Water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions in outbreak response: a synthesis of evidence
Travis Yates | Jelena Allen Vujcic | Myriam Leandre Joseph | Karin Gallandat | Daniele Lantagne
Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) interventions are key to reducing the burden of disease associated with outbreaks, and are commonly implemented in emergency response. However, there is a lack of summarized evidence on the efficacy and effectiveness of these interventions. We conducted a systematic review of published and grey literature by developing theory of change models, developing inclusion criteria, conducting the search, selecting evaluations for inclusion, assessing the quality of the evidence, and analysing the included evaluations. Overall, 15,026 documents were identified and 51 evaluations from 47 studies met inclusion criteria. Interventions from 19 countries were included, primarily in response to cholera (86 per cent). Most included evaluations (70 per cent) were at high risk of bias and nearly half were from grey literature (49 per cent). We found that WASH interventions consistently reduced both the risk of disease and the risk of transmission in outbreak contexts; however, programme design and beneficiary preferences were important considerations to ensure WASH intervention effectiveness. Critical programme design characteristics included simple interventions that were appropriately timed, community-driven, and had linkages between relief and development. Beneficiary preferences, barriers, and facilitators to WASH interventions in outbreak response were taste and smell of water treatment, communication methods, inaccurate perception of efficacy, and trust/fear. Research on commonly implemented but severely under-researched WASH interventions is recommended. It is also recommended that responders implement interventions that are: efficacious, simple, well-timed, community-driven, link relief and development, and address barriers and facilitators to use with communities.ACF (2007) UNOCHA Emergency Funding Water and Sanitation Program in Kebri Dehar District, Somali Region, Action Contre La Faim – France.
ACF (2009) Household NFI Monitoring Report (PDM) May 2009, Action Contre La Faim – Zimbabwe.
ACF (2014a) Hygiene Kits Post Distribution Monitoring Report, Action Contre La Faim – South Sudan.
ACF (2014b) Projet Pilote de l’Approche de Marché Pour la Promotion du Chlore Liquide, Action Contre La Faim, Paris, France.
ACF (2015) Community Led Ebola Management and Eradication (CLEME) Trigger Behavioral Change to Strengthen Community’s Resilience to Ebola Outbreaks, Action Contre La Faim, Paris, France.
Ali, M., Lopez, A.L., You, Y.A., Kim, Y.E., Sah, B., Maskery, B. and Clemens, J. (2012) ‘The global burden of cholera’, Bulletin of the World Health Organisation 90: 209–18A <http://dx.doi.org/10.2471/BLT.11.093427>.
Baird, S., Ferreira, F.H., Özler, B. and Woolcock, M. (2013) ‘Relative effectiveness of conditional and unconditional cash transfers for schooling outcomes in developing countries: a systematic review’, Campbell Systematic Reviews 9 <http://dx.doi.org/10.4073/csr.2013.8>.
Blanchet, K., Sistenich, V., Ramesh, A., Frison, S., Warren, E., Hossain, M., Knight, A., Lewis, C., Smith, J., Woodward, A., Dahab, M., Pantuliano, S. and Roberts, B. (2013) An Evidence Review of Research on Health Interventions in Humanitarian Crises, London: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Boccia, D., Guthmann, J.-P., Klovstad, H., Hamid, N., Tatay, M., Ciglenecki, I., Nizou, J.-Y., Nicand, E. and Guerin, P.J. (2006) ‘High mortality associated with an outbreak of hepatitis E among displaced persons in Darfur, Sudan’, Clinical Infectious Diseases 42: 1679–84 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/504322>.
Brown, J., Cavill, S., Cumming, O. and Jeandron, A. (2012) ‘Water, sanitation, and hygiene in emergencies: summary review and recommendations for further research’, Waterlines 31: 11–29 <http://dx.doi.org/10.3362/1756-3488.2012.004>.
Cavallaro, E.C., Harris, J.R., Da Goia, M.S., Dos Santos Barrado, J.C., Da Nobrega, A.A., De Alvarenga Junior, I.C., Silva, A.P., Sobel, J. and Mintz, E. (2011) ‘Evaluation of pot-chlorination of wells during a cholera outbreak, Bissau, Guinea-Bissau, 2008’, Journal of Water and Health 9: 394–402 <http://dx.doi.org/10.2166/wh.2011.122>.
