Vol. 26 (2015), Issue 3:
Volume 26, Issue 3, Sep 2015
Guest editorial: An introduction to the special issue on green microfinance
Frédéric Huybrechs | Johan Bastiaensen | Davide Forcella
26(3), pp. 211–214
Category: Articles
https://doi.org/10.3362/1755-1986.2015.018 -
Crossfire: ‘Are we using payments for ecosystem services to transfer our responsibility for over-consuming natural resources onto poor farmers in the Global South?’
Gert Van Hecken | Kahlil Baker
26(3), pp. 215–221
Category: Articles
https://doi.org/10.3362/1755-1986.2015.019 -
Is green microfinance ‘investment ready’? Perspective of an international impact investor
Hatem Mahbouli | Desmond Fortes
26(3), pp. 222–229
Keywords: green, microfinance, DFI, investor, commercial
Category: Articles
https://doi.org/10.3362/1755-1986.2015.020 -
Environmental performance of African microfinance institutions: using the Green Performance Agenda framework to assess and build the business case for sustainability
Natalia Agathou | Geert Jan Schuite
26(3), pp. 230–247
Keywords: eastern Africa, environmental management, Green Performance Agenda, microfinance institutions, southern Africa
Category: Articles
https://doi.org/10.3362/1755-1986.2015.021 -
Increasing energy access: the rise of pay-as-you-go solar and innovative financing partnerships
Patrick Reichert | Umberto Trivella
26(3), pp. 248–261
Keywords: microfinance, energy access, pay-as-you-go, solar home systems, energy service company
Category: Articles
https://doi.org/10.3362/1755-1986.2015.022 -
Microfinance and climate change adaptation: an overview of the current literature
Adrian Fenton | Jouni Paavola | Anne Tallontire
26(3), pp. 262–273
Keywords: adaptation, microfinance, climate change, climate resilience, vulnerability
Category: Articles
https://doi.org/10.3362/1755-1986.2015.023 -
Microfinance for ecosystem-based adaptation (MEbA) in Peru and Colombia
Alicia Rondón-Krummheuer | Christine Gruening | Christoph Jungfleisch
26(3), pp. 274–291
Keywords: ecosystem-based adaptation, adaptation finance, financial product development, Peru, Colombia
Category: Articles
https://doi.org/10.3362/1755-1986.2015.024 -
Microfinance plus for ecosystem services: a territorial perspective on Proyecto CAMBio in Nicaragua
Johan Bastiaensen | Frédéric Huybrechs | Davide Forcella | Gert Van Hecken
26(3), pp. 292–306
Keywords: green microfinance, coffee, environmental services, microfinance plus, microcredit, Nicaragua, sustainable development, development pathways
Category: Articles