A WELL FACT SHEET: Child survival and environmental health
Ballard-Tremeer, G. and A. Mathee (2000) ‘Review of interventions to reduce the exposure of women and young children to indoor air pollution in developing countries’ paper prepared for US Agency for International Development (USAID) and World Health Organization (WHO) Global Consultation, Health Impacts of Indoor Air Pollution and Household Energy in Developing Countries: Setting the Agenda for Action, May 3-4, Washington D.C.
Bartlett, S.N. (2002) ‘The problem of children's injuries in low-income countries: a review’. Health Policy Plan. 17(1):1-13.
Bruce, N., R. Perez-Padilla & R. Albalak (2000) ‘Indoor air pollution in developing countries: a major environmental and public health challenge’ in Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 78 (9), pp. 1078-1092.
Cairncross, S. (2003) ‘Handwashing with soap — a new way to prevent ARIs?’ Tropical Medicine and International Health 8 (8) 677-679 Aug.
Cairncross, S., O’Neill, D., McCoy, A., and Sethi, D., (2003) ‘Health, Environment and the Burden of Disease; A Guidance Note’. Department for International Development. London.
Chavasse, D.C., Shler, R.P., Murphy, O.A., Huttly, S.R.A., Cousens, S.N. and Akhtar, (1999) T. ‘Impact of fly control on childhood diarrhoea in Pakistan: community-randomised trial’, The Lancet 353 (9146): 22-25 Jan 2.
Curtis, V., (2002). Health in Your Hands: Lessons from Building Public-Private Partnerships for Washing Hands with Soap. Water and Sanitation Program, World Bank, Washington.
Curtis, V., and Cairncross, S. (2003). ‘Effect of washing hands with soap on diarrhoea risk in the community: a systematic review’. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 3, 275-281, May.
Deen, J.L., Vos, T., Huttly, S.R.A., and Tulloch, J., (1999) ‘Injuries and noncommunicable diseases: emerging health problems of children in developing countries’. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 77 (6) 518-524.
Emerson, P.M., Lindsay, S. W., Walraven, G.E.L., Faal, H., Bogh, C., Lowe, K., and Baily, R.L. (1999) The Lancet 353 1401-1403, April 24.
Goldemberg, J. (2000) ‘Rural energy in developing countries’ Chapter 10 in UNDP World Energy Assessment: Energy and the challenge of sustainability, UNDP, New York.
Huttly, S.R.A., Morris, S.S. and Pisani, V., (1997) ‘Prevention of diarrhoea in young children in developing countries’. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 75 (2): 163-174.
ITDG (2002) ‘Reducing indoor air pollution in rural households in Kenya: working with communities to find solutions’. ITDG project 1998-2001, January.
Sethi, D. and Zwi, A.B. (1999) ‘Accidents and other injuries’. In (eds.) Chamie J, Cliquet RL. Health and Mortality Issues of Global Concern. Proceedings of Symposium on Health and Mortality, Brussels, 19-22 November 1997, organised by the Population Division United Nations and CBGS. 412-441.
Smith, K.R., Corvalan, C.F., and Kjellstrom, T. (1999). ‘How much global ill health is attributable to environmental factors?’ Epidemiology 10 (5): 573-584, Sept.
Smith, K.R., J.M. Samet, I. Romieu & N. Bruce (2000) ‘Indoor Air Pollution in Developing Countries and Acute Lower Respiratory Infections in Children’ in Thorax, 55, pp. 518-532.
USAID (2000) Consultation on the Health Impacts of Indoor Air Pollution and Household Energy in Developing Countries: Setting the Agenda for Action: summary report for participants, USAID and World Health Organization, May 3-4, Washington.
von Schirnding, Y., Bruce, N., Smith, K., Ballard-Tremeer, G., Ezzati, M., and Lvovsky, K., (2002) Addressing the impact of Household Energy and Indoor Air Pollution on the Health of the Poor: Implications for Policy Action and Intervention Measures. Paper prepared for the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health. World Health Organization, Geneva. [online] http://www.who.int/mediacentre/events/H&SD_Plaq_no9.pdf http://www.who.int/mediacentre/events/H&SD_Plaq_no9.pdf
[2004 March 17]. WHO (2004) [Online] http://www.who.int/indoorair/health_impacts/burden_global/en/ [2004 March 17]. http://www.who.int/indoorair/health_impacts/burden_global/en/
Zwi, A.B., Leon, D., Koupilova, I., Sethi, D., and McKee, M. (2001) ‘Injuries, inequalities and health in Europe’. Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 8 (3) 143-148.
