Experience of Poverty
Fighting for respect and resources in village India
This book turns the standard approach to the poor and poverty upside down by focusing not on the weakness of poor people but on their strengths. The author considers how poor people in three villages in West Bengal experience poverty in its many forms, and battle for both resources and respect. This is in contrast to the way the poor are usually represented in aid discussions and in development discourse, as well as local dialogue, which usually influences external intervention to result in a top-down approach to poverty prevention programmes.
Published: 1994
Pages: 232
eBook: 9781780442112
Paperback: 9781853392184
Preface vii | |||
1 Introduction 1 | |||
2 Structural adjustment and the economy of small towns in Zimbabwe 21 | |||
3 Gradual diffusion of flexible techniques in small and | |||
medium-size enterprise networks 42 | |||
4 New competition and flexible specialization in Indonesia | |||
and Burkina Faso 55 | |||
5 Lack of interaction between traders and producers in the | |||
Agra footwear cluster 71 | |||
6 The impact of technological change on inter-firm | |||
linkages: A case study of clustered rural small-scale | |||
roof tile enterprises in central Java 84 | |||
7 Trade networks for flexible rural industry 97 | |||
8 Weaving flexibility: Large-small firm relations, flexibility | |||
and regional clusters in South Korea 111 | |||
9 Industrial districts in Mexico: The case of the footwear | |||
industry in Guadalajara and Leon 131 | |||
10 Reflections on the present predicament of the Mexican | |||
garment industry 147 | |||
Notes 159 | |||
References 163 |
Tony Beck
Tony Beck researches on poverty and policy-making in India and Bangladesh at the Institute of Asian Research, University of British Columbia.
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