Miombo Ecology and Management
An introduction
Miombo forest occurs in a swathe across central and southern Africa. Traditionally shifting cultivators have farmed in miombo, and allowed it to regenerate, but increasingly the demands for land and for fuelwood have resulted in deforestation. This book provides comprehensive details of the climate, environment, ecology and species characteristic of Miombo, and describes methods for assessing the timber and other resources, through inventories, in order to use the forest sustainably.
Published: 1997
Pages: 184
eBook: 9781780445496
Paperback: 9781853394119
Dry forest | |||
Swamp and riparian forest | |||
Woodland | |||
Thicket | |||
Grassland | |||
Climate | |||
Soils | |||
Nutrient cycling | |||
Soil conservation | |||
Water use and conservation | |||
Tree regeneration | |||
Woody plant biomass production | |||
Cultivation | |||
Pastoralism | |||
Bush meat | |||
Edible insects | |||
Honey | |||
Objectives and procedure | |||
Sampling design and plots | |||
Types of data | |||
Site history | |||
Plant biomass | |||
Species diversity | |||
Seeds and seedlings | |||
Cultivation and deforestation | |||
Critical population density under shifting cultivation | |||
Charcoal yield and deforestation | |||
The effects of fire | |||
The effects of wood carbonization on soil | |||
The effects of deforestation | |||
Grazing and browsing | |||
Litter decomposition | |||
Harvesting techniques | |||
Cutting cycles | |||
Fire management | |||
Traditional tree conservation practices | |||
Grazing and browsing | |||
Species selection | |||
Seed collection and storage | |||
Seed sowing | |||
Nursery techniques | |||
Vegetative propagation | |||
Planting and tending 143 | |||
Enrichment planting on charcoal spots 143 | |||
References | |||
Appendices |
Emmanuel Chidumayo
Emmanuel Chidumayo is the foremost authority on Miombo woodlands.
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Borrass, Lars
Chirwa, Paxie W.
Funk, Roger
Kapinga, Kondwani
Morhart, Christopher
Mwale, Saul E.
Ndlovu, Nicholas P.
Nyamadzaw, George
Nyoka, Betserai I.
Sebola, Patricia
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