Water Safety Plans
Book 4
This book has been written specifically for practitioners involved in the operation, maintenance and management of piped water distribution systems in urban areas of developing countries. These practitioners include engineers, planners, managers, and water professionals involved in the monitoring, control and rehabilitation of water distribution networks.
The book explains in detail how to evaluate the risk of deterioration of the water distribution network of a water supply system. It begins with the conceptualization of risk evaluation and its three different components (hazard, vulnerability and risk). The book further elaborates on each of these three components, explains the methodologies used to estimate the components, and presents the background to the mathematical models. Finally, the book explains how these components are integrated to form a GIS-based decision support system for risk evaluation. The book is designed to help practitioners understand the concept of risk evaluation and supports the manual of the IRA-WDS software, a GIS-based decision support system for risk evaluation.
Published: 2006
Pages: 124
Paperback: 9781843801030
The book explains in detail how to evaluate the risk of deterioration of the water distribution network of a water supply system. It begins with the conceptualization of risk evaluation and its three different components (hazard, vulnerability and risk). The book further elaborates on each of these three components, explains the methodologies used to estimate the components, and presents the background to the mathematical models. Finally, the book explains how these components are integrated to form a GIS-based decision support system for risk evaluation. The book is designed to help practitioners understand the concept of risk evaluation and supports the manual of the IRA-WDS software, a GIS-based decision support system for risk evaluation.