Sanitation and hygiene in South Asia: Progress and challenges
What can the world learn from achievements and challenges in the field of South Asian sanitation provision? Considerable progress has been made in 10 subject areas: policy development, low-cost solutions, user choice, decentralization, mapping poverty areas, funding of demand creation, motivating users, local production and supply, phasing out ineffective subsidies, and going beyond numbers to healthy practices. Ten others are still under-developed: diversification between and within households, cost-effective promotion, targeting remaining subsidies with equity, upgrading toilets over time, environmental safety, scope for dry toilets, sanitation in urban slums, short-term versus long-term programmes, sustainability of facilities and programmes, and organizational and human capacities, especially at intermediate level. This paper provides an overview of the South Asian Sanitation & Hygiene Practitioners' Workshop organized by IRC, WaterAid and BRAC in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 29-31 January 2008.Ahmed, R. (2006) ‘A case study on reaching the poorest and vulnerable’, paper presented at the 32nd WEDC International Conference ‘Sustainable Development of Water Resources, Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation’, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Ahmed, R. (2008) ‘Journey towards changing behaviour: Evolution of hygiene education in Bangladesh’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Allan, S. (2003) The WaterAid Bangladesh/VERC 100% Sanitation Approach: Cost, Motivation and Sustainability [online], London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Baldwin, J., Colin, J., van Wijk-Sijbesma, C. and James, A. (2004) UNICEFGovernment of India Child's Environment Programme 1999-2003. Part Two, Annex Three: Village Assessment Methodology and Findings, WELL, Loughborough, UK, and Delft, the Netherlands.
Cheruvari, S. (2006) ‘East Midnapore: 100% toilet coverage’, New Delhi, India: UNICEF.
Dabrase P., Mukkarjee, A. and Thakkar, M. (2007) Poverty Mapping: Prioritising Interventions. Intra-slum Inequities Analysis, Bhopal. UN-HABITAT and WaterAid, Bhopal, India.
Fröhlich, U. (1999) ‘Private Sector: Just a (new) Hope?' report on the 15th AGUASAN Workshop, Gersau/Rotschuo, Switzerland, 28 June - 2 July, St Gallen, Switzerland [online]. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Galway, M. (2000) New Approaches to Promoting Sanitation in Rural Bangladesh (Field note) [online], WSP South Asia Region, New Delhi, India. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Ganguly, S. (2008) ‘India's national sanitation and hygiene programme: Focusing on West Bengal and Maharashtra models as key to success’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Ganju, D., Ahmed, S. and Kumar, C. (2007) Community-led Total Sanitation in Rural Areas: An Approach that Works (field note), WSP, New Delhi, India.
Government of India (2001) Central Rural Sanitation Programme Total Sanitation Campaign: Guidelines, Government of India, Ministry of Rural Development, Department of Drinking Water Supply, New Delhi.
Government of India (2003) ‘Towards total sanitation and hygiene: A challenge for India’, paper presented at the South Asian Conference on Sanitation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 21-23 October 2003.
Government of Pakistan (2006) National Sanitation Policy [online], Ministry of Environment, Islamabad, Pakistan. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Gupta, K., Reny, M., Samanta, T. and Talapatra, S. (2005) The Impact of the Total Sanitation Campaign on Household Sanitation in West Bengal: A Case Study of Amdanga and Haldia Blocks [online], Institute of Social Sciences, Kolkata, West Bengal. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Haider, I. (2008) ‘Development of community-based sanitation infrastructure in Hasanpura, Faisalabad’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Halim, S., Hossain, Y., Richardson, E., Islam, Q., Hassan, M. and Sarker, P. (2002) Shifting Millions from Open Defecation to Hygienic Latrines. Process Documentation of 100% Sanitation Approach, VERC, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
House of Consultants (2000) Evaluation of Social Mobilisation Programme, Final report, Dhaka, Bangladesh: UNICEF.
