A qualitative and physical investigation of a double-vault composting latrine programme in northern Vietnam
General Statistics Office (2004) Results of the Survey of Household Living Standards 2002, Statistical Publishing House. Hanoi, Vietnam.
GTZ BmbH. (2007) ‘Ecological sanitation closes the loop between sanitation and agriculture’, http://www.gtz.de/en/themen/umwelt-infrastruktur/wasser/8524.htm [accessed 26 August 2008]. http://www.gtz.de/en/themen/umwelt-infrastruktur/wasser/8524.htm
Indochina Research (2006) Vietnam National Handwashing Initiative: Consumer research results presentation, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Jensen P.K. (2006) ‘Human excreta use in agriculture in Vietnam: A study from the field to the latrine 2004-2006’, presentation to workshop. Hanoi, Vietnam.
Jensen P.K., Phuc P.D., Dalsgaard A. and Konradsen F. (2005) ‘Successful sanitation promotion must recognize the use of latrine waste in agriculture - the example of Vietnam’, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 83(11): 873-4.
Jonsson H., Stintzing A.R., Vinneras B. and Salomon E. (2004) ‘Guidelines on the use of urine and faeces in crop production’, Stockholm Environment Institute. Stockholm, Sweden.
Ministry of Health (2003) Latrines for rural areas in Vietnam, Department of Preventative Medicine. Hanoi, Vietnam.
Ministry of Health (2005) Clean Water Hygienic Standards and Hygienic Standards for Latrines, Ministry of Health, Hanoi, Viet Nam, promulgated together with the Minister of Health's Decision No. 08/2005/QD-BYT of March 11, 2005.
Ministry of Health and UNICEF (2007) Environmental Sanitation in Rural Vietnam, Ministry of Health and UNICEF, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Phuc P.D., Konradsen F., Phuong P.T., Cam P.D. and Dalsgaard A. (2006). ‘Practice of using human excreta as fertilizer and implications for health in Nghean Province, Vietnam’, Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 37(1): 222-9.
Schonning C. and Stenstrom T.A. (2004) Guidelines for the Safe Use of Urine and Faeces in Ecological Sanitation Systems, EcoSanRes Publication Series, Stockholm, Sweden.
Socialist Republic of Vietnam (2006) ‘National Target Program for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (2006-2010)’, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Winblad U. and Simpson-Hebert M. (editors) (2004). Ecological Sanitation: Revised and Enlarged Edition, Stockholm Environment Institute. Stockholm, Sweden.
General Statistics Office (2004) Results of the Survey of Household Living Standards 2002, Statistical Publishing House. Hanoi, Vietnam.
GTZ BmbH. (2007) ‘Ecological sanitation closes the loop between sanitation and agriculture’, http://www.gtz.de/en/themen/umwelt-infrastruktur/wasser/8524.htm [accessed 26 August 2008]. http://www.gtz.de/en/themen/umwelt-infrastruktur/wasser/8524.htm
Indochina Research (2006) Vietnam National Handwashing Initiative: Consumer research results presentation, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Jensen P.K. (2006) ‘Human excreta use in agriculture in Vietnam: A study from the field to the latrine 2004-2006’, presentation to workshop. Hanoi, Vietnam.
Jensen P.K., Phuc P.D., Dalsgaard A. and Konradsen F. (2005) ‘Successful sanitation promotion must recognize the use of latrine waste in agriculture - the example of Vietnam’, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 83(11): 873-4.
Jonsson H., Stintzing A.R., Vinneras B. and Salomon E. (2004) ‘Guidelines on the use of urine and faeces in crop production’, Stockholm Environment Institute. Stockholm, Sweden.
Ministry of Health (2003) Latrines for rural areas in Vietnam, Department of Preventative Medicine. Hanoi, Vietnam.
Ministry of Health (2005) Clean Water Hygienic Standards and Hygienic Standards for Latrines, Ministry of Health, Hanoi, Viet Nam, promulgated together with the Minister of Health's Decision No. 08/2005/QD-BYT of March 11, 2005.
Ministry of Health and UNICEF (2007) Environmental Sanitation in Rural Vietnam, Ministry of Health and UNICEF, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Phuc P.D., Konradsen F., Phuong P.T., Cam P.D. and Dalsgaard A. (2006). ‘Practice of using human excreta as fertilizer and implications for health in Nghean Province, Vietnam’, Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 37(1): 222-9.
Schonning C. and Stenstrom T.A. (2004) Guidelines for the Safe Use of Urine and Faeces in Ecological Sanitation Systems, EcoSanRes Publication Series, Stockholm, Sweden.
Socialist Republic of Vietnam (2006) ‘National Target Program for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (2006-2010)’, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Winblad U. and Simpson-Hebert M. (editors) (2004). Ecological Sanitation: Revised and Enlarged Edition, Stockholm Environment Institute. Stockholm, Sweden.
General Statistics Office (2004) Results of the Survey of Household Living Standards 2002, Statistical Publishing House. Hanoi, Vietnam.
