Practical Action Publishing
Small-scale Off grid Solar PV Installation Manual
A complete installation guide for Solar PV systems up to 235W (or one solar panel.) Written in collaboration with Quetsol, primarily for applications in Guatemala.
SODIS - Solar Water Disinfection
This document looks at issues surrounding clean drinking water and a simple and low-cost solution called SODIS, where the heat and UV rays from the sun fall on water in plastic bottles, killing patho-genic micro-organisms.
Solar PV Technologies in Pakistan
Renewable energy practices in Pakistan
Solar Thermal Technologies in India
Renewable energy practices in India
Urine Diverting Dehydration Toilet (UDDT)
The majority of communities worldwide pollute ground water resources and the environment as a result of flush toilets.
Walls- using interlocking stabilised soil blocks
Soil blocks have distinct advantages over hollow concrete blocks as well as fired bricks. It offers greater structural stability by having "keys" which interlock with other blocks when constructing walls and columns. This technical brief discusses about this technology.
Water Supply During Emergencies
Overview of options for water supply in an emergency context, with relation to people-centred reconstruction principles.
Wind Energy in Bangladesh
Renewable energy practices in Bangladesh.
Food Growing in Camps and Settlements
Mary Mellet, Shaher Abdulateef, Juliet Millican, Richard Luff
This longer practical guide gives more detailed information on how to grow food in camps and settlements with limited water. Re-Alliance is a coalition of field practitioners, policymakers, educators, community leaders and humanitarian and development workers, sharing skills and experience to grow...
First Response to Trauma
Juliet Millican, Cheyeh Julius Ngwan
This picture-led booklet, made in collaboration with SACOD, explores how community responders can work with people who have experienced trauma in a safe way. Re-Alliance is a coalition of field practitioners, policymakers, educators, community leaders and humanitarian and development workers, shari...