Huda, E. (2008) ‘Community-led decentralised total sanitation: field experience from Bangladesh’, in J Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
IRC and partners (2006) ‘Women, well-being, work, waste and sanitation (4Ws): Action research on alternative strategies of environmental sanitation and waste management for improved health and socio-economic development in peri-urban coastal communities in South Asia’ (Project ICA4-CT-2002-10013) Final Report and Synthesis of work, 2003-2006 to the European Commission
Jain, S. (2007) ‘Effectiveness of Nirmal Gram Puraskar in sanitation promotion’, in WES-Net India, no. 9, August 2007, pp. 4-5
Jenkins, M. and Curtis, V. (2005) ‘Achieving the “good life”: Why some people want latrines in rural Benin’, Social Science and Medicine 61: 2446-59. Available from: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Kabir, A. (undated, c.2005) Bangladesh: National Water Sector Assessment [online], WaterAid, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Available from: Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Kabir, B., Huq, T., Karim, R. and Rahman, M. (2008) ‘BRAC WASH Programme’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Kalimuthu, A. (2008) ‘Sustainable community owned total sanitation’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Kar, K. (2003) Subsidy or Self-respect? Participatory Total Sanitation in Bangladesh (IDS Working Paper 184) [online], Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, UK. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Kar, K. and Bongarts, P. (2006) Update on Some Recent Developments in Community- Led Total Sanitation [online], Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, UK. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Kar, K. and Pasteur, K. (2005) Subsidy or Self-respect? Community Led Total Sanitation. An Update on Recent Developments (IDS Working Paper 257) [online], Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, UK. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Khisro, S., Ahmad, M., Tahir, M. and Khan, M. (2008) ‘Community led total sanitation in Pakistan’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Kolsky, P., Chilton, J., van Wijk-Sijbesma, C., Bauman, E. and Bhatia, R. (1999) Evaluation of UNICEF water and environmental sanitation activities in India, 1966- 1998.
Edited version published as UNICEF (2002) Learning from Experience: Water and Environmental Sanitation in India, UNICEF, New York. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Kumar, S. and Kumar, Y. (2008) ‘Promoting sanitation through decentralized governance systems: A case study of Rajukhedi Panchayat in India’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Kurup, K., Abdulla, A., Kurien, C., Remadevi, O., Mathew, T., John, I., Mathew, K., Kumar, P., Manilal, V. and Varghese, G. (1996) The Community-managed Sanitation Programme in Kerala: Learning from Experience [online], IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague. Available from:
PAC (Practical Action Consulting) (2006) Bangladesh Rural Sanitation Supply Chain and Employment Impact. Human Development Report 2006 Occasional Paper [online], UNDP Human Development Report Office, New York. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Pretus, R. and Jones, O. (2008) ‘Money down the pan? Community level models for financing sanitation’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Qutub, S., Salam, N., Shah, K. and Anjum, D. (2008) ‘Subsidy and sustainability in urban sanitation; Quetta Katchi Abadies Environmental Management
Programme (QKAEMP) 1997-2003’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit. Rajbahandari, K. (2008) ‘Ecological sanitation latrines and the experience of Nepal’, in Wicken, J. op. cit.
Saha, U., Ali, M., Stevens, L. and Karim, I. (2008) ‘Sanitation, water and hygiene programme in Faridpur’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Sijbesma, C. (2006) ‘Scaling up community-managed water and sanitation in India: Pilot projects’, in C. Sijbesma and M. van Dijk (eds), Water and Sanitation: Institutional Challenges in India, pp. 163-82, Manohar, New Delhi.
Sijbesma, C. (2008) ‘Sanitation and hygiene in South Asia: Progress and challenges’ in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit..
Smet, J. (2007) Cost and Gains in Ecological Sanitation. Financial and Economic Comparison of EcoSan and Conventional Sanitation (WELL Study), WELL, Loughborough, UK and Delft, the Netherlands.
