Farmer Participatory Research
Rhetoric and reality
Christine Okali, James Sumberg, John Farrington
The authors describe and critique how farmer participatory research is presently being used within a broad range of agricultural research and development programmes. They argue for the linkage of project objectives with implementation strategies.
Published: 1994
Pages: 168
eBook: 9781780444932
Paperback: 9781853392528
PREFACE vii | |||
1 Introduction 1 | |||
2 An Introduction to Farmer Participatory Research 13 | |||
3 Associated Themes and Concepts 26 | |||
4 Farmer Participatory Research in Practice 47 | |||
5 Key Issues in Implementation 71 | |||
6 Analysis of Current Trends and Practice 93 | |||
7 Monitoring and Evaluation 119 | |||
8 Future Directions: linking evaluation indicators to project design 127 | |||
Christine Okali
Christine Okali is an Independent Research Professional, Chelmsford, United Kingdom.
James Sumberg
Jim Sumberg is an agriculturalist by training and has over 25 years' experience working on small-scale farming systems and agricultural research policy in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. A key research interest has been the dynamics of change within agricultural systems.Previously he served as Programme Director at The New Economics Foundation and Senior Lecturer in Natural Resource Management in the School of Development Studies, University of East Anglia.
John Farrington
John Farrington is with the Overseas Development Institute.
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