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(Book) Urine Diverting Dehydration Toilet (UDDT)
The majority of communities worldwide pollute ground water resources and the environment as a result of flush toilets.
(Book) Mineral Processing: Milling
This brief presents the factors to consider when choosing a grinding application and gives an overview of the equipment available.
(Book) SODIS - Solar Water Disinfection
This document looks at issues surrounding clean drinking water and a simple and low-cost solution called SODIS, where the heat and UV rays from the sun fall on water in plastic bottles, killing patho-genic micro-organisms.
(Book) Removing Arsenic From Water
This brief outlines the different arsenic removal methods and technologies that are available for use with small-scale supplies in developing countries.
(Book) How to Grow Your Own Onion Seed
Here is some basic information on how to grow onions and produce onion seeds. The document focuses on Burkina Faso but this approach can be used in many other locations.
(Book) Pack Transport with Donkeys
Pack donkeys can be an appropriate solution for transport in remote mountainous regions.
(Book) Metering and Payment Technologies for Mini-grids
This market assessment gives an overview of the state of the electricity sector in Zimbabwe, and describes the countrys renewable energy potential and the degree to which it has been exploited. Assessments of the decentralised generation and mini-grid sectors follow, alongside an exploration of the...
(Book) Micro-Irrigation
A guide for smallholder farmers on implementing drip irrigation project
(Book) Low-Cost Civil works for Micro-Hydro Schemes
Civil works can suffer from cracking and significant scour damage. This document looks at some of the approaches that were taken to combat these problems in hydro schemes in the Cajamarca region of Peru.
(Book) Hydraulic Lime: An Introduction
Hydraulic lime was an important cementitious material before the arrival of Portland cement but it is little used now, except in conservation work.
(Book) Solar Thermal Technologies in India
Renewable energy practices in India
(Book) Water Supply During Emergencies
Overview of options for water supply in an emergency context, with relation to people-centred reconstruction principles.
(Book) Preparation of Risk Maps
This document looks at risk map usage in the emergency preparedness project in Peru, recognising that more comprehensive risk-reduction strategies are constantly emerging.
(Book) Lime Production
There is a long history of production and use of lime in Sri Lanka. Its main use has been as a cementing agent and as a decorative whitewash in the building industry.
(Book) Mud Plasters and Renders
Mud plasters are used for houses built from mud but can also be used for buildings of stone and fired brick.
(Book) The Kebkabiya Plough
This plough has been used with great success in Kebkabiya, Sudan. Here is a highly visual guide to its use.
(Book) Walls- using interlocking stabilised soil blocks
Soil blocks have distinct advantages over hollow concrete blocks as well as fired bricks. It offers greater structural stability by having "keys" which interlock with other blocks when constructing walls and columns. This technical brief discusses about this technology.
(Book) Peanut Roaster
The design and construction of a peanut roaster
(Book) Natural resource management and the importance of gender
Taking into account the different roles and responsibilities of men and women is critical to the sustainable management of natural resources as well as the success of NRM policies and programmes. We need to be aware that NRM programmes may affect women and men differently due to their rights, roles...
(Book) Solar PV Technologies in Pakistan
Renewable energy practices in Pakistan