Contested Space
Street Trading, Public Space, and Livelihoods in Developing Countries
The importance of public space in supporting city economies and in contributing to poverty reduction is rarely recognized. Instead, public space is more often an arena for contest – between municipal governments or other vested interests, and street traders, whose activities are proscribed by restrictive social norms, ambiguous legal status, street violence, or an official response that vacillates between indifference and eviction.
Based on a research study in four developing cities – Dar Es Salaam, Kumasi, Maseru, and Kathmandu – Contested Space explores the survival strategies of street traders and their relationships with city governments, and examines the practical and policy implications for pro-poor street management. This is essential reading for all those interested in innovative city governance, for planners, NGOs, students, academics, and practitioners in Development Studies and Urban Development.
Published: 2006
Pages: 268
eBook: 9781780444703
Paperback: 9781853396304
Based on a research study in four developing cities – Dar Es Salaam, Kumasi, Maseru, and Kathmandu – Contested Space explores the survival strategies of street traders and their relationships with city governments, and examines the practical and policy implications for pro-poor street management. This is essential reading for all those interested in innovative city governance, for planners, NGOs, students, academics, and practitioners in Development Studies and Urban Development.
Part I – Public Space and Urban Livelihoods | |||
1. Challenging Street Livelihoods | |||
2. Urban Public Space in the Developing World: A Resource for the Poor | |||
3. Informal enterprise and street trading: a civil society and urban management perspective | |||
Part II – Street Trading in Four Cities | |||
4. Setting the Context: social, economic and political influences on the informal sector in Ghana, Lesotho, Nepal and Tanzania | |||
5. An enabling framework? Governance and street trading in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania | |||
6. Fulcrum of the urban economy: governance and street livelihoods in Kumasi, Ghana | |||
7. Poverty reduction strategies in Ghana | |||
8. Contest and conflict: governance and street livelihoods in Maseru, Lesotho | |||
9. The new urban economy: governance and street livelihoods in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal | |||
Part III – Towards a Pro-poor Policy Agenda | |||
10. Street trading in four cities: a comparison | |||
Notes | |||
List of Abbreviations | |||
References |
Alison Brown
Alison Brown is a Senior Lecturer in the School of City & Regional Planning at Cardiff University, and an urban planning consultant with a specialism in international planning practice. She is course director for the MSc International Planning & Development. She has recently managed a DFID-funded study on street trading and livelihoods on which the book is based.
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