Colwell, R.R., Huq, A., Islam, M.S., Aziz, K.M., Yunus, M., Khan, N.H., Mahmud, A., Sack, R.B., Nair, G.B., Chakraborty, J., Sack, D.A. and Russek-Cohen, E. (2003) ‘Reduction of cholera in Bangladeshi villages by simple filtration’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 100: 1051–5 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0237386100>.
Conroy, R.M., Meegan, M.E., Joyce, T., McGuigan, K. and Barnes, J. (2001) ‘Solar disinfection of drinking water protects against cholera in children under 6 years of age’, Archives of Disease in Childhood 85: 293–5 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/adc.85.4.293>.
Contzen, N. and Mosler, H.-J. (2013) ‘Impact of different promotional channels on handwashing behaviour in an emergency context: Haiti post-earthquake public health promotions and cholera response’, Journal of Public Health 21: 559–73 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2012.04.009>.
Date, K., Person, B., Nygren, B., Were, V., Kola, S., Ayers, T. and Quick, R. (2013) ‘Evaluation of a rapid cholera response activity-Nyanza Province, Kenya, 2008’, Journal of Infectious Diseases 208: S62–8 <https://doi.org/10.1093/infdis/jit198>.
DeGabriele, J. and Musa, A. (2009) An Emergency Response to Humanitarian WASH-related Emergencies in Zimbabwe, Action Contre la Faim & Welthungerhilfe Zimbabwe.
Doocy, S. and Burnham, G. (2006) ‘Point-of-use water treatment and diarrhoea reduction in the emergency context: an effectiveness trial in Liberia’, Tropical Medicine & International Health 11: 1542–52 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-3156.2006.01704.x>.
Dunoyer, J. and Sudre, B. (2012) Le choléra au Tchad en 2011 et les stratégies d’intervention associées, Action Contre la Faim – France.
Dunston, C., McAfee, D., Kaiser, R., Rakotoarison, D., Rambeloson, L., Hoang, A.T. and Quick, R.E. (2001) ‘Collaboration, cholera, and cyclones: a project to improve point-of-use water quality in Madagascar’, American Journal of Public Health 91: 1574–6 <http://dx.doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.91.10.1574>.
Einarsdbttir, J., Passa, A. and Gunnlaugsson, G. (2001) ‘Health education and cholera in rural Guinea-Bissau’, International Journal of Infectious Diseases 5: 133–8 <https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1201-9712(01)90087-6>.
Gaffga, N.H., Tauxe, R.V. and Mintz, E.D. (2007) ‘Cholera: a new homeland in Africa?’ American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 77: 705–13 <https://dx.doi.org/10.4269/ajtmh.2007.77.705>.
Garandeau, R., Trevett, A. and Bastable, A. (2006) ‘Chlorination of hand-dug wells in Monrovia’, Waterlines 24: 19–21 <http://dx.doi.org/10.3362/0262-8104.2006.008>.
Gartley, M., Valeh, P., De Lange, R., Dicarlo, S., Viscusi, A., Lenglet, A. and Fesselet, J.F. (2013) ‘Uptake of household disinfection kits as an additional measure in response to a cholera outbreak in urban areas of Haiti’, Journal of Water and Health 11: 623–8 <http://dx.doi.org/10.2166/wh.2013.050>.
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Guevart, E., Van Hecke, C., Noeske, J., Solle, J., Bita Fouda, A. and Manga, B. (2008) ‘Handmade devices for continuous delivery of hypochlorite for well disinfection during the cholera outbreak in Douala, Cameroon (2004)’, Medecine tropicale: revue du Corps de sante colonial 68: 507–13.
Hakim, M.S., Wang, W., Bramer, W.M., Geng, J., Huang, F., De Man, R.A., Peppelenbosch, M.P. and Pan, Q. (2016) ‘The global burden of hepatitis E outbreaks: a systematic review’, Liver International 37(1): 19–31 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/liv.13237>.
