Environmental performance of African microfinance institutions: using the Green Performance Agenda framework to assess and build the business case for sustainability
This paper introduces the Green Performance Agenda framework to investigate the environmental management component of the microfinance sector in southern and eastern Africa. The application of the framework reveals valuable insights on the environmental performance of microfinance institutions (MFIs) in both regions, their ambition and vision on their future performance, and the underlying challenges the sector faces as it embarks on a ‘green’ trajectory. For the majority of the MFIs, in both regions, there is a self-defined need to be more advanced and even to fully integrate environmental aspects into their daily financial operations. The specific environmental elements they should emphasize vary depending on their portfolio, their geographical location and their stakeholders’ expectations.Austrian Development Agency (ADA) (2015) Passerelles No. 1. Microfinance and Climate Change, Luxembourg: ADA <http://issuu.com/inclusivefinance/docs/ada_passerelle1-a4_en-web> [accessed 8 September 2015].
African Development Bank Group (AfDB) (2011a) Southern Africa Regional Integration Strategy Paper 2011–2015, Tunis: AfDB.
AfDB (2011b) Eastern Africa Regional Integration Strategy Paper 2011–2015, Tunis: AfDB.
Agathou, N. and Schuite, G.J. (2013) Green Performance Agenda Toolkit: Greening the Performance of Microfinance and Business, The Hague: HIVOS <http://gpa4mf.blogspot.nl/> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Agrawala, S. and Carraro, M. (2010) ‘Assessing the role of microfinance in fostering adaptation to climate change’, OECD Environmental Working Paper No. 15, Paris: OECD <http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/5kmlcz34fg9v-en> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Allet, M. (2011) ‘Measuring the environmental performance of microfinance’, CEB Working Paper No 11/045, Brussels: Centre Emile Bernheim and Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management.
Allet, M. (2012) ‘Why do microfinance institutions go green?’, CEB Working Paper No 12/015, Brussels: Centre Emile Bernheim and Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management.
Amdam, R.P. (2013) Management, Education and Competitiveness: Europe, Japan and the United States, Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
CERISE (2014) Social Performance Index v.4 [electronic toolkit] <http://www.cerise-spi4.org/> [accessed 8 September 2015].
European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP) (2013–14) Product catalogues for green sectors, Microfinance and the Environment working group session <http://www.e-mfp.eu/actions-groups/microfinance-environment> [accessed 8 September 2015].
e-MFP (2014) ‘Microfinance and the environment: identifying MFIs that set an example’, Microfinance and the Environment working group session <http://www.e-mfp.eu/blog/microfinance-and-environment-identifying-mfis-set-example> [accessed 8 September 2015].
FMO (Development Bank of the Netherlands) (2009) MFI Sustainability Guidance e-tool, Environmental and Social Governance Toolkits, The Hague: FMO <https://www.fmo.nl/esg-tools> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Forcella, D. (2013) European Green Microfinance: A first look, Brussels: EMN Research Network.
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) (2008) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and Financial Services Sector Supplement, Version 3.0. Amsterdam: GRI.
Green Performance Working Group (GPWG) (2012–14) Minutes from the annual meetings of the working group on the environment of the Social Performance Task Force of CGAP <http://sptf.info/sp-task-force/working-groups> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Hall, J., Abhishek L. and Israel, E. (2006) ‘How MFIs and their clients can have a positive impact on the environment’, Green Microfinance, presented at the Microcredit Summit, USA.
International Energy Agency (IEA) (2008) Energy Technology Perspectives, Paris: IEA.
International Finance Corporation (IFC) (2012) ‘Environmental and social requirements for FI clients’ [online] <http://firstforsustainability.org/risk-management/implementing-ifc-environmental-and-social-requirements/ifc-environmental-and-social-requirements/> [accessed 10 November 2012].
Lefebvre, E., Lefebvre, L. and Talbot, S. (2003) ‘Determinants and impacts of environmental performance in SMEs’, R&D Management 33 (3): 263–83 <http://ssrn.com/abstract=411175> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Microenergy International (2008) ‘Financing small-scale solar energy in developing countries’, Berlin: Microenergy International.
