Cultivating Biodiversity
Understanding, analysing and using agricultural diversity
The United Nations University project on People, Land Management and Environmental Change (PLEC) has used the traditional skills of smallholder farmers - for cultivating their crops, managing the soil, water and vegetation and maintaining their livelihoods in difficult circumstances - to produce this book. Arguably, these farmers have conserved and even created more biological diversity and more economically important species than all protected areas combined. The book draws on the experience of demonstration sites that are the farmers' own enterprises, combining superior production along with enhancement of biological diversity. It is based on work in 12 countries with more than 200 collaborating scientists and about 2500 collaborating farmers, showing how its authors perceive and quantitatively analyse agrodiversity, and how they work together with farmers. This book will be of interest to all concerned with sustainable development, global change issues and participatory approaches to conservation with rural people. Published in collaboration with the United Nations University.
Published: 2002
Pages: 304
eBook: 9781780441092
Paperback: 9781853394935
Prelims (Contents, Introductory note and acknowledgements, Figures, Tables, Boxes, Acronyms and Abbreviations) | |||
1. Cultivating biodiversity: setting the scene | |||
Harold Brookfield, Christine Padoch, Helen Parsons and Michael Stocking | |||
2. Agrodiversity and agrobiodiversity | |||
Harold Brookfield | |||
3. Agrodiversity at the scales of farm and landscape | |||
Harold Brookfield | |||
4. Agrodiversity, environmental protectoin and sustaining rural livelihoods: the global view | |||
Michael Stocking | |||
5. Guidelines on agrodiversity assessment | |||
Harold Brookfield, Michael Stocking and Muriel Brookfield | |||
6. Guidelines on the assessment of plant species diversity in agricultural landscapes | |||
Daniel J. Zarin, Guo Huijun and Lewis Enu-Kwesi | |||
7. Household Level Agrobiodiversity Assessment (HH-ABA) | |||
Guo Huijun, Christine Padoch, Fu Yongneng, Dao Zhiling and Kevin Coffey | |||
8. Quantitative methods for the analysis of agrodiversity | |||
Kevin Coffrey | |||
9. Spotting expertise in a diverse and dynamic landscape | |||
Christine Padoch | |||
10. PLEC demonstration activities: a review of procedures and experiences | |||
Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez, Edwin A. Gyasi and Kevin Coffey | |||
11. Indigenous knowledge in space and time | |||
Kojo Sebastian Amanor | |||
12. Working with farmers is not simple: the case of PLEC Tanzania | |||
Fidelis B. S. Kaihura | |||
13. Genesis and purpose of the women farmers’ group at Jachie, central Ghana | |||
William Oduro | |||
14. Agrodiversity assessment and analysis in diverse and dynamic small-scale farms in Arumeru, Arusha, Tanzania | |||
Fidelis B. S. Kaihura, Paulo Ndondi and Edward Kemikimba | |||
15. Biodiversity as a product of smallholders responses to change in Amazonia | |||
Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez, Christine Padoch, David McGrath and Tereza Ximenes-Ponte | |||
16. From forests to field: incorporating smallholder knowledge in the camu-camu programme in Peru | |||
Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez and Mario Pinedo-Panduro | |||
17. Sustainable management of an Amazonian forest for timber production : a myth or reality? | |||
Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez and Fernando Rabelo | |||
18. Diversity of upland rice and of wild vegetables in Baka, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan | |||
Fu Yongneng and Chen Aiguo | |||
19. Evaluation of the cultivation of Ammomum villosum under tropical forest in southern Yunnan | |||
Guan Yuquin, Dao Zhiling and Cui Jingyun | |||
20. Diversity at household level in wet-rice fields at Daka, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan | |||
Fu Yongneng, Guo Huijun, Chen Aiguo and Cui Jingyun | |||
21. Promoting sustainable agriculture: the case of Baihualing, Yunnan | |||
Dao Zhiling, Du Xiaohong, Guo Huijun, Liang Luohui and Li Yingguang | |||
22. Intensification and diversification of land use in the highlands of northern Thailand | |||
Kanok Rerkasem, Charal Thong-Ngarn, Chawalit Korsamphan, Narit Yimyam and Benjavan Rerkasem | |||
23. Improvement of production and livelihood in the Fouta Djallon, Republique de Guinee | |||
I. Boiro, A.K. Barry, A. Diallo, S. Fofana, F. Mara, A. Balde, M.A. Kane and O. Barry | |||
22. Traditional forms of conserving biodiversity within agriculture: their changing character in Ghana. | |||
Edwin A. Gyasi | |||
23. The message from People, Land Management and Environmental Change (PLEC) | |||
Harold Brookfield | |||
Back Matter (Contributors, Notes, References, Index) |
Harold Brookfield Prof. Harold Brookfield has been Principal Scientific Coordinator of PLEC from 1992 to 2002, and is a Visiting Fellow in at the Department of Anthropology, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies (RSPAS), Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200. Australia.
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