Minding the gap: viability gap funding for private rural water operators in Cambodia
The adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals has led to an increased interest in blended finance, recognition of pluralistic service delivery models, and ambition for safer, more convenient, and more equitable services. This paper describes the experience of adapting a public subsidy tactic, viability gap funding (VGF), to private water operators in Cambodia, critical partners of the Royal Government of Cambodia’s efforts to reach 95 per cent of its population with piped water by 2025. VGF allows public agencies to incentivize private investment in infrastructure projects that are economically and socially justifiable but financially unviable in the short term. Emerging evidence from Cambodia suggests that by applying the tactic to the rural water sector, small water companies will invest and expand into previously unserved areas. The Investing in Infrastructure programme, a five-year, A$35 m investment in basic infrastructure services by the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade implemented by Palladium, has incentivized 61 private water companies to expand to unserved areas, leveraging over US$24.6 m in private capital, and offering connection possibilities to nearly 180,000 rural households. Although the political economy of Cambodia’s water sector has contributed to the success of the VGF, many countries share similar characteristics to Cambodia: low coverage levels, a weak domestic resource allocation, some existence of private operators, a post-conflict history, or an ambition for high levels of access to piped water services. Public agencies and donors operating in countries with such characteristics may benefit from considering VGF in their water financing options.Advani, R. (2010) Using Market Finance to Extend Water Supply Services in Peri-Urban and Rural Kenya [online], Washington, DC: World Bank <https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/10463?show=full> [accessed 20 February 2019].
AguaConsult and Water Aid (2018) Management Models for Piped Water Supply Services: A Decision-making Resource for Rural and Small Town Contexts [pdf] <https://www.aguaconsult.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/WAid_RWS_MM_resource_final.pdf> [accessed 22 February 2019].
Asian Development Bank (ADB) (2016) Public Private Funds: Observations from International Experience [online], Manila, Philippines: ADB <https://www.adb.org/publications/public-private-partnership-funds> [accessed 13 June 2019].
Fonseca, C. and Pories, L. (2017) Financing WASH: How to Increase Funds for the Sector while Reducing Inequities: Position Paper for the Sanitation and Water for All Financing Ministers Meeting [pdf] IRC and water.org <https://water.org/documents/48/Water.org_Financing_SDG_Position_Paper_April_2017.pdf> [accessed 20 February 2019].
Global Partnership for Output-Based Aid (GPOBA) (2017) OBA in Infrastructure: The Experience So Far [online], Washington, DC: World Bank <http://www.gprba.org/knowledge/publications/oba-infrastructure-experience-so-far> [accessed 20 February 2019].
Hill, D., Hundley, C., McClusky, D. and Dodds, P. (2011) Using Incentive Rebates to Grow Private Water Systems: Lessons Learned [pdf], Washington, DC: USAID <https://www.dai.com/uploads/using-incentive-rebates-to-grow-private-water-systems.pdf> [accessed 15 April 2018].
Hutton, G. and Varughese, M. (2016) The Costs of Meeting the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal Targets on Drinking Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene [online], Washington, DC: World Bank <http://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/water/publication/the-costs-of-meeting-the-2030-sustainable-development-goal-targets-on-drinking-water-sanitation-and-hygiene> [accessed 1 October 2018].
Lockwood, H. and Smits, S. (2011) Supporting Rural Water Supply: Moving Towards a Service Delivery Approach, Rugby, UK: Practical Action Publishing.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2009) Managing Water for All: An OECD Perspective on Pricing and Financing [pdf], Paris, France: OECD Publishing <https://www.oecd.org/env/42350563.pdf> [accessed 20 February 2019].
OECD (2018) Making Blended Finance Work for the Sustainable Development Goals [online], Paris, France: OECD Publishing <https://doi.org/10.1787/9789264288768-en> [accessed 15 April 2018].
Smets, S. (2015) Water Supply and Sanitation in Cambodia: Turning Finance into Services for the Future [online], Washington, DC: World Bank <http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/545311468178454239/Water-supply-and-sanitation-in-Cambodia-turning-finance-into-services-for-the-future> [accessed 15 April 2018].
Sy, J., Warner, R. and Jamieson, J. (2014) Tapping the Markets: Opportunities for Domestic Investments in Water and Sanitation for the Poor [online], Washington, DC: World Bank <https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/16538> [accessed 1 May 2018].
UN-WATER and World Health Organization (WHO) (2017) UN Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking Water 2017 Report, Geneva: World Health Organization.
Van der Byl, W. and Carter, R. (2018) ‘An investigation of private operator models for the management of rural water supply in sub-Saharan Africa’, Waterlines 37(2): 155–74 <https://doi.org/10.3362/1756-3488.18-00005>.