Micro World (2014) ‘Why are we going towards a green microfinance?’, news article, 29 October, <http://www.microworld.org/en/news-from-the-field/article/why-are-we-going-towards-green-microfinance> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Mix Market (2012) Analysis of the social performance indicators related to social responsibility towards the environment for all MFIs reporting to Mix Market [online] <http://www.themix.org/social-performance/Indicators> [accessed 5 May 2012].
Proparco (2012) Notre stratégie RSE. Maîtriser les risques environnementaux et sociaux des opérations financées par PROPARCO [online] <http://www.proparco.fr/Accueil_PROPARCO/financement-responsable/responsabilite-sociale-environnementale> [accessed 10 November 2012].
Pratt, L. and Rojas, E. (2001) Programas ambientales en bancos latinoamericanos: Una Evaluación, Costa Rica: Centro Latinoamericano para la Competitividad y el Desarrollo Sostenible, INCAE Business School <https://www.incae.edu/ES/clacds/publicaciones/pdf/cen770.pdf> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Spensley, J., Jungfleisch, C. and Buenfil, J. (2013) Microfinance for ecosystem based adaptation: options, costs and benefits, Geneva: UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance and Frankfurt School <http://www.pnuma.org/meba/materiales_informativos.php> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Weber, O. (2005) ‘Sustainability benchmarking of European banks and financial service organizations’, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 12: 73–87 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/csr.77>.
World Economic Forum (WEF) (2009) The Green Investing: Towards a Clean Energy Infrastructure Report, New York and Geneva: WEF.
Zweig, W. (2011) A/E/P and Environmental Consulting Industry Outlook, Fayetteville, AR: ZweigWhite Publishing.
Austrian Development Agency (ADA) (2015) Passerelles No. 1. Microfinance and Climate Change, Luxembourg: ADA <http://issuu.com/inclusivefinance/docs/ada_passerelle1-a4_en-web> [accessed 8 September 2015].
African Development Bank Group (AfDB) (2011a) Southern Africa Regional Integration Strategy Paper 2011–2015, Tunis: AfDB.
AfDB (2011b) Eastern Africa Regional Integration Strategy Paper 2011–2015, Tunis: AfDB.
Agathou, N. and Schuite, G.J. (2013) Green Performance Agenda Toolkit: Greening the Performance of Microfinance and Business, The Hague: HIVOS <http://gpa4mf.blogspot.nl/> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Agrawala, S. and Carraro, M. (2010) ‘Assessing the role of microfinance in fostering adaptation to climate change’, OECD Environmental Working Paper No. 15, Paris: OECD <http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/5kmlcz34fg9v-en> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Allet, M. (2011) ‘Measuring the environmental performance of microfinance’, CEB Working Paper No 11/045, Brussels: Centre Emile Bernheim and Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management.
Allet, M. (2012) ‘Why do microfinance institutions go green?’, CEB Working Paper No 12/015, Brussels: Centre Emile Bernheim and Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management.
Amdam, R.P. (2013) Management, Education and Competitiveness: Europe, Japan and the United States, Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
CERISE (2014) Social Performance Index v.4 [electronic toolkit] <http://www.cerise-spi4.org/> [accessed 8 September 2015].
European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP) (2013–14) Product catalogues for green sectors, Microfinance and the Environment working group session <http://www.e-mfp.eu/actions-groups/microfinance-environment> [accessed 8 September 2015].
e-MFP (2014) ‘Microfinance and the environment: identifying MFIs that set an example’, Microfinance and the Environment working group session <http://www.e-mfp.eu/blog/microfinance-and-environment-identifying-mfis-set-example> [accessed 8 September 2015].
FMO (Development Bank of the Netherlands) (2009) MFI Sustainability Guidance e-tool, Environmental and Social Governance Toolkits, The Hague: FMO <https://www.fmo.nl/esg-tools> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Forcella, D. (2013) European Green Microfinance: A first look, Brussels: EMN Research Network.
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) (2008) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and Financial Services Sector Supplement, Version 3.0. Amsterdam: GRI.
Green Performance Working Group (GPWG) (2012–14) Minutes from the annual meetings of the working group on the environment of the Social Performance Task Force of CGAP <http://sptf.info/sp-task-force/working-groups> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Hall, J., Abhishek L. and Israel, E. (2006) ‘How MFIs and their clients can have a positive impact on the environment’, Green Microfinance, presented at the Microcredit Summit, USA.
