Practical Action Publishing
Mud Plasters and Renders
Mud plasters are used for houses built from mud but can also be used for buildings of stone and fired brick.
Preparation of Risk Maps
This document looks at risk map usage in the emergency preparedness project in Peru, recognising that more comprehensive risk-reduction strategies are constantly emerging.
Peanut Roaster
The design and construction of a peanut roaster
Pack Transport with Donkeys
Pack donkeys can be an appropriate solution for transport in remote mountainous regions.
Natural resource management and the importance of gender
Taking into account the different roles and responsibilities of men and women is critical to the sustainable management of natural resources as well as the success of NRM policies and programmes. We need to be aware that NRM programmes may affect women and men differently due to their rights, roles...
Natural Dyeing of Textiles
This fact sheet looks at types of textiles, equipment, dyes and mordants for home dyeing and very small-scale commercial dyeing.
Micro-Concrete Roofing Tile Production
Small-scale concrete roofing tiles are an affordable alternative to traditional roofing materials and galvanized iron sheeting.
Manual Drilling Compendium
Manual Drilling Compendium 2015 Technical Guidelines
Metering and Payment Technologies for Mini-grids
This market assessment gives an overview of the state of the electricity sector in Zimbabwe, and describes the countrys renewable energy potential and the degree to which it has been exploited. Assessments of the decentralised generation and mini-grid sectors follow, alongside an exploration of the...
Producer Gas for Power Generation
Producer gas is formed by the partial oxidation of a carbonaceous material, such as biomass or coal, in a furnace, generator, or 'producer' unit. This fact sheet outlines the method of doing this, and also other factors to consider like availability of resources and resulting pollutants.