Swann, P., Cotton, A., Saywell, D., Evans, B., Cairncross, S., Newborne, P., Webster, L. and Ryan, P. (2007) Sanitation Policy Background Paper: Water is Life, Sanitation is Dignity [online], DFID, London. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
WaterAid (2004) ‘The Water and Sanitation Millennium Development targets in Nepal: What do they mean? What will they cost? Can Nepal meet them?’ Lalitpur/Kathmandu, Nepal: WaterAid.
Welle, K. and Wicken, J. (2008) ‘Mapping as basis for sanitation implementation in Pakistan; the case of the Orangi Pilot Project’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Wicken, J., Verhagen, J., Sijbesma, C., Da Silva, C. and Ryan, P. (eds) (2008) Beyond Construction: Use by All, A Collection of Case Studies from Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Practitioners in South Asia [online], WaterAid, London; IRC, Delft, the Netherlands, and WSSCC, Geneva, Switzerland. Available from:; [accessed 15 May 2008].
Ahmed, R. (2006) ‘A case study on reaching the poorest and vulnerable’, paper presented at the 32nd WEDC International Conference ‘Sustainable Development of Water Resources, Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation’, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Ahmed, R. (2008) ‘Journey towards changing behaviour: Evolution of hygiene education in Bangladesh’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Allan, S. (2003) The WaterAid Bangladesh/VERC 100% Sanitation Approach: Cost, Motivation and Sustainability [online], London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Baldwin, J., Colin, J., van Wijk-Sijbesma, C. and James, A. (2004) UNICEFGovernment of India Child's Environment Programme 1999-2003. Part Two, Annex Three: Village Assessment Methodology and Findings, WELL, Loughborough, UK, and Delft, the Netherlands.
Cheruvari, S. (2006) ‘East Midnapore: 100% toilet coverage’, New Delhi, India: UNICEF.
Dabrase P., Mukkarjee, A. and Thakkar, M. (2007) Poverty Mapping: Prioritising Interventions. Intra-slum Inequities Analysis, Bhopal. UN-HABITAT and WaterAid, Bhopal, India.
Fröhlich, U. (1999) ‘Private Sector: Just a (new) Hope?' report on the 15th AGUASAN Workshop, Gersau/Rotschuo, Switzerland, 28 June - 2 July, St Gallen, Switzerland [online]. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Galway, M. (2000) New Approaches to Promoting Sanitation in Rural Bangladesh (Field note) [online], WSP South Asia Region, New Delhi, India. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Ganguly, S. (2008) ‘India's national sanitation and hygiene programme: Focusing on West Bengal and Maharashtra models as key to success’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Ganju, D., Ahmed, S. and Kumar, C. (2007) Community-led Total Sanitation in Rural Areas: An Approach that Works (field note), WSP, New Delhi, India.
Government of India (2001) Central Rural Sanitation Programme Total Sanitation Campaign: Guidelines, Government of India, Ministry of Rural Development, Department of Drinking Water Supply, New Delhi.
Government of India (2003) ‘Towards total sanitation and hygiene: A challenge for India’, paper presented at the South Asian Conference on Sanitation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 21-23 October 2003.
Government of Pakistan (2006) National Sanitation Policy [online], Ministry of Environment, Islamabad, Pakistan. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Gupta, K., Reny, M., Samanta, T. and Talapatra, S. (2005) The Impact of the Total Sanitation Campaign on Household Sanitation in West Bengal: A Case Study of Amdanga and Haldia Blocks [online], Institute of Social Sciences, Kolkata, West Bengal. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Haider, I. (2008) ‘Development of community-based sanitation infrastructure in Hasanpura, Faisalabad’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Halim, S., Hossain, Y., Richardson, E., Islam, Q., Hassan, M. and Sarker, P. (2002) Shifting Millions from Open Defecation to Hygienic Latrines. Process Documentation of 100% Sanitation Approach, VERC, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
House of Consultants (2000) Evaluation of Social Mobilisation Programme, Final report, Dhaka, Bangladesh: UNICEF.