International Energy Agency (IEA) (2008) Energy Technology Perspectives, Paris: IEA.
International Finance Corporation (IFC) (2012) ‘Environmental and social requirements for FI clients’ [online] <http://firstforsustainability.org/risk-management/implementing-ifc-environmental-and-social-requirements/ifc-environmental-and-social-requirements/> [accessed 10 November 2012].
Lefebvre, E., Lefebvre, L. and Talbot, S. (2003) ‘Determinants and impacts of environmental performance in SMEs’, R&D Management 33 (3): 263–83 <http://ssrn.com/abstract=411175> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Microenergy International (2008) ‘Financing small-scale solar energy in developing countries’, Berlin: Microenergy International.
Micro World (2014) ‘Why are we going towards a green microfinance?’, news article, 29 October, <http://www.microworld.org/en/news-from-the-field/article/why-are-we-going-towards-green-microfinance> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Mix Market (2012) Analysis of the social performance indicators related to social responsibility towards the environment for all MFIs reporting to Mix Market [online] <http://www.themix.org/social-performance/Indicators> [accessed 5 May 2012].
Proparco (2012) Notre stratégie RSE. Maîtriser les risques environnementaux et sociaux des opérations financées par PROPARCO [online] <http://www.proparco.fr/Accueil_PROPARCO/financement-responsable/responsabilite-sociale-environnementale> [accessed 10 November 2012].
Pratt, L. and Rojas, E. (2001) Programas ambientales en bancos latinoamericanos: Una Evaluación, Costa Rica: Centro Latinoamericano para la Competitividad y el Desarrollo Sostenible, INCAE Business School <https://www.incae.edu/ES/clacds/publicaciones/pdf/cen770.pdf> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Spensley, J., Jungfleisch, C. and Buenfil, J. (2013) Microfinance for ecosystem based adaptation: options, costs and benefits, Geneva: UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance and Frankfurt School <http://www.pnuma.org/meba/materiales_informativos.php> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Weber, O. (2005) ‘Sustainability benchmarking of European banks and financial service organizations’, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 12: 73–87 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/csr.77>.
World Economic Forum (WEF) (2009) The Green Investing: Towards a Clean Energy Infrastructure Report, New York and Geneva: WEF.
Zweig, W. (2011) A/E/P and Environmental Consulting Industry Outlook, Fayetteville, AR: ZweigWhite Publishing.
Austrian Development Agency (ADA) (2015) Passerelles No. 1. Microfinance and Climate Change, Luxembourg: ADA <http://issuu.com/inclusivefinance/docs/ada_passerelle1-a4_en-web> [accessed 8 September 2015].
African Development Bank Group (AfDB) (2011a) Southern Africa Regional Integration Strategy Paper 2011–2015, Tunis: AfDB.
AfDB (2011b) Eastern Africa Regional Integration Strategy Paper 2011–2015, Tunis: AfDB.
Agathou, N. and Schuite, G.J. (2013) Green Performance Agenda Toolkit: Greening the Performance of Microfinance and Business, The Hague: HIVOS <http://gpa4mf.blogspot.nl/> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Agrawala, S. and Carraro, M. (2010) ‘Assessing the role of microfinance in fostering adaptation to climate change’, OECD Environmental Working Paper No. 15, Paris: OECD <http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/5kmlcz34fg9v-en> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Allet, M. (2011) ‘Measuring the environmental performance of microfinance’, CEB Working Paper No 11/045, Brussels: Centre Emile Bernheim and Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management.
Allet, M. (2012) ‘Why do microfinance institutions go green?’, CEB Working Paper No 12/015, Brussels: Centre Emile Bernheim and Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management.
Amdam, R.P. (2013) Management, Education and Competitiveness: Europe, Japan and the United States, Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
CERISE (2014) Social Performance Index v.4 [electronic toolkit] <http://www.cerise-spi4.org/> [accessed 8 September 2015].
European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP) (2013–14) Product catalogues for green sectors, Microfinance and the Environment working group session <http://www.e-mfp.eu/actions-groups/microfinance-environment> [accessed 8 September 2015].
e-MFP (2014) ‘Microfinance and the environment: identifying MFIs that set an example’, Microfinance and the Environment working group session <http://www.e-mfp.eu/blog/microfinance-and-environment-identifying-mfis-set-example> [accessed 8 September 2015].