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ACF (2009) Household NFI Monitoring Report (PDM) May 2009, Action Contre La Faim – Zimbabwe.
ACF (2014a) Hygiene Kits Post Distribution Monitoring Report, Action Contre La Faim – South Sudan.
ACF (2014b) Projet Pilote de l’Approche de Marché Pour la Promotion du Chlore Liquide, Action Contre La Faim, Paris, France.
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Date, K., Person, B., Nygren, B., Were, V., Kola, S., Ayers, T. and Quick, R. (2013) ‘Evaluation of a rapid cholera response activity-Nyanza Province, Kenya, 2008’, Journal of Infectious Diseases 208: S62–8 <https://doi.org/10.1093/infdis/jit198>.
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Dunoyer, J. and Sudre, B. (2012) Le choléra au Tchad en 2011 et les stratégies d’intervention associées, Action Contre la Faim – France.
Dunston, C., McAfee, D., Kaiser, R., Rakotoarison, D., Rambeloson, L., Hoang, A.T. and Quick, R.E. (2001) ‘Collaboration, cholera, and cyclones: a project to improve point-of-use water quality in Madagascar’, American Journal of Public Health 91: 1574–6 <http://dx.doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.91.10.1574>.
Einarsdbttir, J., Passa, A. and Gunnlaugsson, G. (2001) ‘Health education and cholera in rural Guinea-Bissau’, International Journal of Infectious Diseases 5: 133–8 <https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1201-9712(01)90087-6>.
Gaffga, N.H., Tauxe, R.V. and Mintz, E.D. (2007) ‘Cholera: a new homeland in Africa?’ American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 77: 705–13 <https://dx.doi.org/10.4269/ajtmh.2007.77.705>.
Garandeau, R., Trevett, A. and Bastable, A. (2006) ‘Chlorination of hand-dug wells in Monrovia’, Waterlines 24: 19–21 <http://dx.doi.org/10.3362/0262-8104.2006.008>.
Gartley, M., Valeh, P., De Lange, R., Dicarlo, S., Viscusi, A., Lenglet, A. and Fesselet, J.F. (2013) ‘Uptake of household disinfection kits as an additional measure in response to a cholera outbreak in urban areas of Haiti’, Journal of Water and Health 11: 623–8 <http://dx.doi.org/10.2166/wh.2013.050>.
Gauthier, J. (2014) A Real-time Evaluation of ACF’s Response to Cholera Emergency in Juba, South Sudan, Action Contre la Faim – International.
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Grayel, Y. (2011) Evaluation Externe Réponse d’Urgence à L’Epidémie de Choléra en Haïti, Action Contre la Faim – International (ACF – IN).
Grayel, Y. (2014) Programme D’Intervention Pour Limiter et Prevenir la Propagation de l’Epidemie du Cholera, Action Contre la Faim – International.
Guevart, E., Van Hecke, C., Noeske, J., Solle, J., Bita Fouda, A. and Manga, B. (2008) ‘Handmade devices for continuous delivery of hypochlorite for well disinfection during the cholera outbreak in Douala, Cameroon (2004)’, Medecine tropicale: revue du Corps de sante colonial 68: 507–13.
Hakim, M.S., Wang, W., Bramer, W.M., Geng, J., Huang, F., De Man, R.A., Peppelenbosch, M.P. and Pan, Q. (2016) ‘The global burden of hepatitis E outbreaks: a systematic review’, Liver International 37(1): 19–31 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/liv.13237>.
Higgins, J.P. and Green, S. (2008) Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions, Wiley Online Library.
Higgins, J.P. and Green, S. (2011) Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions, Version 5.1.0, updated March 2011, London: The Cochrane Collaboration.
Huq, A., Yunus, M., Sohel, S.S., Bhuiya, A., Emch, M., Luby, S.P., Russek-Cohen, E., Nair, G.B., Sack, R.B. and Colwell, R.R. (2010) ‘Simple sari cloth filtration of water is sustainable and continues to protect villagers from cholera in Matlab, Bangladesh’, MBio 1(1): 1–5 <http://doi:10.1128/mBio.00034-10>.
