Implementing impact assessment and monitoring systems in Zambia
This article describes the process by which an impact monitoring system was designed and built into a fairly recently launched Zambian microfinance organization, CETZAM. Developed with funding from DFID and initial technical assistance from consultants, a system was designed to monitor impact through a means test for all new clients, an annual impact survey and an exit survey for dropout clients. The first results from the system have fed into CETZAM's decision-making on loan size, repayment frequency and new products. This article describes the lessons learned, and assesses whether this system matches up to the principles of an 'impact audit'. -
Making microfinance safe for commercial funding
Will commercial funding in microfinance lead to better services for more poor clients? Or will it be a rerun of the subprime crisis? The answer depends on what we do now to set up a web of regulations and practices that expand the market while protecting clients.