WaterAid (2015) Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Situation and Issues for Urban Poor People and Vulnerable Groups, Cambodia [online], Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Water Aid Cambodia <https://washmatters.wateraid.org/publications/wash-situation-and-issues-for-urban-poor-people-and-vulnerable-groups-cambodia> [accessed 27 February 2019].
World Bank (2016) Facilitated Access to Finance for Domestic Private Water Operators in Cambodia [online], Case Studies in Blended Finance for Water and Sanitation, Washington, DC: World Bank Group <http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/680211472030707975/Facilitated-access-to-finance-for-domestic-private-water-operators-in-Cambodia> [accessed 15 April 2018].
World Bank (2017) Sustainability Assessment of Rural Water Service Delivery Models: Findings of a Multi-Country Review [online], Washington, DC: World Bank <https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/27988> [accessed 10 February 2019].
World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) (2017) Progress on Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Joint Monitoring Programme 2017 Update and SDG Baselines [online], Geneva, Switzerland: WHO and UNICEF <https://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/publications/jmp-2017/en/> [accessed 15 April 2018].
Advani, R. (2010) Using Market Finance to Extend Water Supply Services in Peri-Urban and Rural Kenya [online], Washington, DC: World Bank <https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/10463?show=full> [accessed 20 February 2019].
AguaConsult and Water Aid (2018) Management Models for Piped Water Supply Services: A Decision-making Resource for Rural and Small Town Contexts [pdf] <https://www.aguaconsult.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/WAid_RWS_MM_resource_final.pdf> [accessed 22 February 2019].
Asian Development Bank (ADB) (2016) Public Private Funds: Observations from International Experience [online], Manila, Philippines: ADB <https://www.adb.org/publications/public-private-partnership-funds> [accessed 13 June 2019].
Fonseca, C. and Pories, L. (2017) Financing WASH: How to Increase Funds for the Sector while Reducing Inequities: Position Paper for the Sanitation and Water for All Financing Ministers Meeting [pdf] IRC and water.org <https://water.org/documents/48/Water.org_Financing_SDG_Position_Paper_April_2017.pdf> [accessed 20 February 2019].
Global Partnership for Output-Based Aid (GPOBA) (2017) OBA in Infrastructure: The Experience So Far [online], Washington, DC: World Bank <http://www.gprba.org/knowledge/publications/oba-infrastructure-experience-so-far> [accessed 20 February 2019].
Hill, D., Hundley, C., McClusky, D. and Dodds, P. (2011) Using Incentive Rebates to Grow Private Water Systems: Lessons Learned [pdf], Washington, DC: USAID <https://www.dai.com/uploads/using-incentive-rebates-to-grow-private-water-systems.pdf> [accessed 15 April 2018].
Hutton, G. and Varughese, M. (2016) The Costs of Meeting the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal Targets on Drinking Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene [online], Washington, DC: World Bank <http://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/water/publication/the-costs-of-meeting-the-2030-sustainable-development-goal-targets-on-drinking-water-sanitation-and-hygiene> [accessed 1 October 2018].
Lockwood, H. and Smits, S. (2011) Supporting Rural Water Supply: Moving Towards a Service Delivery Approach, Rugby, UK: Practical Action Publishing.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2009) Managing Water for All: An OECD Perspective on Pricing and Financing [pdf], Paris, France: OECD Publishing <https://www.oecd.org/env/42350563.pdf> [accessed 20 February 2019].
OECD (2018) Making Blended Finance Work for the Sustainable Development Goals [online], Paris, France: OECD Publishing <https://doi.org/10.1787/9789264288768-en> [accessed 15 April 2018].
Smets, S. (2015) Water Supply and Sanitation in Cambodia: Turning Finance into Services for the Future [online], Washington, DC: World Bank <http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/545311468178454239/Water-supply-and-sanitation-in-Cambodia-turning-finance-into-services-for-the-future> [accessed 15 April 2018].
Sy, J., Warner, R. and Jamieson, J. (2014) Tapping the Markets: Opportunities for Domestic Investments in Water and Sanitation for the Poor [online], Washington, DC: World Bank <https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/16538> [accessed 1 May 2018].
UN-WATER and World Health Organization (WHO) (2017) UN Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking Water 2017 Report, Geneva: World Health Organization.
Van der Byl, W. and Carter, R. (2018) ‘An investigation of private operator models for the management of rural water supply in sub-Saharan Africa’, Waterlines 37(2): 155–74 <https://doi.org/10.3362/1756-3488.18-00005>.
WaterAid (2015) Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Situation and Issues for Urban Poor People and Vulnerable Groups, Cambodia [online], Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Water Aid Cambodia <https://washmatters.wateraid.org/publications/wash-situation-and-issues-for-urban-poor-people-and-vulnerable-groups-cambodia> [accessed 27 February 2019].