Imanishi, M., Kweza, P.F., Slayton, R.B., Urayai, T., Ziro, O., Mushayi, W., Francis-Chizororo, M., Kuonza, L.R., Ayers, T., Freeman, M.M., Govore, E., Duri, C., Chonzi, P., Mtapuri-Zinyowera, S., Manangazira, P., Kilmarx, P.H., Mintz, E., Lantagne, D. and Zimbabwe Typhoid Fever, O. (2014) ‘Household water treatment uptake during a public health response to a large typhoid fever outbreak in Harare, Zimbabwe’, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 90: 945–54 <https://doi.org/10.4269/ajtmh.13-0497>.
Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) (2014) Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation 2014 Update, Geneva, Switzerland.
Lantagne, D.S. and Clasen, T.F. (2012) ‘Use of household water treatment and safe storage methods in acute emergency response: case study results from Nepal, Indonesia, Kenya, and Haiti’, Environmental Science & Technology 46: 11352–60 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/es301842u>.
Libessart, Y. and Hammache, Y. (2000) ‘Integrated chlorination campaign in Mogadeshu’, paper presented at 26th WEDC Conference, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Challenges of the Millennium, Dhaka, Bangladesh [pdf] <https://www.unicef.org/cholera/Annexes/Supporting_Resources/Annex_9/Libessart_WEDC_paper-pot_chlorinators.pdf> [accessed 21 November 2017].
Matemo, C. (2014) Use of H2S Tests to Monitor Water Quality in Insecure Environment, Action Contre la Faim – Kenya.
Mayne, J. (2011) ‘Results management: can results evidence gain a foothold in the public sector’, The Evidence Book 1: 117.
Meyer Capps, J. and Njiru, H. (2015) Open Defecation Status, Community-Led Total Sanitation and Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in Voinjama and Kolahun Health Districts, Lofa County, Liberia (2014), Silver Spring, MD: Global Communities.
Mong, Y., Kaiser, R., Ibrahim, D., Rasoatiana, Razafimbololona, L. and Quick, R.E. (2001) ‘Impact of the safe water system on water quality in cyclone-affected communities in Madagascar’, American Journal of Public Health 91: 1577–9 <http://dx.doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.91.10.1577>.
Neseni, N. and Guzha, E. (2009) Evaluation of the WASH Response to the 2008–2009 Zimbabwe Cholera Epidemic and Preparedness Planning for Future Outbreaks, Harare, Zimbabwe: Institute of Water and Sanitation Development.
Nielsen, C.F., Kidd, S., Sillah, A.R.M., Davis, E., Mermin, J. and Kilmarx, P.H. (2015) ‘Improving burial practices and cemetery management during an ebola virus disease epidemic – Sierra Leone, 2014’, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 64: 20–7.
Oxman, A.D. and GRADE Working Group (2004) ‘Grading quality of evidence and strength of recommendations’, BMJ 328: 1490–4.
Ramesh, A., Blanchet, K., Ensink, J.H.J. and Roberts, B. (2015) ‘Evidence on the effectiveness of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) interventions on health outcomes in humanitarian crises: a systematic review’, PLoS ONE 10: 1–20 <https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0124688>.
Rees-Gildea, P. (2013) Sierra Leone Cholera ERU Operation Review, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Cresent Societies (IFRC).
Rein, D.B., Stevens, G.A., Theaker, J., Wittenborn, J.S. and Wiersma, S.T. (2012) ‘The global burden of hepatitis E virus genotypes 1 and 2 in 2005’, Hepatology 55: 988–97 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/hep.25505>.
Roberts, L., Chartier, Y., Chartier, O., Malenga, G., Toole, M. and Rodka, H. (2001) ‘Keeping clean water clean in a Malawi refugee camp: a randomized intervention trial’, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 79: 280–7.
Rowe, A.K., Angulo, F.J., Roberts, L. and Tauxe, R. (1998) ‘Chlorinating well water with liquid bleach was not an effective water disinfection strategy in Guinea-Bissau’, International Journal of Environmental Health Research 8: 339–40 <https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09603129873444>.