Huda, E. (2008) ‘Community-led decentralised total sanitation: field experience from Bangladesh’, in J Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
IRC and partners (2006) ‘Women, well-being, work, waste and sanitation (4Ws): Action research on alternative strategies of environmental sanitation and waste management for improved health and socio-economic development in peri-urban coastal communities in South Asia’ (Project ICA4-CT-2002-10013) Final Report and Synthesis of work, 2003-2006 to the European Commission
Jain, S. (2007) ‘Effectiveness of Nirmal Gram Puraskar in sanitation promotion’, in WES-Net India, no. 9, August 2007, pp. 4-5
Jenkins, M. and Curtis, V. (2005) ‘Achieving the “good life”: Why some people want latrines in rural Benin’, Social Science and Medicine 61: 2446-59. Available from: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Kabir, A. (undated, c.2005) Bangladesh: National Water Sector Assessment [online], WaterAid, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Available from: Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Kabir, B., Huq, T., Karim, R. and Rahman, M. (2008) ‘BRAC WASH Programme’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Kalimuthu, A. (2008) ‘Sustainable community owned total sanitation’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Kar, K. (2003) Subsidy or Self-respect? Participatory Total Sanitation in Bangladesh (IDS Working Paper 184) [online], Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, UK. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Kar, K. and Bongarts, P. (2006) Update on Some Recent Developments in Community- Led Total Sanitation [online], Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, UK. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Kar, K. and Pasteur, K. (2005) Subsidy or Self-respect? Community Led Total Sanitation. An Update on Recent Developments (IDS Working Paper 257) [online], Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, UK. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Khisro, S., Ahmad, M., Tahir, M. and Khan, M. (2008) ‘Community led total sanitation in Pakistan’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Kolsky, P., Chilton, J., van Wijk-Sijbesma, C., Bauman, E. and Bhatia, R. (1999) Evaluation of UNICEF water and environmental sanitation activities in India, 1966- 1998.
Edited version published as UNICEF (2002) Learning from Experience: Water and Environmental Sanitation in India, UNICEF, New York. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Kumar, S. and Kumar, Y. (2008) ‘Promoting sanitation through decentralized governance systems: A case study of Rajukhedi Panchayat in India’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Kurup, K., Abdulla, A., Kurien, C., Remadevi, O., Mathew, T., John, I., Mathew, K., Kumar, P., Manilal, V. and Varghese, G. (1996) The Community-managed Sanitation Programme in Kerala: Learning from Experience [online], IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague. Available from:
PAC (Practical Action Consulting) (2006) Bangladesh Rural Sanitation Supply Chain and Employment Impact. Human Development Report 2006 Occasional Paper [online], UNDP Human Development Report Office, New York. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Pretus, R. and Jones, O. (2008) ‘Money down the pan? Community level models for financing sanitation’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Qutub, S., Salam, N., Shah, K. and Anjum, D. (2008) ‘Subsidy and sustainability in urban sanitation; Quetta Katchi Abadies Environmental Management
Programme (QKAEMP) 1997-2003’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit. Rajbahandari, K. (2008) ‘Ecological sanitation latrines and the experience of Nepal’, in Wicken, J. op. cit.
Saha, U., Ali, M., Stevens, L. and Karim, I. (2008) ‘Sanitation, water and hygiene programme in Faridpur’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Sijbesma, C. (2006) ‘Scaling up community-managed water and sanitation in India: Pilot projects’, in C. Sijbesma and M. van Dijk (eds), Water and Sanitation: Institutional Challenges in India, pp. 163-82, Manohar, New Delhi.
Sijbesma, C. (2008) ‘Sanitation and hygiene in South Asia: Progress and challenges’ in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit..
Smet, J. (2007) Cost and Gains in Ecological Sanitation. Financial and Economic Comparison of EcoSan and Conventional Sanitation (WELL Study), WELL, Loughborough, UK and Delft, the Netherlands.
