Joining Farmers' Experiments
A guide to appropriate equipment for smallholder farmers
Presents a varied collection of reports from researchers and fieldworkers, who are supporting the efforts of farmers in small-scale farming in diverse and risk-prone areas, and linking up experimental farmers so that they can learn from one another (Published in the ILEIA Readings in Sustainable Agriculture series).
Published: 1991
Pages: 280
eBook: 9781780442587
Paperback: 9781853391019
9781780442587.000 |
Bertus Haverkort
Bertus Haverkort is involved in the programme for Capacity and Theory building for Universities and Research centers in Endogenous Development (CAPTURED) and is visiting lecturer at the University of Developing Studies in Ghana and the Universidad Mayor de San Simon in Bolivia. He is also advisor of SWOPA, the Sirigu Women’s Organisation for Pottery and Art in Ghana and member of the board of the Aquarius Alliance.
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