GTZ BmbH. (2007) ‘Ecological sanitation closes the loop between sanitation and agriculture’, http://www.gtz.de/en/themen/umwelt-infrastruktur/wasser/8524.htm [accessed 26 August 2008]. http://www.gtz.de/en/themen/umwelt-infrastruktur/wasser/8524.htm
Indochina Research (2006) Vietnam National Handwashing Initiative: Consumer research results presentation, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Jensen P.K. (2006) ‘Human excreta use in agriculture in Vietnam: A study from the field to the latrine 2004-2006’, presentation to workshop. Hanoi, Vietnam.
Jensen P.K., Phuc P.D., Dalsgaard A. and Konradsen F. (2005) ‘Successful sanitation promotion must recognize the use of latrine waste in agriculture - the example of Vietnam’, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 83(11): 873-4.
Jonsson H., Stintzing A.R., Vinneras B. and Salomon E. (2004) ‘Guidelines on the use of urine and faeces in crop production’, Stockholm Environment Institute. Stockholm, Sweden.
Ministry of Health (2003) Latrines for rural areas in Vietnam, Department of Preventative Medicine. Hanoi, Vietnam.
Ministry of Health (2005) Clean Water Hygienic Standards and Hygienic Standards for Latrines, Ministry of Health, Hanoi, Viet Nam, promulgated together with the Minister of Health's Decision No. 08/2005/QD-BYT of March 11, 2005.
Ministry of Health and UNICEF (2007) Environmental Sanitation in Rural Vietnam, Ministry of Health and UNICEF, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Phuc P.D., Konradsen F., Phuong P.T., Cam P.D. and Dalsgaard A. (2006). ‘Practice of using human excreta as fertilizer and implications for health in Nghean Province, Vietnam’, Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 37(1): 222-9.
Schonning C. and Stenstrom T.A. (2004) Guidelines for the Safe Use of Urine and Faeces in Ecological Sanitation Systems, EcoSanRes Publication Series, Stockholm, Sweden.
Socialist Republic of Vietnam (2006) ‘National Target Program for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (2006-2010)’, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Winblad U. and Simpson-Hebert M. (editors) (2004). Ecological Sanitation: Revised and Enlarged Edition, Stockholm Environment Institute. Stockholm, Sweden.
General Statistics Office (2004) Results of the Survey of Household Living Standards 2002, Statistical Publishing House. Hanoi, Vietnam.
GTZ BmbH. (2007) ‘Ecological sanitation closes the loop between sanitation and agriculture’, http://www.gtz.de/en/themen/umwelt-infrastruktur/wasser/8524.htm [accessed 26 August 2008]. http://www.gtz.de/en/themen/umwelt-infrastruktur/wasser/8524.htm
Indochina Research (2006) Vietnam National Handwashing Initiative: Consumer research results presentation, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Jensen P.K. (2006) ‘Human excreta use in agriculture in Vietnam: A study from the field to the latrine 2004-2006’, presentation to workshop. Hanoi, Vietnam.
Jensen P.K., Phuc P.D., Dalsgaard A. and Konradsen F. (2005) ‘Successful sanitation promotion must recognize the use of latrine waste in agriculture - the example of Vietnam’, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 83(11): 873-4.
Jonsson H., Stintzing A.R., Vinneras B. and Salomon E. (2004) ‘Guidelines on the use of urine and faeces in crop production’, Stockholm Environment Institute. Stockholm, Sweden.
Ministry of Health (2003) Latrines for rural areas in Vietnam, Department of Preventative Medicine. Hanoi, Vietnam.
Ministry of Health (2005) Clean Water Hygienic Standards and Hygienic Standards for Latrines, Ministry of Health, Hanoi, Viet Nam, promulgated together with the Minister of Health's Decision No. 08/2005/QD-BYT of March 11, 2005.
Ministry of Health and UNICEF (2007) Environmental Sanitation in Rural Vietnam, Ministry of Health and UNICEF, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Phuc P.D., Konradsen F., Phuong P.T., Cam P.D. and Dalsgaard A. (2006). ‘Practice of using human excreta as fertilizer and implications for health in Nghean Province, Vietnam’, Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 37(1): 222-9.
Schonning C. and Stenstrom T.A. (2004) Guidelines for the Safe Use of Urine and Faeces in Ecological Sanitation Systems, EcoSanRes Publication Series, Stockholm, Sweden.
Socialist Republic of Vietnam (2006) ‘National Target Program for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (2006-2010)’, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Winblad U. and Simpson-Hebert M. (editors) (2004). Ecological Sanitation: Revised and Enlarged Edition, Stockholm Environment Institute. Stockholm, Sweden.
Exploring the utility of diffusion theory to evaluate social marketing approaches to improve urban sanitation in Malawi
Cole, B.
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Anda, M.
Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, Vol. 5 (2015), Iss. 2 P.289
https://doi.org/10.2166/washdev.2014.202 [Citations: 4]- A call to action: organizational, professional, and personal change for gender transformative WASH programming
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