Ballard-Tremeer, G. and A. Mathee (2000) ‘Review of interventions to reduce the exposure of women and young children to indoor air pollution in developing countries’ paper prepared for US Agency for International Development (USAID) and World Health Organization (WHO) Global Consultation, Health Impacts of Indoor Air Pollution and Household Energy in Developing Countries: Setting the Agenda for Action, May 3-4, Washington D.C.
Bartlett, S.N. (2002) ‘The problem of children's injuries in low-income countries: a review’. Health Policy Plan. 17(1):1-13.
Bruce, N., R. Perez-Padilla & R. Albalak (2000) ‘Indoor air pollution in developing countries: a major environmental and public health challenge’ in Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 78 (9), pp. 1078-1092.
Cairncross, S. (2003) ‘Handwashing with soap — a new way to prevent ARIs?’ Tropical Medicine and International Health 8 (8) 677-679 Aug.
Cairncross, S., O’Neill, D., McCoy, A., and Sethi, D., (2003) ‘Health, Environment and the Burden of Disease; A Guidance Note’. Department for International Development. London.
Chavasse, D.C., Shler, R.P., Murphy, O.A., Huttly, S.R.A., Cousens, S.N. and Akhtar, (1999) T. ‘Impact of fly control on childhood diarrhoea in Pakistan: community-randomised trial’, The Lancet 353 (9146): 22-25 Jan 2.
Curtis, V., (2002). Health in Your Hands: Lessons from Building Public-Private Partnerships for Washing Hands with Soap. Water and Sanitation Program, World Bank, Washington.
Curtis, V., and Cairncross, S. (2003). ‘Effect of washing hands with soap on diarrhoea risk in the community: a systematic review’. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 3, 275-281, May.
Deen, J.L., Vos, T., Huttly, S.R.A., and Tulloch, J., (1999) ‘Injuries and noncommunicable diseases: emerging health problems of children in developing countries’. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 77 (6) 518-524.
Emerson, P.M., Lindsay, S. W., Walraven, G.E.L., Faal, H., Bogh, C., Lowe, K., and Baily, R.L. (1999) The Lancet 353 1401-1403, April 24.
Goldemberg, J. (2000) ‘Rural energy in developing countries’ Chapter 10 in UNDP World Energy Assessment: Energy and the challenge of sustainability, UNDP, New York.
Huttly, S.R.A., Morris, S.S. and Pisani, V., (1997) ‘Prevention of diarrhoea in young children in developing countries’. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 75 (2): 163-174.
ITDG (2002) ‘Reducing indoor air pollution in rural households in Kenya: working with communities to find solutions’. ITDG project 1998-2001, January.
Sethi, D. and Zwi, A.B. (1999) ‘Accidents and other injuries’. In (eds.) Chamie J, Cliquet RL. Health and Mortality Issues of Global Concern. Proceedings of Symposium on Health and Mortality, Brussels, 19-22 November 1997, organised by the Population Division United Nations and CBGS. 412-441.
Smith, K.R., Corvalan, C.F., and Kjellstrom, T. (1999). ‘How much global ill health is attributable to environmental factors?’ Epidemiology 10 (5): 573-584, Sept.
Smith, K.R., J.M. Samet, I. Romieu & N. Bruce (2000) ‘Indoor Air Pollution in Developing Countries and Acute Lower Respiratory Infections in Children’ in Thorax, 55, pp. 518-532.
USAID (2000) Consultation on the Health Impacts of Indoor Air Pollution and Household Energy in Developing Countries: Setting the Agenda for Action: summary report for participants, USAID and World Health Organization, May 3-4, Washington.
von Schirnding, Y., Bruce, N., Smith, K., Ballard-Tremeer, G., Ezzati, M., and Lvovsky, K., (2002) Addressing the impact of Household Energy and Indoor Air Pollution on the Health of the Poor: Implications for Policy Action and Intervention Measures. Paper prepared for the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health. World Health Organization, Geneva. [online] http://www.who.int/mediacentre/events/H&SD_Plaq_no9.pdf http://www.who.int/mediacentre/events/H&SD_Plaq_no9.pdf
[2004 March 17]. WHO (2004) [Online] http://www.who.int/indoorair/health_impacts/burden_global/en/ [2004 March 17]. http://www.who.int/indoorair/health_impacts/burden_global/en/
Zwi, A.B., Leon, D., Koupilova, I., Sethi, D., and McKee, M. (2001) ‘Injuries, inequalities and health in Europe’. Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 8 (3) 143-148.
