Gender Dimensions in Disaster Management
A Guide for South Asia
This is the first book to look at gender issues in disasters in the context of South Asia, where disasters have a crucial impact on the development process. It shows how exploring the specific capacities and vulnerabilities of men and women in disaster situations, and taking account of them, will improve the chance of success in development projects. The book also includes two sets of guidelines, for policy makers and for practitioners, to help them address these issues in planning and implementing development and disaster management programmes.
Published: 2005
Pages: 176
eBook: 9781780445465
Paperback: 9781853396076
9781780445465.000 |
Madhavi Ariyabandu
Madhavi Malalgoda Ariyabandu is a program manager in disaster mitigation at the Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG) in Sri Lanka. The disaster mitigation program works in five South Asian countries and collaborates with governments and international nongovernmental agencies.
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