World Bank (2016) Facilitated Access to Finance for Domestic Private Water Operators in Cambodia [online], Case Studies in Blended Finance for Water and Sanitation, Washington, DC: World Bank Group <http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/680211472030707975/Facilitated-access-to-finance-for-domestic-private-water-operators-in-Cambodia> [accessed 15 April 2018].
World Bank (2017) Sustainability Assessment of Rural Water Service Delivery Models: Findings of a Multi-Country Review [online], Washington, DC: World Bank <https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/27988> [accessed 10 February 2019].
World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) (2017) Progress on Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Joint Monitoring Programme 2017 Update and SDG Baselines [online], Geneva, Switzerland: WHO and UNICEF <https://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/publications/jmp-2017/en/> [accessed 15 April 2018].
Advani, R. (2010) Using Market Finance to Extend Water Supply Services in Peri-Urban and Rural Kenya [online], Washington, DC: World Bank <https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/10463?show=full> [accessed 20 February 2019].
AguaConsult and Water Aid (2018) Management Models for Piped Water Supply Services: A Decision-making Resource for Rural and Small Town Contexts [pdf] <https://www.aguaconsult.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/WAid_RWS_MM_resource_final.pdf> [accessed 22 February 2019].
Asian Development Bank (ADB) (2016) Public Private Funds: Observations from International Experience [online], Manila, Philippines: ADB <https://www.adb.org/publications/public-private-partnership-funds> [accessed 13 June 2019].
Fonseca, C. and Pories, L. (2017) Financing WASH: How to Increase Funds for the Sector while Reducing Inequities: Position Paper for the Sanitation and Water for All Financing Ministers Meeting [pdf] IRC and water.org <https://water.org/documents/48/Water.org_Financing_SDG_Position_Paper_April_2017.pdf> [accessed 20 February 2019].
Global Partnership for Output-Based Aid (GPOBA) (2017) OBA in Infrastructure: The Experience So Far [online], Washington, DC: World Bank <http://www.gprba.org/knowledge/publications/oba-infrastructure-experience-so-far> [accessed 20 February 2019].
Hill, D., Hundley, C., McClusky, D. and Dodds, P. (2011) Using Incentive Rebates to Grow Private Water Systems: Lessons Learned [pdf], Washington, DC: USAID <https://www.dai.com/uploads/using-incentive-rebates-to-grow-private-water-systems.pdf> [accessed 15 April 2018].
Hutton, G. and Varughese, M. (2016) The Costs of Meeting the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal Targets on Drinking Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene [online], Washington, DC: World Bank <http://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/water/publication/the-costs-of-meeting-the-2030-sustainable-development-goal-targets-on-drinking-water-sanitation-and-hygiene> [accessed 1 October 2018].
Lockwood, H. and Smits, S. (2011) Supporting Rural Water Supply: Moving Towards a Service Delivery Approach, Rugby, UK: Practical Action Publishing.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2009) Managing Water for All: An OECD Perspective on Pricing and Financing [pdf], Paris, France: OECD Publishing <https://www.oecd.org/env/42350563.pdf> [accessed 20 February 2019].
OECD (2018) Making Blended Finance Work for the Sustainable Development Goals [online], Paris, France: OECD Publishing <https://doi.org/10.1787/9789264288768-en> [accessed 15 April 2018].
Smets, S. (2015) Water Supply and Sanitation in Cambodia: Turning Finance into Services for the Future [online], Washington, DC: World Bank <http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/545311468178454239/Water-supply-and-sanitation-in-Cambodia-turning-finance-into-services-for-the-future> [accessed 15 April 2018].
Sy, J., Warner, R. and Jamieson, J. (2014) Tapping the Markets: Opportunities for Domestic Investments in Water and Sanitation for the Poor [online], Washington, DC: World Bank <https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/16538> [accessed 1 May 2018].
UN-WATER and World Health Organization (WHO) (2017) UN Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking Water 2017 Report, Geneva: World Health Organization.
Van der Byl, W. and Carter, R. (2018) ‘An investigation of private operator models for the management of rural water supply in sub-Saharan Africa’, Waterlines 37(2): 155–74 <https://doi.org/10.3362/1756-3488.18-00005>.
WaterAid (2015) Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Situation and Issues for Urban Poor People and Vulnerable Groups, Cambodia [online], Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Water Aid Cambodia <https://washmatters.wateraid.org/publications/wash-situation-and-issues-for-urban-poor-people-and-vulnerable-groups-cambodia> [accessed 27 February 2019].
World Bank (2016) Facilitated Access to Finance for Domestic Private Water Operators in Cambodia [online], Case Studies in Blended Finance for Water and Sanitation, Washington, DC: World Bank Group <http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/680211472030707975/Facilitated-access-to-finance-for-domestic-private-water-operators-in-Cambodia> [accessed 15 April 2018].
World Bank (2017) Sustainability Assessment of Rural Water Service Delivery Models: Findings of a Multi-Country Review [online], Washington, DC: World Bank <https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/27988> [accessed 10 February 2019].