Ballard-Tremeer, G. and A. Mathee (2000) ‘Review of interventions to reduce the exposure of women and young children to indoor air pollution in developing countries’ paper prepared for US Agency for International Development (USAID) and World Health Organization (WHO) Global Consultation, Health Impacts of Indoor Air Pollution and Household Energy in Developing Countries: Setting the Agenda for Action, May 3-4, Washington D.C.
Bartlett, S.N. (2002) ‘The problem of children's injuries in low-income countries: a review’. Health Policy Plan. 17(1):1-13.
Bruce, N., R. Perez-Padilla & R. Albalak (2000) ‘Indoor air pollution in developing countries: a major environmental and public health challenge’ in Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 78 (9), pp. 1078-1092.
Cairncross, S. (2003) ‘Handwashing with soap — a new way to prevent ARIs?’ Tropical Medicine and International Health 8 (8) 677-679 Aug.
Cairncross, S., O’Neill, D., McCoy, A., and Sethi, D., (2003) ‘Health, Environment and the Burden of Disease; A Guidance Note’. Department for International Development. London.
Chavasse, D.C., Shler, R.P., Murphy, O.A., Huttly, S.R.A., Cousens, S.N. and Akhtar, (1999) T. ‘Impact of fly control on childhood diarrhoea in Pakistan: community-randomised trial’, The Lancet 353 (9146): 22-25 Jan 2.
Curtis, V., (2002). Health in Your Hands: Lessons from Building Public-Private Partnerships for Washing Hands with Soap. Water and Sanitation Program, World Bank, Washington.
Curtis, V., and Cairncross, S. (2003). ‘Effect of washing hands with soap on diarrhoea risk in the community: a systematic review’. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 3, 275-281, May.
Deen, J.L., Vos, T., Huttly, S.R.A., and Tulloch, J., (1999) ‘Injuries and noncommunicable diseases: emerging health problems of children in developing countries’. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 77 (6) 518-524.
Emerson, P.M., Lindsay, S. W., Walraven, G.E.L., Faal, H., Bogh, C., Lowe, K., and Baily, R.L. (1999) The Lancet 353 1401-1403, April 24.
Goldemberg, J. (2000) ‘Rural energy in developing countries’ Chapter 10 in UNDP World Energy Assessment: Energy and the challenge of sustainability, UNDP, New York.
Huttly, S.R.A., Morris, S.S. and Pisani, V., (1997) ‘Prevention of diarrhoea in young children in developing countries’. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 75 (2): 163-174.
ITDG (2002) ‘Reducing indoor air pollution in rural households in Kenya: working with communities to find solutions’. ITDG project 1998-2001, January.
Sethi, D. and Zwi, A.B. (1999) ‘Accidents and other injuries’. In (eds.) Chamie J, Cliquet RL. Health and Mortality Issues of Global Concern. Proceedings of Symposium on Health and Mortality, Brussels, 19-22 November 1997, organised by the Population Division United Nations and CBGS. 412-441.
Smith, K.R., Corvalan, C.F., and Kjellstrom, T. (1999). ‘How much global ill health is attributable to environmental factors?’ Epidemiology 10 (5): 573-584, Sept.
Smith, K.R., J.M. Samet, I. Romieu & N. Bruce (2000) ‘Indoor Air Pollution in Developing Countries and Acute Lower Respiratory Infections in Children’ in Thorax, 55, pp. 518-532.
USAID (2000) Consultation on the Health Impacts of Indoor Air Pollution and Household Energy in Developing Countries: Setting the Agenda for Action: summary report for participants, USAID and World Health Organization, May 3-4, Washington.
von Schirnding, Y., Bruce, N., Smith, K., Ballard-Tremeer, G., Ezzati, M., and Lvovsky, K., (2002) Addressing the impact of Household Energy and Indoor Air Pollution on the Health of the Poor: Implications for Policy Action and Intervention Measures. Paper prepared for the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health. World Health Organization, Geneva. [online] http://www.who.int/mediacentre/events/H&SD_Plaq_no9.pdf http://www.who.int/mediacentre/events/H&SD_Plaq_no9.pdf
[2004 March 17]. WHO (2004) [Online] http://www.who.int/indoorair/health_impacts/burden_global/en/ [2004 March 17]. http://www.who.int/indoorair/health_impacts/burden_global/en/
Zwi, A.B., Leon, D., Koupilova, I., Sethi, D., and McKee, M. (2001) ‘Injuries, inequalities and health in Europe’. Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 8 (3) 143-148.
