Practical Action Publishing
Standards for Supporting Crop-related Livelihoods in Emergencies Arabic
Millions of people around the world who are vulnerable to crises rely heavily on crop production to support their livelihoods. Currently, 40% of the global poor live in economies affected by fragility, conflict, and violence. That number is expected to rise to 67% in the next decade (World Bank 2021...
Backyard Bankers
Discover the world of immigrant ‘money clubs’ in the US. Learn how groups of migrants and refugees creatively pool resources to first survive—putting food on the table—then thrive as they expand their businesses and invest in real estate. From modest set-ups in Iowa to intricate systems in Boston, g...
Panorama energético de los pobres 2017
El acceso a la energía es la base del desarrollo sostenible, necesario para realizar progresos en la sanidad, educación y empoderamiento de las mujeres, entre otros aspectos. Al reconocer esta importancia, la comunidad internacional añadió en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible para 2030 el objet...
Panorama energético de los pobres 2018
El acceso a la energía para todos se ha consagrado en la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS 7) y el Acuerdo de París relativo al cambio climático, y, hoy en día, se acepta de forma generalizada que aporta bienestar y grandes beneficios para el desarrollo. No obstante, sigue sin comprende...
Participation Pays
The processes of international development often mean that beneficiaries have pre-designed programmes imposed upon them. Even the most well-intentioned development projects are often constrained by funding requirements from fulfilling their vision of social justice, with the result that poor, margin...
Participatory Development Practice
From indigenous people’s groups, classroom teachers, and local and international community workers comes the desire to build community. Participatory Development Practice provides a theoretical and applied base for rethinking development practice that is deeply influenced by a ‘community’ developmen...
Participatory Livestock Research
This book is the first to offer an introduction to participatory research for livestock development. Despite the attention paid to participatory research methodologies in other areas of agricultural development, participatory livestock work has been relatively neglected despite the evident relevance...
Partnership Financing for Small Enterprise
This book describes the experiences of a wide range of enterprises, banks and other agencies with partnership finance. Musharaka, or partnership financing, is a method used by Islamic financial institutions which reject the concept of fixed interest. It is, effectively, a much-simplified form of ven...
Partnerships in Urban Planning
Based on a three-year project in Kenya, this booklet examines the key features in understanding the development of participatory urban planning strategies and approaches that will assist in safeguarding of the position of poor and vulnerable. The book aims to help readers to understand power relatio...
Pastoral Livestock Marketing in Eastern Africa
An in-depth, evidence-based investigation of livestock marketing in Eastern Africa which approaches the issues from a variety of disciplinary perspectives including anthropology, economics, geography, and rangeland ecology. Editors John G. McPeak and Peter D. Little present current findings on ho...