Women Feeding Cities
Mainstreaming Gender in Urban Agriculture and Food Security
Alice Hovorka, Henk de Zeeuw, Mary Njenga
Poverty, food insecurity and malnutrition have become critical urban problems. Meeting this challenge, in many cities around the world, women play a crucial role in household food production, growing vegetables in gardens and vacant urban spaces, raising animals, and trading in fresh and cooked foods .They boost household nutrition as well as generating income and building social inclusion among the urban poor. Women’s vital contribution, however, has largely been neglected by city officials, economic planners and development practitioners, who have tended to concentrate on the industrialization of food production. 'Women Feeding Cities' analyses the roles of women and men in urban food production, and through case studies from three developing regions suggests how women’s contribution might be maximized. In the second part, detailed guidelines and tools show how to bring women into the mainstream of urban agriculture research and development. Providing evidence from around the world as well as field-tested guidelines, Women Feeding Cities is essential reading for policy makers, planners, researchers and practitioners working on urban agriculture programmes.This book arises from the Urban Harvest Initiative (CGIAR) and the Cities Farming for the Future programme (RUAF Foundation) and was made possible thanks to a grant from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada.
Published: 2009
Pages: 399
eBook: 9781780440460
Paperback: 9781853396854
Prelims (Praise for the book, Contents, Tables, Boxes, Figures, Preface by Gordon Prain and Henk de Zeeuw, Acronyms and abbreviations) | |||
1. Gender in urban agriculture: an introduction | |||
Alice Hovorka, Henk de Zeeuw, Mary Njenga | |||
2. Gender dimensions of urban and peri-urban agriculture in Hyderabad, India | |||
Gayathri Devi, Stephanie Buechler | |||
3. Gender in jasmine flower-garland livelihoods in peri-urban Metro Manila, Philippines | |||
Raul Boncodin, Arma Bertuso, Jamie Gallentes, Dindo Campilan, Rehan Abeyratne, Helen Dayo | |||
4. Gender and urban agriculture: the case of Accra, Ghana | |||
Lesley Hope, Olufunke Cofie, Bernard Keraita, Pay Drechsel | |||
5. Gender in urban food production in hazardous areas in Kampala, Uganda | |||
Grace Nabulo, Juliet Kiguli, Lilian Kiguli | |||
6. Gender dynamics in the Musikavanhu urban agriculture movement, Harare, Zimbabwe | |||
Percy Toriro | |||
7. Key gender issues in urban livestock keeping and food security in Kisumu, Kenya | |||
Zarina Ishani | |||
8. Urban agriculture, poverty alleviation, and gender in Villa María del Triunfo, Peru | |||
Noemí Soto, Gunther Merzthal, Maribel Ordones, Milagros Touzet | |||
9. Gender perspectives in organic waste recycling for urban agriculture in Nairobi, Kenya | |||
Kuria Gathuru, Mary Njenga, Nancy Karanja, Patrick Munyao | |||
10. Urban agriculture as a strategy to promote equality of opportunities and rights for men and women in Rosario, Argentina | |||
Mariana Ponce, Lucrecia Donoso | |||
11.The role of women-led micro-farming activities in combating HIV/AIDS in Nakuru, Kenya | |||
Mary Njenga, Nancy Karanja, Kuria Gathuru, Samwel Mbugua, Naomi Fedha, Bernard Ngoda | |||
12. Gender dynamics of fruit and vegetable production and processing in peri-urban Magdalena, Sonora, Mexico | |||
Stephanie Buechler | |||
13. Urban agriculture and gender in Carapongo, Lima, Peru | |||
Blanca Arce, Gordon Prain, Luis Maldonado | |||
14. Gender and urban agriculture in Pikine, Senegal | |||
Gora Gaye, Mamadou Ndong Toure | |||
15. Incorporating gender in urban agriculture projects | |||
Alice Hovorka, Henk de Zeeuw, Mary Njenga | |||
16. Beyond the project cycle: institutionalizing gendermainstreaming | |||
Alice Hovorka, Henk de Zeeuw, Mary Njenga | |||
17. Tool box for gender-sensitive urban agriculture projects | |||
Alice Hovorka, Henk de Zeeuw, Mary Njenga | |||
Back Matter (Resources, List of Contributors, Index) |
Alice Hovorka Alice Hovorka is an associate professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
Henk de Zeeuw Henk de Zeeuw is the Director of the RUAF Foundation (International Network of Resource Centres on Urban Agriculture and Food Security) and was the global coordinator of the Cities Farming for the Future Programme. He is also a senior adviser with ETC Urban Agriculture in the Netherlands.
Mary Njenga Mary Njenga is a researcher with Urban Harvest, the CGIAR system-wide Initiative on Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture, convened by the International Potato Centre.
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