Serving All Urban Cunsumers: A Marketing Approach to Water Services in Low- and Middle-income Countries: Book 4 - Sample strategic marketing plan
This sample strategic marketing plan (SMP) for Mombasa in Kenya has been completed as part of urban water sector marketing research that was lead by Water and Engineering Development Centre (WEDC) and IWE, Cranfield University and funded by DFID (UK). The purpose of the Mombasa urban water sector research was to test the strategic marketing methodology outlined in Wilson and Gilligan,1997. This publication serves as an example of strategic marketing approaches for the urban water sector that are set out in the following three guidance books that are published by WEDC: Serving All Urban Consumers A marketing approach to water services in low and middle-income countries Book 1: Guidance for government’s enabling role Serving All Urban Consumers A marketing approach to water services in low and middle-income countries Book 2: Guidance notes for managers Serving All Urban Consumers A marketing approach to water services in low and middle-income countries Book 3: PREPP – utility consultation with the urban poor These publications can help assist in the development of plans to a) improve water services and increase service provision to all consumer groups and b) to ensure utilities are financially sustainable.
Published: 2004
Pages: 122
Paperback: 9781843800576