Ruiz-Roman, E. (2009) Evaluation of the Blanket Distribution of Nonfood Items as Part of the Cholera Response in Zimbabwe, Unicef Zimbabwe.
Simpson, R., Bazezew Legesse, N. and Mubayiwa, R. (2009) Real Time Evaluation of the Cholera Response in Zimbabwe, Oxfam International.
Smith, K.F., Goldberg, M., Rosenthal, S., Carlson, L., Chen, J., Chen, C. and Ramachandran, S. (2014) ‘Global rise in human infectious disease outbreaks’, Journal of The Royal Society Interface 11: 20140950 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsif.2014.0950>.
Spencer, L., Ritchie, J., Lewis, J. and Dillon, L. (2003) Quality in Qualitative Evaluation: A Framework for Assessing Research Evidence, London: Government Chief Social Researcher’s Office.
Sphere Project (2011) Sphere Handbook: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response, Geneva, Switzerland: Sphere Project.
Spiegel, P.B., Le, P., Ververs, M.-T. and Salama, P. (2007) ‘Occurrence and overlap of natural disasters, complex emergencies and epidemics during the past decade (1995–2004)’, Conflict and Health 1: 1 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1752-1505-1-2>.
Steele, A., Clarke, B. and Watkins, O. (2008) ‘Impact of jerry can disinfection in a camp environment: experiences in an IDP camp in Northern Uganda’, Journal of Water and Health 6: 559–64 <http://dx.doi.org/10.2166/wh.2008.072>.
Taylor, D.L., Kahawita, T.M., Cairncross, S. and Ensink, J.H.J. (2015) ‘The impact of water, sanitation and hygiene interventions to control cholera: a systematic review’, PLoS ONE 10: 1–19 <https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0135676>.
Tokplo, H. (2015) Project de Reprise Communautaire de la Lutte Contre le Cholera et les Maladies Hydriques dans les Zones de Sante de Minova (Sud Kivu) et de Kirotshe (Nord Kivu), R.D. Congo, Action Contre la Faim – R.D. Congo.
UNICEF (2013) Cholera Toolkit 2013, New York: UNICEF.
Victora, C.G., Habicht, J.-P. and Bryce, J. (2004) ‘Evidence-based public health: moving beyond randomized trials’, American Journal of Public Health 94: 400–5.
Vujcic, J., Ram, P.K. and Blum, L.S. (2015) ‘Handwashing promotion in humanitarian emergencies: strategies and challenges according to experts’, Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 5(4): 574–85 <http://dx.doi.org/10.2166/washdev.2015.009>.
Walden, V.M., Lamond, E.A. and Field, S.A. (2005) ‘Container contamination as a possible source of a diarrhoea outbreak in Abou Shouk camp, Darfur province, Sudan’, Disasters 29: 213–21 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.0361-3666.2005.00287.x>.
Wall, I. and Chéry, Y.G. (2011) Ann Kite Yo Pale or Let Them Speak: Best Practice and Lessons Learned in Communication with Disaster Affected Communities, Haiti 2010 [pdf], BBC World Service Trust, UKaid, InternewsEurope <www.cdacnetwork.org/tools-and-resources/i/20140610200806-rzzty%20> [accessed 21 November 2017].
Waterkeyn, J., Okot, P. and Kwame, V. (2005) ‘Rapid sanitation uptake in the internally displaced people camps of northern Uganda through community health clubs’, paper presented at the 31st WEDC International Conference: ethe Benefits from Water and Environmental Sanitation, Kampala, Uganda [pdf] <https://wedc-knowledge.lboro.ac.uk/resources/conference/31/WaterkeynJ.pdf> [accessed 22 November 2017].
Watson, J.T., Gayer, M. and Connolly, M.A. (2007) ‘Epidemics after natural disasters’, Emerging Infectious Diseases 13: 1–5 <https://dx.doi.org/10.3201/eid1301.060779>.
WHO (2016a) ‘Cholera case fatality rate: situation and trends’ [online], WHO <www.who.int/gho/epidemic_diseases/cholera/case_fatality_rate_text/en/> [accessed 14 July 2016].