Ballard-Tremeer, G. and A. Mathee (2000) ‘Review of interventions to reduce the exposure of women and young children to indoor air pollution in developing countries’ paper prepared for US Agency for International Development (USAID) and World Health Organization (WHO) Global Consultation, Health Impacts of Indoor Air Pollution and Household Energy in Developing Countries: Setting the Agenda for Action, May 3-4, Washington D.C.
Bartlett, S.N. (2002) ‘The problem of children's injuries in low-income countries: a review’. Health Policy Plan. 17(1):1-13.
Bruce, N., R. Perez-Padilla & R. Albalak (2000) ‘Indoor air pollution in developing countries: a major environmental and public health challenge’ in Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 78 (9), pp. 1078-1092.
Cairncross, S. (2003) ‘Handwashing with soap — a new way to prevent ARIs?’ Tropical Medicine and International Health 8 (8) 677-679 Aug.
Cairncross, S., O’Neill, D., McCoy, A., and Sethi, D., (2003) ‘Health, Environment and the Burden of Disease; A Guidance Note’. Department for International Development. London.
Chavasse, D.C., Shler, R.P., Murphy, O.A., Huttly, S.R.A., Cousens, S.N. and Akhtar, (1999) T. ‘Impact of fly control on childhood diarrhoea in Pakistan: community-randomised trial’, The Lancet 353 (9146): 22-25 Jan 2.
Curtis, V., (2002). Health in Your Hands: Lessons from Building Public-Private Partnerships for Washing Hands with Soap. Water and Sanitation Program, World Bank, Washington.
Curtis, V., and Cairncross, S. (2003). ‘Effect of washing hands with soap on diarrhoea risk in the community: a systematic review’. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 3, 275-281, May.
Deen, J.L., Vos, T., Huttly, S.R.A., and Tulloch, J., (1999) ‘Injuries and noncommunicable diseases: emerging health problems of children in developing countries’. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 77 (6) 518-524.
Emerson, P.M., Lindsay, S. W., Walraven, G.E.L., Faal, H., Bogh, C., Lowe, K., and Baily, R.L. (1999) The Lancet 353 1401-1403, April 24.
Goldemberg, J. (2000) ‘Rural energy in developing countries’ Chapter 10 in UNDP World Energy Assessment: Energy and the challenge of sustainability, UNDP, New York.
Huttly, S.R.A., Morris, S.S. and Pisani, V., (1997) ‘Prevention of diarrhoea in young children in developing countries’. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 75 (2): 163-174.
ITDG (2002) ‘Reducing indoor air pollution in rural households in Kenya: working with communities to find solutions’. ITDG project 1998-2001, January.
Sethi, D. and Zwi, A.B. (1999) ‘Accidents and other injuries’. In (eds.) Chamie J, Cliquet RL. Health and Mortality Issues of Global Concern. Proceedings of Symposium on Health and Mortality, Brussels, 19-22 November 1997, organised by the Population Division United Nations and CBGS. 412-441.
Smith, K.R., Corvalan, C.F., and Kjellstrom, T. (1999). ‘How much global ill health is attributable to environmental factors?’ Epidemiology 10 (5): 573-584, Sept.
Smith, K.R., J.M. Samet, I. Romieu & N. Bruce (2000) ‘Indoor Air Pollution in Developing Countries and Acute Lower Respiratory Infections in Children’ in Thorax, 55, pp. 518-532.
USAID (2000) Consultation on the Health Impacts of Indoor Air Pollution and Household Energy in Developing Countries: Setting the Agenda for Action: summary report for participants, USAID and World Health Organization, May 3-4, Washington.
von Schirnding, Y., Bruce, N., Smith, K., Ballard-Tremeer, G., Ezzati, M., and Lvovsky, K., (2002) Addressing the impact of Household Energy and Indoor Air Pollution on the Health of the Poor: Implications for Policy Action and Intervention Measures. Paper prepared for the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health. World Health Organization, Geneva. [online] http://www.who.int/mediacentre/events/H&SD_Plaq_no9.pdf http://www.who.int/mediacentre/events/H&SD_Plaq_no9.pdf
[2004 March 17]. WHO (2004) [Online] http://www.who.int/indoorair/health_impacts/burden_global/en/ [2004 March 17]. http://www.who.int/indoorair/health_impacts/burden_global/en/
Zwi, A.B., Leon, D., Koupilova, I., Sethi, D., and McKee, M. (2001) ‘Injuries, inequalities and health in Europe’. Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 8 (3) 143-148.
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