This outstanding series provides concise and lively introductions to countries and the major development issues they face. Packed full of factual information, photographs and maps, the guides also focus on ordinary people and the impact that historical, economic and environmental issues have on their lives.
Published: 2004
Pages: 96
eBook: 9780855986513
Introduction | |||
Afghanistan: ancient and modern | |||
Imperial chess games | |||
The struggle for power continues | |||
The impact of September 11th | |||
Challenges for the future | |||
Land,livelihoods, and the environment | |||
Restoring services | |||
The return of refugees and displaced people | |||
Justice and human rights | |||
In conclusion | |||
Facts and figures | |||
Who's who in Afghanistan | |||
An Afghan chronology | |||
Sources and further reading | |||
Acknowledgements | |||
Oxfam in Afghanistan | |||
Index |
Chris Johnson
Chris Johnson is an independent consultant. She has worked in Afghanistan since 1996, first for Oxfam and then as Director of the Strategic Monitoring Unit (now AREU).
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