WHO (2016b) ‘Disease outbreaks’ [online], WHO <www.who.int/topics/disease_outbreaks/en/> [accessed 14 July 2016].
WHO (2016c) ‘Ebola situation reports’ [online], WHO <http://apps.who.int/ebola/ebola-situation-reports> [accessed 15 May 2016].
WHO (no date) ‘Guidance on communication with respect to safe drinking water and household hygiene: literature review, interviews and case studies’, Geneva: WHO.
Williams, H.A., Gaines, J., Patrick, M., Berendes, D., Fitter, D. and Handzel, T. (2015) ‘Perceptions of health communication, water treatment and sanitation in Artibonite department, Haiti, March-April 2012’, PLoS ONE 10: 1–17 <https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0142778>.
Yates, T., Vujcic, J., Leandre Joseph, M. and Lantagne, D. (2015a) Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A Systematic Review Protocol, Oxford, UK: Oxfam GB.
Yates, T.M., Armitage, E., Lehmann, L.V., Branz, A.J. and Lantagne, D.S. (2015b) ‘Effectiveness of chlorine dispensers in emergencies: case study results from Haiti, Sierra Leone, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Senegal’, Environmental Science & Technology 49: 5115–22 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.5b00309>.
Yates, T., Allen, J., Leandre Joseph, M. and Lantagne, D. (2017) WASH Interventions in Disease Outbreak Response, Humanitarian Evidence Program, Oxford, UK: Oxfam GB.
ACF (2007) UNOCHA Emergency Funding Water and Sanitation Program in Kebri Dehar District, Somali Region, Action Contre La Faim – France.
ACF (2009) Household NFI Monitoring Report (PDM) May 2009, Action Contre La Faim – Zimbabwe.
ACF (2014a) Hygiene Kits Post Distribution Monitoring Report, Action Contre La Faim – South Sudan.
ACF (2014b) Projet Pilote de l’Approche de Marché Pour la Promotion du Chlore Liquide, Action Contre La Faim, Paris, France.
ACF (2015) Community Led Ebola Management and Eradication (CLEME) Trigger Behavioral Change to Strengthen Community’s Resilience to Ebola Outbreaks, Action Contre La Faim, Paris, France.
Ali, M., Lopez, A.L., You, Y.A., Kim, Y.E., Sah, B., Maskery, B. and Clemens, J. (2012) ‘The global burden of cholera’, Bulletin of the World Health Organisation 90: 209–18A <http://dx.doi.org/10.2471/BLT.11.093427>.
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Libessart, Y. and Hammache, Y. (2000) ‘Integrated chlorination campaign in Mogadeshu’, paper presented at 26th WEDC Conference, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Challenges of the Millennium, Dhaka, Bangladesh [pdf] <https://www.unicef.org/cholera/Annexes/Supporting_Resources/Annex_9/Libessart_WEDC_paper-pot_chlorinators.pdf> [accessed 21 November 2017].
Matemo, C. (2014) Use of H2S Tests to Monitor Water Quality in Insecure Environment, Action Contre la Faim – Kenya.
Mayne, J. (2011) ‘Results management: can results evidence gain a foothold in the public sector’, The Evidence Book 1: 117.
Meyer Capps, J. and Njiru, H. (2015) Open Defecation Status, Community-Led Total Sanitation and Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in Voinjama and Kolahun Health Districts, Lofa County, Liberia (2014), Silver Spring, MD: Global Communities.
Mong, Y., Kaiser, R., Ibrahim, D., Rasoatiana, Razafimbololona, L. and Quick, R.E. (2001) ‘Impact of the safe water system on water quality in cyclone-affected communities in Madagascar’, American Journal of Public Health 91: 1577–9 <http://dx.doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.91.10.1577>.
Neseni, N. and Guzha, E. (2009) Evaluation of the WASH Response to the 2008–2009 Zimbabwe Cholera Epidemic and Preparedness Planning for Future Outbreaks, Harare, Zimbabwe: Institute of Water and Sanitation Development.