Swann, P., Cotton, A., Saywell, D., Evans, B., Cairncross, S., Newborne, P., Webster, L. and Ryan, P. (2007) Sanitation Policy Background Paper: Water is Life, Sanitation is Dignity [online], DFID, London. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
WaterAid (2004) ‘The Water and Sanitation Millennium Development targets in Nepal: What do they mean? What will they cost? Can Nepal meet them?’ Lalitpur/Kathmandu, Nepal: WaterAid.
Welle, K. and Wicken, J. (2008) ‘Mapping as basis for sanitation implementation in Pakistan; the case of the Orangi Pilot Project’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Wicken, J., Verhagen, J., Sijbesma, C., Da Silva, C. and Ryan, P. (eds) (2008) Beyond Construction: Use by All, A Collection of Case Studies from Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Practitioners in South Asia [online], WaterAid, London; IRC, Delft, the Netherlands, and WSSCC, Geneva, Switzerland. Available from:; [accessed 15 May 2008].
Ahmed, R. (2006) ‘A case study on reaching the poorest and vulnerable’, paper presented at the 32nd WEDC International Conference ‘Sustainable Development of Water Resources, Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation’, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Ahmed, R. (2008) ‘Journey towards changing behaviour: Evolution of hygiene education in Bangladesh’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Allan, S. (2003) The WaterAid Bangladesh/VERC 100% Sanitation Approach: Cost, Motivation and Sustainability [online], London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Baldwin, J., Colin, J., van Wijk-Sijbesma, C. and James, A. (2004) UNICEFGovernment of India Child's Environment Programme 1999-2003. Part Two, Annex Three: Village Assessment Methodology and Findings, WELL, Loughborough, UK, and Delft, the Netherlands.
Cheruvari, S. (2006) ‘East Midnapore: 100% toilet coverage’, New Delhi, India: UNICEF.
Dabrase P., Mukkarjee, A. and Thakkar, M. (2007) Poverty Mapping: Prioritising Interventions. Intra-slum Inequities Analysis, Bhopal. UN-HABITAT and WaterAid, Bhopal, India.
Fröhlich, U. (1999) ‘Private Sector: Just a (new) Hope?' report on the 15th AGUASAN Workshop, Gersau/Rotschuo, Switzerland, 28 June - 2 July, St Gallen, Switzerland [online]. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Galway, M. (2000) New Approaches to Promoting Sanitation in Rural Bangladesh (Field note) [online], WSP South Asia Region, New Delhi, India. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Ganguly, S. (2008) ‘India's national sanitation and hygiene programme: Focusing on West Bengal and Maharashtra models as key to success’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Ganju, D., Ahmed, S. and Kumar, C. (2007) Community-led Total Sanitation in Rural Areas: An Approach that Works (field note), WSP, New Delhi, India.
Government of India (2001) Central Rural Sanitation Programme Total Sanitation Campaign: Guidelines, Government of India, Ministry of Rural Development, Department of Drinking Water Supply, New Delhi.
Government of India (2003) ‘Towards total sanitation and hygiene: A challenge for India’, paper presented at the South Asian Conference on Sanitation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 21-23 October 2003.
Government of Pakistan (2006) National Sanitation Policy [online], Ministry of Environment, Islamabad, Pakistan. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Gupta, K., Reny, M., Samanta, T. and Talapatra, S. (2005) The Impact of the Total Sanitation Campaign on Household Sanitation in West Bengal: A Case Study of Amdanga and Haldia Blocks [online], Institute of Social Sciences, Kolkata, West Bengal. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Haider, I. (2008) ‘Development of community-based sanitation infrastructure in Hasanpura, Faisalabad’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Halim, S., Hossain, Y., Richardson, E., Islam, Q., Hassan, M. and Sarker, P. (2002) Shifting Millions from Open Defecation to Hygienic Latrines. Process Documentation of 100% Sanitation Approach, VERC, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
House of Consultants (2000) Evaluation of Social Mobilisation Programme, Final report, Dhaka, Bangladesh: UNICEF.
