Sustainable Manufacturing
Clay Tile Manufacture
A guide to clay tile manufacture, covering tools, factory siting, operations, budgeting and financing the project.
Small-scale Soapmaking
Provides instructions on small-scale soap production methods. A practical introduction, with many illustrations, based on the author's experiences in Ghana.
How to Make Twelve Woodworking Tools
Step-by-step instructions on how to make a: Try square, Bevel square, Marking gauge , Cutting gauge, Mortise gauge, Panel gauge, Mallet, Bow drill, Bow saw, Coping saw, Fret saw and Hack saw.
How to Make a Treadle-Operated Wood-Turning Lathe
This machine would be a useful addition to any woodwork shop, enabling new products to be made without the use of electricity. It could be the basis for a village industry, and can be built by most small metal workshops and blacksmiths.
Scrap Metal Recovery
A case study of the development of a small business in Papua New Guinea involved in recovering a range of scrap, non-ferrous metals. An income-generating opportunity for hundreds of shanty town dwellers.
How to Make a Pipe-Bending Machine
Articles such as hospital and school equipment - bed frames, chairs, tables, handrails - all require the bending of pipe. This manual gives full instructions on how to make a pipe-bending machine, which could be made by most workshops or blacksmiths.
How to Make a Foot-Operated Workshop Drill
Describes how to build a drilling machine appropriate for rural workshops, and gives full assembly instructions. The machine, which is a vertical drill for use with either metal or wood, can drill holes up to 12mm in diameter in 12mm steel plates.
How to Make a Hand-Operated Hole-Punch
Describes the process of building a machine for punching holes in sheet metal, with full dimensions and instructions. Designed for construction from readily available steel sections, this machine can be built by most workshops or blacksmiths.
Managing Resources
The first three books of this series cover research, planning and pretesting of material, the design and production of artwork, and information about different printing processes. All these subjects are relevant to the person running a small printing unit, but this book deals with things that form p...
How to Make a Folding Machine for Sheet Metal Work
Gives full details on how to build and use a versatile machine for working sheet metal