renwick, M. (2007) Multiple-use Water Services for the Poor: Assessing the State of Knowledge, Winrock International, IRC Water and Sanitation Centre, International Water Management Institute, Arlington Winrock International.
SADC/Danida Regional Water Sector Programme (2009) Guidelines for Local-level Integrated Water Resource Management. Based on experiences from Integrated Water Resource Management Demonstration Projects in Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, and Zambia. Synthesized by Barbara van Koppen. Southern African Development Community/Danish International Development Agency, in collaboration with the International Water Management Institute, Pretoria.
Van der Hoek, W., Konradsen, F. Ensink, J.H.J., Mudasser, M. and Jensen, P.K. (2001) ‘Irrigation water as a source of drinking water: is safe use possible?’ Tropical Medicine and International Health 6: 46-55.
Van Koppen, B., Smits, S., Moriarty, P., Penning de Vries, F., Mikhail, M. and Boelee, E. (2009) Climbing the Water Ladder: Multiple-use Water Services for Poverty Reduction [online], Technical Paper Series 52, The Hague, The Netherlands, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre and International Water Management Institute and Challenge Program on Water and Food, available from: [accessed 10 November 2009].
World Water Council and T.C. Dişişleri Bakanliği (2009) Global Water Framework: Outcomes of the Fifth World Water Forum, Istanbul 2009, World Water Council and T.C. Dişisşleri Bakanliği, Istanbul.
Boelee, E., Laamrani, H., Khallaayoune, K. and Watts, S. (1999) ‘Domestic water use in Morocco's Tessaout Amont irrigation system’, Waterlines 18(1): 21-23.
Houmoller, O., Kruger, T. Livelihood and IWRM (2008) Paper presented at the International Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM): Lessons from Implementation in Developing Countries and the 2nd Africa Regional Meeting of the National Committees of UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme. Water Research Commission of South Africa, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Unesco-IHP and Water Institute of Southern Africa, Cape Town, 10-12 March 2008.
Howard, G. and Bartram, J. (2003) Domestic Water Quantity, Service Level and Health, informal paper WHO/SDE/WSH/03.02, Water Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC), Loughborough University, UK, and Water, Sanitation and Health Programme, World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland.
Meinzen-Dick, R. (1997) ‘Valuing the multiple uses of water’, in M. Kay, T. Franks and L. Smith (eds), Water: Economics, Management and Demand, pp. 50-58, E&FN Spon, London.
Mikhail, M. and Yoder, R. (2008) Multiple Use Water Service Implementation in Nepal and India: Experience and Lessons for Scale-up, International Development Enterprises, Challenge Programme on Water and Food, and International Water Management Institute, Lakewood, Colorado.
Molle, F. and Renwick, M. (2005) Economics and Politics of Water Resources Development: Uda Walawe Irrigation Project, Research Report 87, International Water Management Institute, Sri Lanka, Colombo.
Moriarty, P., Butterworth, J. and Van Koppen, B. (eds) (2004) Beyond Domestic: Case Studies on Poverty and Productive Uses of Water at the Household Level, IRC Technical Papers Series 41, IRC, Delft, the Netherlands.
Nguyen-Khoa, S., Smith, L. and Lorenzen, K. (2005) Impacts of Irrigation on Inland Fisheries: Appraisals in Laos and Sri Lanka, Comprehensive Assessment Research Report 7, Comprehensive Assessment Secretariat, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Renault, D. (2008) ‘Service-oriented management and multiple uses of water in modernizing large irrigation systems’, in J. Butterworth, M. Keijzer, I. Smout and F. Hagos (eds), Multiple-Use Water Services. Proceedings of an International Symposium, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 4-6 November 2008, pp. 107-117, MUS Group, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Renwick, M.E. (2001) ‘Valuing water in a multiple-use irrigation system: Irrigated agriculture and reservoir fisheries’, Irrigation & Drainage Systems 15(2): 149-171.
Renwick, M. (2007) Multiple-use Water Services for the Poor: Assessing the State of Knowledge, Winrock International, IRC Water and Sanitation Centre, International Water Management Institute, Arlington Winrock International.
SADC/Danida Regional Water Sector Programme (2009) Guidelines for Local-level Integrated Water Resource Management. Based on experiences from Integrated Water Resource Management Demonstration Projects in Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, and Zambia. Synthesized by Barbara van Koppen. Southern African Development Community/Danish International Development Agency, in collaboration with the International Water Management Institute, Pretoria.
Van der Hoek, W., Konradsen, F. Ensink, J.H.J., Mudasser, M. and Jensen, P.K. (2001) ‘Irrigation water as a source of drinking water: is safe use possible?’ Tropical Medicine and International Health 6: 46-55.
Van Koppen, B., Smits, S., Moriarty, P., Penning de Vries, F., Mikhail, M. and Boelee, E. (2009) Climbing the Water Ladder: Multiple-use Water Services for Poverty Reduction [online], Technical Paper Series 52, The Hague, The Netherlands, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre and International Water Management Institute and Challenge Program on Water and Food, available from: [accessed 10 November 2009].
World Water Council and T.C. Dişişleri Bakanliği (2009) Global Water Framework: Outcomes of the Fifth World Water Forum, Istanbul 2009, World Water Council and T.C. Dişisşleri Bakanliği, Istanbul.
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