Nielsen, C.F., Kidd, S., Sillah, A.R.M., Davis, E., Mermin, J. and Kilmarx, P.H. (2015) ‘Improving burial practices and cemetery management during an ebola virus disease epidemic – Sierra Leone, 2014’, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 64: 20–7.
Oxman, A.D. and GRADE Working Group (2004) ‘Grading quality of evidence and strength of recommendations’, BMJ 328: 1490–4.
Ramesh, A., Blanchet, K., Ensink, J.H.J. and Roberts, B. (2015) ‘Evidence on the effectiveness of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) interventions on health outcomes in humanitarian crises: a systematic review’, PLoS ONE 10: 1–20 <https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0124688>.
Rees-Gildea, P. (2013) Sierra Leone Cholera ERU Operation Review, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Cresent Societies (IFRC).
Rein, D.B., Stevens, G.A., Theaker, J., Wittenborn, J.S. and Wiersma, S.T. (2012) ‘The global burden of hepatitis E virus genotypes 1 and 2 in 2005’, Hepatology 55: 988–97 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/hep.25505>.
Roberts, L., Chartier, Y., Chartier, O., Malenga, G., Toole, M. and Rodka, H. (2001) ‘Keeping clean water clean in a Malawi refugee camp: a randomized intervention trial’, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 79: 280–7.
Rowe, A.K., Angulo, F.J., Roberts, L. and Tauxe, R. (1998) ‘Chlorinating well water with liquid bleach was not an effective water disinfection strategy in Guinea-Bissau’, International Journal of Environmental Health Research 8: 339–40 <https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09603129873444>.
Ruiz-Roman, E. (2009) Evaluation of the Blanket Distribution of Nonfood Items as Part of the Cholera Response in Zimbabwe, Unicef Zimbabwe.
Simpson, R., Bazezew Legesse, N. and Mubayiwa, R. (2009) Real Time Evaluation of the Cholera Response in Zimbabwe, Oxfam International.
Smith, K.F., Goldberg, M., Rosenthal, S., Carlson, L., Chen, J., Chen, C. and Ramachandran, S. (2014) ‘Global rise in human infectious disease outbreaks’, Journal of The Royal Society Interface 11: 20140950 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsif.2014.0950>.
Spencer, L., Ritchie, J., Lewis, J. and Dillon, L. (2003) Quality in Qualitative Evaluation: A Framework for Assessing Research Evidence, London: Government Chief Social Researcher’s Office.
Sphere Project (2011) Sphere Handbook: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response, Geneva, Switzerland: Sphere Project.
Spiegel, P.B., Le, P., Ververs, M.-T. and Salama, P. (2007) ‘Occurrence and overlap of natural disasters, complex emergencies and epidemics during the past decade (1995–2004)’, Conflict and Health 1: 1 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1752-1505-1-2>.
Steele, A., Clarke, B. and Watkins, O. (2008) ‘Impact of jerry can disinfection in a camp environment: experiences in an IDP camp in Northern Uganda’, Journal of Water and Health 6: 559–64 <http://dx.doi.org/10.2166/wh.2008.072>.
Taylor, D.L., Kahawita, T.M., Cairncross, S. and Ensink, J.H.J. (2015) ‘The impact of water, sanitation and hygiene interventions to control cholera: a systematic review’, PLoS ONE 10: 1–19 <https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0135676>.
Tokplo, H. (2015) Project de Reprise Communautaire de la Lutte Contre le Cholera et les Maladies Hydriques dans les Zones de Sante de Minova (Sud Kivu) et de Kirotshe (Nord Kivu), R.D. Congo, Action Contre la Faim – R.D. Congo.
UNICEF (2013) Cholera Toolkit 2013, New York: UNICEF.
Victora, C.G., Habicht, J.-P. and Bryce, J. (2004) ‘Evidence-based public health: moving beyond randomized trials’, American Journal of Public Health 94: 400–5.
Vujcic, J., Ram, P.K. and Blum, L.S. (2015) ‘Handwashing promotion in humanitarian emergencies: strategies and challenges according to experts’, Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 5(4): 574–85 <http://dx.doi.org/10.2166/washdev.2015.009>.