Huda, E. (2008) ‘Community-led decentralised total sanitation: field experience from Bangladesh’, in J Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
IRC and partners (2006) ‘Women, well-being, work, waste and sanitation (4Ws): Action research on alternative strategies of environmental sanitation and waste management for improved health and socio-economic development in peri-urban coastal communities in South Asia’ (Project ICA4-CT-2002-10013) Final Report and Synthesis of work, 2003-2006 to the European Commission
Jain, S. (2007) ‘Effectiveness of Nirmal Gram Puraskar in sanitation promotion’, in WES-Net India, no. 9, August 2007, pp. 4-5
Jenkins, M. and Curtis, V. (2005) ‘Achieving the “good life”: Why some people want latrines in rural Benin’, Social Science and Medicine 61: 2446-59. Available from: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Kabir, A. (undated, c.2005) Bangladesh: National Water Sector Assessment [online], WaterAid, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Available from: Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Kabir, B., Huq, T., Karim, R. and Rahman, M. (2008) ‘BRAC WASH Programme’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Kalimuthu, A. (2008) ‘Sustainable community owned total sanitation’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Kar, K. (2003) Subsidy or Self-respect? Participatory Total Sanitation in Bangladesh (IDS Working Paper 184) [online], Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, UK. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Kar, K. and Bongarts, P. (2006) Update on Some Recent Developments in Community- Led Total Sanitation [online], Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, UK. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Kar, K. and Pasteur, K. (2005) Subsidy or Self-respect? Community Led Total Sanitation. An Update on Recent Developments (IDS Working Paper 257) [online], Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, UK. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Khisro, S., Ahmad, M., Tahir, M. and Khan, M. (2008) ‘Community led total sanitation in Pakistan’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Kolsky, P., Chilton, J., van Wijk-Sijbesma, C., Bauman, E. and Bhatia, R. (1999) Evaluation of UNICEF water and environmental sanitation activities in India, 1966- 1998.
Edited version published as UNICEF (2002) Learning from Experience: Water and Environmental Sanitation in India, UNICEF, New York. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Kumar, S. and Kumar, Y. (2008) ‘Promoting sanitation through decentralized governance systems: A case study of Rajukhedi Panchayat in India’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Kurup, K., Abdulla, A., Kurien, C., Remadevi, O., Mathew, T., John, I., Mathew, K., Kumar, P., Manilal, V. and Varghese, G. (1996) The Community-managed Sanitation Programme in Kerala: Learning from Experience [online], IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague. Available from:
PAC (Practical Action Consulting) (2006) Bangladesh Rural Sanitation Supply Chain and Employment Impact. Human Development Report 2006 Occasional Paper [online], UNDP Human Development Report Office, New York. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Pretus, R. and Jones, O. (2008) ‘Money down the pan? Community level models for financing sanitation’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Qutub, S., Salam, N., Shah, K. and Anjum, D. (2008) ‘Subsidy and sustainability in urban sanitation; Quetta Katchi Abadies Environmental Management
Programme (QKAEMP) 1997-2003’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit. Rajbahandari, K. (2008) ‘Ecological sanitation latrines and the experience of Nepal’, in Wicken, J. op. cit.
Saha, U., Ali, M., Stevens, L. and Karim, I. (2008) ‘Sanitation, water and hygiene programme in Faridpur’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Sijbesma, C. (2006) ‘Scaling up community-managed water and sanitation in India: Pilot projects’, in C. Sijbesma and M. van Dijk (eds), Water and Sanitation: Institutional Challenges in India, pp. 163-82, Manohar, New Delhi.
Sijbesma, C. (2008) ‘Sanitation and hygiene in South Asia: Progress and challenges’ in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit..
Smet, J. (2007) Cost and Gains in Ecological Sanitation. Financial and Economic Comparison of EcoSan and Conventional Sanitation (WELL Study), WELL, Loughborough, UK and Delft, the Netherlands.
