Tinker, Tiller, Technical Change
Technologies from the people
Matthew Gamser, Helen Appleton, Nicola Carter
Technical assistance fails to bring technical change when it fails to work with local innovation. This book aims to raise awareness of people's innovation from actual cases in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Published: 1990
Pages: 178
eBook: 9781780443621
Paperback: 9781853390616
9781780443621.000 |
Matthew Gamser Matthew Gamser leads IFC’s advisory work in increasing access to financial services in the East Asia-Pacific region. Dr Gamser has 27 years of experience in international enterprise development, local economic development, and finance. His present work for IFC includes microfinance, SME finance, housing finance, insurance, leasing, energy efficiency finance and electronic/mobile phone banking.
Helen Appleton Helen Appleton is currently working as Senior Social Development Adveriser for Government Agency based in Islamabad, Pakistan. Between 1989-1997, she worked for Practical Action.
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