World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) (2017) Progress on Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Joint Monitoring Programme 2017 Update and SDG Baselines [online], Geneva, Switzerland: WHO and UNICEF <https://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/publications/jmp-2017/en/> [accessed 15 April 2018].
Advani, R. (2010) Using Market Finance to Extend Water Supply Services in Peri-Urban and Rural Kenya [online], Washington, DC: World Bank <https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/10463?show=full> [accessed 20 February 2019].
AguaConsult and Water Aid (2018) Management Models for Piped Water Supply Services: A Decision-making Resource for Rural and Small Town Contexts [pdf] <https://www.aguaconsult.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/WAid_RWS_MM_resource_final.pdf> [accessed 22 February 2019].
Asian Development Bank (ADB) (2016) Public Private Funds: Observations from International Experience [online], Manila, Philippines: ADB <https://www.adb.org/publications/public-private-partnership-funds> [accessed 13 June 2019].
Fonseca, C. and Pories, L. (2017) Financing WASH: How to Increase Funds for the Sector while Reducing Inequities: Position Paper for the Sanitation and Water for All Financing Ministers Meeting [pdf] IRC and water.org <https://water.org/documents/48/Water.org_Financing_SDG_Position_Paper_April_2017.pdf> [accessed 20 February 2019].
Global Partnership for Output-Based Aid (GPOBA) (2017) OBA in Infrastructure: The Experience So Far [online], Washington, DC: World Bank <http://www.gprba.org/knowledge/publications/oba-infrastructure-experience-so-far> [accessed 20 February 2019].
Hill, D., Hundley, C., McClusky, D. and Dodds, P. (2011) Using Incentive Rebates to Grow Private Water Systems: Lessons Learned [pdf], Washington, DC: USAID <https://www.dai.com/uploads/using-incentive-rebates-to-grow-private-water-systems.pdf> [accessed 15 April 2018].
Hutton, G. and Varughese, M. (2016) The Costs of Meeting the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal Targets on Drinking Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene [online], Washington, DC: World Bank <http://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/water/publication/the-costs-of-meeting-the-2030-sustainable-development-goal-targets-on-drinking-water-sanitation-and-hygiene> [accessed 1 October 2018].
Lockwood, H. and Smits, S. (2011) Supporting Rural Water Supply: Moving Towards a Service Delivery Approach, Rugby, UK: Practical Action Publishing.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2009) Managing Water for All: An OECD Perspective on Pricing and Financing [pdf], Paris, France: OECD Publishing <https://www.oecd.org/env/42350563.pdf> [accessed 20 February 2019].
OECD (2018) Making Blended Finance Work for the Sustainable Development Goals [online], Paris, France: OECD Publishing <https://doi.org/10.1787/9789264288768-en> [accessed 15 April 2018].
Smets, S. (2015) Water Supply and Sanitation in Cambodia: Turning Finance into Services for the Future [online], Washington, DC: World Bank <http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/545311468178454239/Water-supply-and-sanitation-in-Cambodia-turning-finance-into-services-for-the-future> [accessed 15 April 2018].
Sy, J., Warner, R. and Jamieson, J. (2014) Tapping the Markets: Opportunities for Domestic Investments in Water and Sanitation for the Poor [online], Washington, DC: World Bank <https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/16538> [accessed 1 May 2018].
UN-WATER and World Health Organization (WHO) (2017) UN Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking Water 2017 Report, Geneva: World Health Organization.
Van der Byl, W. and Carter, R. (2018) ‘An investigation of private operator models for the management of rural water supply in sub-Saharan Africa’, Waterlines 37(2): 155–74 <https://doi.org/10.3362/1756-3488.18-00005>.
WaterAid (2015) Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Situation and Issues for Urban Poor People and Vulnerable Groups, Cambodia [online], Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Water Aid Cambodia <https://washmatters.wateraid.org/publications/wash-situation-and-issues-for-urban-poor-people-and-vulnerable-groups-cambodia> [accessed 27 February 2019].
World Bank (2016) Facilitated Access to Finance for Domestic Private Water Operators in Cambodia [online], Case Studies in Blended Finance for Water and Sanitation, Washington, DC: World Bank Group <http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/680211472030707975/Facilitated-access-to-finance-for-domestic-private-water-operators-in-Cambodia> [accessed 15 April 2018].
World Bank (2017) Sustainability Assessment of Rural Water Service Delivery Models: Findings of a Multi-Country Review [online], Washington, DC: World Bank <https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/27988> [accessed 10 February 2019].
World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) (2017) Progress on Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Joint Monitoring Programme 2017 Update and SDG Baselines [online], Geneva, Switzerland: WHO and UNICEF <https://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/publications/jmp-2017/en/> [accessed 15 April 2018].
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