Swann, P., Cotton, A., Saywell, D., Evans, B., Cairncross, S., Newborne, P., Webster, L. and Ryan, P. (2007) Sanitation Policy Background Paper: Water is Life, Sanitation is Dignity [online], DFID, London. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
WaterAid (2004) ‘The Water and Sanitation Millennium Development targets in Nepal: What do they mean? What will they cost? Can Nepal meet them?’ Lalitpur/Kathmandu, Nepal: WaterAid.
Welle, K. and Wicken, J. (2008) ‘Mapping as basis for sanitation implementation in Pakistan; the case of the Orangi Pilot Project’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Wicken, J., Verhagen, J., Sijbesma, C., Da Silva, C. and Ryan, P. (eds) (2008) Beyond Construction: Use by All, A Collection of Case Studies from Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Practitioners in South Asia [online], WaterAid, London; IRC, Delft, the Netherlands, and WSSCC, Geneva, Switzerland. Available from:; [accessed 15 May 2008].
Ahmed, R. (2006) ‘A case study on reaching the poorest and vulnerable’, paper presented at the 32nd WEDC International Conference ‘Sustainable Development of Water Resources, Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation’, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Ahmed, R. (2008) ‘Journey towards changing behaviour: Evolution of hygiene education in Bangladesh’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Allan, S. (2003) The WaterAid Bangladesh/VERC 100% Sanitation Approach: Cost, Motivation and Sustainability [online], London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Baldwin, J., Colin, J., van Wijk-Sijbesma, C. and James, A. (2004) UNICEFGovernment of India Child's Environment Programme 1999-2003. Part Two, Annex Three: Village Assessment Methodology and Findings, WELL, Loughborough, UK, and Delft, the Netherlands.
Cheruvari, S. (2006) ‘East Midnapore: 100% toilet coverage’, New Delhi, India: UNICEF.
Dabrase P., Mukkarjee, A. and Thakkar, M. (2007) Poverty Mapping: Prioritising Interventions. Intra-slum Inequities Analysis, Bhopal. UN-HABITAT and WaterAid, Bhopal, India.
Fröhlich, U. (1999) ‘Private Sector: Just a (new) Hope?' report on the 15th AGUASAN Workshop, Gersau/Rotschuo, Switzerland, 28 June - 2 July, St Gallen, Switzerland [online]. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Galway, M. (2000) New Approaches to Promoting Sanitation in Rural Bangladesh (Field note) [online], WSP South Asia Region, New Delhi, India. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Ganguly, S. (2008) ‘India's national sanitation and hygiene programme: Focusing on West Bengal and Maharashtra models as key to success’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Ganju, D., Ahmed, S. and Kumar, C. (2007) Community-led Total Sanitation in Rural Areas: An Approach that Works (field note), WSP, New Delhi, India.
Government of India (2001) Central Rural Sanitation Programme Total Sanitation Campaign: Guidelines, Government of India, Ministry of Rural Development, Department of Drinking Water Supply, New Delhi.
Government of India (2003) ‘Towards total sanitation and hygiene: A challenge for India’, paper presented at the South Asian Conference on Sanitation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 21-23 October 2003.
Government of Pakistan (2006) National Sanitation Policy [online], Ministry of Environment, Islamabad, Pakistan. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Gupta, K., Reny, M., Samanta, T. and Talapatra, S. (2005) The Impact of the Total Sanitation Campaign on Household Sanitation in West Bengal: A Case Study of Amdanga and Haldia Blocks [online], Institute of Social Sciences, Kolkata, West Bengal. Available from: [accessed 15 May 2008].
Haider, I. (2008) ‘Development of community-based sanitation infrastructure in Hasanpura, Faisalabad’, in Wicken, J. et al. op. cit.
Halim, S., Hossain, Y., Richardson, E., Islam, Q., Hassan, M. and Sarker, P. (2002) Shifting Millions from Open Defecation to Hygienic Latrines. Process Documentation of 100% Sanitation Approach, VERC, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
House of Consultants (2000) Evaluation of Social Mobilisation Programme, Final report, Dhaka, Bangladesh: UNICEF.
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