Low-cost Arborloo offers Ethiopians health and agriculture benefits
In one of the poorest countries of the world, a very simple form of ecosanitation is catching on. Not only is the Arborloo a low-cost, safe way to dispose of excreta, but it also provides compost that can support the growth of valuable trees.Morgan, Peter (2007) Toilets that make Compost, can be downloaded (6.5MB) from: http://www.ecosanres.org/toilets_that_make_compost.htm. http://www.ecosanres.org/toilets_that_make_compost.htm
Winblad, U. and Simpson-Hebert, M. et al., (2004) Ecological Sanitation, Stockholm: Sida.
CRS website: http://www.crs.org/our_work/where_we_work/overseas/africa/ethiopia/arbor_loo.cfm http://www.crs.org/our_work/where_we_work/overseas/africa/ethiopia/arbor_loo.cfm
Morgan, Peter (2007) Toilets that make Compost, can be downloaded (6.5MB) from: http://www.ecosanres.org/toilets_that_make_compost.htm. http://www.ecosanres.org/toilets_that_make_compost.htm
Winblad, U. and Simpson-Hebert, M. et al., (2004) Ecological Sanitation, Stockholm: Sida.
CRS website: http://www.crs.org/our_work/where_we_work/overseas/africa/ethiopia/arbor_loo.cfm http://www.crs.org/our_work/where_we_work/overseas/africa/ethiopia/arbor_loo.cfm
Morgan, Peter (2007) Toilets that make Compost, can be downloaded (6.5MB) from: http://www.ecosanres.org/toilets_that_make_compost.htm. http://www.ecosanres.org/toilets_that_make_compost.htm
Winblad, U. and Simpson-Hebert, M. et al., (2004) Ecological Sanitation, Stockholm: Sida.
CRS website: http://www.crs.org/our_work/where_we_work/overseas/africa/ethiopia/arbor_loo.cfm http://www.crs.org/our_work/where_we_work/overseas/africa/ethiopia/arbor_loo.cfm
Morgan, Peter (2007) Toilets that make Compost, can be downloaded (6.5MB) from: http://www.ecosanres.org/toilets_that_make_compost.htm. http://www.ecosanres.org/toilets_that_make_compost.htm
Winblad, U. and Simpson-Hebert, M. et al., (2004) Ecological Sanitation, Stockholm: Sida.
CRS website: http://www.crs.org/our_work/where_we_work/overseas/africa/ethiopia/arbor_loo.cfm http://www.crs.org/our_work/where_we_work/overseas/africa/ethiopia/arbor_loo.cfm
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