Roads are not Enough
New perspectives on rural transport planning in developing countries
This book traces the evolution of transport theory and policy and the new 'needs led' approach, with examples from recent studies. The authors suggest areas of intervention to reduce the transport burden on the rural poor.
Published: 1993
Pages: 88
eBook: 9781780444253
Paperback: 9781853391910
FOREWORD vii | |||
1. Introduction 1 | |||
2. The evolution of rural transport theory and policy 2 | |||
Limitations of the conventional rural transport model 3 | |||
The new approach 7 | |||
3. The community-level studies 10 | |||
Background characteristics of the study areas 10 | |||
Methodology 11 | |||
The findings of the studies 12 | |||
The wider picture 31 | |||
Conclusion 37 | |||
4. Towards more appropriate rural transport policies 39 | |||
The scope of rural transport policy 39 | |||
Intermediate means of transport 41 | |||
Development of the local transport infrastructure 55 | |||
Transport services 60 | |||
Reducing the need for rural travel and transport 64 | |||
The complementarity of interventions to address rural | |||
transport problems 70 | |||
5. Transport and rural development 74 | |||
Jonathan Dawson
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