Developing a water-safety framework in Bangladesh
Sk. Abu Jafar Shamsuddin | Shamsul Gaifur Mahmud | M. Feroze Ahmed | Daniel Deere | Annette Davison | Guy Howard
The first step in developing a water-safety framework in Bangladesh has been to develop models to predict the risk of disease associated with particular pathogens. Water-safety plans could then be developed to counter these risks for the range of technologies used in rural areas.Capacity building and training approaches for water safety plans: A comprehensive literature review
Ferrero, Giuliana
Setty, Karen
Rickert, Bettina
George, Shannan
Rinehold, Angella
DeFrance, Jennifer
Bartram, Jamie
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, Vol. 222 (2019), Iss. 4 P.615 [Citations: 49]- A call to action: organizational, professional, and personal change for gender transformative WASH programming
- Providing municipal faecal sludge management services: lessons from Bangladesh
- Menstrual hygiene management: education and empowerment for girls?
- Webwatch
- WASH challenges to girls’ menstrual hygiene management in Metro Manila, Masbate, and South Central Mindanao, Philippines