Power and Partnership?
Experiences of NGO Capacity-building
Power and Partnership has emerged from the 1999 conference, 'NGOs in the Global Future', at the University of Birmingham. A panel set up to focus on NGO capacity-building. Invited individuals presented papers describing their actual experiences of NGO capacity-building to better understand how capacity-building is implemented in practice and in reality, and to discover what works and why. The term "capacity-building" has become synonymous with "development" in many circles. The World Bank, bi-lateral and multi-lateral donors, international NGOs (INGOs) and some local NGOs are prioritising capacity-building. A recent survey of Northern NGOs revealed that an overwhelming majority, over 91%, claimed to be involved in capacity-building. It is therefore critical to analyse carefully the practice of capacity-building to ensure that we learn from others' experience and avoid the danger that the term capacity-building becomes merely a cosmetic and meaningless addition to all proposals and policies. Capacity-building is a conscious approach to change which, if taken seriously, has very radical and far-reaching implications not only for skills and behaviours, but also power dynamics within and between organisations.
Power and Partnership seeks to contribute to our understanding of capacity-building interventions, drawing out the issues and insights from practice. It also highlights the consequent implications, particularly for Northern NGOs involved in developing strategies for capacity-building. It is aimed at all development professionals engaged in capacity-building, but has particular reference to Northern NGOs, Southern NGOs and capacity-building providers.
Published: 2001
Pages: 160
Paperback: 9781897748596
Power and Partnership seeks to contribute to our understanding of capacity-building interventions, drawing out the issues and insights from practice. It also highlights the consequent implications, particularly for Northern NGOs involved in developing strategies for capacity-building. It is aimed at all development professionals engaged in capacity-building, but has particular reference to Northern NGOs, Southern NGOs and capacity-building providers.