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(Book) Stoves for Institutional Kitchens
Institutional stoves are used where large amounts of food need to be cooked. Typical examples are schools, hospitals, prisons and refugee camps.
(Book) Serpentine Solar Water Heating Build Manual
Manual for building serpentine solar water heating system with the basic of installation guides and a list of component materials.
(Book) Dry Stone Causeway
Causeways are a strong, low-cost means of river crossing.
(Book) Flood Adaptive Rice Cultivation Practice
Flash flood due to intensive rainfall and river overflow damages rice crop every year in flood plains of Nepal and other countries with similar topography.
(Book) Small-scale Oilseed Processing
Discusses refining oilseed on a small-scale; topics include raw materials, health and safety and processing.
(Book) Foundations Using Dry Rubble Packing Technology
Dry rubble packing can be used for constructing foundations on good soil which has a high bearing capacity. This technical brief describes this technology in detail.
(Book) Real-time Monitoring, Control and Payment Technologies for Mini-grids
This brief discusses the factors of mini-grid economic viability revenue, tariffs and costs - and introduces technologies and approaches for enhancing viability through real-time monitoring, control and payments. It introduces the benefits of integrated monitoring, control and payment systems and pr...
(Book) Home Composting Systems
This technical brief describes about different home composting methods and use of home composting bins in detail.
(Book) Slow Sand-Filtration Water Treatment Plants
Slow sand-filtration systems are a technically viable water treatment solution.
(Book) Gender Mainstreaming in Energy Projects
This manual provides implementers with technical information on how to install an efficient pico hydro unit with community participation (including that of women in the community who benefit the most from this technology). It further helps practitioners made aware of how best to harness strengths of...
(Book) Paprika Production Technical Guidelines
These technical guidelines are meant for potential paprika producers and/or supporting agencies. They provide information on some of the requirements necessary for the establishment of paprika farming projects. Technical guidelines presented in this publication include: Requirements and key implemen...
(Book) Peasants
Teodor Shanin, Alexander Nikulin, Irina Trotsuk, Jan Douwe van der Ploeg
This book represents two great genres of world literature – a kind of propaedeutic ‘ABC of Cooperation’ and a kind of ‘Cooperative Manifesto’. In these insightful works, written and published a hundred years ago, Chayanov presents a fascinating vision of the struggle of the Russian, and internationa...
(Book) The Sphere Handbook Ukrainian
The Sphere Handbook presents a principled approach to quality and accountability in humanitarian response. It is a practical translation of Sphere’s core belief that all people affected by disaster or conflict have a right to life with dignity and the right to receive humanitarian assistance. The...
(Book) Príručka Sphere
Príručka Sphere predstavuje zásadový prístup ku kvalite a zodpovednosti v oblasti humanitárnej pomoci. Je praktickým prejavom kľúčového presvedčenia organizácie Sphere, že ľudia postihnutí katastrofou alebo konfliktom majú právo na dôstojný život a právo na humanitárnu pomoc. Základným kameňom prír...
(Book) Podręcznik Sfery
Podręcznik Sfery prezentuje oparte na zasadach podejście do jakości i odpowiedzialności w działaniach humanitarnych. Jest to praktyczne wyjaśnienie głównego założenia Sfery, zgodnie z którym wszystkie osoby, które dotknęła klęska lub konflikt mają prawo do godnego życia i prawo do otrzymania pomocy...
(Book) Manualul Sphere
Manualul Sphere prezintă o abordare bazată pe principii în ceea ce privește calitatea și asumarea răspunderii în cadrul răspunsului umanitar. Este o transpunere practică a crezului fundamental al organizației Sphere, conform căruia toate persoanele afectate de dezastre sau conflicte au dreptul la o...
(Book) The Sphere Handbook Japanese
The Sphere Handbook presents a principled approach to quality and accountability in humanitarian response. It is a practical translation of Sphere’s core belief that all people affected by disaster or conflict have a right to life with dignity and the right to receive humanitarian assistance. The...
(Book) Das Sphere Handbuch
Das Sphere-Handbuch stellt einen grundsatzbasierten Ansatz für Qualität und Verantwortlichkeit in der humanitären Hilfe dar. Es beinhaltet eine praktische Anwendung der Grundüberzeugung von Sphere, dass alle von einer Katastrophe oder einem Konflikt betroffenen Menschen ein Recht auf ein Leben in Wü...
(Book) Gasifier Stoves
Advanced biomass stoves covers improvements developed over recent years for household cooking in developing countries. They are often referred to as gasifier stoves although not all of these stoves strictly gasify the fuel.
(Book) Passion Fruit Jam
Recipe and method for the small-scale production of passion fruit jam.