FMO (Development Bank of the Netherlands) (2009) MFI Sustainability Guidance e-tool, Environmental and Social Governance Toolkits, The Hague: FMO <https://www.fmo.nl/esg-tools> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Forcella, D. (2013) European Green Microfinance: A first look, Brussels: EMN Research Network.
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) (2008) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and Financial Services Sector Supplement, Version 3.0. Amsterdam: GRI.
Green Performance Working Group (GPWG) (2012–14) Minutes from the annual meetings of the working group on the environment of the Social Performance Task Force of CGAP <http://sptf.info/sp-task-force/working-groups> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Hall, J., Abhishek L. and Israel, E. (2006) ‘How MFIs and their clients can have a positive impact on the environment’, Green Microfinance, presented at the Microcredit Summit, USA.
International Energy Agency (IEA) (2008) Energy Technology Perspectives, Paris: IEA.
International Finance Corporation (IFC) (2012) ‘Environmental and social requirements for FI clients’ [online] <http://firstforsustainability.org/risk-management/implementing-ifc-environmental-and-social-requirements/ifc-environmental-and-social-requirements/> [accessed 10 November 2012].
Lefebvre, E., Lefebvre, L. and Talbot, S. (2003) ‘Determinants and impacts of environmental performance in SMEs’, R&D Management 33 (3): 263–83 <http://ssrn.com/abstract=411175> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Microenergy International (2008) ‘Financing small-scale solar energy in developing countries’, Berlin: Microenergy International.
Micro World (2014) ‘Why are we going towards a green microfinance?’, news article, 29 October, <http://www.microworld.org/en/news-from-the-field/article/why-are-we-going-towards-green-microfinance> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Mix Market (2012) Analysis of the social performance indicators related to social responsibility towards the environment for all MFIs reporting to Mix Market [online] <http://www.themix.org/social-performance/Indicators> [accessed 5 May 2012].
Proparco (2012) Notre stratégie RSE. Maîtriser les risques environnementaux et sociaux des opérations financées par PROPARCO [online] <http://www.proparco.fr/Accueil_PROPARCO/financement-responsable/responsabilite-sociale-environnementale> [accessed 10 November 2012].
Pratt, L. and Rojas, E. (2001) Programas ambientales en bancos latinoamericanos: Una Evaluación, Costa Rica: Centro Latinoamericano para la Competitividad y el Desarrollo Sostenible, INCAE Business School <https://www.incae.edu/ES/clacds/publicaciones/pdf/cen770.pdf> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Spensley, J., Jungfleisch, C. and Buenfil, J. (2013) Microfinance for ecosystem based adaptation: options, costs and benefits, Geneva: UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance and Frankfurt School <http://www.pnuma.org/meba/materiales_informativos.php> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Weber, O. (2005) ‘Sustainability benchmarking of European banks and financial service organizations’, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 12: 73–87 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/csr.77>.
World Economic Forum (WEF) (2009) The Green Investing: Towards a Clean Energy Infrastructure Report, New York and Geneva: WEF.
Zweig, W. (2011) A/E/P and Environmental Consulting Industry Outlook, Fayetteville, AR: ZweigWhite Publishing.
Austrian Development Agency (ADA) (2015) Passerelles No. 1. Microfinance and Climate Change, Luxembourg: ADA <http://issuu.com/inclusivefinance/docs/ada_passerelle1-a4_en-web> [accessed 8 September 2015].
African Development Bank Group (AfDB) (2011a) Southern Africa Regional Integration Strategy Paper 2011–2015, Tunis: AfDB.
AfDB (2011b) Eastern Africa Regional Integration Strategy Paper 2011–2015, Tunis: AfDB.
Agathou, N. and Schuite, G.J. (2013) Green Performance Agenda Toolkit: Greening the Performance of Microfinance and Business, The Hague: HIVOS <http://gpa4mf.blogspot.nl/> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Agrawala, S. and Carraro, M. (2010) ‘Assessing the role of microfinance in fostering adaptation to climate change’, OECD Environmental Working Paper No. 15, Paris: OECD <http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/5kmlcz34fg9v-en> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Allet, M. (2011) ‘Measuring the environmental performance of microfinance’, CEB Working Paper No 11/045, Brussels: Centre Emile Bernheim and Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management.
