Foundations for Change
The construction industry pattern of most industrialized countries is often unsuited to the needs of developing countries. Case studies in Ghana and Sri Lanka suggest a new approach, and illustrate how existing frameworks could be changed.
Published: 1984
Pages: 152
eBook: 9781780442242
Paperback: 9780946688005
9781780442242.000 | 1 | ||
9781780442242.001 | 9 | ||
9781780442242.002 | 29 | ||
9781780442242.003 | 57 | ||
9781780442242.004 | 89 | ||
9781780442242.005 | 118 | ||
9781780442242.006 | 139 |
Geoff Edmonds
In 2005, Geoff Edmonds is Programme Coordinator at ILO/ASIST-Asia Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand
Derek Miles
Dr Derek Miles is a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers and the Chartered Management Institute, a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Engineers and a Freeman of the City of London.
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