Development studies
Engineering drawings detailing how to make a wheelbarrow.
Technical Guidelines for Gravity Goods Ropeway
A rope based transport system for mountainous regions.
Deconstructing Development Discourse
Writing from diverse locations, contributors critically examine some of the key terms in current development discourse. Why should language matter to those who are doing development? Surely, there are more urgent things to do than sit around mulling over semantics? But language does matter. Whether...
How Africa Works
Occupational change is generally assumed to accompany ‘development’ and to be a necessary part of achieving improved standards of living. But occupational change goes beyond individuals’ economic activities and income-earning to redefine their social identity and contribute fundamentally to the reco...
Seeds and Synergies
Farmers and researchers too often live and work in different realities. Researchers breed plant hybrids in the laboratory that are successful only under ideal conditions, requiring just the right inputs of water, fertilizer, and pesticides. For resource-poor farmers, however, such conditions simply...
Capacity Development for Scaling up Decentralized Energy Access
Elisabeth Clemens, Kamal Rijal, Minoru Takada
Micro hydro power is ideally suited to meeting the energy needs of remote communities.A national micro hydro programme has been operating for more than a decade in Nepal. Similarly a fuel-wood-conserving cooking stoves programme has been operating in Nepal for decades. Capacity development for scali...
Agricultural Value Chain Finance
Agriculture remains an important means of alleviating poverty, but shortage of finance can constrain its development. At the same time, agriculture is evolving towards a global system requiring high-quality, competitive products, and is organized in value chains which often exclude smallholders. Val...
Building Back Better
The devastating impact of disasters on the world’s population is on the increase, influenced by climate change, urbanization, and persistent high levels of poverty, among other factors. There is a growing demand for reconstruction at scale. This book asks whether large-scale reconstruction can be pa...
Tomato Production
Tomato production guidelines would be very beneficial to the aspiring tomato farmers who want to start their farming practices or the farmers who are already involved in tomato farming in Zimbabwe. One can also use it as a farming resource if the case applies to any other similar regions. The techni...
Flood Resistant Housing
Bangladesh has regular floods putting people at risk. This brief describes some flood resistant housing options.