Stove Maker, Stove User
Fuel-efficient stoves in Sri Lanka
Designed for use within the UK National Curriculum, this resource pack looks at the lack of adequate energy supplies for rural people in Sri Lanka through a case study that examines the requirements of a family of potters. Includes teachers' notes and slide sets. "Stove Maker, Stove User" is the second educational resource pack in ITDG's "Global Contexts for the National Curriculum", a series designed for use singly or together within the technology department or as a cross curricular project. "Stove Maker, Stove User" provides comparable information to "Rural Blacksmith, Rural Businessman", the first in the series, for KS3. The lack of adequate energy supplies for cooking, that face rural people in Sri Lanka are described through a case study that examines the household requirements of a family of potters. Energy is vital not just for their household needs (cooking, cleaning etc) but also in their work as potters and potential stovemakers.
Published: 1991
Pages: 32
Paperback: 9781853390999