Pumps as Turbines
A users guide
This second edition of the classic title on practical energy provision for isolated houses and remote locations has now been updated with a new chapter. Pumps as Turbine is a practical handbook for engineers and technicians involved in designing and installing small water-power schemes. It concerns the use of standard pump units as a low-cost alternative to conventional turbines to provide stand-alone electricity generation for isolated houses and remote communities. This second edition has been updated and extended to include a case study from a recent scheme installed in collaboration with ITDG Kenya. The pump selection process is described through this step-by-step example, where the site head would have been too low for a Pelton turbine. The case study demonstrates that now, possibly more than ever before, the use of pumps as turbines offers a reliable, low-cost option for rural electrification. Arthur Williams has been involved in micro-hydro research and development since 1987. While completing his PhD he worked with ITDG to set up successful pump-as-turbine demonstration schemes in the UK and Pakistan. He is now a senior lecturer at the Nottingham Trent University where he continues to work on micro- and pico-hydro power.
Published: 2003
Pages: 80
eBook: 9781780441320
Paperback: 9781853395673
Prelims (Contents, Foreword by Nigel Smith, Acknowledgements, Introduction, Diagram of Pump Components) | |||
1. Pumps as Turbines |
Arthur Williams
Arthur Williams has been involved in micro-hydro research and development since 1987. In 1991-2, while completing his PhD he worked with ITDG to set up successful pump-as-turbine demonstration schemes in the UK and Pakistan. He is now a Senior Lecturer at the Nottingham Trent University where he continues to work on micro and pico hydro.
Numerical simulation of cavitating flow in a centrifugal pump as turbine
Li, Wenguang
Zhang, Yuliang
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 232 (2018), Iss. 2 P.135
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Conception and Design of A Micro-Hydro in a Water Supply System
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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 226 (2012), Iss. 3 P.695
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Location of a PAT in a Water Transmission and Distribution System
Carravetta, Armando
Derakhshan Houreh, Shahram
Ramos, Helena M.
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-67507-7_7 [Citations: 0]Leakage Control and Energy Recovery Using Variable Speed Pumps as Turbines
Lima, Gustavo Meirelles
Luvizotto, Edevar
Brentan, Bruno Melo
Ramos, Helena M.
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol. 144 (2018), Iss. 1
https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000852 [Citations: 33]Integrated Optimal Cost and Pressure Management for Water Distribution Systems
Tricarico, C.
Morley, M.S.
Gargano, R.
Kapelan, Z.
de Marinis, G.
Savić, D.
Granata, F.
Procedia Engineering, Vol. 70 (2014), Iss. P.1659
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Barbarelli, S.
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Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 149 (2017), Iss. P.781
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2017.03.013 [Citations: 103]Investigation of Effects of Changing Blade Position and Size Reduction on Performance of Axial Pump Used as Turbine
Bozorgi, A.
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Fontana, Nicola
Giugni, Maurizio
Portolano, Davide
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol. 138 (2012), Iss. 3 P.237
https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000179 [Citations: 151]Optimal energy recovery by means of pumps as turbines (PATs) for improved WDS management
Tricarico, Carla
Morley, Mark S.
Gargano, Rudy
Kapelan, Zoran
Savić, Dragan
Santopietro, Simone
Granata, Francesco
de Marinis, Giovanni
Water Supply, Vol. 18 (2018), Iss. 4 P.1365
https://doi.org/10.2166/ws.2017.202 [Citations: 26]Optimal Water Supply System Management by Leakage Reduction and Energy Recovery
Tricarico, C.
Morley, M.S.
Gargano, R.
Kapelan, Z.
de Marinis, G.
Savić, D.
Granata, F.
Procedia Engineering, Vol. 89 (2014), Iss. P.573
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2014.11.480 [Citations: 10]Pico hydro – Reducing technical risks for rural electrification
Williams, A.A.
Simpson, R.
Renewable Energy, Vol. 34 (2009), Iss. 8 P.1986
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2008.12.011 [Citations: 95]Pump-as-turbine for Energy Recovery Applications: The Case Study of An Aqueduct
Rossi, Mosè
Righetti, Maurizio
Renzi, Massimiliano
Energy Procedia, Vol. 101 (2016), Iss. P.1207
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2016.11.163 [Citations: 62]Pumps as Turbines
Civil Engineering Design, Electromechanics, Installation and Operation
Carravetta, Armando
Derakhshan Houreh, Shahram
Ramos, Helena M.
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-67507-7_6 [Citations: 0]HYPER: Computer-Assisted Optimal Pump-as-Turbine (PAT) Selection for Microhydropower Generation and Pressure Regulation in a Water Distribution Network (WDN)
Marini, Gustavo
Di Menna, Francesco
Maio, Marco
Fontana, Nicola
Water, Vol. 15 (2023), Iss. 15 P.2807
https://doi.org/10.3390/w15152807 [Citations: 6]Water Lifting Water: A Comprehensive Spatiotemporal Review on the Hydro-Powered Water Pumping Technologies
Intriago Zambrano, Juan Carlo
Michavila, Jaime
Arenas Pinilla, Eva
Diehl, Jan Carel
Ertsen, Maurits W.
Water, Vol. 11 (2019), Iss. 8 P.1677
https://doi.org/10.3390/w11081677 [Citations: 16]