Allet, M. (2012) ‘Why do microfinance institutions go green?’, CEB Working Paper No 12/015, Brussels: Centre Emile Bernheim and Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management.
Amdam, R.P. (2013) Management, Education and Competitiveness: Europe, Japan and the United States, Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
CERISE (2014) Social Performance Index v.4 [electronic toolkit] <http://www.cerise-spi4.org/> [accessed 8 September 2015].
European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP) (2013–14) Product catalogues for green sectors, Microfinance and the Environment working group session <http://www.e-mfp.eu/actions-groups/microfinance-environment> [accessed 8 September 2015].
e-MFP (2014) ‘Microfinance and the environment: identifying MFIs that set an example’, Microfinance and the Environment working group session <http://www.e-mfp.eu/blog/microfinance-and-environment-identifying-mfis-set-example> [accessed 8 September 2015].
FMO (Development Bank of the Netherlands) (2009) MFI Sustainability Guidance e-tool, Environmental and Social Governance Toolkits, The Hague: FMO <https://www.fmo.nl/esg-tools> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Forcella, D. (2013) European Green Microfinance: A first look, Brussels: EMN Research Network.
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) (2008) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and Financial Services Sector Supplement, Version 3.0. Amsterdam: GRI.
Green Performance Working Group (GPWG) (2012–14) Minutes from the annual meetings of the working group on the environment of the Social Performance Task Force of CGAP <http://sptf.info/sp-task-force/working-groups> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Hall, J., Abhishek L. and Israel, E. (2006) ‘How MFIs and their clients can have a positive impact on the environment’, Green Microfinance, presented at the Microcredit Summit, USA.
International Energy Agency (IEA) (2008) Energy Technology Perspectives, Paris: IEA.
International Finance Corporation (IFC) (2012) ‘Environmental and social requirements for FI clients’ [online] <http://firstforsustainability.org/risk-management/implementing-ifc-environmental-and-social-requirements/ifc-environmental-and-social-requirements/> [accessed 10 November 2012].
Lefebvre, E., Lefebvre, L. and Talbot, S. (2003) ‘Determinants and impacts of environmental performance in SMEs’, R&D Management 33 (3): 263–83 <http://ssrn.com/abstract=411175> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Microenergy International (2008) ‘Financing small-scale solar energy in developing countries’, Berlin: Microenergy International.
Micro World (2014) ‘Why are we going towards a green microfinance?’, news article, 29 October, <http://www.microworld.org/en/news-from-the-field/article/why-are-we-going-towards-green-microfinance> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Mix Market (2012) Analysis of the social performance indicators related to social responsibility towards the environment for all MFIs reporting to Mix Market [online] <http://www.themix.org/social-performance/Indicators> [accessed 5 May 2012].
Proparco (2012) Notre stratégie RSE. Maîtriser les risques environnementaux et sociaux des opérations financées par PROPARCO [online] <http://www.proparco.fr/Accueil_PROPARCO/financement-responsable/responsabilite-sociale-environnementale> [accessed 10 November 2012].
Pratt, L. and Rojas, E. (2001) Programas ambientales en bancos latinoamericanos: Una Evaluación, Costa Rica: Centro Latinoamericano para la Competitividad y el Desarrollo Sostenible, INCAE Business School <https://www.incae.edu/ES/clacds/publicaciones/pdf/cen770.pdf> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Spensley, J., Jungfleisch, C. and Buenfil, J. (2013) Microfinance for ecosystem based adaptation: options, costs and benefits, Geneva: UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance and Frankfurt School <http://www.pnuma.org/meba/materiales_informativos.php> [accessed 8 September 2015].
Weber, O. (2005) ‘Sustainability benchmarking of European banks and financial service organizations’, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 12: 73–87 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/csr.77>.
World Economic Forum (WEF) (2009) The Green Investing: Towards a Clean Energy Infrastructure Report, New York and Geneva: WEF.
Zweig, W. (2011) A/E/P and Environmental Consulting Industry Outlook, Fayetteville, AR: ZweigWhite Publishing.
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