Walden, V.M., Lamond, E.A. and Field, S.A. (2005) ‘Container contamination as a possible source of a diarrhoea outbreak in Abou Shouk camp, Darfur province, Sudan’, Disasters 29: 213–21 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.0361-3666.2005.00287.x>.
Wall, I. and Chéry, Y.G. (2011) Ann Kite Yo Pale or Let Them Speak: Best Practice and Lessons Learned in Communication with Disaster Affected Communities, Haiti 2010 [pdf], BBC World Service Trust, UKaid, InternewsEurope <www.cdacnetwork.org/tools-and-resources/i/20140610200806-rzzty%20> [accessed 21 November 2017].
Waterkeyn, J., Okot, P. and Kwame, V. (2005) ‘Rapid sanitation uptake in the internally displaced people camps of northern Uganda through community health clubs’, paper presented at the 31st WEDC International Conference: ethe Benefits from Water and Environmental Sanitation, Kampala, Uganda [pdf] <https://wedc-knowledge.lboro.ac.uk/resources/conference/31/WaterkeynJ.pdf> [accessed 22 November 2017].
Watson, J.T., Gayer, M. and Connolly, M.A. (2007) ‘Epidemics after natural disasters’, Emerging Infectious Diseases 13: 1–5 <https://dx.doi.org/10.3201/eid1301.060779>.
WHO (2016a) ‘Cholera case fatality rate: situation and trends’ [online], WHO <www.who.int/gho/epidemic_diseases/cholera/case_fatality_rate_text/en/> [accessed 14 July 2016].
WHO (2016b) ‘Disease outbreaks’ [online], WHO <www.who.int/topics/disease_outbreaks/en/> [accessed 14 July 2016].
WHO (2016c) ‘Ebola situation reports’ [online], WHO <http://apps.who.int/ebola/ebola-situation-reports> [accessed 15 May 2016].
WHO (no date) ‘Guidance on communication with respect to safe drinking water and household hygiene: literature review, interviews and case studies’, Geneva: WHO.
Williams, H.A., Gaines, J., Patrick, M., Berendes, D., Fitter, D. and Handzel, T. (2015) ‘Perceptions of health communication, water treatment and sanitation in Artibonite department, Haiti, March-April 2012’, PLoS ONE 10: 1–17 <https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0142778>.
Yates, T., Vujcic, J., Leandre Joseph, M. and Lantagne, D. (2015a) Impact of WASH Interventions during Disease Outbreaks in Humanitarian Emergencies: A Systematic Review Protocol, Oxford, UK: Oxfam GB.
Yates, T.M., Armitage, E., Lehmann, L.V., Branz, A.J. and Lantagne, D.S. (2015b) ‘Effectiveness of chlorine dispensers in emergencies: case study results from Haiti, Sierra Leone, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Senegal’, Environmental Science & Technology 49: 5115–22 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.5b00309>.
Yates, T., Allen, J., Leandre Joseph, M. and Lantagne, D. (2017) WASH Interventions in Disease Outbreak Response, Humanitarian Evidence Program, Oxford, UK: Oxfam GB.
ACF (2007) UNOCHA Emergency Funding Water and Sanitation Program in Kebri Dehar District, Somali Region, Action Contre La Faim – France.
ACF (2009) Household NFI Monitoring Report (PDM) May 2009, Action Contre La Faim – Zimbabwe.
ACF (2014a) Hygiene Kits Post Distribution Monitoring Report, Action Contre La Faim – South Sudan.
ACF (2014b) Projet Pilote de l’Approche de Marché Pour la Promotion du Chlore Liquide, Action Contre La Faim, Paris, France.
ACF (2015) Community Led Ebola Management and Eradication (CLEME) Trigger Behavioral Change to Strengthen Community’s Resilience to Ebola Outbreaks, Action Contre La Faim, Paris, France.
Ali, M., Lopez, A.L., You, Y.A., Kim, Y.E., Sah, B., Maskery, B. and Clemens, J. (2012) ‘The global burden of cholera’, Bulletin of the World Health Organisation 90: 209–18A <http://dx.doi.org/10.2471/BLT.11.093427>.
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