Farmers' Research in Practice
Lessons from the field
Having established the central concepts of farmers' research, this book examines farmers' innovation through 17 wide-ranging case studies from around the world. It concludes by revisiting the major themes in relation to the lessons learned, and sets out the future issues and challenges for governmental and non-governmental organizations involved in agricultural development. Published in the ILEIA Readings in Sustainable Agriculture series.
Published: 1997
Pages: 288
eBook: 9781780444956
Paperback: 9781853393921
Introduction | |||
1. Let's try it out and see how it works 31 | |||
by Ueli Scheuermeier | |||
2. The craft of farming and experimentation . 39 | |||
by Arthur Stolzenbach | |||
3. Crazy but not mad 49 | |||
by Henri Hocde | |||
4. Innovative farmers in the Punjab 67 | |||
by HS. Bajwa, G.S. Gill and 0.P Malhotra | |||
5. Viage-based cassava breeding in Tanzania 83 | |||
by Dominick de Waul assisted by ER. Chinjinga, L Johansson, | |||
RE Kanju and N Nathaniels | |||
6. Extension through farmer experimentation in Sudan / 89 | |||
by Samia Osman Ishag, Omelnkaa Hassan A1 Fakie, Mohamed Ahmed Adam, / | |||
Ymsir Mohamed Adam, Mzalil Waggan Bremer and Mathias Mogge /' | |||
7. Moulding our own future 109 | |||
by Chesha Wettasinha in collaboration with A. K Gunaratna and Padmini Pfthana | |||
start to experiment systematically and to seek options for their own future. | |||
8. Starting with local knowledge in participatory research 115 | |||
by Aresawum Mengesha and Martin Bull | |||
9. Tillage research challenges toolmakers in Kenya 127 | |||
by David Mellis, Ham'et Skinner Matsaert and Boniface Mwaniki | |||
10. Farmer research brigades in Zaire 139 | |||
by Sylvain Mapatano Mulume | |||
I I. Kuturaya: participatory research, innovation and extension 153 | |||
by Juurgen Hagmantz Edward Chuma and Kudakwmhe Murwira | |||
12. Why do farmers experiment with animal traction? 177 | |||
by Henn Schmitz, Aquiles Simdes and Christian Casellanet | |||
13. Empowering farmers to conduct experiments 199 | |||
by Edward Uuddell | |||
14. Farmers' laboratory 209 | |||
by Marius Broekema, Jan Diepenbroek and Luppo Diepenbroek | |||
15. Strengthening community capacity for sustainable agriculture 217 | |||
by Peter Gubbels | |||
16. Supporting local farmer research committees 245 | |||
by Jacqueline Ashbj Teresa Garckz, Manna del Pilar Guerrero, | |||
Carlos Alberto Patiiio, Carlos Arturo Quiroz and Jose Ignacio Roa | |||
I 7 Farmers' study groups in the Netherlands 263 | |||
by Natasja Oerlemans, Jet Proost and Joost Rauwhorst | |||
Lessons and challenges for farmerled experimentation |
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